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    2. Session Objectives Following this presentation, the participant will be able to: List the primary reason higher education is being focused on by the government List the major compliance risks/hot topics impacting the higher education industry.

    3. 3 Government Focus on Higher Education Federal Research Monies (NIH, NSF) - $$$$$ Academic Medical Centers (Medicare, Medicaid) Student Financial Aid Conflicts of Interest Researchers/Physicians Research Publications Physician Consultants – Medical Device, Pharma Complexity of Regulations Others More than half of all UC undergraduates get some form of financial aid; almost half get some amount of gift aid – grants, scholarships, or fellowships – that doesn’t have to be paid back. It’s free to apply, and you can do it on line or on paper; workshops are available to help you complete the FAFSA. Most families do not have their income taxes completed by the time they file a FAFSA during winter 2007. Families should file a FAFSA in January or February anyway, and estimate their income and taxes. After the families file their income tax, they must file corrections by submitting an electronic Student Aid Report (SAR).More than half of all UC undergraduates get some form of financial aid; almost half get some amount of gift aid – grants, scholarships, or fellowships – that doesn’t have to be paid back. It’s free to apply, and you can do it on line or on paper; workshops are available to help you complete the FAFSA. Most families do not have their income taxes completed by the time they file a FAFSA during winter 2007. Families should file a FAFSA in January or February anyway, and estimate their income and taxes. After the families file their income tax, they must file corrections by submitting an electronic Student Aid Report (SAR).

    6. And…. What can you do in your respective role to keep abreast of what’s happening in compliance, rules, regulations, etc.? What can Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services Office resources do for you/your campus? What resources are available to you? ECAS www.universityofcalifornia.edu/compaudit/welcome NIH: http://www.nih.gov/ FDA: http://www.fda.gov/ CMS: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/home/regsguidance.asp OIG: http://oig.hhs.gov/fraud.asp

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