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Explore the intricate biological features of birds and their reproductive systems. Learn about the unique structures like amniotic eggs, allantois, alveoli, and more that contribute to avian biology.
Allantois albumen Membrane sac in an amniotic egg ____________________ that exchanges gases and stores nitrogen waste The proteins and water stored in ____________________ an amniotic egg Membrane sac in an amniotic egg __________________ that surrounds the fat-rich food supply Membrane that surrounds the embryo and the fluid in which it floats ______________________________ Membrane that surrounds all the other membranes ____________________________ Yolk sac amnion chorion
alveoli Tiny air sac that increases surface area in the lungs ____________________ Voice box where the trachea branches ____________________ Dividing wall that separates the __________________ ventricle into 2 chambers Fused collar bones that stabilize the wings during flight __________________ syrinx septum furcula
pygostyle Fused vertebrae that supportthe tail during flight ____________________ Large breastbone where the pectoralis muscle attaches ____________________ Type of reproduction in which the egg is surrounded by a shell and laid outside the body to hatch __________________ Scientist who studies birds ___________________________ sternum Oviparous Ornithologist
thyroid Endocrine gland that regulates Heart rate, blood pressure, & metabolism ____________________ Tubules that carry urine from thekidney to the cloaca ____________________ Small tubules that carry sperm from __________________ the testes to the cloaca Tubes which add the albumen & shell to the eggs as they are carried from ovary to cloaca ___________________ ureters Vas deferens oviducts
External fertilization Joining of an egg & sperm outsidethe female’s body ____________________ Kind of development in whichoffspring are born/hatch lookinglike their parents only smaller ____________________ Kind of circulatory system in whichblood is contained inside vessels __________________ Organism that has a notochord, pharyngeal pouches, a post anal tail, and a dorsal nerve cord ______________________________ Direct development closed Chordate
vertebrate deuterostome Organism with a backbone ____________________ Organism whose blastopore becomes its anus ____________________ Thin membrane in the coelom that____________________ connects and holds the internal organs together Order of birds that _____________________includes pigeons and doves mesentery Columbiformes
osmoregulation Maintaining the correct balance of water and ____________________ ions in the body Covering made of bone that ____________________ protects the brain; also called skull Nerve cord surrounded by bone or cartilage; also called a Spinal cord _____________________ cranium Vertebral column
Internal fertilization crop Joining of an egg & sperm insidethe female’s body ____________________ Enlargement of the esophagus thatstores and moistens food waiting ____________________ to be digested 1st part of the stomach in a bird __________________ where digestion begins A protein found in the scaly skin of ______________________ reptiles and also in bird feathers, & human hair & fingernails proventriculus keratin
altricial Baby birds that are hatched blind, naked, and helpless ____________________ 2nd part of the stomach whichcontains rocks for grinding food __________________ Eardrum __________________ CLASS for birds __________________ gizzard Tympanic membrane AVES
gullet ileum Opening at back of throat for food to enter esophagus ____________________ Coiled portion of small intestine ____________________ between duodenum and large intestine Bile storage organ __________________ Lower jaw ______________________________ Upper jaw ______________________________ Gall bladder mandible maxilla
Colic caeca Small pouches at the junction of the Small and large intestine that contain bacteria to help digest plants ________________ Baby birds that can run , swim, and fly soon after they hatch _________________ Outside body covering in an animal __________________ This kind of body organ works automaticallywithout thinking about it ______________ precocial integument autonomic
Amniotic An egg with four membranes and aprotective shell found in reptiles, ____________________ BIRDS, and a few mammals In animals the body plan where the left and right sides are mirror images of each other ____________________ This part smoothes the flow of blood leaving the ventricle __________________ These small thin walled blood vessels connect arteries and veins and are the place where gases, wastes, & nutrients are exchanged __________________ Bilateral symmetry Conus arteriosus capillaries
arteries Nictitating membrane Blood vessels that carry blood ________________________ away from the heart Membrane that covers and protects a frog’s eye while swimming ______________________ Area in a fish’s brain that receives and processes info from visual, auditory, and lateral line systems _______________________________ Posterior part of the brain that controls balance and muscle coordination ________________________ Optic lobes cerebellum
veins cere Blood vessels that carry blood back _________________ to the heart Fleshy area near the beak of a bird _________________ Posterior part of the brain that integrates info from the other brain parts and where higher brain functions like memory, learning, reasoning, and problem solving occur _____________ Collecting chamber that receives blood returning to the heart from the body before it enters the atrium __________________________ cerebrum Sinus venosus
Medulla oblongata Part of the brain that controls the autonomic internal organs __________________________ and relays sensory info from body The concentration of nervous and sensory organs in the anterior end of an animal _____________________________ Small fingerlike extensions inside the intestine that increase surface area for greater absorption of nutrients _______________ cephalization villi
duodenum First section of intestine _______________________nearest stomach The energy molecule is stored in the liver ________________________ This substance is made by the pancreas and causes cells to release glucose into the bloodstream. __________________ (Be careful! It sounds like the answer above.Don’t get these 2 confused!) glycogen glucagon
thyroid Gland that controls heart rate, Blood pressure, and metabolism __________________ Multipurpose exit space before the vent ____________________ Body temperature that is dependent on their environment __________________ “cold-blooded” Organ that makes, stores, and recycles red blood cells ______________________ cloaca ectothermic spleen
ovary testes Organ that makes eggs ____________________ Organ that makes sperm ____________________ Exit opening in animals with a cloaca __________________ Opening at back of mouth to the lungs ____________________ vent glottis
nares olfactory Scientific name for “nostrils” ____________________ Sense that deals with smell____________________ Circulation that carries blood from heart to lungs and back to heart__________________ Urine storage organ _________________________ Circulation that carries blood from heart to body organs and back to heart ____________________ pulmonary Urinary bladder systemic
trachea Ringed tube that carries air from Glottis to bronchi ____________________ Smaller ringed tubes that carry air from trachea into lungs____________________ Largest vein returning bloodto heart __________________ Largest artery leaving heart ________________________ Organ that absorbs water andconcentrates digestive waste ____________________ bronchi Vena cava Aorta Large intestine
Air sacs villi Extensions on the lungs of a bird that store air but don’t exchange gases_________________ Small finger-like extensions lining the small intestine to increase ____________________ Surface area for more nutrient absorption Small air sacs inside the lungs that__________________ Increase surface area for more gas exchange Featherless area of skin on the abdomen of birds used to keep the eggs warm ______________________ Nutritious milk-like fluid made in the cropof pigeons and doves ____________________ alveoli Brood patch Crop milk