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Leadership & Management

Understand personality traits, psychological types, and the value of introspection and reflection for leaders. Learn to avoid the Paul Principle and apply self-reflection to improve leadership performance.

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Leadership & Management

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  1. Leadership & Management Discussion for Lesson 11: Personality and Reflection as a Leadership Tool

  2. Lesson 11Reading Objectives 1. The student will comprehend and distinguish personality traits and psychological types. 2. The student will know his/her psychological type and describe the implications for his/her relationships and leadership performance. 3. The student will comprehend why introspection and reflection are valuable tools for a leader.

  3. Lesson 11Reading Objectives 4. The student will comprehend the Paul Principle and how to avoid it.   5. The student will apply reflection and introspection to better understand their strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

  4. Lesson 11Discussion Objectives 1. The student will know their psychological type and describe the implications for their relationships and leadership performance. 2.The student will apply reflection and introspection to better understand their strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

  5. Psychological Types • Psychological types help define cognitive styles, i.e., mental processes used to perceive and make judgments from information • Knowledge of these cognitive styles can help you relate better to people because you better appreciate how they make decisions • According to Psychiatrist Carl Jung, how people gather and evaluate information determines their cognitive style

  6. Sensation type Individuals Prefer routine and order Search for precise details Prefer to work with established facts Intuitive type Individuals Prefer overall perspective – “big picture” Enjoy solving problems Dislike routine Prefer to look for possibilities Psychological Types Gathering Information

  7. Feeling type individuals Need to conform Adapt to others’ wishes Avoid problems that may cause disagreement Thinking type Individuals Rely on reason and intellect Downplay emotion in problem solving and decision making Psychological Types Evaluating Information

  8. Psychological Types • Cognitive Styles—two dimensions of information gathering and evaluation are combined to produce a four-way classification of cognitive styles: • Sensation/Thinking • Intuitive/Thinking • Sensation/Feeling • Intuitive/Feeling

  9. Figure 11-2 goes here

  10. Introspection and Reflection • Introspection • Enables leader to realize gaps between who they are, who they think they are, and who they are perceived to be • The introspection process should be accomplished systematically, and should be done regularly with the help of an executive assistant, trusted friend or spouse

  11. Introspection and Reflection

  12. Introspection and Reflection

  13. Introspection and Reflection

  14. Exercises • Assigned groups will examine specified areas of the the Smith reading and present their findings to the class • Using information from the www.keirsey.com website, the instructor will ask students to identify their own personality type. Famous individuals with similar personality types will be highlighted.

  15. Next Class • The Power of Perception • Read: • Leadership & Management, Chapter 12 • Written Assignment 3 is due at the start of class on the day of Lesson 21

  16. Summary • Knowing the different personality types, and how each may react to various situations can be a critical component of effective leadership • An accurate assessment and clear understanding of your own personality traits is an important prerequisite to understanding others • The reflective leader is able to analyze leadership situations in light of what he already knows

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