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Dye Pigment reactive dye

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Dye Pigment reactive dye

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  1. Prepared By : Prepared By : Mazadul Hasan sheshir ID: 2010000400008 13th Batch (session 2009-2013) Department : Wet Processing Technology Email: mazadulhasan@yahoo.com Blog : www. Textilelab.blogspot.com (visit) Southeast University Department Of Textile Engineering I/A 251,252 Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh

  2. Total Textile Process at a Glance

  3. Introduction Dyes and pigments are two fundamental things of Wet Processing Technology. In order to dye a substrate a pupil should have some basics about the dyes and pigments. Such as a) what is dye and pigment? b) Their classification c) details about individual. This presentation details the Reactive dye, the groups of Reactive dyes, reactions of Reactive dyes to fibre and its chemical approach to fibre. A process curve is also represented to explain its thermal effect towards the dyeing. At the end, there is a Factory profile of a wet processing plant to illustrate the function of a dyeing plant .

  4. Factory Profile 4 1 7 9 5 2 8 6 3

  5. Dyes & pigments Dye is a colored substance that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is being applied. The dye is generally applied in an aqueous solution, and requires a mordant to improve the fastness of the dye on the fiber. Pigment is a insoluble material that changes the color of reflected or transmitted light as the result of wavelength-selective absorption.

  6. Color Posessing Factors Absorb light in the visible Spectrum(400-700) Contain chromophore group. Contain alternating double and single bonds.  Exhibit resonance of electrons. Moreover , there is also electron donating group named Auxochrome which is not responsible for colour but deepens the shade.

  7. Chromophore & Auxochrome Chromophore is a part of a molecule responsible for its color. Chemical structure of beta-carotene. The eleven conjugated double bonds that form the chromophore of the molecule are highlighted in red. An auxochrome is a functional group of atoms attached to a chromophore which modifies the ability of the chromophore to absorb light, altering the wavelength or intensity of the absorption. Such groups are , -COOH., --OH

  8. Differential Factors Size Size Product resistance Product resistance Solubility Solubility Printing on substrates Printing on substrates Combustible properties Combustible properties Light fastness Light fastness Colour gamut Chemical Composition Chemical Composition Longevity factor Longevity factor Structure at application Structure at application

  9. Classification of Dyes Dyes Application Application Chemical Structure Chemical Structure •Direct Dyes •Mordant Dyes •Vat Dyes •Disperse Dyes • Acid Dyes • Basic Dyes • Sulphur Dyes •Direct Dyes •Mordant Dyes •Vat Dyes •Disperse Dyes • Acid Dyes • Basic Dyes • Sulphur Dyes • Ingrain Dyes • Ingrain Dyes  Nitro Dyes  Nitroso Dyes  Azo Dyes  Diphenyl Dyes  Triphenyl Dyes  Xanthane Dyes  Indigoid Dyes  Nitro Dyes  Nitroso Dyes  Azo Dyes  Diphenyl Dyes  Triphenyl Dyes  Xanthane Dyes  Indigoid Dyes  Anthraquinoid Dyes  Anthraquinoid Dyes

  10. Reactive Dye Reactive Dye contain a Reactive group which reacts with the substrate and as a dyed substrate is got. It is very popular because of its some effective features • Color fastness • Wide range of shade • Brilliance of Shade • Good reproducibility • Simple application procedure

  11. Classification of Reactive dye

  12. Classification of Reactive Dye Application Cold dyes Hot dyes Applies at 50 – 60c Applies at 35-40c gives even results Dyeing rate is so high Yellow MX-8G (CI Name: reactive yellow 86) Reactive Blue 5

  13. Classification of Reactive Dye ReactiveGroup Halogenated heterocyclic. Activated vinyl compound Diclorotriazine, Tetrachloropyrimidine, Monochlorotriazine (Vinyl sulphone, Vinyl acryl amide, Vinyl sulphonamide Yellow MX-8G,CI name: reactive yellow 86 Reactive Black 5

  14. Classification of Reactive Dye Reactivity High reactivity Moderate reactivity Low reactivity Example: Trichloropyrimidine, Dichloroquinoxaline Example: Dichlorotriazine Example: Vinyl sulphone Orang MX-G Ci name :Reactive orange 1 Reactive Orange 16

  15. Reactive Groups Some Reactive groups are given below – Leavafix Primazine Prociny l

  16. Parameters of dye absorption for reactive dyeing  Nature of the reactive dye  Liquor ratio of reactive dye bath  Electrolyte concentration in side the dye bath  pH of the liquor  Temperature of the reactive dye bath  Type of the fiber to be dyed with reactive dye  Reactive Dyeing time  Alkali concentration in the liquor

  17. Approach of Reactive Dye to Fibre Reactive Dye colors a fibre by three basic approach.  Absorption-Due to affinity dyes get attached on fibre  Exhaustion- The dye molecules diffused into the fibre and distributed all over the fibre  Fixation- The dye molecules affix with the fibre by making strong bonds.  After treatment- By a successive washing process, overall shades and fastness improved

  18. Reaction with Cellulose Fixation of dye on fibre is chemical reaction, This is reaction with cellulosic fibre is given below

  19. Dyeing Conditions

  20. Dyeing method for Reactive dyes

  21. Typical recipe (dye vs. cotton) Wetting agent Sequestering agent Antifoaming agent Dyes (DCT type) Glauber salt or, common salt depth of shade, deeper shade higher amount if salt) Alkali (soda ash) = Z g/l; (based on depth of shade, deeper shade higher amount if salt) Lubricating agent = 1.0 – 2.0 g/k/l; (Usually used for garment dyeing) Temperature = 50 ± .5ºC (ca, 80ºC for turquoise and Brilliant green dyes) Time pH M: L = 0.2 – 0.5 g/l = 1.0 – 2.0 g/l = 0.5 – 1.0 g/l = X% = Y g/l; (based on = 30 – 60 min = 10.5 ± 0.5 = 1:5 – 1:10

  22. Process Curve 60-- Wt. Ag. 60 mins Sq. Sg. Dye 50-- GS SA 40-- Cold Wash 30-- 20-- 10-- 00-- Time

  23. Conclusion In conclusion, Dye and pigments both have the property of imparting colour on substrates. However, they work in different media in different form. In this discussion, there is given two types of classification according to there parental structure and application. This helps to catagorise a dye either according to their structural group or application. Here is also a endeavour to give a transparent view about the Reactive dye. Its mechanism and process of application are also discussed. However, the process curve is not appropriately drawn in lieu of some limitations.A profile of a standard WPT plant is presented in lay out form.

  24. http://www.textilelab.blogspot.com (Visit ) My Facebook Textile related Pages 1. Yarn Manufacturing Technology Link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Yarn-Manufacturing-Technology/485014954866808 2. Fabric Manufacturing Technology Link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fabric-Manufacturing-Technology/459520217425605 3. Garments Manufacturing Technology Link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Garments-Manufacturing- Technology/472364799463126 3. Wet processing Technology Link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wet-Processing-Technology-Dyeing-/468645219825404 4. Fashion-Design-and-Technology Link : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fashion-Design-and-Technology/587655294583875? ref=ts&fref=ts

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