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INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Course Code: Tex -4036 INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. Page no: 1
CHAPTER – I 1. Name of the company: 2. Status : The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. Private Ltd. company 3. Type : 100% Export oriented composite knit dyeing industry 4. Year of establishment : 1998 5. Location : South Zurun, Kashimpur, Gazipur 6. Address : Factory : South Zurun, Kashimpur, Gazipur Head Office : Plot No. 389 DOHS, Baridhara, Dhaka Lane No:6 7. Sponsor : Engineer A.K.M. Faruqe Ahammed. 8. Product mix : 100% cotton, 100% polyester, Chief value cotton, P/C 9. Annual production capacity 2800 tons 10. Project cost 20 crs (Initial), 60 crs (Present) 11. History of the project development 1998 – Establishment of the industry Sample dyeing m/c 2 pcs Production dyeing m/c 5 pcs 2003 – 2 pcs production dyeing m/c 2004 – 10 pcs dyeing m/c 12. DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS : To run the factory smoothly, there are some department in the factory . They are given bellow:- KNITTING SECTION: Knitting Inspection DYEING SECTION Batch section Dye house Dyeing lab. Page no: 3
Quality control Finishing MAINTENANCE Electrical Mechanical ACCOUNTS & COMMERCIAL SECTION ADMIN SECTION Time section Cleaning Security Store 13. Total area of the industry : 129500 sq. ft. 14. Area of the plant : 1stdyeing floor 2nddyeing floor 10800 sq. ft. 27000 sq. ft. REMARKS: The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. is a well established Knit Composite Industry. The area is sufficient for the industry. But its drainage system is not very good. There is no system for effluent treatment. Page no: 4
THE DELTA COMPOSITE KNITTING INDUSTRIES LTD. SOUTH JARUN, KASHIMPUR, GAZIPUR ORGANOGRAM Commercial A/C & store Dyeing Sl. No. 01 02 03 04 Marketing Production Production Knit Quality Utility Administrati on General Manager DGM AGM (Factory) Manager (Dyeing) Assistant Manager Sr. Prod. Engineer DGM AGM Manager DGM AGM Manager DGM AGM Manager Manager (Knit) Assistant Manager Sr. Prod. Officer Manager Manager Manager (Admin) Administrati on Officer Sr. Executive Admin Executive Admin 05 Assist manager Sr. Executive Assist manager Sr. Executive Cost Assistant Manager QC officer Electrical Engineer Mechanical Engineer Accountant Sr. Executive 06 07 Executive Executive Executive Production Engineer Asst. Assistant QC Officer Sub. Production Engineer Shift In- charge Production Clark Sr. Supervisor Supervisor Assistant Engineer Forman 08 Jr. Jr. Jr. Asst. Prod. Officer Lab. Chemist QC In- charge Sr. QC Supervisor QC Supervisor Assistant QC Supervisor QC Asst. Officer Admin Security Officer Computer Operator Office Assistant/Ti me Keeper Assistant Time Keeper Typist Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Executive Accounts Assistant Cashier 09 Supervisor 10 Sr. Lab. Assistant Lab. Assistant Assistant Supervisor Sr. Fitter 11 Purchase officer 12 Sr. Store officer Report Clerk Assistant Supervisor Fitter 13 Store officer Asst. Store Officer St. Store Keeper Store Keeper Asst Store Keeper Store Assistant Helper Store Batch Incharge Finish Incharge Froman Tr. Assistant QC Tr. QC Assistant Fitter Electrician Supervisor Fitter 14 Telephone Operator Delivery Supervisor Peon 15 Assistant Fitter Operator Tr. Assistant QC QC Man Assistant Electrician Boiler Operator Boiler Assistant Generator Operator Compressor Operator Asst. Operator W.T.P. Attendant Tr. Operator Helper 16 Sr. Supervisor 17 Supervisor Assistant Operator Tr. Operator Driver 18 Assistant Supervisor Tr. Supervisor Gardener 19 Tr. Assistant Operator Helper Loader 20 Tr. Asst. Supervisor Sr. Operator Cleaner 21 Painter 22 23 24 25 Operator Asst. Operator Tr. Operator Assistant Tr. Operator Helper Sweeper 26 Page no: 6
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Intercom telephone Fax Written letters & Oral SHIFT CHANGE: There are two shifts in this industry. So the shiftsare changed at every 12hours RESPONSIBILITIES OF PRODUCTION OFFICER: I. To give dyeing program slip. 2. To match production sample with target shade. 3. To collect production sample lot sample matching next production, 4. To observe dyed fabric during finishing running & also after finishing. 5. To identity disputed fabrics & report to P.M/G.M. for necessary actions. 6. To discuss with P.M about overall production if necessary. 7. To sign the store requisition & delivery challan in the absence of P.M. 8. Also to execute overall floor works. 9. To maintain loading'/unloading khata. 10. Any other assignment given by higher authority. Page no: 7
JOB DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTION OFFICER: REPORT TO : Sr. Production Officer JOB SUMMARY: To plan, execute & follows up the production activities &. control the quality productionwith related activities. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Overall supervision of dyeing, finishing production. Batch preparation & pHI chock. Dyes & chemical requisition issue & check. Write Fabrics loading & unloading time from m/c Programmaking, sample checking, colour measurement Control the supervisors, operator, ass. operator and helper of dyeing m/c. And also any other overworkas & when required by themanagement. JOB DESCRIPTION OF Sr.PRODUCTION OFFICER: REPORT TO : A.G.M. (production) JOB SUMMARY: To plan. execute & follows up the production activities & control the quality production with related activities. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Overall supervision of dyeing, finishing production. Checks the sensitive parameters of different machine for smooth dyeing Checks the different log books of different areas & report to management Checks out the plan to control thebest output from supervisors & workers. To trained up& motive the subordinates how to improve the quality production. Control the supervisor, operator, Asstt. Operator & helper of dyeing. Maintenance of machine & equipment Any other works & when required bythemanagement REMARKS: The man power management system of The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. is well arranged. Every officers & stuffs are responsible for their duty. But there are only two textile engineers in the industry (2 for dyeing). It is not sufficient fluent production. It requires more technical people. Page no: 8
MACHINE DESCRIPTION DYEING FLOOR DYEING MACHINES: The Delta composite Knitting Ind. Ltd.. There are 19 dyeing machines. Among them 10 machines are in the first floor and 9 machines are in the second floor. Among first floor, 2 Fongs sample dyeing machines, 5 Thies ,2 Dilmenler and 1 AYTC production dyeing machine. We worked on the first floor. The description and specifications of the machine are given below- Machine Type 01 Name of the machine : Brand Name Manufacturer : Capacity Year of manufacturing: Specification Sample Dyeing Machine Fong Fong’s National Engineering (SHENZHENE) Co. LTD. 25 Kg 1997 : : : No of nozzle: Design Pressure: Hydrolic Test Pressure: 650 Motor : Winch motor – 1 Pump motor – 1 Stirring motor – None 1 400 Machine Type 02 Name of the machine : Winch Dyeing Machine Brand Name : Manufacturer : Capacity : Year of manufacturing: Specification : Thies ( No. of machines :5) Germany. 150,200,400,400,600Kg 1995-97 – 1400C Maximum operating temp Maximum operating pressure – 3.5 bar Machine Type 03 Name of the machine : H.T. Dyeing Machine No. of machine : Brand Name : Manufacturer : Capacity : Specification : 02 DILMENLER Turkey 700 Kg – 1450C Maximum operating temp Maximum operating pressure – 3 bar No of nozzle Motor Winch motor – 4 Pump motor – 1 Stirring motor – 1 – 4 Page no: 10
Machine Type 04 Name of the machine : No. of machine Brand Name Manufacturer : Capacity Year of manufacturing: Specification ATYC Dyeing Machine 01 ATYC TERRASSA 900 Kg 2002 : : : : – 1350C Maximum operating temp Maximum operating pressure – 3.5 bar (6 bar max.) Operation process: a. Preparation: 1. Turn on power on main panel 2. Open valve for cooling water of main pump 3. Check stream, water & air + Steam pressure : + Water pressure : + Air pressure : 4. Adjustment of feeding valve as per production item & capacity 5 – 6 1.2 – 2 kg/cm2 G 5 – 7 kg/cm2 G kg/cm2 G b. Putting fabric into the machine: 1. Select water supply level 2. Supply water automatically by pushing ‘turn on’ button and stop by ‘turn off’ button. 3. Take up edge of fabric to fabric gate through guide of the reel 4. Put edge of fabric to nozzle 5. Start main pump and put whole fabric with adjusting feeding by valve upto remaining 2 -3 meters fabric end 6. Stop main pump and pull up 2 -3 meters of fabric edge by stick 7. Joint both ends of fabric 8. Start main pump & reel to circulate whole fabric and adjust torque of speed 9. Make sure if fabric circulation is normal, then close the door of the gate, (Check again reel speed) c. Operation: 1. Close the door 2. In-put the pattern on programme controller 3. Mix dyeing stuff & chemical in dyeing-mixing tank and pour it with using pouring pump by adjusting feeding valve, after poring, feeding valve shall be closed 4. Switch ‘run’ on programme setting device 5. Automatic operation 1) Select the switch of water supply to ‘automatic’ on main panel Page no: 11
2) Push the button of automatic operation, then automatically operation will go through heating, holding, cooling, washing as per programming. Put ‘stop’ button when finishing buzzer will ring 3) Open the door and take out fabric Caution: 1. Before operation: (1) Check the power (Voltage/hz) wrong Voltage / Hz will cause to brake motor, meter etc (2) Check air pressure (3) Clean inside of tube before dyeing (4) Set the meter correctly as per dyeing method (5) Check every valves 2. Starting operation: (1) Check closing the door perfectly (2) Set pressure below 1 kg / cm3by watching pressure meter (3) When temperature will be over more than 800C, do not forget item (1) & (2) (4) Do not start pump when tube is empty (5) Put definitely cooling water before starting operation because pump & reel is made for cool water 3. During operation (1) Check if meter is working correctly during operation (2) Check if any strange vibration (3) Check if any strange sound of pumping (4) Check if pressure in the tube is too high (5) Check if temperature in the tube meet programming (6) Start pump when feeding steam & cooling water (7) Check if reel is working correct under high temperature & high pressure 4. Nozzle installation Set nozzle base into nozzle-casing and install nozzle by turning it clock wise. After install nozzle, turn it one round by anti-clock wise to make 2 mm gap. The gap on nozzle shall be adjusted by kind of fabric 5. After operation: (1) Before opening the door, check if air pressure of inside the tube is 0 kg/cm2 and temperature of inside the tube is between 800-900C if the pressure is still remained or temperature is more than 800C, it is very dangerous to open the door (2) Temperature inside the tube shall be under 800C for manual draining (3) Turn off the power after operation and close the valve 6. Maintenance: (1) Keep cleaning seal packing of the door and surface to touch the packing to be prevented from dust and hurting (2) Keep electric portion, pump and control panel not to be wet by water (3) Keep tight valve shaft seal ground packing of each valve by tightening sometime (4) Check valve seat part of air valve & drain valve sometime (5) Keep tight each volt (6) Make often oiling rotating part (7) Inspect mechanical seal according to manual of pump (8) Keep adding grease & oil in pump bearing part according to manual of pump Page no: 12
(9) Inspect sometime if safety valve is working correctly (10) Inspect sometime if steam trap is working correctly (11) Inspect meters of pressure and temperature Machineries of the Dyeing Lab: The dyeing lap of The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. is not so developed. The description of the machineries of the dyeing lab are given bellow- Laboratory facilities & equipments: Light box Electric balance Iron Sample dyeing m/c Lab dip m/c GSM tester Washing m/c PHtester Dryer Light box: Visual assessment of color by reflectance & transmission Mainly used for shade matching Four types of light source are used Sometime it may be more such as TL84, CWD etc Metamerism of the fabric is checked Brand Name Model VITIVIDE CAC-60 Manufacturing country U.K. Types of light source which is used in the m/c is given below- Symbol Full meaning UV Ultra violet Functions Used for white color matching Check the metamerism of the fabric Do Used for color matching F Fluorescent light TL84 L D65 Tube light Artificial day light Crock meter: Feature: Mainly used for rubbing fastness Rub may be wet and dry Brand name James H.Heal& Company Mgf. Country England Serial no. S-9011 Page no: 13
Electric balance: Features: Weight of the fabric and dyes and chemical is measured digitally which give good result in weighting Used for accurate measurement Maximum weight that can be perfectly measured is 121 gm and minimum weight which can be measured perfectly is 1.001 gm Accuracy 0.001 gm Brand Name Company Model Sartorius James H. Heal & Co. Ltd Country UK BL310 Iron: Feature: Wet sample is placed between the two white fabric and temperature and pressure is given A dial is provided indication the different temperature marked on tits upper surface and gives accurate temperature for cootn, silk, wool etc. which is adjusted manually. Used for drying the sample Sample dyeing Machine: There are three sample dyeing m/c in the laboratory, which features are described below in brief Solvent – Glycerin Model – HR No: 3800 M/c type H. T. m/c Lab. Dip m/c Brand name ROACHES Mathis labomat Company ROACHES Werner Mathis. AG Country England Switzerland Sample dyeing m/c: Feature: Sample can be dyed above 1000C, 1300C or more Glycerin bath is used 18 holders are providing in this machine Main parts of the machine: Program set panel Glycerin bath Holder Holder carrier Controlling point: Time Temperature Rotation speed Auto stop Type of fabric processed: COTTON AND POLYESTER Page no: 14
GSM Tester: Feature: Used to measure GSM for gray, dyed and finished fabric One GSM tester is in finishing section and another GSM tester is in Knitting Section 100 Cm2cut sample is weighted by electric balance 3 and given value of in gm. Multiplied by 100 is the GSM of fabric, Say, 100 cm2sample weight in 1.9 gm that means its GSM is 180 Washing machine: All the washing condition and parameter can be controlled Model – RS-12MS Temp 1200C Solvent – water + glycerin m/c no 1. Brand name INDESIT Company INDESIT Country Italy Wash fastness machine: It also used as a dyeing machine. Specification is unknown Hot air rapid drying oven: Country – Taiwan Component – Timer, Temperature indication meter Machinaries of the finishing section: Dewatering machine: Feature: Used to remove excess water after pretreatment and dyeing Delivered fabric is crease free state Before squeezing ballon is formed with the help of compressed air passing by a nozzle It can control the diameter of fabric and GSM and shrinkage by over feeding mechanism To impart soft finish to the fabric Brand name Origin Prod.Capacity AB-CALATOR FAB-CON Sweeden American 7 ton/day 8 ton/day Main parts of the machine: - Sqeeze roller (to remove water) - Stretcher (to control width) - Over feeding wheels (to control GSM) - De-twisting device (To delivery the fabric roll in untwisted form) - Folding device (to delivery the fabric in folded form) Utilities: 1. Electricity Page no: 15
2. Processed air (to form the tube fabric into ballon with a view to remove crease) Control system: 1. Overfeed control 2. Pressure 3. Speed control 4. Width control Dryer: M/C no RUCKH SAN-TEX Origin Germany Switzerland Functions: 1. To dry the fabric with help of steam 2. To control the shrinkage 3. To prepare for next subsequent process 4. To dry tubular and open width fabric without tension Main parts of the machine: 1. Heating chamber (2) 2. Blower (8) 3. Synthetic blanket as a conveyor 4. Folder 5. Exhaust fan Heating system: 1. Gas fired Utility: 1. Gas (to make fire) 2. Electricity (to rum the machine) 3. Compressed air (to spread the fire) Setting according to fabric construction: Fabric type Speed m/min Single jersey 15 Interlock 20 – 22 Rib 10 T/C P/C Viscose 20 – 23 Lacoste 30 Collar 20 Lycra 17 Temperature 140 140 140 130 140 140 130 Over feed speed (%) 20 25 – 30 15 – 20 40 – 45 40 – 45 40 – 45 Compector m/c: Brand Name Manufacturing Country Production / day Page no: 16
FERRARO FAB-CON Italy America 3 - 6 tons/day 3 – 6 tons / day Control Point : - - - Function: 1. To compact the fabric 2. To control the shrinkage 3. To maintain proper width and G.S.M Water pressure Air pressure Steam pressure 2.5 4 6 lb lb lb Main parts of the machine: 1. Heating chamber 2. Blower (8) 3. Synthetic blanket as a conveyor, 4. Folder 5. Exhaust fan Heating system: Steam Raising m/c: In which process a layer of fibers lifting from the body of the fabric to achieve soft and lofty effect on the surface is called raising. Brand name XETMA Country Germany Production / day 2-3 tons Main parts: 1. Pin roller 2. Counter pole roller 3. Blower 4. Clean roller Utility Section: 1. Generator 2. Boiler 3. Air Compressor 1. Generator: An electrical generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy of power into electrical energy or power. Brand Name WAUKESHA CATER PILLAR Manufacturer Capacity 1125 KVA 390 KVA Specification: P.F. Power produced 0.8 250 KVA Page no: 17
530C 720C 330C 4.6 bar 0.5 bar 0.5 bar Inlet jacket water temp Outlet jacket water temp. Oil temperature Air temp. in filter Oil pressure Raw water pressure Gas pressure Inlet air pressure Boiler: Brand Name Cleaver brooks Manufacturer U.S.A Production 100,00 kg/hr Specification: Feed water temp Feed water hardness Steam pressure Types of steam Steam temp. Fuel used 600C 2 500 PSI Wet system 1500C Natural Gas Air compressor: An air compressor is a m/c to compress the air and to raise its pressure. The air compressor sucks air from the atmosphere, compresses it and delivers the same under in high pressure to a storage vessel. From a storage vessel, it may be conveyed by the pipeline to a place where the supply of compressed air required. Utility: 1. Air 2. Mobil 3. Electricity Component: - - - - Motor Piston Compressed a Oil drain plug Page no: 18
DYEING LAP Sl. No. Name of the m/c Brand Name Manufacturing Country U.K. U.K. 01 02 Light box Crock meter VITIVIDE James H.Heal& Company Sartorius 03 04 Electric balance Sample dyeing m/c 1. H. T. m/c 2. Lab. Dip m/c GSM Texter U.K. ROACHES Mathis labomat INDESIT England Switzerland Italy 05 Finishing Floor: Sl. No. Name of the m/c Brand Name Manufacturing Country Sweeden American Germany Switzerland Italy American Production Capacity 7 ton/day 8 ton/day 4.5 tons/day 6 tons / day 3-6 tons/day 3-6 tons/day 01 02 03 04 05 06 Dewatering m/c Dewatering m/c Dryer Dryer Compactor m/c Compactor m/c AB-CALATOR FAB-CON RUCKH SAN-TEX FERRARO FAB-CON Utility Section: Sl. No. Name of the m/c Brand Name Manufacturing Country Production Capacity 1125 KVA 390 KVA 150 PSI 01 02 03 Generator Boiler Air Compressor WAUKESHA Cleaver brooks VESPA U.S.A Taiwan REMARKS: The average machineries in this factory are more or less same compared to the other knit dyeing factories but the dyeing machineries are very much different from the other factories. Page no: 20
Raw Materials: In The Delta Composite Knitting € Ind. Ltd., the raw materials used for production are – 1. Grey Fabric 2. Dyes 3. Chemicals 1. Grey fabrics: Following types of grey fabrics are dyed- a. Single jersey b. Single jersey with lycra c. Interlock d. Lacoste e. Rib f. Lycra rib g. 1 x 1 rib & others h. Collar & cuff i. Polyester fabrics Sources: The required grey fabric is produce in the industry Chemicals 01. Soda ash light 02. Caustic Soda 03. Common salt 04. Glauber Salt 05. H2O2 06. Acetic Acid 07. Oxalic Acid 08. Bleaching Powder 09. Hydrose 10. Leuphore BMB 11. Uvtex BHT 12. Uvtex BHV 13. Uvtex BAM 14. Syno White 4BK 15. Uvtex BFE 16. Albatex FFC 17. CHTE nt. K50 18. Invadine Lun 19. Feloson NOF 20. Invadine DA 21. Invatex CS 22. Cibacel DBC 23. Sarbid LDR 24. Mcropan DPE Rate per kg 13 30 7 9 28 12 44 22 48 520 309 289 310 340 919 344 249 136 174 180 74 107 150 126 Page no: 22
25. Cibapon R 26. Ctobalance NSR 27. Rucozen RES 28. Tinofix FRd 29. Lily XXL powder 30. Rewan Acp 31. Cibatex ECO 32. Invatex CRA 33. Heptole EMG 34. Cibafluide C 35. Biovin 109 36. Tinozym 44L 37. Beizym ULBD 38. Invatex PC 39. Invatex AC 40. Catalar BF 150 189 118 150 40 145 150 200 114 89 181 569 347 97 117 324 Dyes 01. Solazol Black sp GRI 02. Reactofix Red ME4BL 03. Cottofix Red ME4BL 04. Reactofix Orange ME2RL 05. Reactofix N.ME2GL 06. Reactive Yellow H4GL 07. Reactive Deep Black N 08. Cottofix Black B 09. Reactive Blue R(SP) 10. Remazol Red RR 11. Remazol Yellow RR 12. Remazol Blue RR 13. Remazol Blue BB NEW 14. Remazol T. Blue G 15. Remazol B Yellow 3GL 16. Remazol Red RGD 17. Cibacron Red FN2BL 18. Cibacron Red FB 19. Cibacron Red FN3G 20. Cibacron Red WB 21. Cibacron Blue FNR 22. Cibacron Blue FGFN 23. Cibacron Navy WB 24. Drimarin Yellow CL2RL 25. Drimarin Red CL5B 26. Drimarin Violet K2RL 27. Drimarin Navy CLB Rate per kg 300 262 262 294 354 500 200 141 950 1080 746 908 2280 344 1167 725 1488 918 1018 542 1488 1540 323 510 494 1600 743 Page no: 23
28. Drimarin Blue CT2R 29. Bezaktrive Yellow S3R 30. Bezaktrive Yellow SLF 31. Bezaktrive Yellow V GL 32. Diss Yellow F5GL 33. Diss Red BF 34. Diss Blue FRL 35. Diss Navy 2GL 36. Diss Black EXNSF 37. Terasil Black WNS 38. Terasil Red FB 39. Terasil Red WFS 40. Terasil Red W4BS 1647 516 975 1321 400 600 1100 300 300 300 600 600 600 Page no: 24
THE DELTA COMPOSITE KNITTING IND. LTD. IMPORTED YARN PRICING THROUGH L/C: PARTY NAME YARN CATEGORY (KG) Shameem Spinning 20s/1 CVC 2.70 Shameem Spinning 30s/1 CVC 2.80 Padma Textile Mills 30s/1 CVC 3.00 Square Textile Mills 24s/1 Comd 2.95 Square Textile Mills 12s/1 Kard 2.05 Square Textile Mills 10s/1 Kard 1.65 Prime Composite Mills 32s/1 Comd 2.95 Arief Knitspin Ltd 20s/1 Kard 2.58 Arief Knitspin Ltd 26s/1 Kard 2.62 Arief Knitspin Ltd 30s/1 Kard 2.62 Prime Composite Mills 32S/1 Comd 2.95 Arief Knitspin Ltd 24S/1 Comd 3.02 Arief Knitspin Ltd 34S/1 Comd 3.25 Shamsuddin Spinning 24S/1 Comd 3.00 Shamsuddin Spinning 26S/1 Comd 3.00 Arief Knitspin Ltd 20S/1 Comd 3.00 Saiham Textile Mills ltd. Shamsuddin Spinning 30s/1 Comd 3.05 Shamsuddin Spinning 26s/1 Comd 3.00 Prime Composite mills 20s/1 Kard 2.40 Prime Composite mills 24s/1 Comd 2.85 Prime Composite mills 26s/1 Kard 2.82 Prime Composite mills 30s/1 Kard 2.82 Hanif Spinning Mills 28s/1 Comd 3.05 Square Textile Mills 26s/1 Comd 2.95 Square Textile Mills 24s/1 Kard 2.50 Square Textile Mills 10s/1 Kard 1.65 Shameem Spinning 30s/1 CVC 2.80 Square Textile Mills 30s/1 Comd 3.00 RATE $ RATE (Tk. / KG) 158 163 175 172 120 96 172 151 153 153 172 176 190 175 175 175 149 QUANTITY (KGS) 400.00 500.00 3628.80 850.00 500.00 1850.00 2550.00 2000.00 2000.00 3250.00 22500.00 10000.00 20000.00 6700.00 4350.00 1500.00 661.84 30s/1 Kard 2.55 178 175 140 166 165 165 178 172 146 96 163 175 1150.00 1800.00 1400.00 1900.00 650.00 350.00 3800.00 500.00 500.00 600.00 1600.00 1000.00 REMARKS: The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd uses best quality raw materials. It produces fabrics from best quality yarn. They uses the best quality dyes like REMAZOL, REACTRON, REACTIVE , TERACIL etc. During the time of using dyestuff they give importance upon the quality of dyes than the price of the dyes and chemicals. Page no: 25
Production parameters: a. pH: - During H2O2bleaching pH 9 – 11 - During reactive dyeing pH 10.5 – 12 - During disperse dyeing pH 4.5 – 5.5 b. Temperature: For cotton scouring 900-950C For cotton cold wash 300– 400C For cotton hot wash 700-800C For cotton acid wash 600-700C For cotton dyeing - - - - - 800-900C (For hot brand) 40-600C (For cold brand) Polyester dyeing: 1000-1300C - c. Time: - - - For scouring 60-90 mins For reactive dyeing 60-90 mins For disperse dyeing 60-90 mins d. M:L ratio: - For reactive dyeing M:L ration maintained beween 1 : 8 to 1 : 10 Description of production process: Washing for colored fabrics: - - - - The colored fabrics to be washed is loaded in the machine Required amount of water is taken PCLF (detergents) added & washing continued at 800C for 20 mins Cold washing Scouring-bleaching: - - - - Fabric to be scoured is loaded in the machine Required amount of water is loaded Washing agent/ detergent is added Steam pipes are on & scouring agents (i.e. Caustic soda/ Soda ash) added when the temperature reaches at 500C When the temperature reaches at 600C then stabilizer is added Then H2O2is added - - Page no: 27
Temperature is then raised to 900C and the process is then carried out for 60-90 mins depending on the requirements The liquors are then drained Then cold wash at 300-400C, hot wash at 700-800C and acid wash at 600-700C is done - - - Dyeing: - - - After acid wash all liquors are drained out Required amount of water is taken Then leveling agents, anti-creasing agents, de-foaming agents are added according to the requirement Steam pipes are on & after 10-15 mins dyes are added Salts are added after another 30 mins Then soda ash after another 30 mins Then the temperature is raised slowly up to the mark The process is carried on and samples are taken after every 30-40 mins to match with the target shade. It continues until shade matching. If the sample is matched, then the liquors drained out Then cold wash at 300-400C, hot wash at 700-800C, acid wash at 600-700C is done Then softener is added at 400C for 20-30 mins Fixer is applied for deep shade only before adding softener - - - - - - - - - Re-dyeing: When shade is not matched then fabric is treated again in dyeing machine for shade matching is known as re-dyeing. Generally, re-dyeing is done if the shade is deeper than the target shade. It may occur when the fabrics absorb one or two colors more or less. One re-dyeing process is described below. - - - - - - - - - Drain the let off solution Hot wash at 700-800C Acid wash at 600-700C(600for light shade & 700for deep shade). Soda ash washes at 900-1000C for 60mins to reduce the depth of shade. Acid wash at 600C. Addition to required dyestuffs. Salt addition. Soda ash addition. Other operations are same as previous described dyeing operations. DYEING CURVE: 600C Temperature 60 min 300C Time Dye Auxiliaries Soda Page no: 28
Production flow chart: Production flow chart for 100% cotton ↓ Grey fabric loading ↓ Scouring & Bleaching at 95oC for 1 hour ↓ ↓ H2O2killer [invotex PC or gazyme PC] ↓ A.Acid ↓ Enzyme [pH 4 – 4.5, temp 60oC for 40’-60’] ↓ Hot wash ↓ Levelling [Ladiquest 1097] ↓ Dyeing Salt Color Soda ↓ A. Acid ↓ Hot wash [Decol SN, RSK, RFL] ↓ Fixing [VNF, ECO] ↓ Softener [LCF, Non ionic] ↓ Unload Page no: 29
CVC dyeing sequence: Perergent + Artioreasomg agent at 800C for 20' ↓ cad wash ↓ A.Acid [pH 4-4.5] ↓ Levelling agent + Antioreasomg agent ↓ Buffering agent [jinlab RFL] ↓ Color at 130o 50' ↓ ↓ If OK ↓ Bath Drain ↓ ½ scouring ↓ Cotton dyeing sequence ↓ If not oK ↓ temp 1300 ↓ If OK ↓ Bath drain ↓ ½ scouring ↓ Cotton dyeing sequence Page no: 30
Dyeing sequence for white: Scouring + bleaching, 950 ↓ Blutton´ 50' ↓ 15' Sample test ↓ Water drain ↓ Hot (without chem.: at 800C for 20') ↓ A.cAcid ↓ ↓ If OK ↓ Sequester ↓ Softner ↓ Unload ↓ If not oK ↓ Softener ↓ Unload Page no: 31
STANDARD RECIPE OF SCOURING & BLEACHING SCOURING & BLEACHING: DEEP SHADE LIGHT SHADE 01. ALBATEX FFC : 0.15 G/L : 0.15 G/L 02. LADIQUEST 1097 : 0.25 G/L : 0.25 G/L 03. CIBAFUUIDE C : 0.50 G/L : 0.50 G/L 04. HOSTAPOL JU : 2.00 G/L : 2.00 G/L 05. CAUSTIC SODA : 2.50 G/L : 2.00 G/L 06. SODA ASH : 2.50 G/L : 2.00 G/L 07. STABILIZER SF. : 0.35 G/L : 0.30 G/L 08. H2O2(50%) : 3.50 G/L : 3.00 G/L 09. ACETIC ACID : 1.00 G/L : 1.00 G/L 10. INVATEX PC : 0.30 G/L : 0.25 G/L LEVELLING: 01. CIVAFLUDIE c : 0.50 G/L : 0.50 G/L 02. LADIQUEST 1097 : 0.80 G/L : 0.60 G/L (FOR LYCRA S/J CIBAFLUIDE C : 0.70 G/L) LEVELLING: FOR TURQUISE BLUE, R-BLACK, ROYEL COLOUR 01. CIBAFLUIDE C : 0.70 G/L 02. LADIQUEST 1097 : 1.00 G/L 03. E2R : 0.50 G/L [ FOR WHITE SHADE ] H2O2 ( 50% ) : ( 4.00 G/L - 7.00 G/L) Page no: 32
White Dyeing Recipe For (100% Cotton) Buyer Name : Order No : Cross line Batch No : 19100 Fabric Type : (1 * 1) Rib G. S. M. : 200 – 210 Tom Tailor M : L = 1 : 8 Mtl wt. = 100 kg Water = 800 Liter Fab dia. = 42 inch Colour = White Serial No Name Dosing (g/l) Quantity Remarks 01 Hostapol JU 0.20 160 gm 02 Cibafluide-C 0.20 160 gm 03 Albatex – FFC 0.20 160 gm 04 Cibafluide – C 0.73 584 gm 05 Hostapol JU 1.20 960 gm 06 Sequester – K 1.00 800 gm 07 Caustec Soada 2.25 1.80 Kg 08 Soda Ash 1.00 800 gm 09 Stabilizer SF .30 240 gm 10 H2O2 4.00 3.20 Kg 12 Acetic Acid 0.60 480 gm 13 Sequester – K 0.40 320 gm 14 Softener (Non - Ionic) 1.50 1.20 Kg Prepared by : ………………… Dyeing Incharge : ……………. Checked by : ………………………….. Production Manager : ………………….. Page no: 33
Flow Diagram of White Dyeing Process of 100% Cotton Levelling Agent + Anticreasing agent 50 min 25 min 950C H2O2 800C 20 min Scouring Chem dosing time 30 min 10 min Acid Wash Unload A 10 min Acetic acid Softener 6 min 20 min 30 25 20 25 Cold wash 10 min Page no: 34
Colour Dyeing Recipe (100% Cotton) With Reactive Dye Buyer Name : Order No : Cross line Batch No : 19100 Fabric Type : S / J G. S. M. : 160 – 170 H & M M : L = 1 : 8 Mtl wt. = 100 kg Water = 800 Liter Fab dia. = 42 inch Colour = Navy Serial No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Hostapol JU Ladiquest 1097 Albatex – FFC Cibafluide – C Stabilizer SF Soda Ash Caustec Soada H2O2 Acetic Acid Invatex PC Dosing (g/l) 2.00 0.40 0.15 0.50 0.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 1.00 0.15 Quantity 1.60 kg 320 gm 120 gm 400 gm 400 gm 3.60 kg 2.40 Kg 3.20 Kg 800 gm 120 gm Remarks 11 12 Cibafluider – C Ladiquest 1097 0.50 0.80 400 gm 640 gm 13 14 15 Reactive S Yellow F3R Reactive S Red F3B Reactive Black – 5 0.33 % 0.79 % 4.20 % 330 gm 790 gm 4.20 kg 16 17 18 19 20 Salt Soda Ash RFL A. Acid Softner (Non Ionic) 62.00 20.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 49.60 kg 16 kg 640 gm 800 gm 800 gm Remarks: The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. strictly follow the production parameters like the time, temperature, M:L ratio pH etc. As they do some difficult shade, it takes more time for the production of the batch. Because of the trolley shortage and generator failure, the production process is sometime hampered. Considering these limitations, the production officer and the Sr. Production Officer try their best to reduce the production time. Page no: 35
CHAPTER-VI Q. C. Department Quality Policy: It is the policy ofThe Delta composite Knitting Ind Ltd to produce quality dyed knit fabrics that meet or exceed customers expectations & needs. To implement this policy the top management of UKDL is committed to provide adequate resources in terms of good raw materials and trained personnel & continually improve / upgrade its processes and systems. Quality Objectives: Overall material/product loss (Level of rejection) for the company during the production process (in a year) shall not exceed 1.5 % Defects during dyeing & knitting operations to reduced by 10% by the Jan ‘03 Process capability shall be maximized by maximizing the m/c breakdown time. M/c breakdown time should be reduced to 20 % form its current status/position by the mid 2003. A quality procedure manual in line with the requirement of ISO9001 shall be developed and implemented by August 2002. To ensure better work environment for the personnel working in the organization. Machines: Wash Fastness Tester Light fastness tester Rubbing fastness tester Electronic balance G.S.M. cutter Fabric inspection table Light box Shrinkage (%) meter Inspection area: Shade match of fabric G.S.M. Fabric diameter Shrinkage (%) Length wise Width wise Fiber type Wash fastness Light fastness Rubbing fastness Faults Dyeing faults Knitting faults Page no: 37
FAULTS ARE FOUND IN QC DEPERTMENT: Knitting faults: Hole Slub Thick place Thin place Neps Stripe Missing yarn Contamination Light Medium Deep Dyeing faults: Uneven shade Running shade In fastness property Finishing faults: GSM variation Spirality Shrinkage control Length wise Page no: 38
QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM Quality assurance procedure: The Delta Composite Knitting Industries Ltd. assures the quality of their products in the following three steps: In laboratory In Dyeing section & In finishing section Procedures are described below: In laboratory: Swatch card from buyer according to their requirement Recipe prediction for sample dyeing Sample dyeing until matching with swatch card If matching is OK, then it is sent to the buyer for approval. If buyer approves the sample then bulk production. In dyeing section: After approval form the buyer, sample dyeing is done in dyeing m/c in dyeing shed & again matched with the approved sample If result is OK. then balk production, During dyeing, samples are taken until accurate shade matching. The interval may be 30- 40 minutes After dyeing sample is collected after softening matching is done Last of all, sample is collected after fixation & matched Then allowed the fabrics to be finished In finishing section: Correctly dyed, after treated & matched fabrics are allowed for finishing By using a series of finishing machines correct width, softness & appearance are maintained according to requirements Then sampling is done for several times to test GSM, Shrinkage & fastness properties. Finally fabric is inspected & prepared for delivery List of Equipments: Machineries & equipment used : Spectrophotometer with software (Datacolor) Colour light box Sample dyeing machine (2) Lab. Dip Iron Page no: 39
Electric Balance Crock meter Washing m/c GSM Tester PHmeter Quality standard: The Delta Composite Knitting Industries Ltd. follows the quality standard: ISO-9001.2000 REMARKS: The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. always aware about the quality of the product. The quality of the product is always approved by the buyer. They follows the quality standard: ISO 9001: 2000, The Delta Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd. is well equipped for checking the quality of the product.. They sent the quality report to the buyer time to time/ batch to batch. Page no: 40
CHAPTER-VII MAINTENANCE Maintenance of Machinery: Maintenance of machinery is very essential mechanical effort for achieving smooth running of different machines. Maintenance is a process by which equipment is looked after in such a way that trouble free. Services and increased machine life can be ensured and specific product quality required by the customers is sustained. On time maintenance increase m/c lifetime & ensures trouble free services. The Delta composite Knitting Ind. Ltd . 2 types of maintenance are done: 1. Break down maintenance 2. Routine maintenance Maintenance Routine Maintenance Break Down Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance Electrical Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance Electrical Maintenance 1. Break down Maintenance: Break down maintenance is done instantly when problem arises in machine. In this case, repairs are made after the equipment is out of order and it cannot perform its normal functions. 2. Routine Maintenance: After a particular little the machines are cleaned & reordered, that is routine or schedule maintenance. PPC does it once in a month. Schedule maintenance varies, time in time & also depends on situation according to types of machines, because maintenance is directly related to production. Most of the time, all the screws, nuts, bolts & levers are checked, lubrication is also done. Workers inform about the problem areas of the machines. Depending on their information. maintenance is done, Maintainers analyses the machine records & take steps according to requirements. Page no: 42
Maintenance procedure: Duringmaintenance procedure following points should be checked. Checklist of different parts: Maintenance: Mechanical Machine: Dyeing Machines Sl. No. Item need to be checked & Serviced 1 Crease the winch bearing. 2 Complete cleaning of machine 3 Cleaning ofdrain valves, replace seals if required 4 Check air supply filter, regulators, and auto drain seals 5 Clean filters element and blow out 6 Greasing of Unloading Roller Bearings. 7 Checking of oil level and bolts of Unloading Roller Gearbox. 8 Checking of unloading roller coupling and packing. 9 Checking and cleaning (if required) of Min Vessel Level Indicator 10 Check the oil level of pump bearing and refill if required. 11 Check the function of heat and cool modulating valves 12 Check all belts and belt tension 13 Check all door seals Maintenance: Mechanical Machine: Lab dyeing m/c. Sl. No. Item need to be checked & Serviced 1 Check rotating main shaft bearing. 2 Check cooling water inlet and outlet nose and nose clips. 3 Check cooling fans 4 Check driving bells and pulleys. Page no: 43
Maintenance: Mechanical Machine: Lab dyeing m/c. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Items need to be checked & Serviced Check & clean fluff and dirt at all motor fan covers Check all motors terminals Check min panels (by using compressed air) Check panel cooling fan & clean it filter Clean main pump inverter and its cooling fan Check all circuit breaker, magnetic contractors and relays Check current setting of all circuit breaker & motor over loads. Visual checking of all power & control cables Check DC drive of reel motors Check all pressure switches Check calibration of main vessel & all additional tank Check all pneumatic solenoids Check calibration of heating/cooling. Modulating value Check setting of tangle sensor. Check setting & operation of lid safety switches Check all emergency Switches Check all indicating lamps Check all on/off switches Check all signal isolators Check key pad & display of controller Check proximity switches The following tasks are generally done during maintenance: Inspections & check ups Lubrications Planning & scheduling Record analysis Training of the maintenance crew Collection or purchase of spares Page no: 44
MAINTENANCE WORK TO THE DIFFERENT MACHINES: BOILER MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE: Daily: Check gas pressure Maintain log sheet Chemical dosing Weekly: Check all steam line Fire quality of boiler Monthly: Check all steam line Fire quality of boiler Gas consumption report Burner clean Quarterly: Burner clean Economizer clean Feed tank clean Chemical tank clean Sight glass clean Half yearly: Burner clean Feed tank clean Chemical tank clean Economizer clean Replace gasket Replace valve Check gas line & filter & pressure Yearly: Overhauling of boiler Chemical cleaning of boiler Safety valve test Economizer clean Feed tank clean Chemical tank clean Burner clean Check safety valve setting Replace valve & gasket Boiler inspection by authority Page no: 45
Dyeing m/c maintenance Schedule Daily: Check belt tension Check steam or water system & air supply Check chemical pump Machine clean Weekly: Bearing & belt check Check leakage of air, steam & Water line Greasing bearing points Add gland packing at pump Monthly: Greasing bearing points Replace bearing points (if required) Gaskrt check Clean steam trap Lubricating all chemical pump Quarterly: Replace belts Repairing of pulley, shaft & bearing housing Painting m/c & pipe line Clean steam trap Replace seals (if leakage) Change gasket of steam of water lines Half yearly: Replace belts Repairing pulley, shaft & bearing housing Painting m/c, pipe line Replace seals Machine body repairing Half yearly: Replace belts Repairing pulley, shaft & bearing housing Painting m/c, pipe line Replace seals Machine body repairing Yearly: Machine overhauling Page no: 46
Hydro extractor Maintenance Daily: Machine clean Belt checking Weekly: M/c clean Belt clean Greasing & lubricating of all points Monthly: M/c clean Check gear oil quality Quaterly: Change of gear oil Belt change Half yearly: Change of gear oil Belt change (if required) Yearly: Machine overhauling Page no: 47
TENSIONLESS DRYER MAINTENANCE Daily: Check belt tension Check steam supply & air system Machine clean Weekly: Check fabric drying quality Greasing bearing points Clean airfilter & regulator Monthly: Clean radiator & m/c cabinet Greasing bearing points Clean air filter and regulator Quarterly: Replace belt Replace gear oil Duct clean Half yearly: Check roller condition Greasing & lubricating all points Yearly: Machine overhauling Page no: 48
TUMBLER DRYER MAINTENANCE: Daily: Check belt Steam leakage area M/c clean Weekly: Heat exchange clean Greasing & lubricating of all points Belt check M/c clean Monthly: Filter clean Steam trap clean Quarterly: Replace belt Replace gear oil Duct clean Gasket & valve change Half yearly: Gasket & valve change Yearly: Machine overhauling Page no: 49
SOFT SET M/C MAINTENANCE: Daily: Check belt tension Check Steam supply & air system M/c clean Weekly: Check fabric quality Greasing bearing points Monthly: Greasing bearing points Clean air filter & regulator Clean steam trap Quarterly: Replace belts Replace gear oil Painting m/c & pipeline of the total system Replace seals Half yearly: Check roller condition Greasing & lubricating of all points Check bearing condition Yearly: Machine overhauling Page no: 50