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Issues raises from the last research meeting. We need more Kk2f (standalone) MC data to understand the magnitude and sign of the A FB . The CM energies are sqrt(s)=34.5 GeV (Expt: TASSO, published R.J. Cashmore, 1986) sqrt(s)=35 GeV (Expt: TASSO, published R.J. Braunschweig, 1986)
Issues raises from the last research meeting • We need more Kk2f (standalone) MC data to understand the magnitude and sign of the AFB. The CM energies are • sqrt(s)=34.5 GeV (Expt: TASSO, published R.J. Cashmore, 1986) • sqrt(s)=35 GeV (Expt: TASSO, published R.J. Braunschweig, 1986) • Update: MC Data is on production for both energies. • Stat: 10M. Each of them are spitted into 1M events (out put will come into 10 different files)
Issues raises from the last research meeting • We have the prediction results from Kk2f (standalone) MC data for [sqrt(s)=10.58 GeV] • All processes (10M events, AFB from event counting, where ISR+FSR are on ) • Only QED process (10M events, AFB from event counting, where ISR+FSR are on) • Only Weak process (10M events, AFB from event counting, where ISR+FSR are on) • Update: Kk2f MC Data is on production for (all, QED, Weak processes, • where ISR+FSR are off) • Stat: 10M. Each of them are spitted into 1M events (out put will come into 10 different files)
Issues raises from the last research meeting • There are confusion about the Kk2f generators parameters regading all process and Weak process • See the parameter definition here . • Parameter declared as • KeyZet = 0, pure QED (I defined this is only QED process) • KeyZet = 1, Z-boson and gamma are ON (I defined this is All processes) • KeyZet =-1, Z width Gamma is constant (only for CEEX) • KeyZet = 9, pure Z exchange (I defined this is only Weak process) • KeyZet =-2, Artificial constant x-section for SPECIAL test runs • KeyZet=xpar(501) default is 1 • Update: verified with the cross-section from the log file and found that the parameters that we used are OKAY. (please see the next pages for the information)
Issues raises from the last research meeting The generic tau-tau and di-muon MC samples used by TauQED AWG are produced with KK2F (preferred over KoralB since SP5), while the decay of each tau (generic and specific signal) is simulated with Tauola.
Issues raises from the last research meeting information got about x-section from the log file when xpar= 1; All processes *************************************************************************** * KK2f_Finalize printouts * * 10.57821022 cms energy total cmsene a0 * * 1000 total no of events nevgen a1 * * ** principal info on x-section ** * * 1.45664889 +- 0.01405355 xs_tot MC R-units xsmc a1 * * 1130.63672168 xs_tot picob. xSecPb a3 * * 10.90822906 error picob. xErrPb a4 * * 0.00964786 relative error erel a5 * * 1.17837684 WTsup, largest WT WTsup a10 * * ** some auxiliary info ** * * 776.12059436 xs_born picobarns xborn a11 * * 1.56400000 Raw phot. multipl. === * * 5.00000000 Highest phot. mult. === * * End of KK2f Finalize *
Issues raises from the last research meeting information got about x-section from the log file when xpar= 0; only QED process *************************************************************************** * KK2f_Finalize printouts * * 10.57821022 cms energy total cmsene a0 * * 1000 total no of events nevgen a1 * * ** principal info on x-section ** * * 1.45826829 +- 0.01410549 xs_tot MC R-units xsmc a1 * * 1131.89368415 xs_tot picob. xSecPb a3 * * 10.94854281 error picob. xErrPb a4 * * 0.00967277 relative error erel a5 * * 1.18942013 WTsup, largest WT WTsup a10 * * ** some auxiliary info ** * * 776.19028759 xs_born picobarns xborn a11 * * 1.56400000 Raw phot. multipl. === * * 5.00000000 Highest phot. mult. === * * End of KK2f Finalize
Issues raises from the last research meeting information got about x-section from the log file when xpar= 9; only WEAK process *************************************************************************** * KK2f_Finalize printouts * * 10.57821022 cms energy total cmsene a0 * * 1000 total no of events nevgen a1 * * ** principal info on x-section ** * * 0.00009374 +- 0.00006385 xs_tot MC R-units xsmc a1 * * 0.07275644 xs_tot picob. xSecPb a3 * * 0.04956070 error picob. xErrPb a4 * * 0.68118636 relative error erel a5 * * 2580.31035166 WTsup, largest WT WTsup a10 * * ** some auxiliary info ** * * 0.01922857 xs_born picobarns xborn a11 * * 1.29600000 Raw phot. multipl. === * * 6.00000000 Highest phot. mult. === * * End of KK2f Finalize
Polar Angle Distribution From the MC Sample of Kk2F Generator (old) Prediction for All Processes(QED+interference+WEAK) CM=10.58GeVher=8.99 GeV ler=3.1175GeVISR+FSR are ON Prediction for only WEAK Process Prediction for only QED Process
Polar Angle Distribution From the Kk2f MC Sample when ISR is off(New) CM=10.58GeVher=8.99 GeV ler=3.1175GeVISR off, FSR on1M data for all processes
Polar Angle Distribution From the Kk2f MC Sample when ISR is off(New) CM=10.58GeVher=8.99 GeV ler=3.1175GeVISR off, FSR on1M data for only QED process
Polar Angle Distribution From the Kk2f MC Sample when FSR is off(New) CM=10.58GeVher=8.99 GeV ler=3.1175GeVISR on, FSR off1M data for All processes
Polar Angle Distribution From the Kk2f MC Sample when FSR is off(New) CM=10.58GeVher=8.99 GeV ler=3.1175GeVISR+FSR off10M data for QED process only
Polar Angle Distribution From the Kk2f MC Sample when FSR is off(New) CM=10.58GeVher=8.99 GeV ler=3.1175GeVISR+FSR off10M data for Weak process only
Polar Angle Distribution From the Kk2f MC Sample when FSR is off(New) CM=10.58GeVher=8.99 GeV ler=3.1175GeVISR+FSR on10M dataAFB got from fitted value
Forward Backward asymmetries from the MC Sample of Kk2F Generator Gamma, Z interference is roughly half the size of pure QED and opposite sign.
Systematic Study Using Kk2F Generator old and shown before to Compare the sign and Magnitude with a published paper Prediction for All Processes@ s=29GeV The dashed line corresponds to the O(3) QED cross-section and solid line to the fitted cross section. Center of Mass is 29GeV, her=14.5 GeV and ler 14.5 GeV
Forward Backward asymmetries from the MC Sample of Kk2F Generator (old and shown before)
Backup: Preliminary Result of AFB @ BaBar old and shown before • -: |AFB (R1)|- |AFB (R6)| =(-1.6 0.6)10-3 • +: |AFB (R1)|- |AFB (R6)| =(-1.6 0.6)10-3 • R1: |AFB(-)|- |AFB (+)|=(9.07.1) 10-4 • R6: |AFB(-)|- |AFB (+)|=(9.03.5) 10-4 • Data • -: |AFB (R1)|- |AFB (R6)| =(-1.4 0.5) 10-3 • +:|AFB (R1)|- |AFB (R6)| =(-1.4 0.5) 10-3 • R1 MC’s: |AFB(-)|- |AFB (+)|=(2.06.6) 10-4 • R6 MC’s: |AFB(-)|- |AFB (+)|=(2.03.5) 10-4 • MC’s