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This presentation outlines the vision and plan for delivering high-quality broadband to all businesses and citizens in North Yorkshire by 2015. It discusses the support and funding available, superfast broadband pilots, local broadband plans, and the importance of local support and community involvement.
JULIAN SMITH MP Member of Parliament for Skipton & Ripon
RICHARD FLINTON Chief Executive North Yorkshire County Council
“Connecting People to Opportunity” Richard Flinton Chief Executive North Yorkshire County Council 19 February 2011
The NextGen North Yorkshire Vision Our vision is to bring the advantages of high-quality broadband to 100% of businesses and citizens in North Yorkshire by 2015. We want to enable all to participate in the digital world so that they can carry out their business when and how they wish.
Presentation title : Delivering Broadband Date: 19 Feb 2011Presented to Broadband North YorkshireBy: Robert Ling
Summary BDUK and Government objective BDUK Support & funding Superfast Broadband Pilots Local Broadband Plan Local Support
BDUK and Government objective BDUK is a team within DCMS, and is responsible for achieving the Governments aims “…deliver the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015” - DCMS Structural Reform Plan By 2015 two thirds served by the private sector BDUK will be focused on the ‘final third’
Britain’s Superfast Broadband Future • Strategy document sets out the Government’s vision for broadband in the UK • Outlines how Broadband Delivery UK will be investing the £530m secured as part of the Spending Review over the lifetime of this Parliament • Provides a snapshot of current market deployment in the UK
Funding & Support available £530m to 2015 A further £300m in 2016 and 2017 if required Looking to leverage other funding sources such as European funding (ERDF & RDPE) and Private Sector
Superfast broadband pilots • “Our aim is to use these pilots to discover exactly what needs to be done to make superfast broadband commercially viable...” – Jeremy Hunt 15th July 2010 • Locations are: • North Yorkshire • Herefordshire • Highlands and Islands • Cumbria • Very different areas and potential projects – each will move at its own pace
Local Broadband Plan • Covers the whole of your area, we encourage a partnership approach • The strategy should look at: • Transformation of services • Economic development • Links to corporate plans • Social inclusion • Existing broadband initiatives • Demand programs will be important to deliver sustainable revenue • Community approach will also need to be identified inc. existing networks, community approach to demand stimulation
Local Support Required Link service transformation plans to the roll-out of superfast broadband infrastructure Drive demand for broadband and applications that require Superfast Broadband Active participation in the workshops today Help deliver the subsequent actions
Questions • Robert.ling@bduk.bis.gsi.gov.uk • Twitter: ling_robert
Connecting Communities PENNY SLATTER The Post Office
The Post OfficePenny Slatter – General Manager DirectFebruary 2010
The Post Office Network – a national and local asset • Over 11,500 post offices • Truly local throughout the UK- 93% population within 1 mile of a branch; over 99% population in urban deprived areas within 1 mile; over 99% of the population in rural areas within 3 miles. • 20m customers visiting each week • More than £2.3bn pa in ‘social value’ to UK citizens • Internal efficiencies, introduction of new operating models, a more sustainable network • Looking forward – Govt has said no further closure programmes, staying within public sector • Recognised and trusted by people as part of the UK infrastructure
Introduction to the ‘Front Office for Government’ • Mediated access between customers and Government; converting multi-channel interactions to electronic submissions • Supporting universal access to online Government services • The Post Office intends to: • be the high street digital channel for customers to interact with Government supporting universal access to services • authenticate customer transactions across multiple delivery channels • be Government’s primary channel for authenticating and verifying customer ID and credentials • securely authenticate individuals, in any channel, to become a significant channel for disseminating customers’ changes of circumstances across Government • Removing paper, complexity and service delivery cost from Departments’ • back office; supporting the migration from a Paper to a Digital Organisation 23
Government’s challenges: cutting costs, verifying entitlement, digital inclusion Government needs to cut spending £6bn public spending cuts this year Departments preparing plans for spending cuts of up to 40% Departments, Agencies & Local Authorities incur high costs when… Transacting face to face with citizens Estate running costs of £25bn pa; 4,000 vertically aligned public facing offices; face to face per visit costs estimated at £30 1 Duplicating verification and collection processes Current approaches depend upon repeated entitlement checks and ‘weak’ identification procedures 2 Outsourcing bespoke services within a limited market Long-term service provider contracts with high up-front costs, Little scope to switch provider, punitive change controls,failure to benefit from economies of scale across departments 3 Migration to digital systems in Government will help, but brings new challenges ~£1.7bn of Government efficiencies for getting UK online How to reduce the costs associated with duplication of effort across/within Government 3.4m address changes pa generate 23m interactions with Government (DWP 10m, LAs 5m, HMRC 8m) a How to be sure of the individual’s entitlement to services Significant losses arising from errors, false ID and misrepresentation of circumstances b How to achieve critical mass of take up by individuals without leaving a costly to serve ‘long tail’ 62% of ‘Digitally Excluded’ are 65+ (6.4m people) c 24 24
What we could do for Departments – Identity Verification Proposition What does it do? Identity Verification … causing B= Document Validation • Assuring physical identity and supporting documents are a true likeness of the originals allowing proxy copies to be submitted to organisations • Verifying customers’ identity and checking supporting documents to determine eligibility for public services Eligibility Checking • Empowerment to determine and affirm eligibility from supporting documents in simple cases as a pre-requisite to application for Government Services (proxy confirmation) Secure Document Fulfilment • Ensuring high value entitlement documents produced by a Department are provided to the intended recipient 25
Assisted Application • Taking paper out of the back office • Improving accuracy of applications received • Providing a physical exception channel for electronic interaction What we could do for Departments – Assisted Application … causing B= 26
Digital inclusion will play an important part in the Front Office Services that we will providing How we will support Digital Inclusion in 11 / 12 • POL supporting Raceonline (e.g. sign posting where individuals can get free or low cost internet training) • 5,000 Post Office ‘Digital Champions’ • Partnership with UK online centres, which follows on from the ‘Get online’ week event held in October 2010 across 60 branches • Key sponsor at National Digital Conference (held on 11th and 12th May) • Promotion of ‘Go On’ across our digital channels 27
Connecting Communities RACHEL FRASER BBC Learning
Media Literacy at the BBC The BBC ran a 3 week broadcast campaign for First Click • TV & Radio - Target key channels and programmes for this older audience, supported by key BBC presenters • Campaign featured on National and Local news • Continuity – end credits and announcers pushed the campaign • Online – ‘How to’ pages for Recent Adopters Trails on BBC TV and Radio prior to Get Online Week Targeted editorial on BBC TV and Radio during Get Online Week
Media Literacy at the BBC Freephone helpline at the heart of the First Click campaign “Call the BBC advice line on 08000 150 950 to find out about a beginners’ computer course in your area.” Freephone felt to be very important • Web address not deemed useful at all for theinitialcontact point for the service • Not an online helpdesk service!
Media Literacy at the BBC Partnerships • First Click beginners’ courses • More than 3000 events across the UK • Post Office • Branch events, leaflets and TV trail on Post Office TV
Media Literacy at the BBC Campaign impact 8.2m • People saw First Click features on BBC TV during Get Online Week (14% of the UK population) • Adults saw the marketing trail on BBC TV, on average 4 times each • Of C2DEs aged 55+ saw the marketing trail, on average 6 times each 30m 84%
Media Literacy at the BBC Campaign impact 53,000 • Total number of Advice Line calls over 3 week campaign period, peaking during Get Online Week (calls still ongoing) • Of people that called received advice and information about beginners’ courses in their local area • Peak in weekly users accessing the First Click website, during Get Online Week 55% 36,000
Media Literacy at the BBC What next?
Connecting Communities Dr RICHARD POPE Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
Telemedicine – use, benefits and bandwidth….. richard.pope@anhst.nhs.ukNHS Yorkshire and the Humber Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
Long Term Conditions (LTCs) • 70% NHS expenditure • Increasing (numbers and complexity) • People with LTCs typically travel to attend large numbers of GP and hospital appointments each year • Can we find a way to reduce this / offer immediate access to clinical support?
Prison telemedicine programmeAiredale NHS Foundation Trust 5 year programme 15 prisons - Durham to Dorset Safe Effective - across 21 specialties
Home telemedicine Clinical/Technical Partnership Developed video-telephony product for use at home Set Top Box based Uses Home TV as the display device Broadband link Telemedicine consultations
Home telemedicine “Mark 1” version deployedUse for Diabetes Out Patients (n=20) “Mark 2” versionSet top box / PC versionsBetter design Information prescription Workflow supported December 2010 (n=100)
What do our patients think? • “The telemed literally brought tomorrow’s technology into my living room today; without any need to travel I can talk to a specialist!. The system puts me in control of my diabetes care instead of my illness governing or interfering with my lifestyle.” • “There is no expensive journey to and from hospital (2 bus journeys each way), no reorganising of work commitments to then spend time sitting around in waiting rooms: simply a live link up where I can talk freely and we can swap ideas as to how to improve my life” • “The consultation is an active two way process…it makes a huge difference to how I feel about my diabetes and therefore about myself”
Regional T-health Programme - Role of the “Hub” Distributed specialist networks
The Future? Reliable, fast broadband enables:- LTC patients Out patients Nursing Homes Pre/post op checks Info prescription Mobile (Paramedics) Social services Social comms ……..integrated care NEW PATHWAYS