Pic 1 Pic 2 Hernando De Soto Comic Relief Assignment Name__________________ Per___**DIRECTIONS: Self-created image depicting most important moments from each paragraph go in “Pic” box. Self-created text describing most important moments from each paragraph go in “Text” box. So, the image for “Pic 1” relates to paragraph 1 in the reading. Likewise, the “Text 1” box should be used to tell the most important details from paragraph 1. See assignment description and example on page 3 of reading. First 3 boxes may be modeled after mine, but may not be an exact copy. Also, if allowed to work with partner, your work must not be an exact copy of theirs. Text 1 Text 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Text 3 Text 4
Pic 5 Pic 6 Hernando de Soto Comic Relief AssignmentPage 2 Text 5 Text 6 Pic 7 Pic 8 Text 7 Text 8
Pic 9 Pic 10 Hernando de Soto Comic Relief AssignmentPage 3 Text 9 Text 10 Pic 11 Pic 12 Text 11 Text 12