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Warmup. Your friend’s pay is twice the sum of your brother’s pay, which is $7.25/hr, and your pay. If your friend makes $32.65/hr, how much do you make?. 4.5 & 4.6 Notes . LEQ: How do we solve multistep equations with variables on both sides?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warmup Your friend’s pay is twice the sum of your brother’s pay, which is $7.25/hr, and your pay. If your friend makes $32.65/hr, how much do you make?

  2. 4.5 & 4.6 Notes LEQ: How do we solve multistep equations with variables on both sides?

  3. ***** To solve equations with more than one operation, called ____multistep equations___, undo operations by __using the correct order of steps__. • Examples: 1) 7 m - 17 = 60 2) 3) 4)

  4. Try 5 and 6

  5. Application: 7) Susan had a $10 coupon for the purchase of any item. She bought a coat that was on sale for ½ its original price. After using the coupon, Susan paid $125 for the coat. What was the original price of the coat?

  6. 8) 8 less than two-thirds of a number equals 4. Find the number.

  7. 9) Consecutive integer problems: • Consecutive integers are integers in counting order, such as_1,2,3 or 101,100,99__ • Name 3 consecutive even integers _______ These are how far apart? ______ • Name 3 consecutive odd integers ________ These are how far apart? _____

  8. In general if n represents an integer, • the next integer is _n+1_, the following integer is _n+2__ • In general if n represents an (even) integer, • the next even integer is __n+2___, the following even is _n+4_____ • the next odd integer is _n+1___ , the following odd is _n+3__ *If n is an odd, the next evens are n+1 and n+3 while the next odds are n+2 and n+4

  9. Ex) Find three consecutive even integers whose sum is - 42

  10. *** To solve equations with variables on each side, first use the Addition or Subtraction Properties to get all the __variables on one side and all the ___Constants_ on the other side.

  11. Ex1) -2 + 10 p = 8 p - 1 Ex 2)

  12. **** If there are parenthesis first use the ________________________________. Ex 3) 4 ( 2r – 8 ) = 1/7 (49 r + 70) Ex 4) 2 ( x – 1 ) = 3 ( - 2 x – 4 ) + 8

  13. *** Some equations may have ____Distributive Property. Ex 5 ) 2m + 5 = 5 ( m – 7) - 3m

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