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Changemaker Campus. Best Practice Webinar Series. Youth Venture Be A Changemaker Challenge. Curriculum Guide. Faculty Institute. Youth Venture Bootcamp. Social Entrepreneur in Residence. Ashoka U Exchange. Launch Retreat. SE Handbook. Student Engagement
Changemaker Campus Best Practice Webinar Series Youth Venture Be A Changemaker Challenge Curriculum Guide Faculty Institute Youth Venture Bootcamp Social Entrepreneur inResidence Ashoka U Exchange Launch Retreat SE Handbook Student Engagement Institutional Planning Curriculum Development Cross-Campus Community Building Ecosystem Mapping& Strategic Planning
We know you are well on your way to . . . • becoming a leading institution in social entrepreneurship education • building a campus culture that supports innovation and social change • advancing a paradigm shift towards social entrepreneurship at your institution . . . reaching your aspirations. Cross-Campus Community Building LINES OF ENGAGEMENT Best Practice Webinars – coming soon! Social Entrepreneur in Residence - $6,500 Launch Retreat - $15,000 - $20,000 Curriculum Development Curriculum and Teaching Resource Guide – special$199 Faculty Institute - $17,500 Institutional Planning Institutional Planning SE Education Resource Handbook – special pre-order$55 Ecosystem Mapping and Strategic Planning - $25,000 Student Engagement Youth Venture - Be A Changemaker Challenge - $20,000 Youth Venture – Bootcamp - $15,000 Ashoka U can support you on the journey. • Ashoka is in the unique position to share both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs with the academic sector. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
Ashoka U hosts monthly ‘Introduction to Ashoka U’ webinars, Upcoming webinars are scheduled for Tuesday, March 8 and April 12 at 4pm. Join our focused informational webinars on Community Building Programs – Friday, March 11, 1 pm This webinar will explore the Social Entrepreneur in Residence Program and the Launch Retreat. Ashoka U can bring a social entrepreneur to your campus and create a retreat with 2-4 Ashoka Fellows that will initiate your campus' changemaking campaign. LINES OF ENGAGEMENT Curriculum Development – Tuesday, March 15, 4 pm This webinar will introduce the Social Entrepreneurship Curriculum and Teaching Resource Guide and the Faculty Institute. The faculty institute is a two-day faculty-led session to advance teaching in social entrepreneurship, with sample syllabi, and best practice models. Student Engagement – Friday, March 18, 11 am Learn more about Ashoka’s Youth Venture student-focused social entrepreneurship skill, leadership, and team-building challenges. Institutional Planning – Tuesday, March 22, 4 pm Ashoka U can help you to map and connect social entrepreneurship resources on your campus with the Ecosystem Mapping & Strategic Planning process, as well as the Social Entrepreneurship Education Resource Handbook Sign up for our informational webinars and learn more at www.ashokau.org. • Ashoka is in the unique position to share both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs with the academic sector. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR IN RESIDENCE The Social Entrepreneur in Residence program brings a practitionerto your campus to your spark interest, ignite action, and to serve as a powerful role model. Encouraging participation from all stakeholders within the community of educators, the Social Entrepreneur in Residence catalyzes action across the institution to create social impact. Ashoka U works with you to identify an Ashoka Fellow that • aligns with the interests of your institution, • has a vested interest in partnerships with colleges and universities; and • has an understanding of your institutional identity and culture. Cross-Campus Community Building Impact • Through the program, members of your community will: • Gain a deeper understanding of social entrepreneurship • Embrace the spirit and tactics of social entrepreneurship • Acquire a model to create social impact on campus and in their chosen career fields • Learn about how to create a comprehensive, cutting-edge social entrepreneurship education program on campus. Spotlight on Greg Van Kirk Greg Van Kirk is an Ashoka U Social Entrepreneur in Residence. Greg is Ashoka Fellow and the-co founder of The New Development Solutions Group. This includes Community Enterprise Solutions, Social Entrepreneur Corps and NDS Consulting. Greg and his team are now focused on expanding the reach of their innovative “MicroConsignment Model” globally. Greg began working in rural small business development as a Peace Corps volunteer. He has served as an economic development consultant for organizations such as USAID, Chemonics, Columbia University, Vision Spring, Soros Foundation, Church World Service, OneRoof, Fundacion Solar, FundacionParaguaya, IDB and Water4People. Greg worked in investment banking for five years before arriving in Guatemala. Two deals he led at UBS during this time won "Deal of the Year" honors from "Structured Finance International" magazine. Social Entrepreneur in Residence • “I was very inspired last week after hearing you talk and feel I have really found an avenue for my interests and talents. How can I learn more?“ • Undergraduate Student, Marquette University Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
LAUNCH RETREAT The Launch Retreatis a proven strategy to raise awareness and grow interest in social entrepreneurship and changemaking in your campus community. Students, faculty and student affairs administrators are invited to this two and a half day retreat, which brings together interactive sessions on social entrepreneurship, as well as empathy-, leadership- and team-building exercises. Each retreat is facilitated by an Ashoka U staff member and led by 2-4 Ashoka Fellows who serve as speakers and hands-on coaches for participants. Launch Retreat • Impact • Customized to your goals, a Launch Retreat engages participants with: • The key skills, attitudes and traits of social entrepreneurs and changemakers • The opportunity to identify the key issues that drive participants’ interest in social change • A deeper understanding of some key challenges facing your city, state or region • Practice in thinking and acting like a social entrepreneur: creating, evaluating, and improving ideas and solutions Cross-Campus Community Building • “Thank you for sharing your experiences with us at the retreatthis past weekend. Your investment will trickle down to many other aspiring changemakers, as my team will move forward bringing social entrepreneurship to our campus.” • - Undergraduate Student, Rollins College BEST PRACTICE WEBINAR SERIES Organized on a bi-monthly basis, the Best Practice Webinarsare an opportunity to discuss topics relevant to social entrepreneurship – from institutional systems change to career services for aspiring social entrepreneurs – with experts in the field. • “Opportunities such as the webinar with Dr. Tom Ehrlich are critical to success and help the campus change leader share back with other faculty and administrators to get buy-in.” • - Faculty Member, Marquette University Best Practice Webinar Series Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
FACULTY INSTITUTE Curriculum Development The Faculty Institute is a two day working session that engages your faculty members with Ashoka U’s Faculty in Residence, an experienced professor of Social Entrepreneurship. Participants in the Faculty Institute gain the knowledge, tools and coaching to develop a new course, improve an existing course, or integrate a social entrepreneurship module into any number of courses across the disciplines. Faculty Institute Impact • Customized to your institution’s ideals and resources, the Faculty Institute: • Cultivates faculty engagement around social entrepreneurship • Creates campus champions for social entrepreneurship across the curriculum • Shares lessons learned and novel solutions for shared educational problems • Develops enriching course material for the community of educators Joining the Faculty in Residence is a seasoned Ashoka U Partnership Manager who can share insights, strategies, best practices and challenges for curriculum change from Changemaker Campuses and other partners. Ashoka U provides twenty copies of the Curriculum and Teaching Resource Guide for Faculty Institute participants. “The faculty institute was one of the greatest learning experiences I have had in my 20+ years of teaching. Sessions helped me to see how I can incorporate teachings in social innovation and entrepreneurship into my classes. The Ashoka U Curriculum Guide is a wonderful resource. As a matter of fact I have found a syllabus in the materials that I am very interested in adapting to courses I teach.” - Faculty Member, Marquette University • Ashoka is in the unique position to share examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs with the academic sector both . Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
CURRICULUM AND TEACHING RESOURCE GUIDE Curriculum Development • Looking for a resource to help improve current courses on social entrepreneurship, develop new ones, and identify how your institution can make its own unique contribution • to social entrepreneurship education? • The Curriculum and Teaching Resource Guideincludes: • Ten exemplary social entrepreneurship course syllabi • Promising approaches to curriculum and teaching • Areas that require improvement and further development • Commentaryand advice from leaders in the field • Opportunities for innovation in curriculum and SE education • This guide is for: • Faculty, administrators, and academic leaders seeking to • Gain national landscape-level insight into SE curriculum and teaching • Develop comprehensive, holistic academic programs, including minors and certificates • Build new courses or course modules or improve existing courses • Integrate social entrepreneurship concepts into existing courses across disciplines • Understand and get ideas from how peers are teaching SE "I adopted a syllabus from the curriculum guide that was taught at Cornell which best matched the approach I wanted to take with my class. I contacted the professor and she gave full consent for me to adapt components of her material to my class. In exchange, I am sharing with her my best practices for how to integrate technology in a blended class (face-to-face and use of virtual information and communication technologies). I love the Ashoka U network and this book has been very helpful in preparing me to teach social entrepreneurship for the first time this semester. Further, I appreciate the awesome support and network of people I've had the chance to meet!" - Faculty Member, Pepperdine University Curriculum Guide Curriculum Development Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
ECOSYSTEM MAPPING & STRATEGIC PLANNING The Ecosystem Mapping & Strategic Planning process takes inventory of the institution’s social entrepreneurship education landscape and surveys the campus community. Ashoka U produces a customized report that analyzes stakeholder alignment and recommends high-impact areas for future program development. During a one-day campus visit, Ashoka U presents the survey findings and facilitates community dialogues and strategic planning sessions. The Ecosystem Mapping & Strategic Planning process helps to build current activities into a more cohesive cross-campus whole and offers strategic direction for future program development. Institutional Planning Ecosystem Mapping& Strategic Planning • "Great survey, I'd like to see us do this again and use this as a model for other assessments of this nature." • - Senior Administrator, Duke University Impact Targeted to your institution’s strategic goals, needs, and current programs, the process will: • Engage the campus community with social entrepreneurship • Present a clear sense of your institution’s current social entrepreneurship education landscape • Reveal and address campus stakeholder perceptions via survey findings and facilitated dialogue • Highlight strengths of your social entrepreneurship activities to promote institutional buy-in • Reveal high-impact and community-priority areas for action and further program development • Develop a clear vision, tangible goals, campus commitment, and concrete next steps for strengthening and growing your institution’s social entrepreneurship education program Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION RESOURCE HANDBOOK Institutional Planning The Social Entrepreneurship Education Resource Handbook 2011 version is for colleges and universities engaged in teaching, research and applied learning in social entrepreneurship. Developed by Ashoka U and Debbi Brock, the fifth edition provides a comprehensive look at social entrepreneurship education. The Handbook includes enhanced features to help navigate recent developments in the field including innovative course models. Ashoka U’s Elements of Excellence offer a road map for building a best in class social entrepreneurship education program and summary grids of comprehensive listings. The count of new majors, minors and programs in social entrepreneurship from around the world has exceeded 75 different colleges and universities, 40% of which are outside the United States. In the 2011 version of the Handbook, we documented a 240% increase in centers or programs to 48, from 2008. Graduate schools now offer 17 masters level offerings, with the abundance in Europe. The Handbook will be an effective tool for advancing social entrepreneurship for your students, on your campus, and for the local community. The Handbook, originally designed for faculty members interested in teaching social entrepreneurship, was revised to include uses and applications for administrators eager to advance social entrepreneurship at their colleges and universities, students interested in launching their own social ventures and plugging into relevant resources, and practitioners of social entrepreneurship with an interest in higher education programs. Social Entrepreneurship Education Resource Handbook Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
YOUTH VENTURE • CHANGEMAKER CHALLENGE • Following a call to action across the student community, the Be a Changemaker Challenge creates an environment of social venture creation with the aid of a user-driven online learning platform. The Challenge provides substantial seed funding per venture team and ongoing post-launch support. Students will learn how to approach the design and launch of their own social ventures. A Youth Venture facilitator structures the workshops to fit the institution’s needs and presents select workshops to students during an intensive one-day bootcamp or over the course of a semester-long challenge. • Impact • With Youth Venture “Be a Changemaker,” your college or university will: • Identify a cohort of self-driven, socially-minded students to further engage in existing on-campus initiatives and programs • Increase student demand for social entrepreneurship programming • Strengthen existing campus social entrepreneurship initiatives • Build a reputation as an institution from which companies and organizations that value innovative problem-solvers will want to recruit Student Engagement Youth Venture Bootcamp Youth Venture Be A Changemaker Challenge • "In my experience over the past decades, college students are hungry to be part of something larger than themselves, to engage in meaningful work that they believe can make a difference in the lives of those around them and, in the process, in their own lives. Ashoka offers this opportunity through social entrepreneurship. Ashoka is enabling students to participate in improving their campuses and the communities that surround them.“ • - Tom Ehrlich, Stanford School of Education Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
THE ASHOKA U EXCHANGE • Bringing together a vetted group of over 300 leaders in social entrepreneurship education, the Ashoka U Exchange is the place for the social entrepreneurship education community to showcase the best innovations in campus-wide change efforts. A TEDxAshokaU event precedes the Exchange, whichfeatures social innovation skill-building workshops, and networking sessions. Leading innovations in social entrepreneurship education are recognized at the Ashoka U Campus Innovation Awards. • Impact • Students, administrators, and faculty attending the annual Ashoka U Exchange: • Push disciplinary boundaries and promote interdisciplinary connections • Boost research agendas • Enhance educational returns both in and out of the classroom • Create new career paths and employer connections • Develop partnerships between campuses and with leading social entrepreneurs ASHOKA U INNOVATION AWARDS Curriculum Development • By searching for and selecting some of • the most innovative educational • approaches, Ashoka U seeks to elevate • the quality of the growing academic field of • social entrepreneurship, while recognizing ambitious • educators who are developing new and globally relevant • teaching and learning practices to prepare and support the next generation of changemakers and social entrepreneurs. • Ashoka U awards innovations within the Six Elements • of Excellence in Social Entrepreneurship education: • Teaching and Curriculum, Research, Applied • Learning and Apprenticeship, Role Models, • Resources, and Community and Culture. Community Building Institutional Planning Ashoka U Exchange Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.
THE CHANGEMAKER CAMPUS INITIATIVE Changemaker Campus Community Building • Launched in September 2008, the Changemaker Campus Initiative is a unique partnership opportunity between Ashoka and students, faculty, staff and administrators. Together with our partners, we aim to co-create a vision and plan of action to improve teaching, research and engagement opportunities in social entrepreneurship – both on campus and in the local and global communities in which we work. Throughout the partnership, Ashoka U acts as a facilitator to build social entrepreneurship education and create innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems, bringing together resources, experts, practitioners, and partners who are committed to working with today’s pioneering colleges and universities. Institutional Planning Curriculum Development The Changemaker Campus consortium is a learning community for leaders in social entrepreneurship education. We are looking for colleges and universities that are ready for institutional change and we seek campus leaders that have an entrepreneurial edge: champions for social entrepreneurship who are opportunistic, innovative, and strive for systemic change at their institution. “Hands down, it’s worth the investment.” - Faculty Member, University of Maryland -College Park “Being part of Changemaker Campus has definitely accelerated our progress.” - Faculty Member, Arizona State University Ashoka is in the unique position to share with the academic sector both examples of systems-changing solutions and experience nurturing social entrepreneurs. Ashoka’s unparalleled network and field knowledge of social entrepreneurship provides the platform for a diversity of partnerships with colleges and universities.