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Regional Internationalization: a look at our borders. Deise Baumgratz, UNILA – Federal University of Latin-America integration Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana. Introduction. What and why to internationalize? The reality of the frontier universities;
Regional Internationalization: a lookat our borders • Deise Baumgratz, UNILA – Federal University of Latin-America integration • Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana
Introduction • What and why to internationalize? • The reality of the frontier universities; • The paper and potential of university at the frontier;
INTERNATIONALIZATION • What and Why? • Rankings, profit , mobility, quality? • Ante la complejidad de los desafíos mundiales, presentes y futuros, la educación superior tiene la responsabilidad social de hacer avanzar nuestra comprensión de problemas polifacéticos con dimensiones sociales, económicas, científicas y culturales, así como nuestra capacidad de hacerles frente (UNESCO, 2009, p. 2). • Transformation power of the university;
Therefore, education, and especially higher education, becomes a strategy to build alternative ways, capable of answering to complex demands that constitute the reality of our territory. ______________________________________
In Brazil we have 15.719km of frontiers, in 11 states. About 30% of Brazilian national territory (MEC, 2018). __________________________________
Thankto • Cristiane Dutra Struckes; • Daniele Salles • Livia Brito Barbosa; • Karine Bandeira
Research • Mapped the public institutions within 150km of the frontier; • Total of 88 institutions (14 are mains campus); • Questionnaire to know the reality and problems of this institutions; • 22 answers.
Results – Courses and number of students During the research, we identified approximately 650 undergraduate courses on the mapped universities, from the total 56% are located on the South region, 28% on the North region and 16% on the Centre; The fact of the majority of the courses are located on the South is related to the urbanization of the frontier;
Theinstitution has research projects with impact on the cities across the frontier?
The institution has extension projects with impact on the cities across the frontier?
The institution has cooperation actions with the frontier countries?
Reflexions • Problems and potential of the frontier regions; • How can we internationalize regionally?; • The paper of institution; • REDE UNIFRONTEIRAS;
THANK YOU GRACIAS OBRIGADA deise.baumgratz@unila.edu.br