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Explore the dialectic of paradoxes and identity through communication across cultures, questioning values and advancing global understanding. Delve into ethical responsibility in technology consumption, bridging gaps between societies, and nurturing universal values for a harmonious world. Discover how to shift from tradition to modernity, and from faith to choice for societal progression. Examine critical thinking in religious studies and promoting equality for empowering women. Embrace confrontation of values for managing change and fostering a culture of acceptance and growth.
Communication across Borders The Dialectic of Paradoxes and Questions of Identity, Culture, and Communication
Mohammad Essawi (Ph.D) Al Qasemi Academy College of Education Baqa Al Qarbia
Technological Advancements Paradoxical Reality Crossing borders Highlighting the gaps Crossing borders amongst cultures while highlighting value contradictions and therefore cultural borders again
False National Aesthetic Private Consumptive Imitative True International Functional Public Productive Real Ambivalence Questions of Identity, Existence, Time, Destiny, and Communication
The Vision of the era of Technology? A shared cultural heritage and quality of life Or 1st World, 3rd World Clashes
Meeting the needs of an Advanced Society: Communication, Business, Industry and Leisure Or Controlling the Unaware Massive Market of the Consuming Countries by Creating False Needs?
Only 15% of the world’s population controls 85% of the world’s resources: Q: Are those who consume and those who produce the technology ethically responsible? Q: Is there advancement from false needs towards authentic humane cultural change? Q: Are technological spaces platform for spreading knowledge or platforms for political and economic hegemonies?
Q: Can those looking for the food afford to raise the emblems of human rights? Q: Do those looking for the food have the tools to use technology for human development?
The illusion of a Global Village The digital gap Conflicts of Values amongst Cultures
Quality of Life the 80's Human rights the 50's Economic security Materialistic Life 2nd World War Physical security
Physical security the 80's Materialistic Life Economic security the 50's 2nd World War Human rights Quality of Life
Home and community Values Innovation Women's status Exposure Relating to others Collective (tribal) culture Individual culture Freedom of choice Accessibility to knowledge Human rights Freedom Equality Patriotic Values Universal values (human rights, freedom, civil dialogue)
Why do we need to move from A to B? How can we move fromA toB? A A reality of paradoxes and gaps Processes of reducing gaps in resources and approaching a core of universal values B What do we need to make the change? Who is responsible for enabling the movement to happen?
Why do we need to move from A to B? Terrorism in the name of God - Wars in the name of democracy Are these enough to provide answers to the questions above? The immunity and peace of all societies in the world depends on reducing gaps between cultures and minimizing frustration on collective and individual levels.
In Developing Societies How do we move: -From faith to choice? -From consuming to producing? a -From dogmatism to multi-dimensional thought? -From tradition to modernity?
In Advanced Societies How do we move from patronism to symmetric relation with the other? From controlling resources to being ethically responsible for the other’s humane development
Universal leadership Leadership Local leadership
3 Ns: Envision Energize Enable
Strategy: HRD Unless the human resources development of developing societies take place, gaps among cultures will not be reduced and therefore the immunity of the international community will not be achieved Freedom Human Rights Knowledge Empowering women
Strategy: Education and the Study of Religions and Humanities Educational systems, particularly in the humanities, that are guided by the principles of human rights. Religious studies that are based on critical thinking, comparison with other cultures, questioning, critical thinking and awareness of difference
The Concept of Confrontation of Values for Managing the Change Crisis Personal, local, national, universal Confrontation of values Energies (objection, anger, denial) Supporting environment equilibrium inequilibrium New set of values Staff members as agents of change
Basic Assumptions (Schein, 1985) Changing Environment Values Trunk Norms Behavior, Symbols and Artifacts Internal Environment of cultural values Base Culture/Values
Processes of change are usually situations of crisis that raise resistance. The leadership must have the tools and built in mechanism to manage crisis and the resistance and channels to released energies. When success starts to show, those who resisted join the success and aspire to the quality of life that it provides Managing Resistance
A religious Jewish lecturer wearing a skull cap teaching in an Islamic college. The first day he hides his cap. Towards the middle of the year, he receives a kosher present at Passover from the Moslem young women he teaches. Music lessons in the college started few years ago some hundreds of meters from the college—the voice of women shouldn’t be allowed to be heard. Some years later, the same group of female students chant in front of families and community in the graduation ceremony.
The problematics of ‘accepting the different’. Is accepting the difference of a shepherd living in poverty, married to four wives and having ten children, though plays the flute happily, ethically responsible? Accepting the different! Enough?
Can those living in poverty be symmetric partners in true dialogue between cultures? Symmetric Dialogue Minimizing gaps between cultures is the precondition for effective dialogue.
Dialogue forums must be platforms for projects of human resource development in the developing societies and developing ethical responsibility towards the other in the advanced societies.
Win--Win Situation The immunity of the advanced societies depends on how developed the resources of the developing societies and how minimal the gaps between the two cultures could be.
Online learning-Advanced Learning Environments2.wmv
Technology has a double and contradictory function; on the one hand, it functions as tool for development and advancement; on the other hand, it could be tool for destruction. Where are the limits? Where are the ethical judgments in the development and use of technology? Does the human being bend the technology for the good of humanity? Or does the human being lose the dimension of wisdom and dimension of ethics at the era of technology? How can we manage the cultural shock that technology invites into our lives in particular in a developing Moslem society? A milliard and quarter are already connected by a virtual world; the rest are outside the net. The technological advancement does not necessarily reflect ethical judgments. The economic hegemonies distract us from our real needs—the world's population with no bread and a roof. We will always need the man/woman of ethics.