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The Norwegian ATLAS - HEPP project RECFA Meeting, Norway Oslo 15 May 2009. Farid Ould-Saada, University of Oslo HEPP Project leader and leader of NorduGrid-related Grid projects On behalf of many colleagues. Outline: Previous particle physics projects: reminder
The Norwegian ATLAS - HEPP project RECFA Meeting, NorwayOslo 15 May 2009 Farid Ould-Saada, University of Oslo HEPP Project leader and leader of NorduGrid-related Grid projects On behalf of many colleagues
Outline: Previous particle physics projects: reminder The High Energy Particle Physics (HEPP) Project Financial situation, very briefly The ATLAS HEPP team Some achievements, highlighted Conclusions and Outlook
Summary • Great progress on the construction, installation, and commissioning of the ATLAS detector, as well as on the preparation for the data collection, distributed analysis and physics • We are ready to tackle the LHC era • and really look forward to the first 100 pb-1
Previous Particle Physics Projects in Norway • Period 1998 - 2005 • Elementary Particle Physics Analysis (PL: Lars Bugge) • ATLAS @ LHC (including Grid from 2002) • BaBar @ SLAC • Delphi @ LEP • HERA-B @ HERA (until 2003) • WA102 @ SPS (until 2001) • Theory: (from 2000) • ATLAS instrumentation (PL: Bjarne Stugu)
Current High Energy Particle Physics Project • Period 2006 – 2011 • A strategy document for CERN-related research covering the period 2006 to 2011 was presented to the Norwegian Research Council in 2003 Strategy document 2006-2011 • High Energy Nuclear Physics (PL: Dieter Rörich) see presentation • New instrumentation (PL: Steinar Stapnes) see presentation • High Energy Particle Physics – HEPP project (PL: Farid Ould-Saada) http://koherens.uio.no/hep/hepp/ • “CERN-Related High Energy Particle Physics Research Programme in Norway: Resource Application 2006-2011”, Farid Ould-Saada et al., 2005 http://www.fys.uio.no/~farido/HEPP06-11/HEPP06-11.html
The Norwegian High Energy Particle Physics Project 2006-11 http://koherens.uio.no/hep/hepp/
HEPP in 2006-2009 • ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) • Main Activity within the HEPP project this presentation • High Energy Particle Physics Theory see presentation • BABAR experiment at the SLAC B-factory • Still some publications from DELPHI and HeraB
Due to various delays (late start of LHC, ...) all post-docs were hired late both personnel and running costs affected (fewer people to travel). budget related to travel and presence at CERN affected (no shifts before 2009). Budget re-ajusted but More or less according to plans Financial situation
HEPP/ATLAS Project members
Permanent Staff - ATLAS 2 professors retired in 2008 + Lars bugge 50% + involved in other activities = Crisis in Oslo experimental group Need at list 2 permanent positions!
ATLAS + Grid Post-doctoral positions • HEPP project plan foresees 3 Postdocs positions for the period 2010-2011 • Clear increase in # post-docs financed by the research council. Use to be 1-2 before 2005!!! • Substantial contribution from Grid projects Synergy HEPP- Grid
ATLAS + Grid PhD Students: Current reporting period (RP) 08-09 • Finished during RP • Ongoing • Started during RP • This is a good news! • Clear increase in # PhD’s. Used to be ~2-3 before!!! • Still improvement needed • Contribution from Grid projects Synergy HEPP-Grid
ATLAS Master Students: Current reporting period (RP) 08-09 • Finished during RP • Ongoing • Started during RP • Good news: most of the finishing master students were offered a PhD grant: gRB’! • Question: Who will continue attracting students, motivate them and supervise them? • hence ensuring “sustainability” In other words ...
Like in 2005 …We are still really worried that we can't keep even our bright students ... 2006 Status I. Ofte SLAC; O. Øye company; B. Mohn ? Furgan, Sether R. Nyøbø (master) Petroleum ; H. Nilsen (master) Freiburg; …. Liverpol Industry Bern Overloaded 50% 50% 2009 Status! 0% (0%) Overloaded Glasgow Kiev Bern Cern Freiburg Industry Industry ...... Stockholm Slovenia Freiburg Back as Postdocs: Yuriy Oslo and Heidi Bergen
Ph.D (2 ATLAS) 1. Ole Kristoffer Øye, “Preparing the ATLAS experiment SemiConductor Tracker commissioning and simulation studies of SUSY models”; Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bergen, January 2007. 2. Bjarte A. Mohn, ”Charged Higgs boson searches and SemiConductor Tracker commissioning for the ATLAS experiment”; Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bergen, June 2007. 3. Ingrid Ofte, "Search for the rare decay B p l+ l- in the BaBar experiment"”; Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bergen, December 2006. 4. Are R. Raklev, ”Supersymmetric Cascade Decays at the LHC”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bergen, June 2007. Master(2 ATLAS) 5. Mustafa Hussain, “Simulation of a search for the narrow resonance at the LHC”, Master thesis, University of Oslo, May 2006. 6. Mohammad Furgan, “A full simulation study of electrons and pions in ATLAS, comparison with ATLFAST and e - π separation”; Master thesis, University of Bergen, November 2006. 7. Lars Leganger, “Heavy Meson Decays Governed by the b c q Quark Process”, Master Thesis, University of Oslo, June 2006. 8. Kjetil Follesø, “Study of B± → J/ψK±π+π− decays with BaBar”; Master thesis, University of Bergen, November 2006. PhD and Master Theses 2006-2007
10 Master (9 Atlas) and 3 PhD (2 Atlas) theses delivered in 2008-09 ATLAS: Trygve Buanes, “Studies of the decay B → µ+ µ- in the ATLAS experiment and saturation curves of silicon photomultipliers”, PhD thesis, UiB, November 2008 ATLAS: Esben Lund, “Simultaneous Track and Error Propagation in Continuos Material”, PhD thesis, UiO, Aril 2009 Theory: Abdul Wahab El Kaffas, “Constraining the Two Higgs Doublet Model with CP Violation”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bergen, September 2008. Liang Sun, “The measurements on the branching fractions and asymmetries of B→Kℓ+ℓ- and B→K*ℓ+ℓ- decays”, PhD thesis, UiB, November 2008 M. Pedersen, "Supersymmetry - A study of the supersymmetric opposite sign di-lepton channel", Master Thesis, University of Oslo, June 2008 Eirik Gramstad, "Search for the lightest MSSM Higgs boson in cascades of supersymmetric particles in ATLAS"; Master thesis, University of Oslo, June 2008. H. Gjersdal, "Invariant mass determination using the output from a specialized electron track reconstruction alorithm"; Master thesis, University of Oslo, August 2008. Oyvind Saetre, “Construction and first data from Cosmic Muon Telescope" Master Thesis: 15 December 2007. Therese Sjursen, "Search for SUSY signals with tau-leptons in ATLAS detector". master thesis, February 2008 Konstantinos Alex B. Kastanas, "Determination of invariant mass end-points in the mSUGRA coannihilation region" master thesis, July 2008. Maren Ugland, "Measurement of the Bs mass in Bs ->J/psi phi -> mu+ mu- K+ K- and physics validation with J/psi events in ATLAS", master thesis, August 2008 Hilde Kristin Skjerdal,”A study of possible signatures for slow, heavily ionising particle in ATLAS”, master thesis, August 2008. Lillian Smestad, ”Preparing for an Unbiased Study of the H→γγ Background with the ATLAS Experiment at LHC”, master thesis, UiO, December 2008 Mahdi Poormohammadi, “Dark Scalar in the Higgs Sector”, Master Thesis, University of Bergen, August 2008.
Another problem that Heart us and many others
Main Project Activities and milestones • Due to technical problems during the installation and commissioning of some superconducting magnets of the accelerator • the start-up of LHC had to be delayed from November, 2007 to mid-2008. • Several of the milestones related to the main activities described in the HEPP application document will thus be shifted, • typically by six months. Status: 2005 2007 2006/Q1 2008/Q2 2007/Q4 2008/Q2 2007/Q4 2011/Q4 2006/Q1 2008/Q2 2006/Q1 2008/Q2 2007/Q2 2008/Q2 2008/Q3 2009/Q4 2010/Q1 2011/Q4 Installation and Commission of Semi-Conductor T (SCT) 2006/Q1 2007/Q2 Commissioning of ATLAS 2006/Q4 2007/Q4 Operation of ATLAS, including SCT 2006/Q4 2011/Q4 Software develop., simul., analysis preparation 2006/Q1 2007/Q4 Computing infrastructure, data/service challenge 2006/Q1 2007/Q4 Data-taking with cosmic rays, analysis 2006/Q4 2007/Q2 Data-taking at Low luminosity, Phys. analysis 2007/Q3 2009/Q4 Data-taking at High luminosity, Phys. analysis 2010/Q1 2011/Q4 Due to the September 2008 incident, important milestones will be further shifted … However progress has been made and some important milestones have been reached
For more details about achievements • Presentations at the Evaluation of CERN-related research 2009 http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=52575 , especially • Maiken Pedersen: Physics with ATLAS - An express journey • ArshakTonoyan: ATLAS commissioning, data preparation and software development • Katarina Pajchel: ATLAS Computing, Grid and distributed analysis • BørgeKileGjelsten: ATLAS physics in next period • Presentations at the Evaluation of CERN-related research 2007 http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=22261, especially • YuriyPylypchenko: ATLAS Detector Commissioning • Are Strandlie: Detector-related Software development • EirikGramstad: Supersymmetry and Higgs • Therese Sjursen: Physics with taus and top quarks in ATLAS • TrygveBuanes: B physics at LHC and related
Contributions to ATLAS Detector & Computing Infrastructure
One of the Norwegian contributions to the ATLAS “Semi Conductor Tracker” (SCT): Oslo, Bergen and Uppsala built 320 silicon modules ~ 15% of Atlas needs.
In 2006, the HEPP project's goal to build, install and test parts of the ATLAS SCT detector was reached Both barrel and end-cap integrated into the TRT (transition radiation tracker) on the surface and tested with cosmic rays The performance of the complete system, (tested for noise performance and cross-talk, efficiency, tracking and alignment), is very good Project members took part in Milestone cosmic ray tests and are heavily involved in commissioning. Impressive contribution of students to commissioning and shifts
ATLAS Cryogenics • Construction ofcryogenicstanks for ATLAS (NTNU, UiO, Industry) • aresuccessfullycompleted • The liquid nitrogen and liquid argon vessels have all been installed and routinely used in the successful tests of the barrel superconducting toroïd magnet system which was tested at full current at the end of 2006.
F. Ould-Saada Computing Grid infrastructure • The Nordic Data Grid Facility (NDGF) Tier 1 reached full operation in 2008. Seen as One site from CERN!
NDGF ARC-based (only) distributed Tier-1 the most effective of all Tier-1 clouds of ATLAS Physics distributed analysis already possible Synergy HEPP-Grid A complete Grid environment for research • Efficient utilization of computing resources Alex Read’s presentation
Now that the detector And computing infrstructure are ready
CB Publication Committee, Speaker Committee ATLAS management: SP, Deputy SP, RC, TC Collaboration Management, experiment execution, strategy, publications, resources, upgrades, etc. TMB Executive Board Detector Operation (Run Coordinator) Detector operation during data taking, online data quality, … Trigger (Trigger Coordinator) Trigger data quality, performance, menu tables, new triggers, .. Computing (Computing Coordinator) SW infrastructure, GRID, data distribution, … Data Preparation (Data Preparation Coordinator) Offline data quality, first reconstruction of physics objects, calibration, alignment (e.g. with Zll data) Physics (Physics Coordinator) optimization of algorithms for physics objects, physics channels (Sub)-systems: Responsible for operation and calibration of their sub-detector and for sub-system specific software … Among 5 ATLAS areas, one area is not covered by Norwegian HEPP members
Contributions to ATLAS detector Operation & Data preparation & computing
Study of tracking and detector performance • Environmental monitoring of the ATLAS ID volumes • Semi Conductor Tracking (SCT) raw-data monitoring • Inner Detector (ID) global monitor • ID related cosmic data analysis
Study of tracking and detector performance • STEP Simultaneous track & error propagation software • Tau Event Data Model • Magnetic field maps • Detector material and muon reconstruction validation
Contribution to detector operation and look at first data through shifts • ID, SCT, Data quality and computing related as well as Expert shifts Contribution to several Grid computing milestones distributed data production, distributed data management and distributed physics analysis
F. Ould-Saada The Challenge is not data production and distribution …It is Distributed Analysis http://www.fys.uio.no/epf/gridposter/ Distributed analysis on ARC-enabled resources And Ganga developer days Oslo, February 11-12 2009
Worldwide Distributed Analysis…ARC “Ready for LHC Data” • Full Dress Rehearsal data on NorduGrid • Di-muon invariant mass distribution • Cosmic Ray Milestone M4 (M5, M6) • Real data (left) • Corresponding simulation (right)
Contributions to preparation for physics analysis
B-meson decay W,Z, top
From 2007 HEPP evaluation 7 got a PhD grant in 2008 – 2009
HEPP members are ready to tackle the LHC era Impressive contributions from students and others to the whole ATLAS “chain” Experimentalists hand in hand with theoreticians Common colloquia and workshops around LHC “Sharing” of students Good synergy HEPP-Grid Towards efficient distributed physics analysis Huge activity in outreach Good news: more PhD students and more Post-docs Several master students started PhD Let’s hope it is not a statistical fluctuation ... Worrisome: Leaving senior physicists often not replaced ... Experimental particle physics (ATLAS): Currently 2 active professors in Oslo and 3 in Bergen Administrative help urgently needed ... We are still very motivated but are having hard time! Conclusions and Outlook http://koherens.uio.no/hep/hep-coll/