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Developed asthma from your job?

Occupational asthma develops when the body becomes over-sensitised to a substance or material in the workplace. We all have a certain in-built level of resistance to such sensitising agents but when this is exceeded, symptoms will start to appear. If you have developed asthma from your job, you are legally entitled to claim for compensation.

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Developed asthma from your job?

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  1. R E Q U E S T A C A L L B A C K C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M » ABOUT TYPES OF CLAIMS NO WIN NO FEE COMPENSATION CALCULATOR FAQS NEWS CONTACT D E V E L O P E D A S T H M A F R O M Y O U R J O B ? Occupational asthma develops when the body becomes over-sensitised to a substance or material in the workplace. We all have a certain in-built level of resistance to such sensitising agents but when this is exceeded, symptoms will start to appear. If you have developed asthma from your job, you are legally entitled to claim for compensation. Have you been injured in the last 3 years? Did you seek any treatment for your injuries? Was the incident reported to someone? Answered "YES" to these then you could claim O C C U P A T I O N A L A S T H M A I N D U S T R I A L D I S E A S E C L A I M S H O W M U C H I S M YC L A I M W O R T H ? Asbestosis Asthma has been on the increase in the UK for many years now, and can be an extremely serious and worrying condition to live with. Many people do not know why they suffer from it, but what if you discover that you have asthma as a direct result of your job? Asbestosis & mesothelioma claims S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M Carpel Tunnel Syndrome N O W Contact Dermatitis Your name You are likely to feel upset and let down by your employer and probably worried about your ability to continue in the job role you are currently in, as a result of your condition. Industrial Deafness Mesothelioma Occupational Asthma Your email We do understand how upsetting this must be for you, but we can help you to start to come to terms with your condition by making a claim for compensation. Repetitive Strain Injury Vibration White Finger Your number W H A T I S O C C U P A T I O N A L A S T H M A ? How can we help? This condition is caused by breathing in a substance at work which causes a reaction in your lungs. The substance is known as a sensitiser. Once of the biggest problems with occupational asthma is that your condition can develop over a long period of time, and you may not notice that it is linked to being at work. {"type":"headsupcheck","url":"http:/ /www.lightstalking.com/restore- your-photos/"} Please enter these letters You can look out for certain indicators though, such as whether your symptoms seem much worse during the working week or at night after you have been at work all day. Claim Now W H A T C A U S E S O C C U P A T I O N A L A S T H M A ? Once you inhale a sensitiser, you are likely to react with the same symptoms you would with normal asthma. Continual exposure to sensitisers will mean that your condition may well become serious and possibly life threatening. M I L D A S T H M A U P T O £ 4 , 0 0 0 The sort of substances which may cause occupational asthma are: C H R O N I C A S T H M A U P T O £ 3 0 , 0 0 0 Chemicals used in spray paint, or adhesives for example Dust from flour or grain Dust from wood Dust from animals Dust from latex rubber I would highly recommend Shires Law to any person that has an accident/injury. Colophony which is a substance found in solder, glue and floor cleaner If you have been diagnosed with occupational asthma, your employer should investigate swapping the sensitiser for a different product to stop you reacting. If this is not possible, you may need to use breathing equipment. Mr C If your condition is mild and is treated successfully by your GP within a few months, you might get around £4,000 in compensation. However, if your condition needs an inhaler and affects your employment chances, there is a chance you may get LATEST NEWS converted by Web2PDFConvert.com

  2. £30,000. WHAT EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED TO GATHER FOR A BEAUTY TREATMENT INJURY CLAIM? YOUR ESSENTIAL GUIDE If you have inhaled harmful vapours and this has resulted in mild asthma symptoms you may get between £7,000 and £14,000 in compensation. All kinds of beauty treatments are very common and readily available nowadays. From waxing to facial peeling to hair dyeing,… H O W C A N S H I R E S L A W H E L P M E ? We know how much your condition will have impacted on your life and that you will now have to cope with this condition permanently, but we can help you to claim compensation from your employer. READ FULL ARTICLE » AN IMPORTANT OVERVIEW ON CLAIMING COMPENSATION FOR A BURN INJURY – WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT You shouldn’t be concerned about making a claim against your employer, even if you are still working there. They are not able to treat you any differently as a result and it is your right to receive compensation after your diagnosis. First of all, remember this: you deserve compensation for your burn injury, especially if you can prove that it came… Our law firm is small and friendly and we want to offer you a personal but professional service which you won’t get with other bigger firms. We don’t employ claims handlers at all and you will only be dealing with a qualified solicitor to run your claim for you. READ FULL ARTICLE » We want to get the chance to meet you in person as we feel it is important to do this to better understand how your condition has really affected you and so that you can have the chance to meet us and feel comfortable with us representing you. We offer you a free initial consultation so we can do this. HAVE YOU SUFFERED FROM A BURN INJURY WHILST AT WORK? WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW TO HELP YOUR CLAIM Have You Suffered from a Burn Injury whilst at Work? What You should Know to Help Your Claim Everyone knows… Funding for personal injury claims has recently changed and as a result we are unable to recover all of your legal costs from the other side, but please don’t let this put you off from making a claim. We can get most of the costs back and we won’t expect you to pay anything until your claim is settled. READ FULL ARTICLE » If you want a friendly law firm to represent you who will give you a personal, yet professional service, contact us today. C O N T A C T U S T O D A Y You can call us on 0800 285 1266 to arrange your free consultation or to have a chat about your claim, we’d be delighted to help you. If you would prefer to contact us online, you can complete our Free Online Enquiry Form and we’ll be in touch shortly. Regulated and authorised by the SRA number 556074. S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M T O D A Y » C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 Shires Law is a trading name of Shires Law LLP, a limited liability partnership. The case study referred to (above) is a real case, but the image does not show the actual individual involved and their name has been changed [for the purposes of confidentiality]. converted by Web2PDFConvert.com

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