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Device for evaluation of illumination level of working places equipped with PC “Luxon”

NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE “KPI” INSTRUMENT MAKING FACULTY OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES DEPARTMENT. Device for evaluation of illumination level of working places equipped with PC “Luxon”. Supervised by : Borovitskyi V . N . Kondratenko D . U . deka@email.ua.

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Device for evaluation of illumination level of working places equipped with PC “Luxon”

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  1. NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF UKRAINE “KPI” INSTRUMENT MAKING FACULTY OPTICAL AND OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES DEPARTMENT Device forevaluation ofilluminationlevel of working placesequipped with PC“Luxon” Supervised by: BorovitskyiV.N. KondratenkoD.U. deka@email.ua • Project by: • PodolyanD.A. • PivtorakV.V.

  2. General description The main function of Luxon is measuring the level of illumination of working places that have computer displays, which bring out light signal information about belonging of the illumination level to given limits. "Люксон"

  3. Circuit diagram A photo resistor was used as a sensing element, that responded to illumination. It’s spectral sensitivity diagram is maximally close to the human eye one, The photo resistor is placed in the circuit diagram as a potential divider. The signal from the divider passes on to the input of the ADS of the microcontroller. After that the signal is being threshold according to the program. One or few LEDs turn on, depending on the level of illumination. "Люксон"

  4. Calculations The illumination characteristics of the photo resistor were measured for calculations of the power dividing elements by means of a light meter and a digital tester. "Люксон"

  5. Calculations The luminous characteristic of the photo resistor is nonlinear. This was kept in mind, when the thresholds were getting set and the device was tuned. "Люксон"

  6. Software "Люксон"

  7. Developing process... The device development began with getting radio elements. This helped to make a decision on what size should the device have. A screwdriver case was decided to use as a device shell because of it’s appropriate size. "Люксон"

  8. Developing process... A two sided circuit board was bought then. "Люксон"

  9. Developing process... Later development was held on the computer in “Kompas” . The positioning of the outer elements and the sizes of the support for the photo resistor were chosen. After this all the necessary openings were cut out in the board. The details were installed. "Люксон"

  10. Developing process... The final settings and tests were made. "Люксон"

  11. Developing process... A cover for the device was developed for better appearance. "Люксон"

  12. Results "Люксон"

  13. Demonstration When the illumination level is normal (from 300 to 500 lux) A green LED is on. "Люксон"

  14. Demonstration When the illumination level is low (less than 200 lux) a blue LED turns on, when it is high (more than 600 lux) – the red one turns on. "Люксон"

  15. Demonstration For better convenience two more ranges of illumination were added– from 200 to 300 lux (blue and green LEDs turns on) and 500 to 600 lux – green and red LEDs turn on. "Люксон"

  16. Thank you for your attention CONTACT US: National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”Optical and optoelectronic devices departmentKyiv 03056, prospektPeremogy 37http://ooep.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua/ Project developed within the limits of subject “Microprocessors and computers” http://ooep.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua/microcontrollers/ "Люксон"

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