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Limitations of ICT and future advances. 3.3.4. The aim of this presentation. You will need to be able to Explain the limitations of using ICT in society today and how advances in technology may overcome some of those limitations.
The aim of this presentation • You will need to be able to Explain the limitations of using ICT in society today and how advances in technology may overcome some of those limitations. • The text book has a list of limitations and possible future advances to address these limitations. • This presentation will look at some of those limitations and advancements.
Introduction • We already know that ICT is wicked…that why we study it! • However, we need to be realistic… • Technology is not all its cracked up to be… • By understanding the limitations of ICT we can start to develop better technology to address these problems!
Mobile Phones • I got my first mobile phone when I was in year 11… • And over the years my phones have changed a lot… • The next slide shows the phones which I remember owning…there are a few missing but I can’t remember what I had! • They will pop up in chronological order…
Mobile Phones • My first phone…the Philips C12…was a great little phone. It has a screen which allowed me to read 2 lines of a text message… • And it also let me make calls. • I think it had an alarm too! Cool huh?
Mobile Phones • The battery was ok…but there was a problem… • If you didn’t let the phone run right down on the battery, when you charged it up the battery life would get shorter and shorter! • This was a serious problem and something had to be done!
Advances in mobile phones • New types of battery technology was introduced which allowed batteries to be charged up whenever you wanted! • The batteries also charged up faster! • Also…the screens got bigger! • And you could play games…like snake! • No colour yet though…
Life in colour… • My first mobile to have a colour screen was the Sony-Ericsson T610. • Problem was…the larger, brighter and colourful screen resulted in lower battery life!
What a drain… • As the popularity of MP3s increased the type of mobile devices you could buy changed too. • My Sony-Ericsson W550i Walkman phone was cool…but again…the battery was a problem.
Snap it! • Phones became even more advanced with the addition of high mega pixel cameras. • This meant that phones needed more power and more storage space!
Smart Phones • Smart Phones are increasingly popular with their touch screen displays, WiFi and 3G connections… • But all this requires even more power!
So what is the limitation of mobile technology? • To be mobile you need to be disconnected from a power source… • And the more technology you cram into a mobile device the more power hungry it will be. • Over the years I have had phones which have had really good battery life (up to 5 days without needing a recharge)… • …to phones with poor battery life but with loads of cool features (I charge the iPhone every day now).
Thing to remember… • Its not the batteries which are worse… • The batteries are fantastic now… • Its just they have to power a lot more features meaning they are working harder!
So what does the future hold? • Better batteries that can cope with the increase in power demands? • Solar recharging mobile phones? • Kinaesthetic charging (like the watches that charge using the movements in your arm)… • Or how about wireless charging?
Wireless Charging • This is a possibility. • Scientists have discovered a way of powering devices using Resonant Induction technology… • If all buildings used this technology your devices would always be powered.
Small devices…small screens • Although smart phones have larger screens that their predecessors… • Their screens are still too small for viewing webpages and sometimes even films. • OLED technology is being developed which will allow screens to bend without distorting the image… • Perhaps this will mean we can have folding screens which we can unfold when we want to view something slightly large?
>>> Speeeeeeeeed • We can already stream media over the internet. • We do it on youtube, BBCs iPlayer and also iTunes. • However, we can’t stream full HD quality films because the UK’s infrastructure simply isn’t good enough.
>>> Speeeeeeeeed • Most broadband houses in the UK are able to get up to 2Mbps connections. • Some houses up to 8Mbps connections. • We wont be able to stream full HD films unless we improve our infrastructure so that we can get household speeds of up to 100Mbps.
Security • At the moment we need to remember our pin numbers to pay for goods in a shop. • Paying online is easier (unless you have set up the additional security check requiring you to enter in your pin number). • But wouldn’t life be easier if we could use a finger print or eye scan as a way of paying?
Biometric data • Imagine paying for your goods using your finger prints… • At the end of the shop, you press your finger onto a scanner and then you walk away… • You could theoretically do away with your cards…each finger could represent a different card!
Biometrics online • You could also pay for goods online using the same system. • You can already buy keyboards with finger print scanners on them (used to unlock your computer). • You could easily use that same keyboard to pay for your goods online.
Problem with current technology… • Fraud has been made easier because of technology. • If you know someone’s pin you can pay with their card. • If you have someone’s card you can buy something online! • Using biometric data would make stealing people’s money a lot harder… • I don’t think many shops would accept a cut off finger as a valid method of payment…so don’t even try thinking about stealing a finger!
Summary • There are lots of limitations of current technology… • There are also lots of examples of news articles that talk about current problems. • You need to research into other limitations. Most of the time, the articles will also talk about the technology which aims at addressing these limitations.
Example Questions • Explain the limitations of entertainment systems within cars and how developments in technology may overcome these limitations. • Explain the limitations of using electric cars instead of petrol powers cars and what developments in technology are needed to keep electric cars on the road.