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Shari Coffman – Technical Support August 2010

PASW Collaboration & Deployment Services (C&DS) 4 – iSeries Installation. Shari Coffman – Technical Support August 2010. Table of Contents. PASW C&DS 4 – iSeries Installation & Setup of PASW C&DS 4 – iSeries Pre-Installation Requirements Before you begin Information

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Shari Coffman – Technical Support August 2010

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  1. PASW Collaboration & Deployment Services (C&DS) 4 – iSeries Installation Shari Coffman – Technical Support August 2010

  2. Table of Contents • PASW C&DS 4 – iSeries • Installation & Setup of PASW C&DS 4 – iSeries • Pre-Installation Requirements • Before you begin Information • Installing PASW C&DS 4 – iSeries • Information on Licensing PASW C&DS 4

  3. Pre-Installation Requirements for PASW C&DS 4 • Following must be installed before installing PASW C&DS – iSeries • iSeries operating system - V5R4 and V6R1 with latest: • CUM Package • V5R4 – SF99540 • V6R1 – SF99610 • DB2 Group PTF • V5R4 – SF99504 • V6R1 – SF99601) • JAVA Group PTF • V5R4 – SF99291 • V6R1 – SF99562) • Hiper Group PTF • IBM WebSphere V6.1 and latest Group PTF’s • WebSphere Fix Pak 23 or higher

  4. Pre-Installation Requirements for PASW C&DS 4 • JAVA JDK 5.0 (1.5) • V5R4 - 5722JV1 – Option 7 • V6R1 - 5761JV1 Option 7 • I5/OS PASE – Portable Apps Solutions Environment • V5R4 - licensed program Service Pack 5722SS1 - Option 33 • V6R1 - licensed program Service Pack 5761SS1 - Option 33 • IBM Technology for JVM (J9), • V5R4 - Service Pack 5722JV1, Option 8, J2SE 5.0 32 bit • V6R1 - Service Pack 5761JV1, Option 8, J2SE 5.0 32 bit • QShell environment enabled • V5R4 - 5722SS1 - Option 30 • V6R1 - 5761SS1 - Option 30 • DB2 for IBM I running on V5R4 or V6R1

  5. Before you Begin Information • All Parameters are CASE SENSITIVE • At any time, typing \restart and pressing Enter (or Return) will return to the initial installation screen. • Invalid values entered for most of these prompts will not be caught until well into the install at which time the install will fail. Sometimes the messages in the install log will not make it entirely clear why the install failed. • It is recommended to use the same name for PASW C&DS 4 library and PASW C&DS 4 IFS directory. • The documentation for PASW C&DS 4 installation on the iSeries can be found on SPSS Technical Support Website at http://support.spss.com. • Make NOTE of ALL prompt responses to parameters entered during the install. • Press F6 to print spooler of the entire QShell session of the install which can be found in a spoolfile. • NOTE: the values selected during the install are stored in the <C&DS_install_dir>\platform\setupinfo.xml file and the log entries for the setup is found in the <C&DS_install_dir>\setup\log\setup.log file.

  6. Through out this document the following values have been used. • WebSphere instance - PES4shc • C&DS install library/directory - pasw4shc • iSeries user profile used for DB2 connection and WebSphere profile - shccds Before you Begin Information

  7. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Sign in to the iSeries 5250 session using a profile that has QSECOFR Authority. • Make sure there is NO HOME Directory on the profile, as it needs to be at the root ( / ). • Also recommended that it be a profile that DOES NOT have a password that expires. • Verify the WebSphere Instance is STARTED before starting the install of PASW C&DS 4 by doing the following: • Run the WRKACTJOB command and look for Sub-System that WebSphere was installed in. You should see your WebSphere Application Server Instance running with a status of JVAW or THDW. Default subsystem is QWAS61. • Example: Subsystem on SCOOBY is QWAS61. • As you can see PES4shc WebSphere Application Server Instance is running with a status of THDW. • wrkactjob sbs(qwas61)

  8. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Before starting the install, verify that the Coded Character Set ID (CCSID) is not set to 65535 for the profile used to perform the installation of PASW C&DS 4. Run following command on the profile used to verify the CCSID. • On iSeries command line type: DSPUSRPRF SHCCDS (press Enter) • Note: Change SHCCDS to the profile that will be used to perform the install. • To install PASW C&DS 4 repository on iSeries you will need to copy from the DVD the /PASW/IBMi to the iSeries IFS into a temp directory which will place the file install.qsh . You will perform these steps using the QShell environment. • Place the PASW C&DS 4 CD into the optical Drive on the AS400. • Start QShell by issuing the command: STRQSH • Type the command to copy the files to the TEMP directory: • cp -R /qopt//OPT_DVD/PASW/IBMi /temp • Once copied, Press F3 to exit.

  9. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Verify that install.qsh is located in the temp directory on the iSeries by issuing the following commands on the iSeries. • Type: WRKLNK TEMP (press Enter) • Take Option 5=Display next to TEMP (press Enter) • Verify install.qsh is there, then press F3 to Exit. • Example:

  10. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • To start the Installation of PASW C&DS 4, you will execute the install.qsh file by performing the following commands within the QShell environment. • To start QShell: STRQSH • Go to the Temp directory by issuing command: cd /temp • Example:

  11. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • To start install of PASW C&DS 4 issue the following command: • install.qsh • Example

  12. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt will appear: • Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 5 to redisplay [1] • Example: I selected: 1 for NEXT

  13. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The follow the prompts to accept the license agreement. See following print screens of all the license agreement prompts. • The following prompt appears: • Press ENTER to Read the text [Type q to quit] • Example: I selected: ENTER

  14. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears: • Press ENTER to Read the text [Type q to quit] • Example: I selected: ENTER

  15. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears: • Press ENTER to Read the text [Type q to quit] • Example: I selected: ENTER

  16. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears: • Press ENTER to Read the text [Type q to quit] • Example: I selected: ENTER

  17. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt will appear after pressing ENTER: • Please choose from the following options: • [ ] 1 - I accept the terms of the license agreement. • [X] 2 - I do not accept the terms of the license agreement. • To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] • Example: I selected: 1 – accept the terms of the license agreement (press Enter)

  18. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following will appear after selecting 1: • To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] • [X] 1 - I accept the terms of the license agreement. • [ ] 2 - I do not accept the terms of the license agreement. • NOTE: The X is now by the 1 to accept the terms of the license agreement • Example: I selected: 0, as I am finished (press Enter)

  19. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appeared after selecting 0. • Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] • Example: I selected: 1 for Next (press Enter)

  20. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following appears: • PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services Install Location • Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory. • Directory Name: [/temp/SPSSInc/PASWCollaborationAndDeploymentServices4] • Enter a target directory name for the PASW C&DS installation and continue through the prompts. • This is the directory name for the repository installation. • On the iSeries, the repository can ONLY be installed under the root file system.

  21. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • For the purpose of this document, the PASW C&DS installation directory will be /pasw4shc so that examples may be used in context. • Example: I specified the following PASW C&DS 4 installation target directory: • /pasw4shc (press Enter)

  22. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • After entering the PASW C&DS Installation target directory the following prompt appears: • Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] • Example: I selected: 1 for Next (press Enter)

  23. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following screen will appear and you may need to press page up or page down to review all screens.

  24. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Refer to the Command-Line setup prompts when progressing through the installation located in Chapter 3 of the PASW Collaboration and Deployment Services 4 Installation and Configuration Guide (IBM i) Guide located on support website at: http://support.spss.com/ • Below will be print screens of all the prompt values I selected for the install.

  25. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Once the un-packaging of the jar files finishes the following prompt appears for the Security Keystore location. • Prompt for Security Keystore Location [/] > • The keystore is an encrypted file that contains the key for decrypting the passwords used by the repository, such as the repository administration password, the database access password, etc. • Important! If the keystore file is lost, none of the passwords can be decrypted and the system becomes unusable and must be reinstalled. Therefore, it is recommended that backup copies of the keystore file be maintained. • Example: I used the directory of my profile: /shccds (press Enter)

  26. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • After entering in the Security Keystore location, you are prompted for the Security Keystore password. • Prompted for Security Keystore password [ ] > • Example: I entered: pasw (press Enter)

  27. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Environment Type. • Choose: • * 1 Standalone Application Server • 2 Clustered Application Server • Example: I selected: 1 for Standalone Application Server (press Enter)

  28. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for : • Standalone Application Server. • Choose: • 1 JBoss 4.2.0 • 2 BEA WebLogic 9.2 • 3 BEA WebLogic 10.0 • 4 IBM WebSphere 6.1 • 5 Oracle 10g • 6 NetWeaver 7.1 • 7 Manual (for application server experts) Note: Only the WebSphere application server can be selected for iSeries install. • Example: I selected: 4 IBM WebSphere 6.1 (press Enter)

  29. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Go to the following link using a mapped drive to your iSeries, replacing PES4shc with your WebSphere Application Server instance name to find the HTTP transport Port Number for the next prompt and replace qscooby with your AS400 system name. • \\qscooby\qroot\QIBM\UserData\WebSphere\AppServer\V61\Express\profiles\pes4shc\logs\AboutThisProfile.txt • Save this file (AboutThisProfile.txt) to your desktop as you will need to reference this file during the install. • Example: of the AboutThisProfile.txt

  30. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The Following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.Port [80] > • This is the port number on which the application server runs. • Note: This is the HTTP transport port found in the AboutThisProfile.txt • Example: I used: 59000 (press Enter)

  31. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.Server Directory • This is the installation location of the application server. • Note: For the iSeries command line examples in this document ‘Base’ in the paths must be substituted with ‘Express’ if the Express version of WebSphere 6.1 application server is being used. • Example: I used: /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V61/Express (press Enter)

  32. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.Server Admin User ID > • Specify your IBM I user profile name • We require the userid and password for the WebSphere profile.  This is the same userid and password you would used to access the WebSphere administration console.  The password is only required if WebSphere administrative security is enabled.  It is used by setup to connect to the server and deploy our applications. • Note: Make sure this iSeries user profile has QSECOFR authority. • Example: I used: shccds (press Enter)

  33. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.Server Admin Password [ ] > • The password for the specified user. • Example: I used password: shccds (press Enter)

  34. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.Websphere SOAP Connector Address Port [8880] > • This is the port number used by WebSphere for incoming SOAP requests via HTTP. • Refer to the AboutThisProfile.txt that was previously saved to your desktop for the SOAP connector port number. This will always be 5 greater than the WebSphere Instance port number. • Example: I used: 59005 (press Enter)

  35. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.WebSphere Server [server1] > • Note: This is the name of the WebSphere Server Instance. • Example: I used: PES4shc (press Enter)

  36. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.WebSphere Node [SCOOBY_Node01] > • This is the name of the WebSphere node. • Note: Use the format: iSeriesSystemName_WebSphereInstanceName • Refer to the AboutThisProfile.txt that was previously saved to your desktop for the NODE name. • Note: The WebSphere instance name is CASE SENSITIVE. • Example: I used: SCOOBY_PES4shc (press Enter)

  37. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Standalone Application Server.IBM WebSphere 6.1.WebSphere Cell [SCOOBY_Node01Cell] > • This is the WebSphere cell containing the node. The name of the WebSphere node. • Note: Use the format: iSeriesSystemName_WebSphereInstanceName • Example: I used: SCOOBY_PES4shc (press Enter)

  38. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt will appear s for: • Select Database • Choose: • 1 SQL Server • 2 Oracle • 3 IBM DB2 • 4 IBM DB2 for System I • This is the database to be used to store repository objects. • Note: Select Option 4, as this is the only choice on a iSeries install. • Example: I selected: 4 IBM DB2 for System I (press Enter)

  39. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • IBM DB2 for System i.Host [localhost] > • This is the Host name from CFGTCP Option 12 or IP address of the database server. • Note: Press ENTER to use default of localhost or type localhost. • Example:I press ENTER to use default of localhost.

  40. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • IBM DB2 for System i.Username [pesuser] > • Account used to connect to the Database. • Note: Enter in your iSeries user profile name. This user must have rights to modify the selected database. • Note: It is recommended to use a profile where the password does not change. • Example: I used profile: shccds (press Enter)

  41. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • IBM DB2 for System i.Password > • This is the password for the specified database user. • Note: The database username and password are not validated by the installation. To avoid post-installation problems, you must verify that valid values have been specified • Example: I used password: shccds (press Enter)

  42. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • IBM DB2 for System i.Library [PASWDEPLOY] > • Note: The name of the library collection to be used to store repository objects. If the library does not exist, it will be created. • This is the name of your PASW C&DS 4 library collection. • Example: I used: pasw4shc (press Enter)

  43. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • IBM DB2 for System i.Database: • Attaching Java program to /pasw4shc/setup/lib/rdmcon.jar. • Attaching Java program to /pasw4shc/setup/lib/jt400.jar. • IBM DB2 for System i.Database does not exist. Would you like to create it? • Choose: • 1 Yes • 2 No • * 3 Show SQL • Note: I have not created the collection, so I choose option: 1 • Example: I Selected: 1 (press Enter)

  44. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following appears stating the database was created successfully.

  45. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • System i user profile the application server runs under [QEJBSVR] > • Note: iSeries user under whose profile WebSphere instance is started. • Note: It is recommended to accept the default value of QEJBSVR. • Press Enter to use DEFAULT of [QEJBSVR] or Type QEJBSVR • Example: I press Enter to use the default.

  46. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • discard.Password for admin user [password] > • This will be any password you choose for the PASW C&DS 4 Administrator profile. • Note: If you are doing a fresh install you will only be prompted for a PASW C&DS password. • Note: The user-id is automatically set to ‘ admin ‘ • Example: I used: spss (press Enter)

  47. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Component.Email Notification Information.Email server [smtp-server.mycompany.com]> • Note: This is the name or IP address of the SMTP server used for outgoing e-mail. • NOTE: The SMTP server and Sender's email address values can be added after the Install through the web administrator. • Example: I used: miaemail5.spss.com (press Enter)

  48. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The following prompt appears for: • Component.Email Notification Information.Sender's email address [support@mycompany.com] > • Note: Need to use a valid address for the default e-mail sender. • Example: I used: scoffman@spss.com (press Enter)

  49. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • The next 2 screens are for the validation of the parameters chosen for the install of PASW C&DS 4. • Note: Verify that these parameters are correct. • Note: You will need to page up and down to see all the parameters entered. • Example:Parameters I selected for installation. First screen.

  50. Installing PASW C&DS 4 - iSeries • Example: Parameters I selected for installation. Second screen.

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