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Establishing an alumni network to support entrepreneurship at Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University. Actions include strategy development, member acquisition, benefit selection, and event organization. Check out our newsletter and social network group!
1 TEMPUS project “Entrepreneur Alumni Network” P 07KhNADU (Kharkiv National Automobile And Highway University) PSCM 05, 12-13 December 2016, Kiev, Ukraine
2 WP 2.1. Need Analysis and Conceptualization of EAN associations Analysis and Conceptualization of EAN associations was conducted in form of survey No. of participants: 13 Proof: - survey results uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations»
3 WP 2.2. Strategy for attractive activities for each EAN Strategy was developed on example of statuteof «Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities». KhNADU proposed list of attractive activities in the amount of 13. Proof: - statute and strategy uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations»; - list of attractive activities uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations».
4 WP 2.3.Acquisition of founding members and foundation of EAN association/HEI unit «Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities» was founded by representatives of Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Proof: - statute and title documents uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations»
5 WP 2.4. Acquisition of new (paying) members Trainings carried out on a paid basis in the framework of «Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities» existence.
6 WP 2.5. Selection and establishment of benefits for EAN members Was created list of benefits for «Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities» members was founded by representatives of Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Proof: - list of benefits (based on the results of KhNADU alumni's survey) uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations».
7 WP 2.6. Documentation/Statistics of acquired members and assessment of benefits Was created list of acquired members and conducted assessment of benefits on the bases KhNADU Alumni Entrepreneurs surveys. Proof: - list of acquired members (in Russian) and results of surveys uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations»
8 WP 3.1. Building and Updating an EAN Database Answer: NOT relevant for us because it area of Romania partners responsibility. EAN database of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University was created in Exel formand uploaded to the Google Drive.
8 WP 3.2.Setup an Entrepreneur Alumni social community It was created social networking group in Facebook “Асоціація випускників-підприємців (EANET)” for Kharkiv`s partners. Proof: Link to the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/561334184077584/
10 WP 3.3. Design the newsletter and fill with content For the entire period of project implementation was written 14 newsletters (information about meetings with our alumni, results of that meetings, work-shops, trainings etc. ) Proof: in newsletters dated 26.03.2015 (NL 8), 10.04.2015 (NL 10), 19.06.2015 (NL 14) , 26.11.2015 (NL 23), 21.01.2016 (NL 25), 03.02.2016 (NL 27), 12.05.2016 (NL 34), 25.05.2016 (NL 35), 09.06.2016 (NL 36), 25.11.2016 (NL 41) are news from KhNADU.
11 WP 3.4.International linkage of database, online platform and communities Answer: NOT relevant for KhNADU because it is area of Romania partners responsibility. WP 3.5.Documentationofusersperdayandactivitiesontheplatform Answer: NOT relevant for KhNADU because it is area of Romania partners responsibility.
12 WP 5.1. Organizing regular regional networking events NO of meetings (in form of seminars, informal Alumni communication, workshops, Alumni Congress etc.) held from 1 June 2013 – 23. NO of participants: on average, 100. • Proof: - meeting programs (in Russian) uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations»; • photographic materials; • news in newsletters.
13 WP 5.2. Organizing 2 international Highlight events (ASEM, ISU) Answer: NOT relevant for us because it is area ASEM and ISU responsibility. Representatives and alumni entrepreneurs of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University took part in 1 international Highlight event in Chisinau.
14 WP 5.3.Promotion of the job fair / extension of the target group There was held 2 job fairs in Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University. NO students were employed – 10; NO students have been trained – 15. Proof: - information about job-fair in newsletter dated 26.06.2016 (NL 35).
15 WP 5.4. Press and Media Work The features of EANET project implementation and work of “Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities» were discussed in the regional media. Proof: - printed article in newspaper “Avtodorozhnik” and video about job fair in Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University uploaded to networking group in Facebook “Асоціація випускників-підприємців (EANET)”
16 WP 5.5.Statistics of participants and survey Answer: NOT relevant for us because it’s not area of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University responsibility.
17 WP 6.1. Entrepreneur Awareness assessment and survey/statistics After each meeting of KhNADU Alumni Entrepreneurs were surveyed participants about their alleged role in the Association, readiness to make tangible and intangible assets for its development, etc. Proof: - results of KhNADU Alumni Entrepreneurs surveys (in Russian) uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations»
18 WP 6.2. EANET project website is online and updated It was created website for “Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities” and provided information to CHNU for filling the official website of the project. Proof: - Link to the website “Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities: http://ealumni.univer.kharkov.ua/index.php/ru/.
19 WP 6.3. National dissemination seminars / knowledge transfer to other universities Answer: NOT relevant for us because it is area of “KROK” university responsibility (for Ukraine). Representatives of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University took part in national dissemination seminar in “KROK” university and presented results of the work in the framework of the project.
20 WP 6.4.Information material and promotion campaigns Answer: NOT relevant for KhNADU because we just provide information materials to ChNU. WP 6.5.Publishinganelectronicnewsletter Answer: NOT relevant for KhNADU because we just provide information materials to ChNU.
21 WP 6.6.Media and press work(corresponding with WP 5.4) The features of EANET project implementation and work of “Entrepreneur Alumni Association of Kharkiv Universities» were discussed in the regional media. Proof: - printed article in newspaper “Avtodorozhnik” and video about job fair in Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University uploaded to the Google Drive folder «EANET Setup of EAN Associations»
22 WP 7.1.Sustainability concept for each EAN association The development concept of sustainable development for each AEN is in the process. WP 7.2.Developmentoffundraisingstructureandadjustmenttolegalframework The development of fundraising structure and adjustment to legal framework for each AEN is in the process.
23 WP 7.3.Establishment of start-up consulting services, offered by entrepreneur alumni NO of students counselted by KhNADU alumni entrepreneurs - 283. Proof: newsletter dated 12.05.2016 (NL 34). WP 7.4.Newmarketsthroughinternationalcooperationbetween start-upand SME Start-uptrainings for KhNADUalumni and students is carried out within the framework of cooperation and on the basis of KhNURE.
24 WP 7.5.Establishment of new exchange programs among the participating HEI Cooperation has been established outside the project (but because of it) between HNADU following universities: - University "KROK" - the joint participation in the organization of the round table in the framework of UNESCO's program; - Kutaisi University - collaboration in science and the organization of the international conference “Sectoral problems of environmental safety";
25 WP 7.3. Sustainability workshop for ministry staff and university management in Tbilisi Answer: NOT relevant because it wasn't held yet. WP 7.4.StrategyworkshopforministrystaffanduniversitymanagementinBerlin Answer: NOT relevant because it wasn't held yet.
26 Video Progress Report
27 Meeting with KhNADU alumni entrepreneurs
28 The First Forum of KhNADU Alumni Entrepreneurs (23.06.2016) Number of participants - 80. With the participation of the Rector KhNADU Anatoly Turenko, deans of faculties, heads of departments, teachers and students. Invited guests - partners in the project Svetlana Zaripova (University “KROK"), Alexander Kuzemin (KhNURE), Vladimir Rodchenko (Karazin KhNU). Welcomed online visitors and participants of the forum - Michael Tugunke (HVA), Tea Kordzadze (KU) and Valentina Pritkan (USB).
29 Thank you for your attention!