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AIS Edge

Learn how to make immediate changes to AIS students, revisit district AIS plans, manage student data, and update AIS records in this informative morning session.

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AIS Edge

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AIS Edge November 19, 2007

  2. Goals for the Morning Session • To enable teachers to make changes to students’ AIS immediately • To provide a refresher as to what AIS are according to our district plan • Review mandated notification (office will generate all letters) • Review how to enter and exit AIS students following the established criteria • Product outcomes for the morning: • Accurate data • Entering progress notes for individual students • Directly entering or exiting students in AIS Edge based on assessments • Monitor with support every five weeks

  3. 8:00 – 11:30 Agenda • Review the district AIS policy • Meet in small groups to review policy • Clarify mandatory parent notification procedures • Individually review current data in the system for accuracy of your class list • In the High School, guidance counselors will assist the discussion to help overcome the scheduling difficulties • Update your students’ AIS records to make your class list accurate • Product from this session: • Accurate AIS class list based on my building’s entry and exit criteria

  4. Possibly helpful Table of Contents for this PPT • How to get into AIS Edge – slide #5 • How to view the AIS Policy – slide #6 • How to find your class list – slide #10 • How to change an existing student record – starts on slide #21 • How to end a student – slide #37 • How to find and enter a new student – starts on slide #42

  5. Getting Started • Log into Clear Track from the district web site

  6. Getting Started • Click on the green “View AIS Policy” button

  7. Getting Started • Review the district AIS policy –Meet in small groups to review policy • Clarify mandatory parent notification procedures • Parents need to be notified when students enter or exit AIS • Parents need to be notified if there are changes to the student’s service

  8. Go back to “Main Menu” by closing the AIS Policy window button

  9. Before we start changing information, a couple of important points. . . • This program is not a Windows program and does not have a similar interface • There is NO back button • There is no “edit – undo” button • If you delete something, it is gone.

  10. Getting Started • Click on “AIS Class List”

  11. Getting Started • Click on the green “Reset Form” button OR Make sure the year is set to 2007. You should only have to do this once.

  12. Next, make sure the “Active” box is checked next to “Intervention Status.” This shows you the students who are currently assigned to you. (Clicking “both” shows you all the students you’ve had during this school year.)

  13. Elementary Teachers • Students are listed by case manager • Case manager is the teacher to whom the student is assigned (homeroom), but not necessarily the one who provides the service

  14. Middle School • Middle School students are listed by the teacher who is their service provider and the classroom teacher should be listed first

  15. High School • High School students are listed by the teacher who is their service provider • Guidance counselor is listed as “Case Manager” • Classroom teacher is listed as the second provider

  16. Click on the down arrow • A list of all district providers will come up

  17. Find your name. If you type the first letter of your last name, the window will scroll down automatically. • Click on the box with your name in it • Click on “Save” in the upper left corner

  18. Click on the purple blinking “Refresh Browse” box

  19. Names of students you service are listed for you to review and update. • Click on the “hide criteria” button to see more of your list • Click on the “View All” button if you have more than one page of students

  20. You should see something like this. Notice the pencil in front of each student’s name.

  21. To CHANGE Info on a Student • Click on the pencil in front of their name

  22. The individual record for one student and one subject will come up

  23. Make the changes you need to: • Intervention –click the down arrow and a window will come up with your choices • What you choose depends on your building AIS plan

  24. Make the changes you need to • Start Date –click the calendar button and choose a start date • Intensity – choose high, moderate, or low (low=monitor)

  25. Make the changes you need to • Duration – how often the student is seen • Degree – how the student is grouped for AIS • Schedule – when student is seen

  26. Make the changes you need to • Standard Area – subject • Entry Criteria – you may choose as many as you like, but will have to give evidence for up to 3

  27. If your assessment measure is a NYS test, click on “Load Existing Test Data”

  28. If the test is listed there, click on the button in front of it. It will automatically load the data for you. If not, you’ll have to enter it manually.

  29. If you need to enter the assessment data manually • Assessment Measure-click on the down arrow next to “Assessment Measure 1” • A list of state and district assessments will come up

  30. You probably want to check on either “State Tests Only” or “Districtwide Assessments” to focus your search

  31. Click on the type of assessment you are recording

  32. Add other information – date (use calendar), test score, and standard met (use down arrow - only if a state test – if local assessment, leave blank)

  33. Repeat this process for each assessment you are reporting (up to 3 assessments) • Fill out “Service Provider” and/or “Case Manager” fields using the down arrows and pop-up menus.

  34. Click on the first letter of the last name, and click the gray box to select

  35. Use down arrows to choose the school, locationof the AIS service, and funding. • Ask your administrator what to choose for funding

  36. OPTIONAL - Use the drop down menu to choose a 1st Quarter Progress comment and/or add comments of your own in the box. This information is for the student’s next teacher and not available to parents.

  37. If you need to END a student’s service, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page

  38. Enter information for the following fields either manually or by using the gray “load existing test data” button: • Exit Assessment (up to 3 measures) • Date of the assessment • Exit score • Exit standard met (only if NYS test) • Exit criteria • This is a long list and there is no easy way to get this info till you know what you’re looking for. When you know what you’re looking for, you can type the first letter of the line you want and it will scroll down to that point. • Date service ended (Screen shot on next page)

  39. After you make all the changes you need to, go to the top of the screen and click on SAVE!

  40. You should be back to your class list • Now you can choose another student, OR • If you need to add a student to your AIS list; • Click on “Main Menu”

  41. To Find a Student You Need to Add to your AIS list…. • From the Main Menu, click on AIS

  42. If you know the student’s ID#, enter it and click enter (This is one time the enter key works!) • If not, click on “list”

  43. The “active” box should be checked • The “AIS Student” box should be unchecked • Type a few letters of the student’s last name in the “last name begins with” box • Then click the blinking purple “Refresh Browse” button

  44. Click on the student you want

  45. This shows you the student’s current AIS records • Buttons from the “Status” row show you other interventions the student has had

  46. Very Helpful Hint • To set your personal options, click on “AIS Options” • This allows you to set the options that remain the same when adding students

  47. Change any field where the information stays the same for several students. • Use the down arrow buttons where indicated • Click “SAVE” when done

  48. Click on “Create AIS”

  49. All of the info that you saved in AIS Options should be filled in for you!

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