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SEGMENT project used commercial marketing techniques to promote sustainable travel behavior change, testing segmentation approaches and trigger points. The toolkit developed for 6 cities showed a 4% modal shift with €50k average campaign cost.

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  1. SEGMENT • SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport IEE/09/250759-SEGMENT: 19-Apr-10 to 18-Apr-13

  2. Background • We applied the lessons of commercial marketing techniques to public policy • to develop a cost-effective way to achieve travel-behaviour-change. • We tested a ‘market segmentation approach’ (attitudes to environment and travel eg “devoted drivers”), • and used life change ‘trigger points’ which force people to question their travel habits. • We carefully measured what we did, and then extracted the essentials to create an approach that can be used anywhere.

  3. Project summary • 6 cities (BG, DE, NL, PL, PT, UK) test the effectiveness of market segmentation. • Can it cost-effectively achieve shift towards sustainable travel? • Actions include: analysis of target populations; skills development; campaign design and delivery. • Outputs include a basic toolkit that can be used by any city without the need for costly preparation.

  4. Objectives • A transferable “market segmentation” model • • Successful targeted marketing campaigns • • Building capacity in the city-partners

  5. Outputs, Results, Achievements • 6 very different cities did 18 marketing campaigns; common elements (the target populations, the life-change moments) and impact analysis allowed for comparisons. • In 18 months the average modal-shift was 4%, and average campaign-cost was €50k • The same attitudinal segments exist in all cities, though in different %s • Life-change moments are an effective trigger for segmented marketing • But each campaign has to be carefully designed • Tools have been developed so that other cities can short-cut. Online “golden questions” economically collect the key data: no need for expensive surveys • All city-partners were pleased with the impact and will use the approach in the future

  6. Partners • London Borough of Hounslow • Local Energy Management Agency of Almada, Portugal • Municipality of Athens Development Agency SA, Greece • City of Sofia, Bulgaria • City of Utrecht, Netherlands • City of Gdynia, Poland • City of Munich, Germany • Aberdeen University, Centre for Transport Research, UK • European Platform On Mobility Management, Belgium CONTACT: Mark.Frost@hounslow.gov.uk

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