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Decoding National Income: Analysis and Census Insights

Explore the intricate details of National Income through analysis and census insights. Understand the economic indicators and trends that shape a nation's financial landscape. Dive into the data to gain a comprehensive understanding of income and production.

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Decoding National Income: Analysis and Census Insights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. jk“VªlarrqdMksthegkjktukxiwj] fo|kfiBukxiwj JhlkbZckckyksdizcks/kudykegk- oMusj Rk- fgax.k?kkV] ft- o/kkZ fo”k;  vFkZ’kkL= ¼Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk½ B.A. 5thSem lknjdrkZ izk- MkW- foB~Byek- f?kufeus vFkZ’kkL= foHkkxizeq[k Jh- lkbZckckyksdizcks/kudykegkfo|ky;] oMusj

  2. jkVªh; mRiUu(National Income) • jk"Vªh; mRiUukpkvFkZ o ladYiuk %& • dks.kR;kghns’kkP;kvFkZO;oLFksP;kvH;klkP;k n`”Vhusjk”Vªh; mRiUughladYiukvR;aregRoiw.kZBjrs- vFkZO;oLFkspsLo:Ik o rhe/;s gks.kkjscnyekst.;kpsgspkaxyslk/kuvkgs- dks.krsghjk”Vªh; mRiUugsvFkZO;oLFksrfuekZ.kgks.kkÚ;koLrw o lsokaph ,dkfof’k”Vdky[kaMkrhycsjhtvlrs- • Hkkjrkrhyjk”Vªh; vk; lferhP;kers] ß ,[kk|kfof’k”Vdkyko/khrr;kjdsY;ktk.kkÚ;k ,danjoLrwapsvkf.klsokaps f}ekiu u gksrkdsysysekstekiEg.ktsjk”Vªh; mRiUukpkvanktgks;-Þ

  3. jk”Vªh; mRiUukP;kfo’ys”kukpsegRo% 1½ vFkZO;oLFksP;kLo:ikphdYiuk ;s.;kdfjrkmi;wDr 2½ jk”Vªh; mRiUuko:unjMksbZmRiUudk<rk ;srs- 3½ fofo/k xVkae/;s >kysY;kmRiUuokV.khphdYiuk ;srs- 4½ jk”Vªh; mRiUukphrwyukdj.;kdfjrkmi;wDr 5½ jk”Vªh; fodkl ;kstukvk[krkukmi;qDr 6½ izxrhpsekstekidj.;klkBhmi;qDr 7½ vankti=d r;kj djrkuk mi;qDr 8½ vkarjjk”Vªh; laLFkkauk HkkaMoy fgLlk Bjforkuk mi;wDr

  4. jkVªh; mRiUu ekiU;kP;k i/nrh- 1½ mRiknux.kuk i/nrh(Production census) 2½ vk; x.kuk i/nrh(Income Census)

  5. jk"Vªh; mRiUuekiukr ;s.kkÚ;k vMp.kh %& 1½ vfodflrvFkZO;oLFkseqGs ;s.kkÚ;k vMp.kh %& v½ lsokpsekiudjrkuk ;s.kkjhvMp.k c½ mRiUukpsfuf’prvkdMsfeGrukgh- d½ O;olk;kuwlkjmRiUukpsekstekidjrkukvMp.k 2½ iqjs’khvkdMsokjhmiyC/k ulY;keqGs ;s.kkÚ;k vMp.kh v½ vla?kfVr o vekSfnd foHkkx c½ i;kZIr o fo’oklkgZ ekfgrhpk vHkko

  6. jk"Vªh; vk; lferhus dk<ysys fu”d”kZ %& 1½ njMksbZ mRiUu 2½ jk”VªkP;k okLrfod mRiUukr ok< 3½ eksB;k m|ksxkis{kk NksV;k O;olk;kps egRo 4½ osxosxG;k@{ks=kpk vleku fodkl 5½ ’ksrhoj voyafcRo 6½ izkFkfed xjtkoj vf/kd [kpZ

  7. jk"Vªh; vk; lferhus dk<ysys fu”d”kZ %& 1½ njMksbZ mRiUu 2½ jkVªkP;k okLrfod mRiUukr ok< 3½ eksB;k m|ksxkis{kk NksV;k O;olk;kps egRo 4½ osxosxG;k@{ks=kpk vleku fodkl 5½ ’ksrhoj voyafcr 6½ izkFkfed xjtkoj vf/kd [kpZ

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