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Today’s Learning Target:

Learn about the role of carbohydrates in energy storage, cell structures, and the types of carbohydrates like monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. Discover the elements present, molecular formulas, and practice questions.

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Today’s Learning Target:

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  1. Today’s Learning Target: You will be able to describe the structure and function of carbohydrates.

  2. Lets Carb Up!!! October 31, 2011

  3. A. Functions • Used by cells to store and releaseenergy • Simple Sugars = quick release energy • Monosaccharides and disaccharides • Starch = Longterm energy storage • Found in plants • Glycogen = Longterm energy storage • Found in animals • Stored in liver

  4. Functions (cont.) • Used to make cell structures • Cellulose • Structural component in plants • Chitin • Structural component in animals

  5. B. What are they made of? • Made of… (Hint: look at the name) • Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio • General Formula (CH2O)n • n = number of carbons

  6. C. Types of Carbohydrates • Monosaccharides = monomer units • Means 1sugar or simple sugar • Ring Shaped molecules • Provide quick energy for cells

  7. Examples • Glucose • Most common • Plants make glucose during photosynthesis • Structure: ringshaped (see image) • Formula: C6H12O6

  8. Types of Carbohydrates (cont.) • Disaccharides • 2 monosaccharides linked together by Dehydrationsynthesis

  9. Macromolecule Formation Process = Dehydration Synthesis Removal of OH + H forms water, H2O Leaves bonding sites that join monomer units. Monomer Monomer OH H H2O Polymer

  10. Examples • Sucrose • Glucose and fructose • Found in regular table sugar • Lactose • Glucose and galactose • Found in dairy products

  11. Types of Carbohydrates (cont.) • Polysaccharides = Polymers • Can be made of 100 to 1000’s of monosaccharides • Many monosaccharides linked together by DehydrationSynthesis

  12. Examples • Starch – storage polysaccharide • Made entirely of glucose • Found in potato, rice, wheat • Other Examples • Glycogen • Cellulose • Chitin

  13. Let’s Do Some Practice Questions! Please grab your clickers!

  14. 2. 1. 3. 4. Which of the following represents a monosaccharide? • Picture Choice 1 • Picture Choice 2 • Picture Choice 3 • Picture Choice 4

  15. What elements are present in carbohydrates? (Answer all that apply) • C • H • N • O • P • S

  16. How does a simple sugar become a polysaccharide? • Adding water • Removing water • I need help with this.

  17. The molecular formula for Glucose is which of the following? • C6H12O6 • C12H22O11 • C6H10O5 • C12H12O6 • I need help with this.

  18. Molecule(s) “X” are most likely: • Carbohydrates • Monomers • Polymers • Water • Starch • I need help with this.

  19. If molecule Y is a polysaccharide molecules “W” are most likely: • Carbohydrates • Monosaccharides • Disaccharides • Water • Starch • I need help with this.

  20. Which of the following molecules is glucose? A B • A • B • C • D • I need help with this. D C

  21. The molecular formula for the image below is which of the following? • C6H12O6 • C12H24O12 • C7H14O7 • C5H10O5 • I need help with this.

  22. Which of the following is not a disaccharide? • Maltose • Lactose • Glucose • Sucrose • I need help with this.

  23. If molecule “Y” is starch, molecules marked “W” are most likely: • Maltose • Sucrose • Glucose • Galactose • Fructose • I need help with this.

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