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FIT Leading by Example Leading with Enthusiasm Leading to Excellence

FIT Leading by Example Leading with Enthusiasm Leading to Excellence. What is “FIT”?. What gives “FIT” its power is its versatility. Faculty Instructional Training Faculty Informational Training Faculty Involvement Training Faculty Institutional Training

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FIT Leading by Example Leading with Enthusiasm Leading to Excellence

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  1. FIT Leading by Example Leading with Enthusiasm Leading to Excellence

  2. What is “FIT”? What gives “FIT” its power is its versatility. • Faculty InstructionalTraining • FacultyInformational Training • Faculty InvolvementTraining • Faculty InstitutionalTraining • Faculty Individualized Training • Faculty Inspirational Training • FacultyInnovation Training

  3. Professional Development • FIT : Driven by Faculty feedback • FIT : Driven by Staff and Administration input • FIT : Prepares the new hire • FIT : Re-informs the current faculty member • FIT : Flexible by design. Allows for the removal of outdated modules and the insertion of new information. • FIT : Tested for validity. • FIT : Intended for consistency, credibility, and improved service to our students.

  4. Why get “fit”? “Professional learning is most effective when it is part of a clear and consistent vision of learning that is shared schoolwide.” Lois Brown Easton Powerful Designs for Professional Learning 2008 _______

  5. How “FIT” works • At the core of FIT is a five-stage training system for faculty. Two stages are mandatory with incentives to complete all five stages. • Each FIT level has Angel / Distance Education components as well as learning modules related to general faculty responsibilities and skill enhancement. • The further one travels the FIT scale from Level 1 to 5… • The more detailed the Angel/Distance Education information, • The more industry-specific the non-Distance Ed topic, and • The more robust the assessment measurement to pass that particular level.

  6. Who gets “FIT” FIT currently addresses adjunct, part-time, and full-time faculty.

  7. Who gets “FIT” “Effective Professional Development affects many teachers as opposed to some, and many students as opposed to a few..” Joellen Killion and Patricia Roy Becoming a Learning School 2009

  8. “tested for validity” • Validity: Is it doing what we intend it to do? • The completion of each level occurs when a faculty member passes a “transition checkpoint”. • A transition checkpoint assessment will include: • Multiple Choice Questions • True-False Questions • Skill Simulations

  9. DESIGNED FOR FAIRNESS • To avoid faculty from having to sit through training modules on information already mastered, faculty members can choose to “test out” of a specific level. • Failure to pass a “test out” mandates training for the related level before additional testing on that level can be attempted. • The passing score for all transition and test out assessments is a score of 80% or better.

  10. A Parallel application of intended training If a faculty member’s Annual Evaluation, QAP review, or Student Evaluations reveal shortfalls that are addressed in a FIT Professional Development Level… Deans have the option to require faculty members to re-attend and re-test on related FIT training modules.

  11. FIT Level 1 Faculty Orientation & Setup • Faculty email – accessing your email off campus • Team Georgia Setup • Georgia Breeze Setup • TigerNet • New Faculty Orientation Presentation • Employee & Faculty Handbooks • Employee Evaluations • SCTC Syllabus Template • Banner Reports • Course Rosters • No Shows & Last Date of Attendance • Course Load (how many seats are available in a class) • Program Enrollment Count • Library Resources

  12. FIT Level 1 (continued) ANGEL and the New Faculty Member • The SCTC ANGEL Template • Posting and Editing Announcements in ANGEL • Uploading a syllabus • Tracking Attendance in ANGEL • Managing the ANGEL Roster (deleting students vs disabling students) • The ANGEL Calendar • Communicating through ANGEL

  13. FIT Level 2 Faculty Administrative Duties • Accessing the Course State Standards • How to submit electronic tickets for ANGEL, IT, and Maintenance • BannerWeb • Accessing Faculty Schedules & Course Rosters • Entering Final Grades • Using Degree Works for Advisement • TigerNet – Level 2 • How to submit a Personnel Leave Request form • How to access course evaluations • How to use the IPASS Referral form • How to complete a Professional Development Form • TAP (Tiger Assistance Program) • The ADA Student in Your Classroom • Textbook requisitions and entering teacher schedules

  14. FIT Level 2 (continued) Angel and the Repository • Gradebook Setup in ANGEL • Forwarding ANGEL mail to your SCTC email account • Introducing Modules and course layout • Saving and exporting grades and attendance records • Manually enrolling a student • How to setup Repository Course Folders • How to upload files into the Repository

  15. FIT Level 3 Intermediate FIT Training for Faculty • Taking Angel to the Next Level of Fitness • Module/Unit Creation in Angel • Creating Tests in Angel • Uploading External Tests in Angel • Uploading Videos in Angel • Team Generation and Management In Angel • The GVTC Website: Your Source for More Information • Faculty Administrative Duties • Financial Aid: What Faculty Need to Know • The VA Student in Your Classroom • Quality Test Questions: The Art of Developing Assessments • The SCTC Foundation IMPORTANT: All Level 3 and beyond topics are examples only. Still under development. We need your feedback.

  16. FIT Level 4 Advanced FITness I • The Advanced Angel Teacher • Video lecture / Screen capture in Angel • The Advanced Angel Gradebook • Angel Resources for the Online Instructor • Rubrics and Angel • Faculty Administrative Duties • Giving Back: Student Clubs and Organizations • Incorporating Social Media into Your Classroom • The HR Department: An Underutilized Resource • Best Practices in Andragogy I • Industry-specific Training (up to 10 hours) • IMPORTANT: All Level 3 and beyond topics are examples only. Still under development. We need your feedback.

  17. FIT Level 5 Advanced FITness 2 • The Expert Angel Teacher • Working with a POC. Working as a POC. • Elluminate Live. • Chat Sessions and Virtual Office Hours in Angel • The Interactive Angel • Faculty Administrative Duties • Lessons in Educational Leadership • Textbook Requisition Procedures • Purchasing Policies and Procedures • Best Practices in Andragogy 2 • Industry-specific Training (up to10 hours) • IMPORTANT: All Level 3 and beyond topics are examples only. Still under development. We need your feedback.

  18. Multiple mechanisms:multiplied success • IN CLASS SESSIONS • Most FIT topics will be delivered through in-class training sessions held every two weeks. • The on-site and Tandberg delivery site will alternate between the Griffin and Flint campuses. • The days of the week will alternate to accommodate as many faculty schedules as possible. FIT Training will also include many in-class opportunities delivered after 6pm. • WEB-DELIVERED / SCREEN & VIDEO CAPTURE • Other FIT topics lend themselves to delivery via Camtasia-type screen capture sessions. These are created in-house and posted on the Web. • These can also be used to supplement learning that was acquired in-class. • In-class sessions for each of the five FIT Training levels will be video captured and posted as a supplemental learning resource. _________

  19. Multiple mechanisms:multiplied success • IN CLASS SESSIONS • Begin Tuesday April 16th, 2014 • Offered every two weeks • Conducted in computer labs via mobileTandberg systems • WEB-DELIVERED / SCREEN & VIDEO CAPTURE • First web-delivered screen capture resource posted January 1, 2014. • Two new screen or video capture resources posted every Friday. • Continuous updating of current topics and continuous addition of new web/screen/video resources posted. • Average screen capture resource / training session will run around 5 minutes.

  20. Multiple mechanisms:multiplied success • ONE-ON-ONE REITERATION In addition to (but not as a replacement for) the In-Class Sessions and Web-Posted Screen Capture / Video Capture FIT Training modules: One-on-one FIT Training slots will be offered each week for those faculty who need additional training. Minimum of 6 hours per week offered Allotted on a 30-minute per session basis 4 hours per week minimum on Griffin campus 2 hours per week minimum on Flint campus Offered at other centers as needed Faculty may only sign up for 1-on-1 Reiteration AFTER having attended an on-site FIT Training session or logged into a web-based FIT Training module.

  21. Recognition of faculty “FITness” • Faculty will be awarded 1 Professional Development hour for every on-site FIT Training session attended with no duplication of points for logging into Web-based Fit Training modules or duplicate attendance at a single FIT Training Level. • Faculty will be awarded 1 Professional Development hour for each successful completion of a FIT transition checkpoint.

  22. Recognition of faculty “FITness” • Upon successful completion of each FIT Training transition assessment or test-out assessment, faculty will be recognized in a congratulatory manner on the SCTC website in a group listing for those who have completed FIT Training level during the previous month. • In addition to the rotating “monthly” congratulatory recognition, a permanent listing of all faculty members and their respective level of FIT Training completion will be on the SCTC website.

  23. The carrot • The first 100 faculty who become completely FIT (complete all five FIT levels) by 06/30/15 will be rewarded with a $500 stipend. • Faculty are eligible for a second (and third and fourth) round of stipends every 24 months by being one of the first 100 to complete the five FITness levels that will (at that time) be refreshed with new data and future info enhancements.

  24. The STICK • Current faculty have until 06/30/15 to complete Levels 1 and 2 in order to remain employed. • Faculty hired after 07/01/14 must complete Levels 1 and 2 within one year of their date of employment in order to remain employed. • In order to teach hybrid or online courses, faculty must complete all five FIT levels in 24 months. However, they are only rewarded with the $500 stipend if they are one of the first 100 to complete all five levels during the first year of each two-year cycle.

  25. For the right brainers …. In-Class “FIT in 5” 3rd Party Source 1:1

  26. Resulting IN…... Faculty who are Inspired, Informed, andInvolved! Students who are Intelligent, Ignited, and Industry ready!

  27. Keeping it in perspective

  28. THANK YOU Now...Let’s go get FIT!

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