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W2K Static Network Settings

W2K Static Network Settings. Presented By Tom Battaglia Dell Confidential. W2K Static Network Settings. Configurations for Data Centers LABs Offices Remote Users. 4 phase presentation. Phase 1 NIC Configurations Phase 2 Network Settings Phase 3 Class ID Phase 4 Domain Membership.

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W2K Static Network Settings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. W2K Static Network Settings Presented By Tom Battaglia Dell Confidential

  2. W2K Static Network Settings Configurations for • Data Centers • LABs • Offices • Remote Users

  3. 4 phase presentation • Phase 1 NIC Configurations • Phase 2 Network Settings • Phase 3 Class ID • Phase 4 Domain Membership

  4. Phase 1 of 4NIC Configurations

  5. Static Settings on NIC in D.C • “Hard Set” Computers in Data Centers • Network Equipment must be set to match • All other areas are set to “Auto Detect”

  6. Static Settings on NIC in D.C 1 2 3

  7. Phase 2 of 4Network Configurations

  8. Static Network Configurations • DDNS (Dynamic DNS) • DNS • Domain Suffix Search Order • WINS • LMHOST • NetBIOS over TCPIP

  9. DDNS and DNS Settings • Add the DDNS servers. These are the W2K Domain Controllers in the site where the computer resides “amer.dell.com” • Add one NT4 DNS server as a third entry “us.dell.com” • There is no need for any other DNS servers unless your LAB requires it

  10. DDNS and DNS SettingsExamples

  11. DDNS and DNS Settings • Add the Domain Suffixes for W2K. These are from the W2K DDNS Domain “amer.dell.com” • Add the Domain Suffix for NT4 DNS “us.dell.com” • There is no need for any other suffixes unless your computer needs to resolve names outside it’s area i.e. Austin To Nashville – aus to bna

  12. DDNS and DNS SettingsExamples

  13. DDNS and DNS Settings

  14. DDNS and DNS Settings 1 3 2

  15. WINS Settings • There are 2 servers for any configuration • Add a Primary WINS server for the location you are in • Add a Secondary server according to the fastest link speed to another WINS server • Austin has 3 WINS servers

  16. WINS Settings Examples

  17. WINS Settings 1 2 3

  18. Phase 3 of 4Setting the Class ID

  19. Class ID Settings • Used to get W2K settings from DHCP • Not Necessary for Data Centers • Good to set in case computer must use DHCP

  20. Class ID Settings Setting Class ID Note: Upper Case “W2K”

  21. Class ID Settings Verifying Class ID Verify

  22. Phase 4 of 4Domain Membership

  23. Domain Membership • Configure the computer FQDN • Confirm the computer has been added to “amer.dell.com” or the operator has right to add the account • Confirm communications to the domain

  24. Domain Membership • Note: Your computer is in one of the following configurations. • It is a member of the US-Dell Domain • It is a member of the Americas Domain • It is a member of the amer.dell.com Domain • It is a member of another Domain other than one listed above. • It is in a Workgroup • The following will result in your W2K system participating in Active Directory under “amer.dell.com”. • DO NOT do this on an NT4 computer. • DO NOTdo this on a system in the “amer.dell.com” Domain unless reestablishing the membership.

  25. Domain Membership Setting FQDN 1 2 3

  26. Domain Membership Added to Domain

  27. Domain Membership Confirm Communications to Domain If you cannot ping amer.dell.com check your network configurations. You may also check all physical connections i.e. cables, NIC, wall connectors etc. DO NOTcontinue if there is no connection to amer.dell.com. It would be pointless…

  28. Domain Membership Enter Username and Join the Domain

  29. Conclusion • The computer should be properly registered in DDNS • The computer should be statically entered in us.dell.com • There should be a WINS dynamic entry • Name resolution should work from the computer • Any support issues please contact 8-4040 first

  30. Please Drive Thru…

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