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Shobukan Martial Arts has been teaching Martial Arts throughout Perth since 1974.<br>Programs are available for the whole family from ages 3 yrs <br>Specialised children's classes that help your child develop laser sharp focus and rock solid confidence.<br>For more detail please visit: www.shobukan.com.au
Shobukan Martial Arts Buildinghealthierbodies & healthierminds ShobukanMartialArtsisarenownednameindeliveringthefinestmartialarts trainingtoindividualsandempoweringthemtoreachtheirfullpotential. Onecangetthebestcoachingtoaugmenttheirfitness, self-defense, and healthinaprecisemanner. Ourexperiencedprofessionalsleavenostone unturnedindeliveringthefinestservices. INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL MISSION Throughhighqualitymartialarts instructioninPerth, Western 5ClassesOnly $39 + Free Uniform REGISTERNOW Australia. ShobukanMartialArts empowerspeopleofallagesto achievetheirfullpotential. By emphasizingself-defense, health, fitnessandlifeskillsinafriendly, safe, positiveenvironment. B O O KF R E ET R I A LN O W : �0 89 3 0 91 4 4 4 https://shobukan.com.au