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Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012. School Expectations for all Staff. Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012. Understanding the Vision. Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012. Mission Statement: Our mission at Memorial Elementary is for students, staff, and parents to work together to be…
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 School Expectations for all Staff
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 Understanding the Vision
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Mission Statement: Our mission at Memorial Elementary is for students, staff, and parents to work together to be… • Successful • Respectful • Responsible
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • School Goals • Reading • AllMemorial students will: • Manipulate sounds to decode words • Increase vocabulary by learning sight words, content specific and high frequency vocabulary • Read for accuracy and understanding • Math: • All Memorial students will develop successful, lifelong math skills by using: • Computation • ACE Strategy • Logical Reasoning
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 School Goals Writing AllMemorial students will: • Use SRA writing rubrics to improve writing skills • Use the writing process • Answer open-ended questions in all subject areas Parent Involvement: All Memorial staff, students and parents will work together to achieve student success.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 Fidelity: Working together in the same direction for student success. Implementing any new programs all together and with a positive attitude. Loyalty: Working together in one direction for the common goal of improving student success. Leadership: Taking the initiative to work with others, approach work with a positive attitude, and help the school move forward socially, academically, and accept change as appropriate.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 Staff/Goal Team Meetings: Focused Grade Level Team meetings are every Wednesday of the month. Meetings will have sign-in sheets and notes will be taken over what was discussed. 3:15-3:45 Early Release Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:45 will be utilized for data analysis, staff meetings, & EPSS work.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 Daily Work Schedule
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Duties: Report to your duty station a few minutes before the bell rings. All school employees must accompany students at all times. No cell phone calls while on duty. The students’ safety is our #1 priority!
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Dress Code: It is important that we present ourselves and dress in a professional manner at all times. Blue denim jeans, sweat pants, flip-flops, tennis shoes, wind suits and shorts will not be allowed. Jeans can be worn on Spirit Days and on field trips. Tennis shoes can be worn on field trips. • Any employee who needs to wear tennis shoes must have a doctor’s excuse on file in the Principal’s office. • Spirit Days: Wear color scheme of Deming High School Wildcats or Wildcat apparel only.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Personal / Sick leave: If sick, let Mrs. Rinehart or Mrs. Deitz know by 7:00 a.m. Home phone numbers are 543-8979 for Mrs. Rinehart and 546-4734 or the school at 546-2502 ext 1501. Do not send information through another staff member. Personal leave forms must be turned in five days before the date requested. Please find your own substitute and let Denise know. Please fill in Personnel Absentee Book in front office. • If out sick for more than four days, please make sure to fill out FMLA forms with Ms. Legarda. • If you need a sub, please let us know if you have duty so that the sub will know to cover your duty.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Personal / Sick Leave: • All Staff must sign out and sign in at front office when leaving and returning to school grounds. As per requirement of Board of Education and DPS Superintendant. • If you are not going to return to the school site you must write the hours of leave in the absentee binder for personnel. • High truancy cases of staff will be addressed in the principal’s office. • Flex time accumulation must be authorized by the principal 24 hours before work is done unless a directive is given by the principal. • All Time must be authorized by the Principal before work is performed. All unauthorized comp time will be deleted from time cards.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 LEAVING BUILDING DURING WORKING HOURS Leaving the building during working hours (other than lunch) is discouraged, but the principal or his/her designee in the principal's absence can grant approval. No staff member is to leave the assigned school site during safety drills and/or during called safety codes without specific permission of his/her supervisor. Staff leaving the building during working hours (other than lunch) must sign in and out.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Lesson Plans: All teachers are required to complete typed lesson plans. These plans must be on your desk by 8:30 AM on the first day of each week. All plans must be aligned with state standards. Lesson plans will be due starting Monday, August 29, 2011 for review.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 Videos in the Classroom Video forms must be submitted to the principal for administrative approval one week in advance. The use of videos in the classroom must be instructional and support the curriculum needs of your students. Please be sure that it is appropriate in terms of rating and that the video goal and objectives are included in your lesson plans.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 Syllabus: All teachers are required to prepare a syllabus with each content area to be taught. The syllabus must contain goals and objectives and reflect alignment with the standards and explain to parents what they can expect their students to learn during the school year. A copy of the syllabus must be given to the principal and must be given to each parent at Open House. A copy of the syllabus is due to the Associate Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction and principal August 15, 2011. • Open House: August 15, 2011 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • The Syllabus should contain the following information for parents. • EPSS Goals • Content • Rules/Discipline • Teacher/Student Expectations • Materials • Special Requirements • Grading System (Use Report Card Legend)
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Special Projects • Phone Numbers to contact the teacher & time availability • Tests (This is how I test and how the school tests) • Homework • Extra Credit • Makeup work (Absence) • Use wording that is understandable for the parent.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 Progress Reports (K-5) Three Week Expectations: It is crucial that you keep parents informed of student progress by sending home progress reports every three weeks. Progress reports should be sent home at three-week intervals for any student. Remember--It is also district policy to notify parents any time student grades fall below 70%. (This could occur after regular progress reports are sent. Be careful!) Failure reports are due to the principal at the end of each six-week grading period. Academic Intervention Plans (AIP) will be done for all students who are failing. A copy of the executed document must be given to parents and one copy turned in to the principal. Original copies of AIP should be retained by the classroom teacher to use in the event of future SAT referral. Report Cards (K-5) Six-Week Expectations: Report Cards must be completed for EACH six-week period and sent home on dates specified on the District Calendar. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Due to the NMSBA Designation Corrective Action by NMPED, all classes will be observed frequently to monitor math lessons, & reading lessons. Feedback will be relevant to teaching strategies, instructional skills and Reading and Math Curriculum implementation. Observation feedback will be in writing or one-on-one conferencing. • Daily Class Schedules will be due to the Instructional Leader’s Office by August 26, 2011 & posted in the classroom by August 29, 2011. • Math PDSA’s will be observed frequently for cycling. • Teaching skills will be observed frequently for effective instruction. • Educational Assistants will be monitored for working with small groups, one-on-one and working with targeted students to increase student achievement in all classrooms. • All discrepancies will be addressed in the principal’s office with the teacher or educational assistant. • Lesson plans & daily schedules will serve as a guide for observations.
Memorial Elementary School 2011-2012 • Please invite the Principal and Instructional Leader to all SAT’s • Please invite Mr. Chavez, the Bilingual Director, to all SAT’s for ELL students • Please let the Principal and/or the Instructional Leader know about any IEP’s; we will try to attend IEP’s
Memorial Elementary School2011-2012 • Students will internalize the schools goals and understand the goals they are expected to reach (Strategic Learning Goal in Reading and Math) Posted in Classroom by August 29, 2011 • All students must complete all benchmark tests: K-1: 1-6 2-5: 1-7 • Students will utilize a concept board in every classroom • Students will have running record data every six weeks; please sent data to Instructional Leader so it can be graphed • All students must understand their own data in order to continuously improve their own success. Please use data notebooks • All students must be given an essential question that gives purpose to their own learning.
Memorial Elementary School2011-2012 Workshop • Post rules in classroom by August 22, 1011 • Have all students leveled by September 22, 1011 • Pull reading groups a minimum of four times weekly • Workshop will last a minimum of 45 minutes • Each group will be pulled at least three times a week • Workshop time will be posted on daily schedule and in lesson plans
Memorial Elementary School2011-2012 • All teachers will be able to improve student achievement by using instructional skills at the highest level of direct and relevant instruction. • All teachers will be able to work collaboratively with peers to increase student achievement across the grade levels. • All teachers will implement SRA Reading program K-5. • All teachers will implement Everyday Math with fidelity K-5. • All teachers will be able to implement a variety of instructional strategies & best practices to motivate and/or engage students in learning. • Teachers will be highly encouraged to participate in Peer Analysis
Memorial Elementary School2011-2012 • Memorial School Teachers & staff will implement and follow a “ Response to Intervention Plan” that will set focus on student achievement in all content areas at varied levels of learning with observations & data to show growth. These plans need to be turned in to Mrs. Deitz and Mrs. Swinney. These will be due September 26, 2011. • Teacher PDP Plans must have a measurable objective and artifacts that show growth. • Teacher PDP Plans will be due to the Associate Superintendant of Human Resources by October 1st, 2011 with no late PDP’s accepted. • School-wide PDP will be to implement Everyday Math with fidelity • All teachers will be required to turn in a video teaching a math lesson before evaluations are due • All teachers must conference with Mrs. Deitz using their video • All teachers must then turn in their video to Mrs. Rinehart at least two days before their evaluation • All artifacts and reflections must be turned in at least two days before the scheduled evaluation
Memorial Elementary School Classrooms: Staff must keep an organized room/offices and have students help with housekeeping. Do not cover up clear view windows. Keep clear view windows clean at all times. Sinks will be cleaned once weekly. If dumping coffee or soda down sink drains, run hot water for a minimum of three minutes. Custodians will meet with the principal weekly to discuss work orders.
Memorial Elementary School • Check out for classroom key and cabinet key. (Do Not Lose) each teacher is financially responsible for their keys. • Any unwanted furniture must remain in the classroom until further notice. • Any unwanted materials must remain in the classroom until further notice. • Turn off all equipment, turn off lights, and lock your door daily. • Please Pay Flower Fund-$20.00 for the year
Memorial Elementary School • Attendance: The front office has issued a black attendance book keep a record of attendance. The hard copy of the attendance roster must be marked daily for a system backup (Required by Central Office and DPS Safety Officer) • All hard copies of attendance sheets will be required to be included in teacher check out at the end of the year. All sheets must have attendance marked of students absences. • Make sure to log onto JMAC and report attendance and lunch count by 8:35 A.M. • If no students are absent, you must still log on and log off. • Excuses must be turned in daily. All Staff must initial and date the notes from home. • All tardy students must enter the classroom with a tardy slip • Tardy slips can then be tossed • Please write absent student’s names on cafeteria slip if JMAC is down or for Sub. • No Charges except for: Fax-$.50 per page and Laminating-$.25 per foot
Memorial Elementary School • Classroom Rules: Classroom rules must be taught and posted in all classrooms. • Discipline: Discipline is the training of students to act in accordance with the rules and acceptable standards of behavior under conditions existing at a given time. It involves directing and instructing students toward acceptable behavior. Each teacher is responsible for maintaining discipline in his /her classroom. One of our target goals is for students to demonstrate responsibility for their own learning and behavior
Guideline for a Principals Office Referral • Have two correction conferences with the student. (Documented) • Call parent or legal guardian. (Documented) • Have one conference with the parent or guardian. (Documented) • Refer to principal
Principal’s Action Plan • Go over the rules with the student as well as any policy that was broken by the student. • Second Visit: detention (cafeteria clean-up) • Third Visit: Extended detention/behavior contract/possible suspension.
Incidents of Concern to refer to the Principal’s Office • Fighting on Schools Grounds/Other Bodily Injury. • Weapons on School Grounds. • Possession of Drugs, Alcohol or Paraphernalia. • Bullying. • Inappropriate Sexual Behavior. • Graffiti/Vandalism.
Memorial Elementary School Make sure students are escorted to bus area. Walkers release at 3:00 Bus Riders will release at 3:00 **All K-1 bus students must wear bus tags containing name, address, phone number, bus number, and school. These tags must be worn the first three days of school.
Memorial Elementary School Students in grades K-5 will report to the library upon release from cafeteria for Tutoring Time. Students will have an opportunity work on specific reading or math skills. Mr. Hamelink, Mrs. Medrano, and Mrs. Swinney will assist students from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 3-5 tutoring will be held from 11:45-12:00 K-2 tutoring be held from 12:15-12:30 Make sure students bring appropriate materials to the library. Example: Pencils, paper, sight words, flashcards, books. Students will be required to sign in/out. Mrs. Swinney will retain all sign in/out sheets. Tutoring Time is not to be an exchange for detention or punishment for students.
Computer Lab/Library/Music/Art/PE Master Schedules Please do not permanently trade times with other teachers since focused classroom observations, lesson plans & daily schedules must stay aligned. All Learning Walks will be scheduled using these master schedules.
Memorial Elementary School • Mr. Hamelink will deliver focused lessons to students in the classroom aligned to the six pillars of character counts throughout the school year. • Mr. Hamelink will continue to work with students in Care Groups. • Mr. Hamelink will work one-on-one with students that have profound issues.
Memorial Elementary School • Mrs. Wood • Mrs. Vasquez • Mrs. LuPlace • Treasurer (Vacancy) • PTO meetings will be every second Monday of the month. • Peppers Receipts: Teachers will be responsible for totaling them, removing tax, tobacco, and alcohol. Please turn the receipts and total to a PTO officer. PTO will track each classrooms’ earnings.
Grade Level Presentations • September : 4th Grade • October : 3rd Grade • November : Kinder • December : Winter Choir Concert • January: 2nd Grade • February: 1st Grade • March: 5th Grade • April: Spring Choir Concert • May: Grade Level Presentations/Special Projects
Memorial Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee First Monday of the Month • Lori Eighmey: Teacher • Lorena Jimenez: Parent • Vacancy: Community Member • Ofelia Hensley: Parent • Kevin Hensley: Parent • Christy Montes: Business Member • Kathryn Deitz: Instructional Leader • Melanie Rinehart: Principal
EPSS Teams EPSS Leadership Team • Math – Lona Simmons • Parent Involvement – Kelly Zuniga • Reading – Amber Swinney/Lori Eighmey • Safety Team – Kathy Lopez • Student Council- Lisa Wycoff • Kathryn Deitz • Melanie Rinehart
Memorial Elementary EPSS Goal Teams 2011-2012
Memorial Elementary EPSS Goal Teams 2010-2011
Memorial Elementary School Have A Great Year!