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YR YSGOL. P wy sy’n dysgu ___? – who teaches__? Pryd mae ___? – When is___? Faint o’r gloch mae ___? = What time is___? Beth ydy dy hoff bwnc ? Pam? -What is your favourite subject? Beth ydy dy gas bwnc ? Pam? – W hat is your worts subject?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. YR YSGOL Pwysy’ndysgu___? – who teaches__? Prydmae___? – When is___? Faint o’rglochmae___? = What time is___? Beth ydydyhoffbwnc? Pam? -What is your favourite subject? Beth ydydy gas bwnc? Pam? – What is your worts subject? Beth wytti’ngwisgoi’rysgol? – What do you wear to school? Wytti’nhoffigwisgysgol? – Do you like school uniform? Beth hoffettiwisgoi’rysgol? – What would you like to wear? Beth wytti’nbwytaamsercinio? –What do you eat lunchtime? Wytti’nhoffibwyd y cantin? – Do you like the canteen food? Oesbwydiachusyn y cantin? –Is there healthy food in the canteen? GWISG YSGOL trowsus - trousers Sgert - skirt crys polo – polo shirt cryschwys – sweat shirt siwmper- jumper tei- tie sanau - socks teits - tights esgidiau – shoes BWYD YSGOL sglodion- chips pitsa - pizza byrger- burger cyrri - curry tatenbôb - baked potato ffapôb – baked beans tost- toast brechdanau - sandwiches creision - crisps cacen - cake suddoren – orange juice dŵr – water RHEOLAU YSGOL Dim – no Rhaid– you must Dim rhegi – no swearing Dim gwmcnoi – no chewing gum Rhaidgwisgogwisgysgol – you must wear school uniform Rhaidcariodyddiadur – you must carry a diary ysgol – school pennaeth - headteacher athro / athrawes – teacher (m/f) pennaethblwyddyn – head of year dirprwy – deputy tiwtordosbarth – form tutor gofalwr – caretaker nyrs – nurse dosbarth – class ystafell – room pwnc / pynciau – subject / subjects amserlen - timetable PYNCIAU Cymraeg – Welsh Ffrangeg– French Saesneg – English Sbaeneg – Spanish Almaeneg – German hanes – history daearyddiaeth – geography addysggrefyddol – religious education gwyddoniaeth– science technoleg – technology arlunio / celf – art drama – drama addysgbersonol - PSE cerddoriaeth / miwsig – music technoleggwybodaeth (TGCh) – ICT mathemateg – mathematics chwaraeon - games ymarfercorff– physical education Beth ydydyhoffbwnc? IDIOMAU hefyd– also weithiau – sometimes bob amser – all the time ynenwedig– especially felarfer– usually efallai – maybe yngyntaf – firstlyynolaf- lastly mwynhau – to enjoy dysgu - to learn hoffi – to like caelprofiad– gain experience gwneudffrindiau– make friends Fyhoff ___ ydy__ - My favourite ___ is ___ Fy gas __ ydy__ - My worst __ is__ / Dwi’ncasau__ - I hate__ Oes / Nacoes– yes / no Dwi’ngwisgo__ - I wear___ Dwi’nhoffi__ – I like___ Ynfymarn i mae___ yn __ - In my opinion__ is__ Hoffwn i___ - I would like to___ Hoffwn i gael___ – I would like to have___ Dwi’ncytuno – I agree Dwi’nanghytuno – I disagree Mae’n well gyda fi – I prefer Baswni’n– I would Oesrheolauysgol? Ces i___ - I had Cafodd e – He had Cafodd hi – She had

  2. YR YSGOL Pwysy’ndysgu___? – who teaches__? Prydmae___? – When is___? Faint o’rglochmae___? = What time is___? Beth ydydyhoffbwnc? Pam? -What is your favourite subject? Beth ydydy gas bwnc? Pam? – What is your worts subject? Beth wytti’ngwisgoi’rysgol? – What do you wear to school? Wytti’nhoffigwisgysgol? – Do you like school uniform? Beth hoffettiwisgoi’rysgol? – What would you like to wear? Beth wytti’nbwytaamsercinio? –What do you eat lunchtime? Wytti’nhoffibwyd y cantin? – Do you like the canteen food? Oesbwydiachusyn y cantin? –Is there healthy food in the canteen? 3 GWISG YSGOL trowsus - trousers Sgert - skirt crys polo – polo shirt cryschwys – sweat shirt siwmper- jumper tei- tie sanau - socks teits - tights esgidiau – shoes BWYD YSGOL sglodion- chips pitsa - pizza byrger- burger cyrri - curry tatenbôb - baked potato ffapôb – baked beans tost- toast brechdanau - sandwiches creision - crisps cacen - cake suddoren – orange juice dŵr – water RHEOLAU YSGOL Dim – no Rhaid– you must Dim rhegi – no swearing Dim gwmcnoi – no chewing gum Rhaidgwisgogwisgysgol – you must wear school uniform Rhaidcariodyddiadur – you must carry a diary ysgol – school pennaeth - headteacher athro / athrawes – teacher (m/f) pennaethblwyddyn – head of year dirprwy – deputy tiwtordosbarth – form tutor gofalwr – caretaker nyrs – nurse dosbarth – class ystafell – room pwnc / pynciau – subject / subjects amserlen - timetable PYNCIAU Cymraeg – Welsh Ffrangeg– French Saesneg – English Sbaeneg – Spanish Almaeneg – German hanes – history daearyddiaeth – geography addysggrefyddol – religious education gwyddoniaeth– science technoleg – technology arlunio / celf – art drama – drama addysgbersonol - PSE cerddoriaeth / miwsig – music technoleggwybodaeth (TGCh) – ICT mathemateg – mathematics chwaraeon - games ymarfercorff– physical education 1 2 Beth ydydyhoffbwnc? 4 IDIOMAU hefyd– also weithiau – sometimes bob amser – all the time ynenwedig– especially felarfer– usually 5 mwynhau – to enjoy dysgu - to learn hoffi – to like Fyhoff ___ ydy__ - My favourite ___ is __ Dwi’nhoffi__ – I like___ Dwi’ncasau__ - I hate__ Oes / Nacoes– yes / no Ynfymarn i mae___ yn __ - In my opinion__ is__ Hoffwn i___ - I would like to___ Dwi’ncytuno – I agree Dwi’nanghytuno – I disagree 6 Oesrheolauysgol? Ces i___ - I had

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