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GNC Governance Review

This preliminary report discusses the governance of the Global Nutrition Cluster coordination mechanism, emphasizing strategic priorities, roles, decision-making processes, and partnerships. It elaborates on the delivery of purpose, relationships, and transparency within the GNC for effective emergency response coordination.

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GNC Governance Review

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  1. GNC Governance Review Preliminary Report for Discussion 9th July 2013

  2. The Review Process • Reading • Listening • Asking • More listening • More reading • Writing • Testing preliminary ideas with the SAG • More writing – preliminary report  SAG • More writing – draft report  you • Discussions, decisions, actions today  • Finalisation of report • Lots of work to make it all happen

  3. What is ‘Governance’ for the GNC? Structures and mechanisms required to ensure delivery of the GNC purpose. DELIVERY OF PURPOSE Relationships within, and external to, the GNC. Transparency about power and accountabilities

  4. Governance Logic

  5. What’s the GNC for? Anchor GNC Role: The GNC is first and foremost a coordination mechanism. Its seeks to enable timely, quality, appropriate response to emergencies by supporting country-level cluster coordination. Coordination! Coordination! Coordination! Support to country coordinators The GNC Vision is there, but it does not provide an ‘anchor’, from which to make decisions and determine priorities.

  6. GNC Strategic Priorities GLOBAL NUTRITION CLUSTER VISION: 2011-2013 The nutritional status of emergency affected populations is safeguarded and improved by ensuring an appropriate response that is predictable, timely, effective and at scale. Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 3 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 4 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 1 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 2 Capacity Development, HR & Ops Support (incl. preparedness) Info./Knowledge Mgt(incl. monitoring & assessment) Coordination, Advocacy, Policy & Resource Mobilization Standards, Guidelines & Technical Development GLOBAL NUTRITION CLUSTER ROLE: The GNC is first and foremost a coordination mechanism. Its seeks to enable timely, quality, appropriate response to emergencies by supporting country-level cluster coordination. Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 4 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 3 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 1 Nutrition STRATEGIC Area 2 Capacity strengthening, for delivery of coordinated & harmonised NIE response Information and Knowledge Management International Coordination and Advocacy Support to National Coordination

  7. A Strategic Plan for the GNC Direction The current ‘strategic framework’ – the 4 pillars – is a diagram summarising proposed activities for each strategic area GNC needs a clear plan, allowing for multi-year activities. Can help to mobilise resources A 3-Year, Costed Strategic Plan

  8. Delivering the Strategic Plan – Who? Delivery • GNC Partners and GNC Observers • Interim Strategic Advisory Group • Open to all Partners; rotate in Nov 2013 • Task Forces • Convened as necessary, for specific purposes and time-frames, in context of Strategic and GNC work plans • Strategic Partnerships • ? Communities of Practice?

  9. Roles and Responsibilities • GNC Partners: • Support fulfilment of the GNC Strategic Plan through activities in GNC workplan • Participate in at least one GNC meeting a year • Contribute to decision-making in best interests of the collective • Have equal stake in GNC decisions • SAG: • Provides strategic support to GNC Coordinator • Monitors GNC Strategic Plan • Decision-making role only if delegated by Partners • GNC CT • Support fulfilment of GNC strategic and work plans through activities in GNC CT workplan • GNC Coordinator has management decision-making authority

  10. Decision-Making in the GNC Partnership…. Consensus….. Trust…... Voting as a last resort, or for speed Delegated decision-making authority, as required, and as agreed openly (at meetings or by email).

  11. Delivering the Strategic Plan – How? Steps A GNC workplan – ?2 years - of actions partners are willing to take forward, in support of the GNC Strategic Plan A GNC CT Workplan –1 year - of actions needed at the Geneva level

  12. External Connections Viewed from perspective of renewed clarity and confidence in GNC core purpose GNC openness to see external groups as potential assets to the GNC Recognise key externals on GNC website as ‘Of interest to the GNC’; keep communications open; use their products if appropriate; Convene a SUN/GNC/SCN Platform on NIE GNC joins SUN UN System Network Explore potential collaboration with SCN Links with other clusters: via focal points…

  13. Monitoring and Learning M+E • Data and analysis • Cluster performance and effectiveness • Execute decision of Jan 2013 to establish an IM Task Force • Tracking requests from NCCs • Communicating work of country clusters • Collating tools and lessons regarding IM • On-line portal for information exchange

  14. Communications • All partners should have equal access to critical information…. Transparency.… • Needs to span global and country levels • Streamline monthly calls with partners • Language… La langue! • Email minutes rather than just post them on website

  15. Meetings • Hugely valued…. Space to exchange/network • Could be more efficient and effective • Overall chair (GNC Coordinator) • Facilitators for sessions, with clear objectives • Capturing decisions/actions • Invite inputs of non-participants by email • Consider convening a second meeting of NCCs (to be paid for from country budgets)

  16. Visualising the GNC

  17. Governance is less about structure and more about relationships

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