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Sophocles’ Antigone , ca. 443-442. Perikles , 465-443. 465/4 charged Kimon w. malfeasance over Thasos revolt 462/1 reformed Areopagus ( Ephialtes assassinated) encouraged Kimon’s ostracism 461-55 added jury pay, office sortition , subsidized festivals
Perikles, 465-443 465/4 charged Kimon w. malfeasance over Thasos revolt 462/1 reformed Areopagus (Ephialtes assassinated) encouraged Kimon’s ostracism 461-55 added jury pay, office sortition, subsidized festivals 461-51 1st Peloponnesian war: Sparta, Corinth, Aegina, Boeotia 459 started construction of Long Walls (or 461) 457 Sparta vs. Athens: Tanagra(S); Oenophyta (A); Megarid (A) 455-36 led expeditions/cleruchies to Corinthian Gulf, Aegean islands, Boeotia, Chersonese, Thurii, Black Sea 454 moved Delian League treasury to Athens 451 restricted citizenship; Kimon recalled (dies in Cyprus) 5-years’ truce with Sparta 449 Peace of Kallias(?), limiting Persian sphere to e. Mediterranean 448/7 Congress Decree, inviting allies to discuss treasury 448-6 staved off invasion of Attica by bribing Spartans 446 30-years’ peace with Sparta: Athens yields holdings in Megarid, Boeotia, Peloponnese; neutrals may join either side Sparta recognizes Delian League (=empire) 447-32 construction of Parthenon, Propylaea, Odeon 446 suppressed revolts on Megara, Euboea 444/3 Thucydides son of Melesias ostracized 443/2(?) Sophocles’ Antigone
459/8 (or as early as 461/0): Long Walls, Athens (Thuc. 1.107)
455/4: Delian League funds transferred to Athens (Plut. Per. 12, not Thuc.)
Sophokles son of Sophillos • 496-406 BCE, son of wealthy arms-maker • led chorus in singing of paean after Salamis at 16 • 123 plays, 7 extant; 1st victory ca. 470 BCE • added 3rd actor character development + skenographia • 24 1st places, 6 2nd places, and never came in 3rd place • served as hellenotamias (League treasurer) in 443/2 • elected strategos with Perikles in 441/0 due to Antigone (?)
Sophokles’ AntigoneCan you detect any trace of Periklesin … • Kreon? • Antigone? • Haimon? • Chorus? or …none of these at all?