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Staff Conference 2011 Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

Welcome to the 2011 Staff Conference. Staff Conference 2011 Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals. Introduction Reflections after 10 months. Staff Conference 2011 Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals. From the Christ Church Students’ Union Annual Report 2010/11:

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Staff Conference 2011 Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

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  1. Welcome to the 2011 Staff Conference Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Introduction Reflections after 10 months

  2. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals From the Christ Church Students’ Union Annual Report 2010/11: “Long may you continue to listen from the ‘bottom up’ Professor Baker”

  3. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey 94.3% of our graduates are in employment and/or further study six months after leaving (2009/10 figures for UK domiciled full-time first degree leavers) Times Good University League Table for 2012 Up 9 places from 97 last year to 88 this year. Improvement of overall score from 329 to 457. People and Planet Green League Table Up 25 places from 56 last year to 31 this year. Improvement from Lower Second to First class. Places us in the top 25% of universities and colleges for environmental performance.

  4. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Tuition Fees from September 2012 • Why £8,500? • Financial sustainability • Our brand • Our values

  5. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Open Day statistics

  6. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Looking towards the future • Higher Education White Paper – June 2011 • ‘Students at the Heart of the System’ • Student number controls • Regulation • Student experience

  7. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Launch of the Strategic Plan 2011-15

  8. Group Discussions Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  9. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals All Change The Strategic Plan 2011-2015 The Dialogue Building on Strengths and Delivering Solutions – The Change Programme Dr Moira Helm Director of the Change Programme and Secretary to the Board of Change

  10. All change | Context Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals “Students and the student experience are at the centre of this Strategic Plan and define its ambitions. We will offer a flexible and innovative curriculum that responds quickly to changes within and beyond the University. We will provide local access to a high quality experience through a distributed campus network and enhanced capability for blended and distance learning.” Strategic Plan (2011-2015) Goal 1 - To deliver an accessible, innovative and flexible curriculum

  11. All Change | The Dialogue Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals What students, you and others told us NSS | USS Staff Survey | The Efficiency Project |Stakeholder Consultation VLE review

  12. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Methodology All students not eligible for NSS Identical questionnaire to NSS Delivered using Bristol on Line survey tool, via StudentNET Analysis by Student Survey Unit

  13. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS • Response rates • 13,329 students targeted • 17.2 % overall (N=2288) • 16.7% in subgroup analyses (N=2229) • varied by department: 3%-32% • full time : 24% • part time : 6% • undergraduate : 18% • postgraduate : 13% • UK domiciled : 16% • non-UK domiciled : 29% Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  14. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Overall scores to key questions Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals USS 2011 NSS 2010

  15. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Overall scores to NHS and bank questions

  16. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Free text comments Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  17. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Negatives The initial communication with the University was confusing and unhelpful We have been expected to write approximately 4 academic essays before having received any feedback Understanding how the online systems work… to try and find out where and when you are meant to be is almost impossible Library is not fully equipped for my course, books are never available and there are not enough computers ” “ Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals “ ” “ ” “ ”

  18. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Positives Equipment and services provided by the University are of a high standard Being able to learn about an interesting subject with helpful tutors who have a great interest and knowledge in the subject The tutorials with lecturers are excellent and very helpful and always approachable “ Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals ” “ ” “ ” “ ” A fantastic group of people helped me through first year

  19. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Positive outcomes Overall Satisfaction scored high: 85% Higher than NSS 2010 (81%) The Teaching on my Course scored high: 85% Free text comments supported the high scores for The Teaching on my Course Students feel positive about their career prospects86% agreed that their career prospects will improve as a result of their course Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  20. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Main issues Assessment & Feedback (66%) Feedback on my work has been prompt – 59%Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand – 60% Organisation & Management (70%) Organisation of the course and communication of changes were considered poor – 68% and 69%, respectively Learning Resources (71%)I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities or roomswhen I needed to – 64% Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  21. All Change | Evidence and issues | USS Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Main issues (continued): Practice Placements (NHS students) (81%) I received sufficient preparatory information prior to my placements(s) – 65% Feedback from Students (55%)My feedback on the course is listened to and valued – 52% It is clear to me how students' comments on the course have been acted upon – 44% Cross Campus Variable response e.g. to learning resources

  22. All Change | Evidence and issues | NSS Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  23. All Change Evidence and Issues| VLE Review • VLE Review • I'd like to see the VLE become central to the student experience. Making it the source for all course content / support / grades / submission (staff) • Information should be available on our phones about assignment deadlines, cancellations of lectures (student) • I want to be able to see my grades on Blackboard and all the information that is currently on StudentNET (student) • Integration with other systems must be considered at the same time ...let's address the issue from the student's viewpoint, not our internal silos (staff) ” “ Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals ” “ “ ” “ ”

  24. All Change | Evidence and issues | The Staff Survey Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Staff survey 2009 : What did we do? Revised processes for academic promotions from lecturer to professor - transparent, robust and more fairly applied Greater transparency and openness for senior staff appointments Strengthened appraisal across the university raising engagement and understanding of the process Introduction of Dignity at Work Advisors (in September 2011) Enhancements for our sessional staff – new payments system, conference & induction, Handbook, development Improved internal and external communications – INSPIRE, StaffNet, branding, digital screens, poster sites Greater openness of SMT – SMT minutes on the web, SMT leading staff engagement with strategic plan development.

  25. All Change | Evidence and issues | The Efficiency Project • The Efficiency Project • “Broad and thin review” (NAO, 2006): • Students’ views (NSS and USS) • Staff Views • E-mail suggestions (152) • Interviews (54) • Consultants’ reports • Existing projects • Consistent views expressed by students’, staff and consultants Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  26. All Change | Evidence and issues | The Efficiency Project Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals • The Findings • Gap between where we are now and where we should be to deliver for the future • Failed to act effectively on known, consistent views • Culture needs to adapt to accommodate different ways of working and engaging • with students

  27. All Change | Evidence and issues | The Efficiency Project The Findings Need to work differently: Many University wide processes - academic processes, student administration and professional services - need to be reviewed and modernised Changes to processes and the use of technology and systems could bring greater efficiency, effectiveness & cost benefits but will not be easy to deliver Need to communicate differently: Lots of examples of good practice but we tend not to share or celebrate them Some “quick wins” by enhancing communication incl....... “You said, we did” Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  28. All change | Why Challenging Growth Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  29. All Change | The Way Forward| The Change Programme Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals We have listened: The Change Programme A joined up programme of projects and initiatives, the backbone of which is the enhancement of the student experience

  30. All Change | The Change Programme The Change Board A board of 15 people representing key stakeholders: Students Senior Management Team Academic staff Professional services staff Chaired by the Vice-Chancellor Meet fortnightly as of 16th August 2011 Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  31. All Change | The Change Programme Guiding principles Students are the backbone of the Strategic Plan (2011-15) and of the Change Programme The Change Programme is not just about systems and processes it is about changing how we work, communicate and deliver the student experience Only invest time and effort in areas where there is going to be payoff (NAO, 2010) – must make a difference to the student experience Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  32. All Change | The Change Programme • The Focus • Supporting the delivery of the Strategic Plan (2011-2015) • Strong leadership with clear lines of accountability • A small number of high value initiatives which have yet to be finalised • Key themes likely to be around: • Timetabling and rooming • Organisation and management • Assessment and feedback • Communication • Management information • Staff development to support change & extend good practice Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  33. All Change | The Change Programme • First Steps • Establish clear vision with key stakeholders • Identify key initiatives and projects • Establish governance arrangements and delivery objectives • Move from project management to using a programme management approach Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  34. All Change | The Change Programme The Risks Failure to deliver strategic objectives and key targets with the Strategic Plan The Benefits Improvements and enhancements would ease staff burden, allow for different working and improve the student experience Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  35. All Change | “ Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals The student centred learning is definitely a positive aspect that helped me enhance my communicational skills and raised my self confidence. Also, the tutors are very nice and helpful and always open to hear what we, the students, think. It's nice to see that our opinions really matter. ”

  36. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Over to You

  37. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Over to You - Group Discussion Question 1: “In relation to our strategic aims and following on from the presentations you have heard today, in your view what will success look like at the mid and end point of the plan for our staff, students and stakeholders?” Question 2: “What additional opportunities do you feel the new strategic plan presents for the University that may not have yet been identified?”

  38. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Next Steps: Maintaining the Dialogue David Smith Pro Vice Chancellor (External Relations)

  39. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015 “The challenge for our University is to understand what influences choice among our key target audience groups from undergraduate students to knowledge exchange partners” “The recent consultation exercise has shown good levels of staff engagement .... ultimately we cannot build reputation and shape image on the outside if the message is not owned by our staff”

  40. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals To be a ‘University of Choice’ we need: To understand student ‘choice’ influences To understand the stakeholders key to our destiny: public service bodies; local and sub regional communities and businesses; arts, sports andcultural partners; schools and colleges; local and national government To ensure the ‘ownership’ of our staff of the visions, ambitions and goals of the 2011 – 2015 Strategic Plan.

  41. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Some ‘wicked issues’ recur in strategic consultation Event Feedback: Are we too public service focused? Is there a future for a campus network beyond Canterbury? Does league table position matter? Does retention now matter as much (or more than) recruitment? Do we know what student expectation is? How are we able to provide ‘good service’ when at the same time we are tightening our belts?

  42. Keep the USP – friendly ,supportive, nurturing but be confident and celebrate Be communication rich – understand audience, differentiate messages, internal cross fertilisation, understanding others agendas Performance management – accountability, strategic objectives embedded, management based on permission – “management by outputs not presenteeism” Cross campus consistency – “sweat the asset” , community engagement, locally influential Entrepreneurialism - new learning modes of delivery, blurring roles more between PS/A, shared services Fast track from idea/input to policy and practice – “get on with it!” Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals

  43. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals September – December 2011 100 working days to plan a communication system fit for purpose to implement strategic change. Listening and talking to current Students: Margaret Andrews Listening and talking to Staff: Andrew Ironside Listening and talking to Stakeholders: David Smith

  44. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals What will we be doing? Re-shaped www.canterbury.ac.uk(January 2012) “You said, we did” (Michaelmas 2011) Plan and launch VLE development including student communications (Autumn 2011 – Spring 2013) Change board feedback and staff engagement (from August 2011)

  45. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals And importantly in our jubilee year Public events series Golden Jubilee calendar Alumni Strategy London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games/Cultural Olympiad Cultural Partnerships Public Service Reform Commitment

  46. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals And what would success look like? an improved, demonstrably, student experience? widened participation? research making demonstrable impact? staff confident of the worth and value base of their University and of its contribution to its communities?

  47. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Professor Michael Wright Prize Richard Simpson Senior Technician Geographical and Life Sciences

  48. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Teaching Excellence Awards Dr Peter Watts Senior Lecturer Applied Social Sciences

  49. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Teaching Excellence Awards Dr Paul Skinner Senior Lecturer Postgraduate Initial Teacher Education

  50. Staff Conference 2011Towards 2015: Implementing the Strategic Goals Teaching Excellence Awards Mrs Marian McCormick Senior Lecturer Allied Health Professionals

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