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Building the Body: The Engine of the Church

Explore the role of service in the church through biblical examples and teachings. Learn how to serve others with love and grow spiritually. Discover ways to use your gifts to benefit the body of Christ.

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Building the Body: The Engine of the Church

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  1. Spiritual Life & Disciplines Part 13 – Spiritual Discipline #5 – Service

  2. Example John 13:3-17 Matthew 20:20-28

  3. The Engine of the Church Ephesians 4:11-16 Leaders equip believers (v. 11) Believers do the work of service – building up the body (v. 12) This leads to unity and maturity (vv. 13-14) It is accomplished primarily by speaking the truth in love (v. 15) And by each one doing their own part to build up the body (v. 16)

  4. The Engine of the Church Ephesians 4:16 – The vision of service in the church Every believer (“the whole body”) Engaged in his/her role (“according to the proper working of each part”) Is unified (“being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies”) And is growing (“causes the growth of the body”) By ministering to one another (“for the building up of itself in love”) Under Christ, the Head (“from whom”)

  5. 2 Dimensions of Serving Vertical – My ultimate service is to God (Col 1:7, 1 Tim 4:6) Horizontal – My service is aimed to benefit others (1 Pet 4:10)

  6. Gifted to Serve Romans 12:6-8 1 Peter 4:10 1 Corinthians 12:1ff Spiritual Gifts The emphasis in Scripture is not on discovering gifts before service can occur The emphasis in Scripture is on serving so that your gifts will be revealed

  7. What is considered ‘service’? Any act done out of love for God and in obedience to His Word for the benefit of others is considered “service.” Ministry: Can be formal or informal Known or unknown Public or private Inside or outside the church

  8. Why is service a spiritual discipline? We grow spiritual through serving, not just by being served Like a physical muscle, spiritual gifts must be exercised and practiced in service and ministry in order to stay healthy and strong

  9. What can I do to serve? Be in regular prayer for our church Befriend visitors Visit those who can’t come to worship regularly Be an encouraging friend who promotes godliness Help clean up after fellowship meals Volunteer to fix a problem or address a need that you see Start a new ministry Support missionaries financially and prayerfully Use all of your gifts and talents to serve others

  10. What can I do to serve? Write a note of encouragement to someone Give an anonymous gift to someone who has a need Give to a designated church project Develop a servant’s heart Form a discipleship relationship with someone Visit someone in the hospital Give pastors and leaders helpful feedback Build a relationship with unbelievers Invest in someone 20 years younger than yourself

  11. What can I do to serve? Get involved in a formal ministry: VBS – June 21-25 Sunday school – need Pre-K/K teacher Children’s Church – need helpers and teachers Fall Counseling Conference – need lots of helpers AWANA Audio / Video techies Website / Sermon CD helpers Bookstore / Library Door Greeter GBI teacher Biblical counselor

  12. What can I do to serve? Get involved in a formal ministry: Music ministry Women’s ministry Men’s ministry Nursery

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