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To whom it may concern: Action plan: 10 AVENUES LEADING TO SHANGHAI TOP 500 (ALSO, THE-QS and WEBOMETRICS) AND 10 ISSUES OF CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE (5 issues, each one 2 sub-issues). Author: Prof. Dr. Milutinović Veljko. Introductory Notes (10).
To whom it may concern:Action plan:10 AVENUES LEADING TO SHANGHAI TOP 500 (ALSO, THE-QS and WEBOMETRICS)AND 10 ISSUES OF CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE (5 issues, each one 2 sub-issues) Author: Prof. Dr. Milutinović Veljko
Introductory Notes (10) a. This is a study that I have completed at the request of Prof. Lekovic, Vice Rector of the University of Belgrade, in charge of the National Top500 project. It gives only the basic points (details are obtainable on special request).The first version was created in May 2009. 2/63
Introductory Notes (10) b. To complete this study, several experts were consulted; primarily, Prof. Demsar (Ljubljana), Prof. Neuhold (Wienna), Prof. Valero (Barcelona), and Prof. Mester (Szeged). 3/63
Introductory Notes (10) c. Different universities are taking different avenues leading to the Shanghai Top 500 list, and these avenues are defined next. 4/63
Introductory Notes (10) d. The best approach is to take all of them concurrently, for synergistic reasons. Examples of benefits coming from synergistic interaction of the 10 avenues are obtainable on request. 5/63
Introductory Notes (10) e. What I list below are the avenues, and for each avenue I specify a university which got significant points by taking that avenue. For each university I can supply the name of my contact, who represents direct link to the major driver along the specified avenue (Rector, Director of NSF, etc.). 6/63
Introductory Notes (10) f. Each issue defined below has a price tag, both to create and to maintain. The price of each one can be calculated on request. 7/63
Introductory Notes (10) g. Each issue has a social dimension, and without appropriate attention given to the social dimension, the success can be jeopardized. 8/63
Introductory Notes (10) h. Each issue needs a responsible person or institution, to take a permanent care about, plus a mechanism with elements of: bible, stick, and carrot. 9/63
Introductory Notes (10) i. Benefits of getting onto the Top500 list are multifold, and their elaboration is a subject of a follow-up write-up. 10/63
Introductory Notes (10) j. IMPORTANT NOTE: Issues do not count for Shanghai500, but act as crucial accelerators of the process. Avenues do count for the list. Avenues bring Shanghai points, and issues help the avenues to bring more points. 11/63
Issues of Importance 12/63
a. DIRECT VISIBILITY No matter what are the results generated by faculty members, the major issue is that all their results are clearly visible. One does not apply to the Shanghai list. They use the Internet to find data themselves, and that means that many results do not get noticed (my uneducated feeling is that only 20% of the results generated by the U. of Belgrade get noticed). Therefore, the crucial issue is that each university has a portal, in which the data are sorted using the SAME structure as is the structure of the Shanghai evaluation criteria, so they find ALL at one place, EASILY. That portal should be the first Google hit, when the official name of the university is typed, no matter what language is used (English, Serbian, Chinese, Spanish). The Szeged Univerity has a respectable portal, using 1:1 correspondence with what Shanghai looks for (I do not know if that is so by accident, or due to a systematic effort). My contact to Szeged Rector: Prof. Mester. I SUGGEST THAT PROF. MESTER IS ADDOPTED INTO THE BELGRADE MISSION TEAM.
The portal must include not only the data of interest for Shanghai, but also the data of interest for the other two lists getting popular (one in UK, THE-QS, and one in SP, WEBOMETRICS).
Nobels (NL) or Major Field Medalists (MFMs) among alumni (10%) Does Ivo Andric hold a degree from UB?If yes, he will be bringing points for 100 years.Another question is if HDs count?There is some indication that these may count,but with an order of magnitude lower weight.That has yet to be proved.In any way, it does not hurt them to list themat the portal, in the HD category.We have about 10 NLs and MFMs among correct and futureHDs (Honorary Doctors), plus some universities havea practice to give HD post-mortem to NLs(which could be done for Ivo Andric, if rules permit).Also, leading researchers of SRB should be nominatedfor MFMs that Shanghai accepts. 17/63
Nobels (NL) or Major Field Medalists (MFMs) among staff (20%) All NLs and MFMs who got our HDs, did express an interestto teach courses for credit in SRB,via Internet or to come here.What counts is not where the "radna knjizica" resides,but where the courses for credit are taught.Consequently, each school/department of UB (31),and each school/department of any other SRB universityhas to create a TOPICS-IN course,which brings transferable Bologna credits,and can be taught only by NL of MFM(the list of MFMs that Shanghai accepts,can be found via the Shanghai portal). 18/63
Peak Researchers (20%). This is where both,the number of SCI papers and SCI citations count,as well as the fellow nominations.SRB has to create a list of researcherswith SCI citations count over 50,with SCI papers count over 50,and the list of fellows (nonMFMmedalists)of major societies and companies(Fellows of the IEEE, ACM, Intel, IBM,MS, Oracle, Cisco, Google,..).Tesla and Pupin were Fellows of IRE (now IEEE),and could count,had their nominations in BG been not droppedat the time they were alive. 19/63
For the peak researchers to count all their lifetime,all those who satisfy criteria for Shanghai points,should never be asked to retire.In Slovenia,no university professor is ever asked to retire.What I propose for SRB is less merciful:Only those who bring Shanghai pointsshould never be asked to retire.Consequently, the current EMERITUS LAW IN SRBhas to be changed, and linked to Shanghai criteria.Currently it is linked to the 3% condition,which creates ambiguities and room for abuse. 20/63
Of course, in order not to cut jobs for youngers,the teaching of non-retired post-65 professorsshould be limited only to master and PHD studies,and only to one course per semester.Opening of a third, summer semester(in addition to fall and spring)should be considered,and not only for TOPICS-IN courses(visitors can easily come in summers,and summers are ideal make-up periodsfor courses difficult to pass(at Purdue University, all tough courses are offeredalso in summers). 21/63
Size (10%) Our major Achilies heal. Legislature is neededthat moves non-productive staff to teaching services,which do not count (like financial services, cleaningservices, student services, housing services, ...).All privileges and titles should be kept intact,to amortize frictions. A grace period should be given to those who wish to improve. Full professors should be kept intact, so they become allies, not enemies. Also, productive groups should be incorporated (if the Jozef Stefan Institute would become a part of LJ university,LJ would get into Top100). 22/63
In other words, money is neededfor all these awards, and it can come from FP7. Actually, if the work is relevant, money is more likely to come.So, the criterion for awards should be not only SCI (quality),but SCI and FP7 (quality and relevance). Hybrid solutions are also possible, i.e. small awards for SCI only,and significant awards for SCI+FP7 (synergy). 25/63
Articles at Nature and Science (20%)These should be awarded by Government and Press(see part on MEDIA VISIBILITY given below).Each such paper should be given nice money by governmentand an article in Politika,and an exposure at RTS. 26/63
The bottom line is that NSF of SRB should be giving money as follows: 1. "Na kasicicu"To all registered researchers, just to keep them above bio minimum.Recimo, nacionalni minimalac.2. "Lopatom"Kad generisu SCI bodove za Shanghai (radove i citate).Recimo, E100 za rad i E10 za citat.3. "Bagerom"Kad generisu rad za Nature and Science.Recimo, E1000. 27/63
International students They will come if appropriate infrastructure exists;quality of education is not the only issue of importance.ALSO, BRING STANFORD or MIT programs to BG,and foreign students from the region will hog our doors!STUDENTS COUNT NO MATTER WHAT COUNTRY THEY COME FROM! 29/63
International staff Each faculty should have a 3-credit course TOPICS IN XYZ,should be taught by a foreign professor(they do not need high honoraria to come;what is important to them is to spread their mission,and what can also help is the LONELY PLANET #1 :)FOREIGN PROFESSORS COUNT ONLY IF THEY COME FROMSHANGHAI TOP 500 AND TEACH FOR CREDIT. 30/63
Students accepted for grad schools at other top universities This is our major strength, since only ETF brings on average 10 grad students per year to Top10 USA schools(especially after a course has been generated which teaches students how to get there - ETF got moneyequivalent to $1M now, from a past student who became an alumnus of Stanford, and the course was created to maximize the probability that something like that happens again; the course also includes FP7, MBA, and SCI, plus parts on inventivity, creativity, effectiveness, and efficiency). Also, 40 past students of ETF are now doing PHD in Barcelona, which is treated the EU top in computer design.IT COUNTS ONLY IF OUR STUDENTS REACH SHANGHAI 500. NB: Mechanism needed to report progress beyond UB 31/63
Staff teaching at other top universities All our professors visiting elsewhere have to be listed,but only if "elsewhere" is Shanghai top 500. The portal creation and maintenance have a non-trivial price tag, which can be calculated. Prof. Jovanovic and RCUB, plus Prof. Popovic and ETF, should be consulted about the tender for the portal creation. 32/63
Webometrics PageRank versus PaperRank ProfessorRank versus FacultyRank UniversityRank 33/63
In order to help generate good results, GOVERNMENT has to introduce motivation mechanisms, both for national funding and for EU funding: b. GOVERNMENT IMPOSED MOTIVATION MECHANISMS 34/63
b1. For national funding, the best example is Slovenia(Ljubljana is at the position 402).SLO funding criteria are very close to Shanghai criteria.A possible solution is to ask a VIP from Slovenia to helpgenerate such criteria for Serbia,and to add both, the mechanisms that make the Serbia criteriaIDENTICAL to Shanghai criteria (ALL 6 listed above), and also thePREVENTIVE mechanisms that prevent frictions from stepping ontoes of seniors who are influential, but week in science, andcould generate frictions (ako si redovni profesor, niko nece date dira, ali nemoj da kocis, nego pomogni - prikljuci se idejikoja dobija; a ako si asistent, docent ili vanredni,zapni iz sve snage). This means that issues likepapers in Nature and Science have to be financially recognized;not only the SCI papers. This means mechanisms that getintroduced gradually, selectively, and transparently.The core of the financial mechanism is presented above. 35/63
b2. For international funding, the best examples are Germany andAustria, where very good but unsuccessful proposals getnon-trivial reimbursements for preparation efforts.Along the same lines,Croatia has introduced a mechanism which cold for SRB, too:Each FP7 proposal is rated with up to 15 points:ST, Scientific and Technical, gets up to 5 points,MF, Management and Finances, gets up to 5 points,ED, European Dimension, gets up to 5 points. 36/63
If a proposal gets 12 points or more,it has good chances to win an EU contract.If a proposal gets 10 points or more,but does not win a contract, it gets:E10K for project leader, if from CROE4K for WP leader, if from CROE3K for each partner from CROAll this on condition that none of the three parts is rated below3 points (ovo ogranicenje je odlicno, da se ne bi desilo da seneko uortacio sa firmom R&R koja garantuje 4.5. na ST i ED, pa se 10 poena prebaci sa slabim ST delom od samo 1 poen).Also, total given out is E10K (ako je iz CRO leaderi jos dva partnera, total koji se daje nije E16K, nego E10K,ali to ogranicenje nije dobro). 37/63
Consequently, in 2008, CRO output to EU was E2M,and the input from EU was E17M (based on what I have, SRB data are E1M8 and E2M4). For CALL 5 (closed Oct 26, 2009), success rate of Croatia is excellent; of SRB is tragic. Please, note that ETF has a course which teaches students how to do FP7 proposals.This course is also available at PMF (obligatory at MasterFFH),FON (elective at PHD level), and Singidunum (obligatory at PHD). 38/63
My proposal for SRB (which is what SLO may introduce soon):E5K if leaderE2K if WP leaderE1K if partnerCondition: min 3 at either ST, or MF, or ED.Important: money in one week after application for money! 39/63
This money comes from the Minister of Finances, via the Minister of Science, since each almost-successful project may win next time, and then the government funds get loaded with orders of magnitude more money that given for reimbursements (socijalno, zdravtveno, penziono, etc). Primer: Ako SRB univerzitet, kao jedan od partnera donese E350K za plate, od toga E150K ostaje SRB drzavi (faktor oko 1.75), pa zato ima smisla da drzava stimulise almost-successful proposals, jer se buduci uspesni generisu upravo iz ove grupe. Sada drzava daje 10% uspesnima, ali to nije neophodno, jer ako je neko dobio pare od EU, on ima para, i ne treba dodatno opterecivati budzet (zasto podmazivati rep debeloj guski?). 40/63
In order to help generate good results, UNIVERSITIES have to introduce good motivation mechanisms for: c1. PHD student publicationsLJ is now asking 2 SCI papers for PHD.c2. faculty promotionsLJ has made the promotion criteria much tougher than BG Crucial principles to apply: PRIMENA SA ZADRSKOM, POSTEPENOST, SELEKTIVNOST, TRANSPARENTNOST, i RELEVANTNOST (source: Franci Demsar, Director of the NSF of Slovenia). Razrada ovih 5 kriterijuma je predmet posebnog dopisa (poseban rad istih koautora, Milutinovic, Lekovic, Tomazic, Demsar). 42/63
Suggestion for SRB, based on statistical analysis: 1. for natural and medical sciences, 3 SCI papers for PHD.2. for electrical and computer engineering, 2 SCI papers3. for other engineering, 1 SCI paper4. for social sciences (laws, economy, etc), 1 SSCI paper5. for arts and humanities (languages, etc), 1 paper, in one of: AHCI or ERIH A or ERIH B. ERIH C NOT ACCEPTABLE. GOOD DOMESTIC JOURNAL HAVE TO GET INTO ERICH A OR B. 43/63
A GUIDELINE ON HOW TO MAKE A JOURNAL FOR SCI, SSCI, AHCI, OR ERIH,ON SPECIAL REQUEST. It should be announced that the above rules will be applied in 5 years from now, and will be made tighter every 5 years. Another possibility is that the rule for sciences/medicine be applied in 1 year, for EE/CE in 2 years, for other engineering in 3 years, for SSIi in 4 years, and for arts and humanities in 5 years.Absolutely everything has to be transparent to the entire nation! 44/63
In order to generate visible results (that get easily publishable), mentors have to be motivated to focus on the relevant problems, so that money, time, effort, and talent is not wasted. So, mechanisms (offices) are needed to help:d1. Effectiveness, how to select the right road to reach the target destinationd2. Efficiency, how to be fast on that road 46/63
One possible scenario (related to effectiveness) that wastes talent and time is the following one: Assistants are typically recruited among the best students, and very often end up doing PHD with the politically most influential professor in the Area (Katedra), who is not productive (effective), so they are given a suva-drenovina topic for PHD. How to prevent this? National list of topic priorities and consultation of that list when the thesis topic is to be approved, or even better, asking for a SCI paper at the time of thesis topic adoption. 47/63
One possible scenario (related to efficiency) needing improvement is that promotion committees waste their time on clear cases (promote vs reject), which can be treated automatically. They should concentrate their time only on gray-zone cases (details on request). Also, each promotion should be evaluated by an ethics committee(important topic not covered here).This issue has a price tag, not only in money, but also in social issues, and can be calculated with an appropriate effort. MENTORS MUST SATISFY THE MINIMUM SCI PAPER REQUIREMENT.AGAIN, THE RULE SHOULD BE APPLIED WITH DELAY, AND TRANSPARENTLY. 48/63
Researcher get better informed via media and newspapers, then via official channels. Consequently, e1. Politika (and others) have to write about the issues and mechanisms presented here. e2. Rectors and ProRectors have to talk for TV, as well.The Mission Team must include reps from media! 50/63