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This module provides guidelines on managing contract durations, deadlines, and budget allocations within the CRIS system. It covers links with other modules, preliminary checks, persons in charge, analytical breakdown, commitments, and budget lines. You will learn about the relation of Global Commitment, individual commitment, operational and closure periods, as well as calculations for the Final Date for Implementation (FDI). The module also includes information on financial synthesis, contractor status validation, LEF, BAF files, and the Early Detection System (EDES). Different contract types are explained, with detailed steps for encoding and creating new contracts in the CRIS system based on contract natures and sections.
CRISContracts DEVCO R4 Information Technology 08/06/2018
Agenda of the day • Contracts: links with the other modules • Durations and deadlines • Preliminary checks • General information • Persons in charge • Analytical breakdown & Allocations • Commitments & Budget Lines • Initial rider • Payments
CRIS Modules L1 Budgetary Commitment= Global Commitment L2 Budgetary Commitment = Individual Commitment
Durations ans deadlines • Execution of the FA FDI-FA/ DLE Operational period Closure period EOI/LMO Decision Contracting period FDC ILC 6 months 6 months Contract • Operational Implementationperiod = 47 months Starting date of activities 01/08/2017 End date of activities 30/06/2021 Contractor's signature 20/07/2017 FDI 31/12/2022 EC signature 09/07/2017
Starting date of activities Mandatory field! Depending on the contract nature, several options are possible (choose one). According to the option selected, the starting date of activities is to be filled out by the user or it will be automatically set by CRIS at a certain visa step.
Final Date for Implementation (FDI) = Deadline for execution of the individual budgetary commitment How to calculate the FDI ? Starting date of activities + Operational duration + duration that depends on contract type (report, guarantee, etc.) Examples: General Conditions of a Service Contract (Art. 19) or Grant Contract (Art.21) The payment obligations of the European Commission under this contract shall cease at most 18 months after the end of the period of implementation of the tasks, unless the contract is terminated in accordance with Article xx of the General Conditions.
Timeline for a GF Commitment Financing Decision21/12/2017 FDC FA 31/12/2018 FDC ILC16/06/2021 FDI FA / DLE16/06/2024 ORDO Visa 22/12/2017 Beneficiary country signs 16/06/2018 EOI/LMO 16/06/2022 Period for signing FA N+1 Period for executing FA Period for signing contracts = 36 months Implementation period = X months (project duration) Closure period = 24 months 6 months Only payments
Status of the Decision • Check status of the Decision = EC – on going • Check type of commitment • Check dates of the Decision: • Final date for contracting (D+3): FDC ILC • End date of Operational Implementation: EOI/LMO • Final Date of Implementation Financing Agreement: FDI FA/DLE
Financial Synthesis • Check the Financial situation of the decision(Funds sufficient on the HEADING of the Decision you wish to use to allocate the contract: total RAC sufficient ? )
Status of Contractor • LEF: Legal Entity File: Identifies all third parties with which the • Commission has contractual or financial relations. • Validated LEF key: 6xxxxxxxxx • BAF: Bank Account FileFinancial identification Form (FIF) completed & signed by the Account holder The contractor must have a valid LEF and a valid BAF, otherwise the GESTFIN will not able to grant the visa. The status can be checked in the module. • Validated LEF and BAF records are copied from ABAC to CRIS every 45 minutes • Hint: • Remember to check the Early Detection System (EDES, formerly EWS)!
Status of Contractor • Check the LEF of the contractor • Check the Early Detection System (EDES) • If OK, check that the BAF of the Contractor is linked to the LEF:
Contract types CRIS Contract= Level 2 commitment (or individual) Call for tenders Call for proposals Framework contract Others Implementation Contracts (ME) Implementation Contracts (ME) Specific Contracts (LM) Grants (SV) Budget Support Services PAGODA(Pillar Assessed Grants or Delegation Agreement, to become the NEW CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENTS soon) Works Supplies Programme Estimates Other types • Internal Contracts between two entities of the Commission • Technical commitments ("Dummy" Contracts for the late interest payment) • Specific Contracts on Framework Contracts outside of CRIS
Encoding a Contract 3 1 2 NB: In case you know the e-Calls Prospect reference of a completed Call for Proposals, you can create a new contract by using this option. All info encoded in e-Calls will be then transferred to CRIS. 4
Encoding a Contract Different sections will have to be filled in the General Information tab, according to the chosen Contract type:
Contract Natures Implementation Contracts (ME) • SER: Services • SUP: Supplies • WKS: Works • PF: Pro-forma registration (Programme Estimates & Budget Support) • CF: Financing Agreement - transfer of funds to delegated bodies • IT: Technical commitment allowing payment of late interest • RC: Re-commitment: (only to be used when the amount has already been committed previously - e.g.: FDI expired). • AAR: Administrative Arrangement (for transactions between different services of the European Commission (JRC,OIB,...)) • AEE: Administrative expenditure except procurement (e.g.: missions) • SPE: Specific contract (resulting from a Framework Contract not covered in the CRIS) • ACT: Action Grants • OPR: Functioning Grants (operating) Grants (SV)
Implementation (ME): SER Nature, sub-nature and type
Implementation (ME): SPE Nature and sub-nature Code A27 has been removed, therefore if you have SPE linked to a FWC with A27, the code must be changed: a GESTFIN must update in ABAC the Class/Category field, then the GESTOPE will be able to create a rider to modify the SPE sub-nature in CRIS
Implementation (ME): SUP & WKS Nature and sub-nature
Grants (SV): Nature and Sub-nature
Applicable Regulation Contract under BUDG: Contract under EDF:
Financial Forecast Reference It is now possible to link the BPC draft contract when creating the contract in CRIS. After the RESPFIN visa, the financial forecast history will be transferred from BPC to CRIS, and the BPC draft contract will disappear from the list in BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation). More info : http://www.cc.cec/wikis/display/crisknowledgebase/BPC+Chapter+3+-+Draft+Contracts#BPCChapter3-DraftContracts-344 NB: the reference must be added correctly, by typing the full code. Example: CTR_DR_JM_0010
Implementation (ME) : AwardProcedure Type Please note that the combinations of Award and Negotiated Procedure types must match the authorized CRIS Nature and Sub-nature codes for that specific combination. Since the release of ABAC 8.0, the allowed Award / Negotiated procedures combinations for Implementation Contracts (ME) with Nature - Services (SER), Supplies (SUP) or Works (WKS) - as well as the corresponding Sub-nature codes - have been redefined and categorized according to the specific classes and categories of ABAC. The matrix of relationships between these procedures and codes in ABAC and CRIS is shown in this table, which also shows the permitted relationships between the Nature and Sub-nature combinations in CRIS.
Currencies Exception: Programme Estimates (contractual currency can be ≠ payment currency) Payment possible Contractual currency Specific payment currency
Contract status in CRIS • PO (provisional): ENCOD • DE (decided) : GESTOPE/RESPOPE/ GESTFIN / RESPFIN • EG (committed) : ORDO • EC (on-going) : GESTFIN (visa 80) • CA (cancelled) : following a cancellation visa CC • CL (closed) : following the closure of the contract by means of a Closure rider (CL rider type)
Financial Section Persons in charge Visas ABAC FinancialSection Operational Section
Contract Checklist • "Print Checklist" button in visas tab • Available after 30 – GESTFIN visa • The Checklist includes the relevant information for RESPFIN to check
Analytical breakdown & Allocations
Funds Analytical breakdownFinancial breakdown Use of funds Origins of funds
Analytical Breakdown NB: For contracts under Budget, it is not mandatory to detail the Analytical breakdown like in the paper version. Grants: CT= UE+AC Implementation: 01= Total Amount Allocable Column: Y= Yes => The funds can be used No Yes
Analytical breakdown EDF Contracts • The Analytical breakdown of an EDF Contract must contain at least as many allocable headings as items to be posted at the Decision level (regional principle), since it is impossible to allocate a heading of a Contract to several items of a Decision; • If there is a price revision clause on the contract, this amount must appear in a separate item; • If the contract amounts are expressed in EUR, the budget structure must be detailed (like the one in the contractor's tender); • If the contract is in foreign currency, the budget structure must remain as simple as possible, while taking into account the two previous instructions.
Analytical breakdown: Used amount Since the migration of CRIS financial modules to ABAC in April 2016, consumption on the Contract must be filled by the GESTOPE (invoices, recovery orders, credit notes). The "Used amount" field reflects the financial execution of the Contract. During the life of the Contract, there is no control over the user-encoded budget consumption. The only verification made is at the end of the Contract: the amount displayed in the Analytical breakdown must be equal to the amount of the Financial breakdown.
Analytical Breakdown: Used amount In the "Detail" section of the allocable items, the fields where you can edit the Amount paid(for EDF also the Amount recovered) are available at the level of the ENCOD, the GESTOPE and the GESTFIN of the contract. Note: BUDG CTR : only payments must be encoded EDF CTR : payments and recovery orders must be encoded
Allocations tab Grants: link with the Decision's Analytical breakdown CTR 384-230 DEC 023-041
Allocations tab Implementation: link with the Decision's Analytical breakdown CTR 382-279 DEC 024-811 41
Commitments & Budget Lines
Commitment Types * Automaticallygenerated. No ABAC interface! SD
Financial breakdown Decision encoded in the General Information If necessary, the "posting criteria" (= statistical code) must be introduced at this stage -> mandatory only for EDF -> and administrative expenses under the General Budget Retrieved from the decision Amount encoded in the General Information
Information sent to ABAC Initial rider tab (000)
Budget Management Types Derived from the budget management type and responsible Delegation Management mode 1. Budget Management Type 2. "Implemented by" DM IM SM
Expenditure Category 3.Expenditure Category Derived from the previous two fields: DM IM
Interest on pre-financing for Grants The Commission can no longer recover the interest on pre-financing if the Applicable Regulations is one of the following: • FR2012 • MIX-FR2007/FR2012 • FREDF11 • FREDFMIX<11 The selection of the FEC value for the above regulations is still possible but a warning message appearswhen submitting the General Information of the Initial rider (000)
FDC ILC/D+3 • In Contracts with RF budgetary commitment only: • Apply the D+3 rule • Exception to the D+3 rule Yes/No • The selected justification is checked against the: • Domain • Financing instrument: Budget/EDF • Co-financing indicator(General Information) • Commitment type