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EU Customs Policy Developments: Supply Chain Security - A Case Study by Manuela Cabral

This case study explores the developments in EU customs policy, with a focus on supply chain security. It discusses the changing environment and new challenges for customs in Europe, the twin aims of customs policy, and the EU's approach on customs policy. The study also highlights the different timepaths for the implementation of electronic customs, modernized customs code, and security amendments to the customs code.

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EU Customs Policy Developments: Supply Chain Security - A Case Study by Manuela Cabral

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  1. EU Customs Policy DevelopmentsSupply chain security a case study Manuela CabralEuropean Commission

  2. EC APPROACH ON CUSTOMS POLICY • WHY Community approach? • The Customs union (1968) • The Single Market (1993) • Free circulation of goods, persons, services and capital • One external frontier supervised by 27 customs administrations

  3. Aim of EU customs policy THE CUSTOMS UNION is a foundation of the EU • Nearly 40 years • Single Market • €uro TWIN AIMS OF CUSTOMS POLICY: • To protect the EU and citizens • To facilitate legitimate trade

  4. Changing environment &New challenges for customs in general • Increasing volumes of traffic • Increasing globalisation of trade and crime • Increasing threat of terrorist acts • Increasing interconnectivity andinterdependency of societies/countries

  5. Changing environment &New challenges for customs in Europe • Total length of external land frontier: 12.440 km • Enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2007 (e.g. length of the EU Eastern Land Frontier increased nearly 80%) • About 1.600 million tonnes of seaborne cargo (annually) • About 8 million tonnes of airborne cargo(annually)

  6. Changing environment &New challenges for customs in Europe • 161.000.000custom declarations per year • 441.000custom declarations per day • 306 custom declarations per minute • 5 custom declarations per second

  7. CHANGING ROLE FOR CUSTOMS • Traditional approach: primary concern of customs are fiscal matters and revenue collection • New tasks and new challenges • due to increasing concerns for safety and security • demands of globalisation

  8. CHALLENGE FOR CUSTOMS In the light of the new tasks, customs have to ensure, among other: • Protection of citizens and their interests while facilitating legitimate trade • Interoperable IT systems as a means to fight fraud and increase security while not hindering trade

  9. EU CUSTOMS POLICY DEVELOPMENTS • Electronic customs • Modernized customs code • Security amendments to the customs code(case study)

  10. EU CUSTOMS POLICY DEVELOPMENTSDIFFERENT TIMEPATHS • E-CUSTOMS  Communication COM(2005)609 • Decision in European Parliament and Council • process is started • Council decision is expected shortly • Phase implementation: 2006 - 2013

  11. E-Customs Developing secure and interoperable electronic customs systems for exchange of data • Facilitation of import and export procedures • Reduction of administrative costs • Reduction of clearing times • Improved conjunction between implementation of legislation and the customs practice • Ensure the right levying of duties and taxes • Enable a smooth flow of information between the relevant parties and re-use of data

  12. EU CUSTOMS POLICY DEVELOPMENTSDIFFERENT TIMEPATHS • Modernized Customs Code  Communication COM(2005)609 • Decision in European Parliament and Council • process is started • Implementation: ?

  13. MODERNIZED CUSTOMS CODE • Simplification of the structure – reduction of articles • Revision of the customs procedures – centralised clearance • Improving the system for customs guarantees • Expansion of the use of authorizations for the whole EU

  14. EU CUSTOMS POLICY DEVELOPMENTSDIFFERENT TIMEPATHS • SECURITY AMENDMENTS TO THE CUSTOMS CODE  Regulation (EC) No. 648/2005  Implementing reg. (EC) No. 1875/2006 Implementation: AEO 1/1/2008 Pre-arrival /Pre-departure 1/7/2009

  15. EU CUSTOMS APPROACH ON SECURITY Integration of security aspects in customs controls and authorisations for traders • ensure that responsibilities are specified integration of security aspects in import and export controls • increased emphasis on export controls • ensure that data can be electronically exchanged • integration of security aspects in authorisations for operators

  16. EU Customs Security Initiatives Security amendments to the Community Customs Code • require traders to provide customs authorities with information on goods prior to import to or export from the European Union • provide reliable traders with trade facilitation measures (AEO-concept) • introduce a mechanism for setting uniform Community risk-selection criteria for controls, supported by computerised systems

  17. Import Control System – When is it necessary? • First port of entry - Entry Summary Declarations (ESD) for all goods on board (24h (b/loading)-4h-2h) • If vessels sharing arrangements Pre-Arrival Notification (PAN) necessary (24h(b/arrival)-4h-2h) • Manifest for goods to be unloaded • Subsequent ports: • ESD for goods to be unloaded – no time limit + manifest for movement between Community points • Between Community ports: • Regular shipping line: no ESD only manifest • Non regular shipping line: ESD for goods to be unloaded + manifest for movement between Community ports

  18. Import Control System (Draft FSS)

  19. Export Control System - When is it necessary? For all goods leaving the Community • Normal situation: export, re-export or transit declaration (24h (b/loading)-4h-2h) • Freight remaining on board or transhipped at the place of unload – no declaration (ESD fills the role) • Others: exit summary declaration

  20. Export Control System (Draft FSS)

  21. EC Security Initiatives Result : A secure end-to-end supply chain with secure trading partners and without weak links !

  22. THANK YOUFOR YOUR ATTENTION For up-to-date information about the Customs Developments visit our website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/taxation_customs/index_en.htm

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