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2013 PICES Summer School Ocean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring 19-23 August 2013

2013 PICES Summer School Ocean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring 19-23 August 2013. Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon State University Newport, Oregon. 2013 PICES Summer School Ocean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring. Goals: Learn about in-water ocean observing

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2013 PICES Summer School Ocean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring 19-23 August 2013

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  1. 2013 PICES Summer SchoolOcean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring19-23 August 2013 Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon State University Newport, Oregon

  2. 2013 PICES Summer SchoolOcean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring Goals: Learn about in-water ocean observing Work with sensors and analyzers in the lab Make measurements during an oceanographic cruise Process & analyze some data you took Answer oceanography questions Meet new people and have fun!

  3. 2013 PICES Summer SchoolOcean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring Principal Organizer: Jack Barth, OSU, barth@coas.oregonstate.edu cell phone: 541-231-1703 School Coordinator: Craig Risien, OSU, crisien@coas.oregonstate.edu cell phone: 541-908-2206

  4. 2013 PICES Summer SchoolOcean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring Schedule: Monday: Introductory lectures evening: Question and answer session Tuesday: Labs and R/V Elakha field trips evening: Guest Lecture Wednesday: Labs and R/V Elakha field trips evening: Oregon Coast Aquarium dinner Thursday: Guest Lecture (Argo floats), data discussion evening: Homework Friday: Data analysis, student presentations, wrap up Tour of NOAA Marine Operations Center – Pacific afternoon: Field trip to Cascade Head

  5. Hatfield Marine Science Center Photo by John Bane

  6. HMSC Classroom 28 and Wet Labs 27&31

  7. 2013 PICES Summer SchoolOcean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring19-23 August 2013 Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon State University Newport, Oregon

  8. 2013 PICES Summer SchoolOcean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring Sponsors: U.S. NSF- National Science Foundation College of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State Univ. Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State Univ. IMBER - Integrated Marine Biogeochemical Ecosystem Research NPRB -North Pacific Research Board SCOR -Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research SOLAS - Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study International Project OOI -Ocean Observatories Initiative

  9. 2013 PICES Summer SchoolOcean Observing Systems & Ecosystem Monitoring Steering/Selection Committee: Jack Barth (MONITOR, USA) Steven Bograd (POC, USA) Lucas Brotz (BIO, Canada) Kyung-Il Chang (POC, Korea) Liqi Chen (BIO, China) Shin-ichi Ito (FRA, Japan) Sei-ichiSaitoh (MONITOR, Japan) Toru Suzuki (TCODE, Japan)

  10. Instructors • Jack Barth, OSU (physical oceanography) • Cheryl Brown, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (estuarine dynamics) • Francis Chan, OSU (biogeochemistry) • Burke Hales, OSU (chemical oceanography) • Alicia Helms, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (estuarine ecology) • Craig Risien, OSU (ocean observing systems) • Steve Rumrill, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (estuarine ecology, shellfish) • Kipp Shearman, OSU (physical oceanography) • Waldo Wakefield, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association (NOAA) (fisheries oceanography) • [Shin-ichi Ito, Fisheries Research Agency, Japan, unable to attend] Guest Lectures • Robert Cowen, HMSC/OSU (high-resolution imaging system) • Howard Freeland, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada (Argo floats)

  11. Teaching Assistants • Ata Suanda, OSU (physical oceanography) • Piero Mazzini, OSU (physical oceanography) • Colleen Wall, OSU(chemical oceanography)

  12. Monday All introductory lectures in Guin Library Seminar Room

  13. Tuesday & Wednes- day Guest Lecture by Bob Cowen Oregon Coast Aquarium dinner

  14. Thursday Guest Lecture by Howard Freeland Tour of HMSC tanks (led by Waldo Wakefield) homework in groups working on data

  15. Friday Further data analysis & Student presentations MOC-P tour Cascade Head Field Trip

  16. R/V Elakha“Sea Otter” in Chinook jargon54-foot aluminum

  17. R/V Elakhaunderway flow-through Conductivity-Temperature (C-T)

  18. R/V Elakhaprofiling Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) withbottle rosette Captain Mike Kriz

  19. Yaquina Bayfield trip

  20. NOAA Marine Operations Center – Pacific (MOC-P) – Friday morning tour

  21. Field Trip to Cascade Head • Friday afternoon • van ride along coast to the north • hike to top of coastal headland for spectacular • views • a little souvenir shopping on the way back Photo by Roger Samelson

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