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SID:u00a0Well, I don't know what's going on here, but I do know what's going on there. And I'm gonna tell you something. I believe that many of you, your destinies will be changed. Your genetics will be changed.<br>
ISN Ministry Dr. Francis Myles sid-roth.mystrikingly.com/blog/isn-ministry-dr-francis-myles SID: Well, I don't know what's going on here, but I do know what's going on there. And I'm gonna tell you something. I believe that many of you, your destinies will be changed. Your genetics will be changed. Your DNA is going to be changed. I'm gonna ask Dr. Francis Myles to share what God has shown him so that you can never have to look back at the stuff you've dealt with before. AUDIENCE: [CLAPS] FRANCIS: Hallelujah! We're ready to do teachings, [to] start out with testimonies, but I feel that of the Lord just to give you a couple of things- just a couple of testimonies that have happened ever since the Lord give us this technology of how to deal with the insidious technology of devils that is attached to the genetics of the people of God. Where I was in Paducah, Kentucky doing the School of Ministry at Faith Center in Paducah, Kentucky, and [joking] for those that don't know it's in America. C'mon somebody, Amen? [Audience laughs] Sound[s] African in Paducah, you know, it's in America. And there was a woman who had been attending for the week for the three days School of Ministry at the she had what you call masticular [muscular] dystrophies- and she was walking with a cane like this and whenever she sat on the chair she sat back like this- she couldn't because all the muscles had kind of come together- and her husband did his best to try to make her feel comfortable, but this woman was determined to come to the School of Ministry. And then on a Friday night, the day before the last day which was a Saturday, the healing anointing came and I felt like, Oh, God wants to heal people and immediately God began to heal people. And when I went to pray for her so she can get healed the Spirit said to me, 'Stop!' And I said, 'Lord, I want to pray for her.' And he says, 'No, you can't, not today, tomorrow.' He says because her problem is not physical it's genetic. He said tomorrow when you deal with the genetics, I'll heal her in front of everybody. But you've got to change the genetic inheritance 'cause if you don't change the genetic inheritance then the deliverance would be temporary at best. And so I said, 'Madam, tomorrow, God is gonna heal you when you jump the prophetic bloodline.' I said, 'You don't understand what that means but by tomorrow- we'll bring clarity to what God is saying.' So she came up the following day and in front there was about 250 people in the school and when it was time I taught like I'm about to teach you in a few minutes, and they brought her husband and somebody else brought her in front of this prophetic bloodline that we had put in front of everybody, and then I took them through the prayer of denouncing her allegiance to the lineage of ancestors and accepting the prophetic flawless bloodline of Yeshua, and then we said, 'JUMP!' About 200 people jumped and when she jumped- all of a sudden when she jumped in about 30 seconds the power of God came upon her and she started doing ballet dancing for 30 minutes. AUDIENCE: [CLAPPING AND PRAISING] 1/8
FRANCIS: So now you have the pastor is crying, the kids are crying, husband is crying, and I feel like crying too, you know, except I'm African, we don't cry too much. [He and audience laughs]. But it was amazing to see this happen. I mean it was amazing. And then when it was over, the pastor- he was besides himself. He said, 'You've got to tell her, 'cause she was a member of his church for years.' He said, 'What happened?' She said, 'When I jumped the line the Messiah was standing, waiting for me. AUDIENCE: [REACTS WITH AWE] [The woman continued] So when I jumped- the Messiah was in front of me, and He smiled and He said, 'You have always wanted to dance. Let's do it right now.' [The pastor said], 'You kept going like this for 30 minutes oblivious of everybody.' She said, 'I kept going like this because the Lord was spinning me, and then He's laughing and He's spinning me. You know, completely.' -By Sunday morning when I was preaching, she was right there and- c'mon- That's what happened just jumping the prophetic bloodline. And then we had another woman from Canada- she had a business meeting in Texas and- one of the business people who had been through one of the meetings and got a radical transformation through this, kind of whispered about I was there, it was not supposed to be a conference, it was a business meeting- and all of a sudden all the business people said, 'We- are all Christians, yeah, though we're business people, it's a business meeting but we heard about this generational stuff. Do you mind if we just stop this business meeting for 20 minutes so we can jump the line? AUDIENCE: [REACTS] FRANCIS: So now I have 30 business people at a business meeting stopping a business meeting to jump the line. Okay? And this Canadian business woman jumps the line, jumps the line and flies back to Canada. Okay? And she had a 16 year old boy who was addicted to marijuana. He smoked like a chimney. And she said, 'I had done everything in my power. I had threatened him, I had bribed him. Nothing worked. Nothing worked.' You know and when this business meeting- was about 9:30 p.m. on a Friday, so that's when she jumped the line. She flies back to Alberta Canada on the Sunday. And the boy goes to pick her up at the airport- and she gets to the airport- and they're driving back and he says, 'Mom, I've got to tell you something happened to me- She says, 'What happened to you?' He says, 'Mom, since Friday night I have not smoked one joint of pot!' AUDIENCE: [CLAPS] FRANCIS: The mother said, 'Are you playing with me, you're kidding me, you can't go an hour without smoking that, you have smelled up the whole house. He said, 'Yeah, -Friday night I went to smoke a joint and when I lit it up- it smelled so bad. And so I couldn't take it- and I tried it again after another hour it smelled so horrible so I took everything and I trashed it down the toilet. I have not had one joint- AUDIENCE: [REACTS] FRANCIS: So she calls the business man who was running the meeting and she says, 'Tell 2/8
Dr. Francis to keep making people jump that line. Because-I have tried everything and my boy is now free. And he was not even there.' What amazing stuff. Hallelujah, praise God! Amen? I'll give you one more, because this miracle's going to happen tonight, that's what the Holy Spirit said. I was in Austin, Texas and there was a woman-and..I did this [jumping the line teaching] and she, her family had chronic insomnia. The most chronic type of insomnia I've ever seen. It was generational. As a matter of fact some of her family had died from exertion. The insomnia took them and most of them were gone. And it was happening to her, she was an executive for a Fortune 500 company, and just the demanding nature of her job, and put on top of that- she said 'Even with multiple Tylenol PM,' she said, 'Dr. Myles, I could not sleep more than 4 hours. I would drug myself and in 2 or 4 hours I was up and it was having such an effect on the body.' So anyway she's in the church and hearing me talk about how she can change a genetic inheritance. And she jumped the line. This was on a Saturday night, and she was one of the leaders in the church. It was a prophetic house. And so she goes to sleep. And- she puts [on] an alarm clock and she goes to sleep. When she went to sleep, by the time her husband woke her up and the only reason why he woke her up was because he thought maybe his wife was dead or comatose because she had been sleeping for 12 hours. AUDIENCE: [LAUGHS] Whooo! FRANCIS: And she had gone through 2 alarm clocks. 2 alarm clocks, didn't hear it. Finally the husband said, '-What are you trying to do?' He said, 'I know you are normally by church by 8 o'clock. It's 10 o'clock.' She said, 'Oh my God!' He said, 'You've slept for 12 hours- and he says she started sobbing in the bed-. she had the husband and she sobbed. She said, 'Oh my God, I jumped the line last night.' AUDIENCE: [CLAPS] Ah, Amen. FRANCIS: -So we believe insomnia's gonna get [delivered]-this day's generational insomnia, amen? That -the beloved of God is supposed to sleep like a baby. Amen? God designed you to sleep like a baby so you can live longer. Amen? So, anyway I wanted to give out those testimonies. The point is these things work. Okay? Thousands now have gone through this. Okay? Where the woman who saw me on a TV show with Patricia King and I talked about this and she jumped the line in Kansas, and a- cancerous tumor this big on her shoulders fell to the ground when she jumped the line. So we know what this thing can do. So now that I've given you the testimonies, let's let me give you the teaching behind it. And very quickly, and then we are going to pray for everybody. We're gonna trust the Messiah. Amen? Can you feel His presence? He's already here. He's really here- There's nobody's more happy tonight than the Messiah because you are about to gonna get another piece of your salvation. Amen? So- 4 years ago- that's when I [was] on the television show- friends of mine had come out of town to meet with me which was at a- resort in Dallas and I remember that I forgot something in my car around 10 o'clock at night. So I went to get the thing in my car so I can give it to them. And when I got to the curb I got it out when on my way back all of a sudden the form of The Lord Jesus Christ was standing next to me and-- and He said to me, 'Let's walk, I want to talk to you.' So we 3/8
started walking back to the resort together and He says to me, 'It is time.' He said it 3 times. 'It is time. It is time. It is time.' I said to Him, 'What time? What do you mean?' You know how the Lord speaks, sometimes He just speaks like 'What do you mean.' And He said to me, He said to me, 'It is time for My people around the world to experience genetic salvation.' I had never heard of the word “genetic salvation.” I said to the Lord, 'What is that?' He said, 'Genetic Salvation is when the finished work of the cross is applied to your genetics.' To change your genetic inheritance. Then He began to say to me, He said, 'Son-' then as He's talking to me He's talking about the Lord, He is the Word so the Word just comes out of you. You know and all of the sudden the scripture that I've read, and then as He's talking to me- He brought up the scripture when He said, when the Messiah was on the earth, He said this of Himself, 'The Son of Man has come to seek and save that which is what? Lost.' He said to me, 'Son, you guys are so evangelical in thinking- so you take that scripture and you only apply it to the salvation of souls. He said, 'What I was literally saying is a blanket statement. And anything that the first Adam lost, I came to get back.' That's the assignment of the Son of Man. Anything the first Adam lost, that's my Father's property, I came to get it back because it's the inheritance of the Lord. And He said to me, 'One of the things Adam lost is the genetics of God.' He says, 'Francis, do you know that when Adam and Eve were created they were the only human beings apart from me who had flawless genetics.' He said, 'There was no disease that could touch them-.' When you have flawless genetics no disease that can attach to you. That's why the whole subject about stem cell research is scientists realize that there is something in the world of DNA that can bring healing. Am you with me, somebody? The only thing they don't know is that the Messiah beat them to it. Are you with me, somebody? But there's a truth to it. He said, 'When Adam and Eve were created, son, they had perfect DNA.' And when they lost it, when they lost it, this is why there was a need for the man who could not only atone for the sins of the world but who could also restore the original DNA of the Father. That's why a Savior couldn't come from among us. Because everybody, no matter how powerful, even Moses, had compromised genetics. So God had to look outside this world to find a man with flawless genetics because the DNA had to return. Are you with me somebody, hallelujah! What is happening tonight is the return of the DNA of God upon your life. AUDIENCE: [CLAPS] FRANCIS: Everybody's so proud of their ancestral genes, nobody's declaring the genes of the Messiah. Who shall declare that a whole new line of genes has been released? And you can inherit those genes as opposed to holding onto the genes that have got cancer, that have got debt, that have got insomnia- C'mon somebody, I don't care, listen to me, I don't care if you're a Rockefeller there is something in those genes that is devilish. I don't care if you're a Kennedy- oh, don't be a Kennedy you might die too early- c'mon somebody, oh, hallelujah! C'mon somebody. There is something in the genes. Who shall declare? Somebody say, I will declare- AUDIENCE: I will declare- 4/8
FRANCIS: His generation. AUDIENCE: His generation. FRANCIS: So you see when you come to the place where you jump the line you are just declaring His generation over your life and that's where the miracles are. Are you with me? You cannot declare His generation and not be free from that other generation you're a part of. That's the whole purpose, amen? So, very quickly. Hallelujah, amen? So in the Spirit, in the vision, now I'm gonna show you how to be intimate to pray, He took me into the Spirit when He was showing me this, He took me into the Spirit. I said, 'Is that how you do it?' He told me how to do it. So all of a sudden I'm in the Spirit, I'm in the Spirit, I see there's a group of believers- a group of believers and they were standing in front of a bloodline. A stream of blood, bloodline- and then as I'm looking at that I hear chatter, a root of noise- whrrr- ever had a broken radio, or a radio with many frequencies that are crossing like those old radios, you know- you have to pray-just to hear what's coming through the radio. You know it was chatter, very noisy. Whrrrr. And He said to me, 'Can you hear the sound?' That is the voice of iniquity. It is the voice of iniquity from generations, you know, that are fighting, those are the voices fighting against the prophetic advancement of my people and their prophetic destinies.' He said, 'I want to silence the voice, I want to silence those voices.' You know He said to me, 'What you'll need to do is when you pray for the people, I want you to make them stand in front of a prophetic bloodline.' It's a prophetic act. The power is not in the line. It's in the- you know prophetic acts, amen?- The prophet says to one of the kings of Israel strike with the- arrow several times- and then he says that is how you shall speak to Syria doesn't mean that the- c'mon somebody, it was a prophetic act. The Bible is full of what? Prophetic acts. The power is in the symbolism. Okay? Amen? No magic involved. Just prophetic acts. You know He said do the prophetic act. You cannot [ ] in the spiritual dimension. Put them in front of a line. Anything I can present [use as] a line. It is not have to be red. We have used black rope and still got miracles. It doesn't matter. It's a prophetic act. Amen? And He said, 'When you stand my people- in front of the line I want you to lead them through a ceremony where they denounce their allegiance to their ancestral lineages.' Okay? They have to denounce their allegiance, why? Because that's where the ration of James comes from. Okay? And- I said, 'Lord -Lord,' you know, because then I'm thinking people are gonna think, 'What are you trying to tell us to denounce our families- I said, No. I said, 'Lord, give me an example in the Word-where I know everything God gives you there is a typology of it in the Word. I'm a Word guy, when I was healed, if you read my testimony, I saw the effect of the Word, so when I got healed I spent 90 days reading the Bible like there was nothing else in my life. Because I saw the effect of the Word so I love the Word. So God show it to me, and He said Yeah, it's there in the scripture. And then He gave me two examples, very quickly. And the examples was John the Baptist. He said go to John the Baptist. What happened? He says when the Angel Gabriel came- when the Angel Gabriel came- he came to Zechariah and told him you gonna have what? A son. And you shall call his name what? John. So heaven is naming them. Okay? His name comes out of what? Heaven, because the name carries a gift. Okay? So God names him out of what? Heaven. You'll call him John when he's born. 5/8
So when John comes, when John is born- remember the guy was- dumb, he couldn't speak for time of the duration- Some women said, 'Praise God!' Amen? The husband couldn't speak for about 9 months. You know [laughs] I'm sure the wife told everything she had been wanting to tell him for all those years, it was 9 months and he couldn't talk back, what a miracle, you know [he and audience laughs]. Lord do that to my husband, that would be nice! So anyway, so on the day John the Baptist is born, okay, on the day John the Baptist is born at least because the husband still cannot talk the family has got the lineage the boy is supposed to be of. The grandparents who have been waiting for a baby for years. This was a big celebration. This was a Hebrew boy, this was a Jewish child, and the son in the Jewish culture is big, it's the inheritance, it's the future. So everybody is there to celebrate the birth of a son. Okay? And they ask the mother, 'What are you gonna name the child?' And there's a riot when they see the answer. They want to kill the woman. They're like, 'Are you crazy?' Because it says the boy shall be called John and there was a riot. Why? Because everybody understood the significance of what you are suggesting. But the name was taking the boy John out of the Zechariah lineage. One of the men said. 'How can you call him John when there's nobody in our blood line by that name?' God says, 'Glory! That's exactly what I'm trying to do.' God said, 'That's exactly what I am trying to do.'- John is too important of a prophet for the Messiah to be dealing with genetic problems. I need him to be free of that junk so he can do his assignment. So there was a riot. How can you call him when there's nobody in our ancestral line by that name? Woman, are you crazy? So they turned to the man thinking he's going to override his wife and put John back in the bloodline. When they turn to Zechariah they said, 'What must be his name?' He says, 'Give me something to write' and when he wrote: his name shall be called John that's when then miracle of his mouth opened. And the Messiah said to me, the Lord said to me, 'Son, when my people identify with the genetics from heaven, the genetics from heaven, the enemy will be unable to silence the voice of their destiny in creation.' This is the Conversation of Sid Roth and Dr. Francis Myles From the show It's Supernatural. FRANCIS: So you see when you come to the place where you jump the line you are just declaring His generation over your life and that's where the miracles are. Are you with me? You cannot declare His generation and not be free from that other generation you're a part of. That's the whole purpose, amen? So, very quickly. Hallelujah, amen? So in the Spirit, in the vision, now I'm gonna show you how to be intimate to pray, He took me into the Spirit when He was showing me this, He took me into the Spirit. I said, 'Is that how you do it?' He told me how to do it. So all of a sudden I'm in the Spirit, I'm in the Spirit, I see there's a group of believers- a group of believers and they were standing in front of a bloodline. A stream of blood, bloodline- and then as I'm looking at that I hear chatter, a root of noise- whrrr- ever had a broken radio, or a radio with many frequencies that are crossing like those old radios, you know- you have to pray-just to hear what's coming through the radio. You know it was chatter, very noisy. Whrrrr. And He said to me, 'Can you hear the sound?' That is the voice of iniquity. It is the voice of iniquity from generations, you know, that are fighting, those are the voices fighting against the 6/8
prophetic advancement of my people and their prophetic destinies.' He said, 'I want to silence the voice, I want to silence those voices.' You know He said to me, 'What you'll need to do is when you pray for the people, I want you to make them stand in front of a prophetic bloodline.' It's a prophetic act. The power is not in the line. It's in the- you know prophetic acts, amen?- The prophet says to one of the kings of Israel strike with the- arrow several times- and then he says that is how you shall speak to Syria doesn't mean that the- c'mon somebody, it was a prophetic act. The Bible is full of what? Prophetic acts. The power is in the symbolism. Okay? Amen? No magic involved. Just prophetic acts. You know He said do the prophetic act. You cannot [ ] in the spiritual dimension. Put them in front of a line. Anything I can present [use as] a line. It is not have to be red. We have used black rope and still got miracles. It doesn't matter. It's a prophetic act. Amen? And He said, 'When you stand my people- in front of the line I want you to lead them through a ceremony where they denounce their allegiance to their ancestral lineages.' Okay? They have to denounce their allegiance, why? Because that's where the ration of James comes from. Okay? And- I said, 'Lord -Lord,' you know, because then I'm thinking people are gonna think, 'What are you trying to tell us to denounce our families- I said, No. I said, 'Lord, give me an example in the Word-where I know everything God gives you there is a typology of it in the Word. I'm a Word guy, when I was healed, if you read my testimony, I saw the effect of the Word, so when I got healed I spent 90 days reading the Bible like there was nothing else in my life. Because I saw the effect of the Word so I love the Word. So God show it to me, and He said Yeah, it's there in the scripture. And then He gave me two examples, very quickly. And the examples was John the Baptist. He said go to John the Baptist. What happened? He says when the Angel Gabriel came- when the Angel Gabriel came- he came to Zechariah and told him you gonna have what? A son. And you shall call his name what? John. So heaven is naming them. Okay? His name comes out of what? Heaven, because the name carries a gift. Okay? So God names him out of what? Heaven. You'll call him John when he's born. So when John comes, when John is born- remember the guy was- dumb, he couldn't speak for time of the duration- Some women said, 'Praise God!' Amen? The husband couldn't speak for about 9 months. You know [laughs] I'm sure the wife told everything she had been wanting to tell him for all those years, it was 9 months and he couldn't talk back, what a miracle, you know [he and audience laughs]. Lord do that to my husband, that would be nice! So anyway, so on the day John the Baptist is born, okay, on the day John the Baptist is born at least because the husband still cannot talk the family has got the lineage the boy is supposed to be of. The grandparents who have been waiting for a baby for years. This was a big celebration. This was a Hebrew boy, this was a Jewish child, and the son in the Jewish culture is big, it's the inheritance, it's the future. So everybody is there to celebrate the birth of a son. Okay? And they ask the mother, 'What are you gonna name the child?' And there's a riot when they see the answer. They want to kill the woman. They're like, 'Are you crazy?' Because it says the boy shall be called John and there was a riot. Why? Because everybody understood the significance of what you are suggesting. But the name was taking the boy John out of the Zechariah lineage. One of the men said. 'How can you call him John when there's nobody in our blood line by that name?' God says, 'Glory! That's exactly what I'm trying to do.' God said, 'That's exactly 7/8
what I am trying to do.'- John is too important of a prophet for the Messiah to be dealing with genetic problems. I need him to be free of that junk so he can do his assignment. So there was a riot. How can you call him when there's nobody in our ancestral line by that name? Woman, are you crazy? So they turned to the man thinking he's going to override his wife and put John back in the bloodline. When they turn to Zechariah they said, 'What must be his name?' He says, 'Give me something to write' and when he wrote: his name shall be called John that's when then miracle of his mouth opened. And the Messiah said to me, the Lord said to me, 'Son, when my people identify with the genetics from heaven, the genetics from heaven, the enemy will be unable to silence the voice of their destiny in creation.' This is the Conversation of Sid Roth and Dr. Francis Myles From the show It's Supernatural. 8/8