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His peace trumps every weapon of the enemy! In the name that is above every name, Yeshua ha Mashiach, Tsidekenu. Heu2019s saying backs, if you didnu2019t have it before you got it now, pains are gone. Jesus the Messiah, our Righteousness. And all Godu2019s people said, Amen! This is the conversation ofu00a0Sid Rothu00a0and Dr. Gary Whetstone Form the Show It's Supernatural.<br>
Sid Roth IS mentoring session Gary Whetstone sid-roth.mystrikingly.com/blog/sid-roth-is-mentoring-session-gary-whetstone SID: In 2005 in Jerusalem Israel, my guest and friend, Dr. Gary Whetstone, had what’s known as an open vision. He saw all of history marching before him, generation after generation. And he saw there was God’s heart for everyone to hear His voice. But very few heard His voice, and even fewer obeyed God’s voice after hearing it, and even fewer continued throughout their entire life hearing God’s voice. And God supernaturally showed Gary how to teach believers, to not control them, not build my ministry, but how you can hear God’s voice for yourself and fulfill your destiny for your family, for your finances, for your health, for every arena of your life. In Christianity we have come down to formulas, because it’s the best we got. But there’s something better. Hearing God’s voice! [Now here’s] Dr. Gary Whetstone. AUDIENCE: (APPLAUSE) GARY: We bless the Lord! One of the things I just want to take a moment and share with you today is that the voice of God is not difficult in any measure at any time to hear because God is omnipresent. He is everywhere. When He poured out His Spirit upon all flesh, you have the Spirit of God fully enveloped and engaged everything, everywhere you are at all time. From the bedroom to the kitchen God envelops your life. In society, in the elevator, at work there is no place God is not. And more than that, He is in you. ‘You who have received Him, for as many as received Him He gave the power to become the sons of God, even to those that believe on His name.’ So that relationship is not just I have Jesus, now He’s detached. Because we have Him, He is attached. Galatians 2:20 is a powerful reality, where he says: “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in this flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Today I’m gonna take you into an experience of that life of Christ and that voice of God. It will take maybe 10 minutes but by the time we have completed 10 minutes you will have a definitive identified voice that is clear. That voice is trustworthy, you can go to the Father and say ‘I heard you. All eternity stands on what I heard.’ You can stand before men and say ‘thus saith the Lord.’ And you say but I don’t want to ever put His name on anything. But you are called for His name’s sake. You’re not called for your name’s sake. Your reputation is not what God’s after, He’s after His own. And we don’t want to give Him a reputation He didn’t die and raise again for. So let’s do something together right now. I want you to lift up your hands to God and just acknowledge you are dead in Jesus Christ. That through the power of one sacrifice, He bore not just your sicknesses and diseases but He bore the very nature that took you from your mother’s womb and drove you into serve the world, serve the enemy, serve the desires of the mind and you are crucified with Christ. I want you to say with me: I am crucified with Christ. My life in my humanity, all that is come from sin, all that is come from curse, is dead in Jesus. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, I am dead to you. You are dead to me. And not only do I stand forgiven by 1/6
the blood of Jesus, but I stand through that blood in resurrection, in Your throne Father, holy, unblameable, unreprovable in your sight. Inferiority, insecurity, condemnation, you are silenced in my life. For I am in my God and He is in me, in the awesome name Jesus. His life is my life and mine, Father, I give unto You. Now I want to commit into God’s hands your family, your house, your vocation, all relationships, commit them, release them, they are not yours, they are His. In fact— Jesus said, if you’re married I would rather you be— Paul writes I’d rather be as you are single but those of you that are married attend [to] them, Lord, without distraction and don’t let that spouse have any precedence or influence so you can focus on one life, His. Father, we commit right now, even those who have the greatest influence in our life. We loose ourselves from them right now. God, we are Yours. Paid for by the blood of Jesus. Set apart from everyone on this earth. We are loosed from our past, and we are set in Your grace to know You, to experience You, to walk in You. We bless You, Lord. Commit your whole future into God’s hands. It’s not up to you to make your way in this world. It’s up to God to lead you into His paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. It’s God’s initiative to reveal to you things to come. Father, it’s not us to ask You to do anything for us, it’s up to us to identify You are leading us into every step that You have ordained for us. Our life is Yours. Our future is Yours. Just ask the Lord, that every thing that God did not author, ask Him to burn it now, now. We don’t care what man thinks, we don’t care what man says, we don’t care what any outcomes are. We’re not attached to the result, we are attached to You, God. So fire, by the Spirit of— You have said, Father, You have baptized us with Your Holy Ghost and fire. So burn everything that’s not authored by You that we touch, that touches us, every addictive motivation, every perception and understanding, come with a consuming fire and destroy what would destroy our time, initiatives, and effort walking in this earth. God, we have one initiative, we have one focus, and one purpose. To live Your life in this earth. We bless You, Lord. God, we are bound to accomplish nothing but Your will. That is our only passion and purpose here, in Jesus’ name. Now, I want you to think for a moment, just close your eyes for a second, and take an array of your life, look in the circumstance of your life, if anything is standing up, drawing attention, drawing objective, drawing conflict, drawing your perception, if anything is standing up speaking to you, just go to the peripheral of your life, every aspect you touch, everything you do, anything is speaking— now look at me for a second. How many of you, as I asked you to do that, how many had things talk to you? All right. The very things that speak, it could be what you did, what you said, what another person said, what another person did, what you could have done, what you didn’t do, whatever it is, that is an obstruction to the mind and the knowledge of God. Second Corinthians, Paul writes in chapter 10, verse 4 through 5, he says: “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” If something draws your attention it will be what you go after. You will pray about it, you’ll want to learn about it, you’ll draw people around it, you’ll build relationships because of it, and none of it is God. And it will be the very thing that takes you off course. Now every one of us, it could be a child that’s in a constant drone of negativity. You could say but I’m a parent, I’m responsible for them. If you don’t stand in spiritual authority, your responsibility is 2/6
ineffective. Because God has ordained you freed from curse to have the strength to recover children that are under bondage. Deuteronomy 28 is very clear about the curse of the Law. Economic destruction, marital breakups, somebody else sleeps with you wife [and] you now can’t even live in the home that you build. You end up with mental derision and confusion. You end up with emotional psychological conflicts. And you think, ‘but isn’t that the norm of humanity?’ No, that is a cursed life! So everything that identifies with curse Jesus paid for. It’s got to go. It can’t stand. It has no right to have precedent and rule in your life. Nothing has the authority to have you because you’re bought by One, another, Jesus Christ, He paid for you. Paul writes, he says, “When I came among you I determined not to know nothing save two things, Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” There was only one thing he wanted to see and that was a life of Christ in manifestation. Now every one of us have something that’s speaking to us. I just want a little interaction, okay? You don’t have to give me details ‘cause, really, details do not help anybody. Especially they don’t help you because all it does is draw you into the storyline, and you don’t need the story, you’ve already been there. You want to get rid of the story and get into His story. H-i-s-t-o-r-y, okay, now. So what we’re gonna do right now— How many of you have thoughts about something you have done and its haunting you, it’s speaking to you. All right? What do I do about my past? What does the Bible say to do about your past? “Forgetting those things which are behind!” If it still speaks, if it speaks about my sin, about what I’ve done, how I’ve done, whatever I’ve done, who I’ve hurt and how I’ve hurt them, then that ending must be now! You must identify the power of that blood of Jesus has separated you from all human action. So your violation of the Law, your separation from accomplishing anything of the flesh you are dead to it and it’s over! This is a new day. It says, “Behold, ALL things are become new, and all things are of God.” Second Corinthians 5:13 down to 18 is very clear about the “new creation life.” “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, a new creation. Old things are passed away and behold, all things are become new.” Now how many of you had a worry that stood up speaking to you, something that’s burdening you, concerning you. How’s it’s gonna turn out? You have to divorce the outcome. In other words, it doesn’t matter how it turns out! Let me be frank with you. If I am married to an outcome, I am not connected to God that can bring the change. Because if I am connected to an outcome, the only thing I can see is God can do this [my own outcome]. But how about if God’s got an entirely different way He’s gonna move in your life? What if today, I had this happen in our church, we got everybody freed in their spirit. A lady goes to the bathroom, another lady is in the stall next to her. She’s sitting there and she’s just thanking God crying. And the other lady’s thanking God and they come out of the stall together and they say, ‘What’s going on in your life’ She goes ‘I just thank God I received a car.’ She [the other lady] goes ‘You know God just told me to give my car.’ So you got the idea. (audience laughs) So they both come out of the ladies room together and they’re shouting, going “YES.” —So I said what — You know not the normal event, you know. So somebody said, ‘Pastor, you gotta hear this testimony.’ I said ‘What happened?’ She goes ‘I was in one stall giving a car, she’s in the other stall receiving a car.’ I said ‘We all gotta go to the bathroom!’ AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) 3/6
Visit Sid Roth Facebook page for more details GARY: You know, so— I mean it wasn’t the bathroom, it was the freedom that they had and the freedom that you have puts you in places that are supernatural. It puts you in environments that God moves and not your circumstances. ....I was worried over a car for days and weeks but it was ended by just one event. So I want you to get history forgotten, and worry off you! You cannot marry the result. Listen about promises. Most people think promises are God will give me an answer. God never gave you a promise to give you an answer. You say, ‘What do I pray for? Don’t I pray for answers?’ What did Peter say, he said, “God has given to us exceeding great and precious promises that by these we may be partakers of the divine nature.” If God promised you healing, you have the nature of the Healer. God promised you prosperity, you have the nature of the God who owns everything. God promised you a sound mind, you have Him who’s made you wisdom. God promised you peace, you have Shalom in you, He is the Prince of peace. The promises do not command a result, the promises give you the access to Nature. So we’re gonna do something. We’re gonna hear God clearly. It’s not gonna be about what worries you. It’s not gonna be about what has affected you. It’s going to be about what God is speaking to you. And I guarantee you He’s not talking about what you’re thinking about. He’s not talking to you about what you’re worried about. As a matter of fact, if you do what He says, everything that affects you He will perfect in the direction you take that God’s speaking. Everything will be manifest. I remember when Faye and I were going through our divorce I finally got to the place I could care less if she ever got back with me. I was so excited just to have Jesus and His life and His power. and then He spoke to me and He said ‘today your marriage is restored.’ I said, ‘What marriage?’ I mean I had stopped praying for it. I was standing in it, but the burden, the weight, the worry, the anxiety was over. It didn’t have me anymore. So I want you to get if off of you right now. You see we just did this a little while ago, but some of us just didn’t do it yet. All right? Everybody lift up your hands. I want you to say with me— [GARY PRAYS AND AUDIENCE REPEATS AFTER PHRASE BY PHRASE] Father; I am a new creation; there’s only One that lives in me; and He’s severed me from my past; I forget those things which are behind; and He give me life; life that is mine; to walk with Him; a Voice that I hear; His Spirit working in me; to will and to do of His good pleasure; so Father; I release You; from all my expectation; to do exceeding abundantly; above all; that I’ve ever asked or thought; I release You; from all obligation; all expectation; so I have; the expectation from you; and I am releasing You; from the expectation from me; God I am Yours; I hear You— GARY:Okay? Let me ask you a question. How many of you didn’t have one worry going across your mind? How many of you didn’t have one thought about your past even speaking to you? That’s a hundred percent. How many of you stepped into an atmosphere that words just started flooding you? —Impartation. Conscious perception. Sometimes we think God speaks in words, He speaks in pictures. He said in Habakkuk: “I wanna stand to see what God says to me and what I shall answer when I am reproved.” 4/6
Habakkuk. God, we see what He says, we don’t necessarily hear the sentence structure. We get the “impression of the impart.” How many of you got that? So something’s going on here. We didn’t even talk about praying in tongues. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to pray in tongues to hear God. Because you’re a child of God you hear Him. I go to Baptist conventions. And they say “Just don’t talk about tongues.” I said ‘that’s easy!’ I’ll talk about God, He’ll manifest, they will experience Him, then when they pray in tongues we won’t have any problem. (audience laughs) Because that’s not my problem. I don’t have to teach something, because when Peter stood up and he went into Cornelius it’s as he spoke the Holy Ghost fell on them, they began to pray in the Spirit. So it wasn’t about giving them a teaching they had do what I did, it was about God manifesting and they do what God does. Now how many of you heard him? Do what he says! I just wanna take a few moments, let’s all stand up, and we’re gonna engage, it might take— how many of you are willing to give God another three or four minutes? I mean do you think He has time? —You probably set— well it’s almost 12 o’clock— You probably set yourself free between now and about 2, right?” I mean how many of you really don’t have any plans at all going on ‘til about 2 o’clock? If you have some it’s time for you to leave right now, you’d better get going because you don’t want to be late. (audience chuckles) So we’re just gonna pray. We’re just gonna let God have access to us because we have access to Him. Right at this moment I want you to do something. Identify your “personal presence of God.” Now everybody look at me for a minute. If ask you about your personal presence of God, how many of you it’s not at your feet level? All right. How many of you it’s not behind you? All right. How many of you it is in the central medium steinum sternum 8:00 ?? of your being. It’s like in this atmosphere we could call your heart. If we talk about your personal presence of God how many of you this is where you identify Him? How many of you have that. You all have that. What’s amazing is once we know that, then that’s where I hear from. I don’t start thinking I hear from anywhere else but where I know His presence is. So we mind [pay attention to] our own personal presence of God. We identify this is His person alive in me. Go ahead, just talk to Him. He’s here. Just thank God He’s present with you. He lives in you. You live in Him, you move in Him, your being is in Him. He is alive. He is present. He’s in power. He raised you in resurrection life. He crowns you with glory and honor. He called you His own. All inferiority, all guilt, all shame— there is no sense of separation between you and Him. Huh! You’re the “apple of his eye” [in the center of His attention] You’re the desire that was set before Him, who endured the cross, despite the shame— Ah, you are His very own. Oh, we bless You, we bless You, we bless you. Now how many of you are experiencing that presence increase in your life? What happens it not only increases in dimension but it also increases in power, in veracity, if you will, truth having authority. So let’s let Him have greater increase in our life. It’s not that the glory of God is coming from somewhere else, it’s coming through us. You see when Jesus returns He’s gonna return as much through you as He’s going to return to this earth because the body is not separated from the Head. Just speak to Him as the One who indwelt you, who lives in you in power, who fulfills His will through you, who has made you His masterpiece, who has inaugurated you a king and a priest unto your Father. Oh Jesus, we bless You— We know YOU. We know no man after the flesh. We know YOU. Ha! We know you in power. We know You in love. We 5/6
know You in life. We know You in grace. We know You. (Audience repeats each phrase after Gary): Where I go You are, what you’re speaking I speak, what you’re doing I do. The voice of another I never follow. I am more obedient to You than I’ve ever been. And I trust You. You never fail, so I can’t fail. And I give you praise. I bless you, Lord. Oh, go ahead and give Him praise and thanksgiving. Just bless Him. SID: Ah, well thank the Lord for the gift in Dr. Gary Whetstone. Thank you Lord, thank you Father. But I’ll tell you what, in this atmosphere all things are possible! Whether you’ve heard a word for your condition or not, all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all things, I tell you, all things are possible. Let me pray an ancient Biblical prayer over you, that God Himself said to Moshe Rabbenu, Rabbi Moses. If you will pray this prayer over the Jewish people I will seal them with My name. But I’m gonna pray this prayer from looking back to the cross. Moses prayed this prayer looking to the cross. The Lord has healed you. The Lord has sealed you with His name. The Lord has given you His fullness, His peace. The Lord has already healed you. He’s already healed you. There are people here the manifestation has not occurred in your neck yet, or your back, taste and see, it’s just happened in Yeshua’s name. There’s some people whose knees, you have pain in your knees, you’ll see, ha, it’s gone. There’s even some people here with tattoos that wanted them gone, ha, they are gone in Jesus name. There’s some people that are having difficulty breathing with allergies, clear, open in Yeshua’s name. There’s even some people not just with tattoos but deformities on your body, sores and things, they’re gone in Jesus name. The Lord is surrounding you right now with His favor. His favor! He’s already giving you His favor. He has already, right now, He’s gifting you right now, receive His gifts. He is gifting you right now! The Lord is giving you His super abundant Shalom right now! His peace. No weapon formed against you can prosper! His peace trumps every weapon of the enemy! In the name that is above every name, Yeshua ha Mashiach, Tsidekenu. He’s saying backs, if you didn’t have it before you got it now, pains are gone. Jesus the Messiah, our Righteousness. And all God’s people said, Amen! This is the conversation of Sid Roth and Dr. Gary Whetstone Form the Show It's Supernatural. 6/6