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Jesus didnu2019t just come to say something. He became the Word. And when the Word becomes flesh itu2019s the light of the world. And literally youu2019re called to be the light of the world. For full story visit Sid Roth.<br>
Sid Roth: Mentoring Session With Bob Hazlett sidroth01.livejournal.com/471.html BOB: Wow. It’s just been a great day. It’s been great to be here and it’s such an honor to be with you guys. And I’m excited for those that are watching because I believe that God is going to not only speak to you but He’s actually going to speak through you to other people as a result of our time together. And really God doesn’t just want to give you a fresh word. He actually wants to make you a fresh word. Right? AUDIENCE: Yes! (CLAPPING) BOB: Jesus didn’t just come to say something. He became the Word. And when the Word becomes flesh it’s the light of the world. And literally you’re called to be the light of the world. You know I grew up in the Church and I actually you know believed that my pastor could hear God. And the reason I knew he could hear God was cause a lot of times he would stop in the middle of his message, and if you bear with me, like he had a Bible, not one of these, but this is my Bible, but he would stand with his Bible and he’d be teaching and then all of a sudden he’d stop. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this but my pastor would stop he’d say “Yes, Lord.” And he’d always look into the left corner, I’m not sure why, but he‘d always say “Yes, Lord. Okay, Lord. I’ll do that, Lord.” And then he’d just go back to preaching. And I’m sitting there as a young person saying well who put God in time out? You know? AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BOB: Why is God in the corner first of all? And if it was so important what God had to say that my pastor stopped his sermon why didn’t he tell us what He said, you know? So as a young person I had this imagination he must be telling you know you’re preaching good. Keep going. Or maybe people’s roast is burning in the oven. Bring it home you know son. My favorite was thinking maybe God’s telling him the score of the football game. Cause that would be a good spiritual gift to have, wouldn’t it? Let’s just say you could raise a lot of money for missions, couldn’t you? AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BOB: And so I grew up with this impression, yeah, that’s my pastor’s job to hear God’s voice. That’s his job. And then when I got my first job I realized you need to hear God’s voice if you’re gonna be successful in life. You know I showed up for my first job at a fast food restaurant and my boss came to me. He said you know what? We’re gonna give you the hardest job in this whole place today. And I’m like bring it on because I want a challenge. I said what is it? He said you’re gonna make french fries. I’m thinking how in the world could making french fries be the hardest job? And he explained to me french fries can only survive two and a half minutes after they’re cooked. After that they’re dead. And I’m thinking man 1/10
this guy takes potatoes really seriously. Right? And so I remember him saying now you’re gonna go back there and what has to happen is you have to make the exact amount of fries because if you make too many french fries and nobody comes to buy the french fries then the french fries are dead. If you don’t make enough french fries and the people come well they’re gonna go to the other place with the Golden Arches and you’ll be dead pretty much. You know? Like you won’t be doing a good job at your job. I remember standing my first day of work in front of oil, hot oil, and I remember saying to the Lord, I looked in the corner, Lord if you could talk to my pastor while he’s working you could talk to me while I’m working. And you know what? Do you know what I found out? That God sometimes speaks in unusual ways. I was just hoping that oil would bubble up: I am the Lord God of the french fries. It didn’t happen. I was hoping maybe an angel would walk in, you know with an apron with some french fry makers. No. You know what happened? I’m standing there. I’m looking out to the store. There’s no one there and I feel this impression. You need to make some french fries right now! And you know what I thought? What a lot of you think when you hear God speak. Oh, that’s just me. That’s not God. That’s just me. Do you know what the answer is? That is God and that is you. Because He wants to speak to you. He wants to speak through you. So I remember this impression getting stronger and all I can tell you is I felt like I need to make french fries NOW. Which sometimes I feel like that sometimes in church too — So I took the french fries and I put æem in the oil and nobody was in the restaurant but you know when those fries got done and salted we had a rush, a french fry rush that lasted two hours. In fact my boss turned to me in the middle of that rush he said you’re the most incredible french fry maker we’ve ever had! AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BOB: He said we’re gonna call you the “fry master.” That’s true. Honest truth. I’m still called the fry master today when I go back to that restaurant. And he drove me home that day, gave me a ten cent raise. Do you know what that means? If you learn to hear God’s voice you can make some money. I’m just saying. Somebody say hallelujah! All right? (laughs) AUDIENCE: (CLAPPING AND LAUGHING) BOB: I believe that God’s looking for people who believe that prophecy is not just a ministry skill. It’s a life skill that we need today. I believe this is a generation that’s not just gonna be a voice in the Church but a voice in the culture. A generation of french fry makers. A generation of homemakers. A generation of doctors and lawyers and teachers that hear God’s voice. Why? Because when God spoke the earth into existence He transformed the earth with His words and I believe He’s doing so today. Let’s pray together. Father, I thank You that You wanna speak and You are speaking. And I thank You that before me and watching today are people who are called to hear Your voice and bring transformation to the culture, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Well I want to talk to you about prophecy made simple. It’s simply this. I heard someone say once prophecy is just saying what God says. Which is true. But it’s only half the story. Because prophecy is not only saying but it’s actually seeing 2/10
and then saying. You are created to see the way that God sees and when you see how God sees then you’ll actually say what God says. In fact you could say correctly but see incorrectly and you’d actually give wrong word. And God wants to teach us how to speak and see the way He sees. And the way I teach prophecy is this. Some people teach it as a New Testament gift that everyone could do it. I believe that it’s true absolutely and we need to teach it that way. Some teach it as an Old Covenant or from the Old Covenant scriptures the way that God spoke through individuals. I think it’s valid and I think we need to teach it both ways. The way I like to learn stuff is from the beginning. If you can understand how God spoke from the beginning you can understand how God’s speaking now. And I believe you’re gonna learn that. In Genesis chapter 1, verses 1 through 5, I believe are the keys. If you know— if I had just Genesis 1, 1 through 5 I could do everything that I do. I could hear God’s voice clearly in my life. Because in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the Bible says the earth was formless. Everybody say “formless.” AUDIENCE: Formless. BOB: That means it was in a chaotic state. Anybody know—see chaos in the world today? Anybody see a lot of disorder today? What was God’s solution to chaos? To speak “Let there be light.” It was formless it was empty. Everybody say “empty.” AUDIENCE: Empty. BOB: Do you know some people have emptiness in their life spiritually, relationally, financially? I believe that God can give you a word that can help fill that emptiness in their life. And the Bible says that the earth was dark. Everybody say “dark.” AUDIENCE: Dark. BOB: There’s no strategy. There’s no vision. There’s no direction. One word from God can bring direction in all those ways. What did God do when the earth was in that condition? The Bible says the spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the deep. You know if you got a — if you’re going to change something you’ve got to get close to it. So proximity has to happen before proclamation. And I believe that God is putting us in a place where He wants to bring us into proximity to chaos and some of you are saying man I just wish I could get rid of this chaos. No. God’s saying shift the chaos into order with my word. Right? AUDIENCE: Hallelujah! (CLAPPING) BOB: And some of you are saying man, I’ve just, I’ve got so much emptiness in my life and God’s saying you have what’s inside of you because what was God’s solution to this? It says “And God said let there be light.” Right? Everybody say ‘Let there be.” AUDIENCE: Let there be. 3/10
BOB: Well the words “Let there be light” there are literally just a proclamation. “Light Be.” And where did the light come from? It was Him. He was light. Everything was in Him. In fact Colossians1says that: All things were created by Him for Him and in Him were all things both visible and invisible they were created by Him or held together by Him. That’s incredible. So when God was speaking “Let there be light” what he was actually saying is “Light in Me be in chaos.” “Light in Me be in darkness.” “Light in Me be in emptiness.” You see when we release the words of God over people’s lives what we’re doing is we’re actually releasing part of who God is. When I speak His word I’m releasing His essence, His power. In fact Paul describes it later on in the New Testament like this. He said there’s a mystery that’s been hidden from the foundation of the world and that is Christ in you is the hope of glory. It’s hidden from the foundation of the world. What does that tell me? It tells me that from the foundation of the world God’s solution to chaos, emptiness and darkness was by taking what was in Him and putting it into the earth. And this mystery has been from the foundation of the world but being revealed now through His people that Christ in you, light in you is the hope of for chaos. Light in you is the hope for darkness. Light in you is the hope for emptiness. Right? And so I like to say it this way. Christ is in you and He’s hoping to get out of you. All right? AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BOB: Turn to somebody and say “Christ is in you.” AUDIENCE: Christ is in you. BOB: “And He’s hoping to get out of you!” AUDIENCE: And He’s hoping to get out of you! BOB: And so prophecy is the way that God releases what’s on the inside of you. You have so much light inside of you that darkness has to flee in the midst of it. You can go to your occupation. There’s a solution to the chaotic situation in your work. There’s a solution to people’s problems. And so God’s solution was to speak “Let there be light.” But a lot of times what we miss and in fact if you look at the story of creation there’s actually the pattern of prophecy. And I’ve never heard someone teach prophecy from creation but watch what happens next. So God releases this light. And then in verse 4 it says “God saw the light.” Everybody say “God saw.” AUDIENCE: God saw. BOB: You understand that when God creates something He has a unique perspective about it. When He saw darkness, emptiness and chaos, which sounds like a teenager’s room (laughs) He didn’t say what my dad used to say when he looked at my room. It’s this place is squalor. I don’t know what squalor is, it’s one of those special dad words. You know what I’m saying? Like it’s just that only it’s a “dadism” that dad uses. But when God looked at this 4/10
room that was dark and empty and in chaos what did He say? He didn’t identify the problem. He released potential from Himself to clean it up. See I believe there’s a generation that’s gonna look at the world and not just identify the problem but it’s gonna release the power of God to clean it up. AUDIENCE: (APPLAUSE) BOB: You know I’ve taught around the world thousands of people how to hear God’s voice. From children to golden agers. I believe no one’s too young and no one’s too old. The Bible says in the Last Days I’ll pour out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophecy. Your young one will have visions. Your old men will dream dreams. I’m dreaming more lately. I’m a little concerned about maybe I’m getting older. The key here is you’re a target for the Spirit of God and for prophecy if you’ve got skin on ya. Right? He said I’m gonna pour out my spirit on all flesh. Jesus said look, when you see Me you see My Father. When you heard My words you’ve heard My Father’s words. What was He saying? God’s invisible but I came to put skin on God. God is— you can’t hear Him with your ears but I came so that you could hear what the Father sounds like. Can I say that in some way God’s put skin on you so you can look like Jesus. He’s put His Spirit in you so you can sound like Jesus and when you do, things change. I was teaching this one time at conference in Florida and I was trying to give an example of how God can speak through a natural every day situation. And in Jeremiah, God says to Jeremiah what do you see? Cause Jeremiah was saying look I’m too young. I can’t see. He said well just tell me wat you see. Just look at anything. He said I see the branch of an almond tree. And God said that’s right because I’m watching over my word to see that’s it’s accomplished. So what God was doing was giving him a natural object to give him a spiritual message. And I actually believe God can use a natural object to give you a spiritual message. I have a friend his name is Steve, Steve Swanson. He’s a worship leader. And we were in a conference together and I was teaching this and I was doing an exercise where I said to people just take a natural object and have someone look at it and ask them for if they can give you a word of God from that. So Steve instead of leaving me kinda as the teacher on my own he said “Hey, do me,” you know. And he took a picture out of his pocket and he said I’m not gonna tell you anything about this little girl but her name is Rachel. And he said tell me what you see. And I looked at it. I saw God saw the light. Everybody say “God saw the light.” AUDIENCE: God saw the light. BOB: You see there was chaos, darkness and emptiness but God saw the light. And so I said I see the scripture says that I hear Rachael weeping over her children but I hear the Lord turning weeping into laughter and joy. And what was tears for Rachel is gonna cause a lot of children to rejoice. And then I saw this picture of a hand go on top of her head like in this picture and I said God is gonna heal many children with a brain trauma and brain tumors through your ministry, Steve, through the sounds they’re actually gonna heal children that 5/10
have these brain injuries. Now if you know my friend Steve he’s got a big smile. He was smiling and he was crying at the same time. He said Rachel actually passed away from a brain tumor. He said I would go to her house and I would sing over her and pray that God would heal her and God just took a situation that looked like chaos, darkness and emptiness and He saw it a different way. And He said look, for the seed that fell and died into the ground I’m gonna bring life. I’m gonna bring many joyful children out of tears. I’m gonna bring many healings out of this disease. See I believe that’s what God does when we see from His perspective. And so there’s an exercise that I do I would like to do with you. And you guys at home doing this. This is something you could do in your personal devotions. We’re gonna do it here. And actually you could do this with someone outside, someone outside of the church. And in the Bible we see many analogies for prophecy. Like Jesus is called The Lion of the tribe of Judah. The Lamb that was slain. And we know that many animals have become sorta symbols in the Bible for things. So here’s what I want you to do and actually I do this, I’ve taught this thousands of times and I’ve never failed to marvel at what God can do with something simple. Sometimes we wanna be profound but the world doesn’t need profound. It needs authentic. Now I’m gonna say something simple but profound. The anointing is attracted to authentic. God loves what’s real. God loves to be around people that are real. And you know what? Sometimes you just need to be real with people. Just love people. And so I do this exercise. I want you to do it with me for a second. Okay? You don’t have to write it down. Just think this in your head. Is that if animals are used to be analogies in the Bible, like a lion was a kingly animal, so Jesus it was a demonstration of His kingship. So a natural symbol, an application. So think about this. Just ask the Lord this question in your heart? In this season of my life Lord, what animal do you want to use as a symbol for what you wanna do in my life? Well I heard some of you oh no, Lord, not that again. Right. (laughs) Well Jesus had a donkey but let’s not go there let’s just say. So what characteristic of that animal do You wanna use in my life? To bring strength in my life and to show me? And what we do is we actually pair people up and we have ‘em look at each other and we say now what animal comes to your mind when you see them? Not from a worldly perspective but from God’s perspective. Can I tell you? Just last week I was in Oklahoma City. I just got the video of this. There was a young man who had just been new to Christ and he was paired up with a gentleman who had just been healed of a very bad back damage, damage in his back. And he looked at him and he said I see you like this horse and a horse is strong and a horse is powerful. And so they came up and they shared this and I said now I’m gonna add to this. And this video’s just beautiful what happened. And when he said I see you like this horse I saw the horse that was wild. You know how you have to break a horse that’s wild? But I saw this horse that was broken that became free again. Became wild again and I said you were the broken horse but God’s setting you free from addictions. You were in prison but God’s setting you free because the enemy tried to lock you up in your addictions and in your prison but God set you free. And right then this young man just fell to his knees because he had just been released from jail because of drug trafficking. Now what can God do with something simple like that? He can use a simple analogy like that. So here’s 6/10
what I want you to do. If you just in this moment close your eyes for a second. Say “Lord, what symbol do you want to give me right now?” Just pause. Go quiet. Whatever comes to your mind. Now say Lord, what characteristic do I need in this season? Let Him speak to you. Now I’m gonna pray for you and then we’re gonna do something in these next couple of minutes. Father, I pray that this characteristic just like this young man was being taught that you gave him freedom, that you set him free to set other people free. God, I thank you that You’re using this characteristic to bring freedom to somebody in this place. In Jesus’ name. Okay. Open your eyes. Now I’m just gonna throw this one out. This is not a word of knowledge. It’s just called a “guess of knowledge.” Okay? Did anyone have a squirrel come to their mind? Did anyone use an animal like a squirrel? All right, like a small— anybody like a small animal that size? Okay. What was yours? A snail? Oh, that’s a good one. Can you stand to your feet? All right. Here’s what I just heard the Lord say. You’ve been feeling like you’ve been going through a season that’s really slow but God’s accelerating you right now. And I really feel like the Lord is actually like greasing the rails in areas of training in your life and I feel like that you’ve gotten a lot of like natural training but you’re one that’s gonna help other people go farther in their education and their training. And I see you working with people who have like, they need vocational skills, and they need social skills in order to get to the next place in their life. And you’re gonna be one like in the spirit like a human resource director that would help people to find their gift and their calling and get them into that place and even people who have made mistakes in relationships and marriages in the past you’re gonna help æem get back on track in their relationships and you’re gonna see families restored, homes restored. And— Is this making sense to you? Yeah. And so I also feel like the Lord says He’s got a higher degree in the spirit for you and I feel like there’s even a step in education that you wanna take in this season that it seems like you don’t have the resources to do it. But I hear the Lord say you’re gonna master your Master degree and you’re gonna doctor your doctorate degree and I’m gonna make a way where there seems to be no way in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. AUDIENCE: (CLAPPING) BOB: Keep standing. All right. Everybody just reach a hand toward her and say “Let there be light.” AUDIENCE: Let there be light. BOB: In Jesus’ name! AUDIENCE: In Jesus’ name! BOB: All right. Who else, who else had an animal come to your mind, you’re like oh, that’s really weird I don’t know if that could even be God. All right sir. What was it? What was it that you had? Yeah. An ostrich! I love that. Because they’re very lean meat. I like ostrich meat. No. (laughs) The Lord says you’re lean and you’re mean. You know. In fact I really do feel 7/10
like you’ve gone through a season of time where there’s been like almost a leaning down of things in your life. In fact I see like a partnership that was in your life that it was like a three- stranded cord but it went to a two-stranded cord and I feel like the Lord has brought you through a season that’s called pruning and there was a key partnership in your life. I feel like it’s a business partnership that was pruned but you’re leaner and you’re meaner in this season. And I also feel like there were people you could have been mean to and you could have enforced just judgment against them but the Lord says because you didn’t just use an earthly legal system to enforce just judgment against people God’s gonna release the judicial system of heaven in your life and God’s making up for some things. In fact I see these scales of justice over your head and I feel like that means that there were some even legal disputes that the enemy wanted to lure you into and to steal and to kill and to destroy. Am I making sense to you? What’s that? Sure. Only if it’s positive. (laughs) If you’re gonna say I’m a false prophet, no you can’t. (laughs) AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BOB: Just kidding. Yeah, you can. Just kidding. MAN: We lived in Mint Hill North Carolina and we were renting this house to a police officer and one day he just, he had like five children, he just, one day he just left without paying us a cent. And I could have sued this police officer criminally but I went to another lawyer. I just let him settle for much, much less than he owed us. So I didn’t— BOB: So you didn’t enforce earthly justice but God’s releasing heavenly justice. Here’s what I hear the promise of the Lord saying to you. That you’re gonna be restored much more than if you would have got earthly justice. AUIENCE: (CLAPPING) Whooo! BOB: And here’s what else I hear, sir? Some of those things you did were to provide for your family, like a future for your family, it was kinda like this is gonna be a family kind of heritage and history. But I feel like the Lord is saying there’s a blessing, more of a blessing for real estate coming on you in this season and I feel like the Lord’s gonna release to you some multi-housing units, multi-unit housing units that you’re gonna be able to be one that helps people during their times of need but it’s also gonna be something that’s gonna be a resource for your family. Here’s the other thing as I feel like the Lord said. You’ve been like a secret giver and you’ve even blessed the church and blessed ministries and sometimes you’ve seen them not be good stewards of the resources that God’s given you but God wants you to know you didn’t give it to a man or a ministry. You gave it to Him and He’s gonna reward you for it. AUDIENCE: (APPLAUSE) BOB: Bless you, sir, okay? Bless you, sir. — you can just hand her the microphone that 8/10
would be great. Can you just bless him? Raise your hand toward him and say “Let there be light.” AUDIENCE: Let there be light. BOB: Now it’s funny when I said earlier about when I was joking about Jesus had a donkey. Did anyone happen to get a donkey? All right. That’s good, sir. Can you stand up? Not that I’m saying it’s good that you got that. What I’m saying is that the Lord has given you such a persistent faith in your life. And I feel like you’re one who’s had persistence even when other people have given up. And I just hear the Lord say don’t become weary in well doing because if you do not faint you will receive the promise. And one of the things I feel like there’s some family members you’re praying for that seems like they’ve hardened their heart and hardened their head almost like a stubborn donkey you know who have hardened their head against God but God wants you to know that He’s gonna take hearts of stone and turn ‘em into hearts of flesh. And there’s like a, there’s like an anointing on sons and daughters to turn their hearts back to the father this year, that God’s gonna turn hearts back. The other thing is I feel like the Lord is saying He’s moving in a new way in the area of persistent prayer in the spiritual community that you’re a part of. There’s a, there’s a, there’s been a concerted prayer effort, there’s been like a season of prayer, almost like a 21 day fast or something that you’ve gone in to that the Lord is saying that the heavens they started out when you were praying they were like hard, like brass, stubborn but that God’s pouring out a blessing that cannot be contained. And I feel like that there’s a grace on your life to win a lot of people into the kingdom of God. People that are hard hearted and hard headed. That their hearts are gonna turn toward God. And I asked the Lord where that was and I started to smell like ethnic cooking and I feel like the Lord says He’s going to set a table before you in the presence of your enemies and I saw you like feeding people that didn’t know the Lord and they came to know the Lord through the love of the Father, through the hospitality of the Father’s Table. This is gonna be a year for evangelism that’s gonna happen through relationships because of prayers that you’ve prayed, the blessings being poured out for the harvest that’s coming to your church and your spiritual community. In Jesus’ name. Amen? Amen. All right. AUDIENCE: (APPLAUSE) BOB: Do you know Jesus said to His disciples “Freely you have received, freely give.” Right? I believe that whenever we sew God’s voice to other people we receive, we reap God’s voice back to us. I was ministering to someone recently, and as we close this is what I’m gonna pray is that you not only become receivers of God’s voice but you become givers of God’s voice. A young lady came to me and said I’m in a, I’m just in a difficult time of my life where I need to make decisions and I can’t hear from God. What’s wrong with me? And I said your problem is you’re normal. She said what do I do? And I said you know what I’d when I need to hear from God? I find someone else who needs to hear from God and I said this is what God wants to say to you. And I believe that as you sew God’s words to people you’re gonna 9/10
receive God’s word back to you. Would you stand with me and let me pray for you today? Jesus said in Matthew13 to His disciples: He said blessed are your eyes for they will see things prophets long to see. Blessed are your ears for they’ll hear things that prophets long to hear. Blessed is your heart for they’ll understand things. And so Father God, I thank You that we were created in Your image and likeness. We were created to see what God sees and to say what God says. Oh God, I thank You for everyone watching, Lord, that their eyes are gonna be open, that their ears are gonna be open, that their hearts are gonna be open and not only will they see themselves the way You see them but they’re gonna see others and they’re gonna say what You say. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. God bless you guys! This Conversation is of Sid Roth from his show It's Supernatural. 10/10