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I wanna pray a prayer over you right now. Itu2019s a prayer that comes from the Bible. Itu2019s au00a0supernaturalu00a0prayer. Itu2019s a prayer that Moses said if it be prayed over the Jewish people Godu2019s name would be sealed on them forever.<br>Visit us: https://www.daystar.com/shows/its-supernatural-with-sid-roth/<br>
MENTORING SESSION WITH CHRIS DUPRE justpaste.it/mentoring-session-sid-roth CHRIS: Yay! I hope you’re well. Hope you’ve had a good day and I hope now it gets better. Cause I wanna talk about you being fully free. Fully free. Wouldn’t that be nice? AUDIENCE: Yes. CHRIS: Huh! Wouldn’t it be nice if physical things you didn’t have to deal with anymore? Or fears you didn’t have to deal with? And there’s, there’s a couple of books in the Bible with a guy named Timothy. And Timothy didn’t write ‘em. It was Paul writing to Timothy. Timothy was a son in the Lord. And in 1st Timothy 4, he says, cause I remember I got saved at 19 and there weren’t very many fathers around. This is back in the “Jesus Movement” back in the early seventies. So to a 19 year old a father was a 22 year old. You know they had finished college, that was like wow, you’re old. There weren’t many fathers around. And so there’s Timothy and I think he was probably kind of finding himself in the same kind situation and Paul says to him in the 4th chapter of 1st Timothy he says “don’t let anyone despise your youth.” By the way that works both age. Both sides of the age screen. Don’t let anyone despise you because now you’ve got some gray hair. Okay? I started— I got my first one at 15 and now that I’m 27— AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) CHRIS: —you know, my hair has fully gone gray. But don’t, don’t— whether you’re young or old he says it’s an invitation to not be held back. That’s what he’s trying to say to Timothy is don’t neglect the gift that’s in you then he says that was put in you and prayed over you, he uses the term by the eldership or by the presbytery and I love that. Paul is very, very humble at that moment in 1st Timothy, he’s very humble. I think Paul saw something in Timothy. That he saw a young man who had incredible gifts but for one reason or another needed some prodding. So it’s like hey, have you been through, have you seen Timothy? Oh yeah? How’s he doing? Well, he’s okay. Although we were with each other together. And we, yeah, he’s kind of quiet. Oh Timothy, c’mon boy. So he writes 1st Timothy and then he says don’t neglect that gift that’s in you. You’ve got something unique. You have something special. And the presbytery, the elders laid hands on you. And I don’t know about you but the one thing that the enemy does if he can’t get you to not say yes to Jesus then he wants to shut down the Jesus in you. That’s his goal. That’s his desire. If he can shut you up someone else, someone’s voice through not just what you speak but how you live, someone else, another voice and another face is silenced and pulled away. And I’ve now been— I’ve been saved so many— I mean 41 years and I’ve seen so many people over that time who because of, and I’m just gonna say it, because of what I think is one of the enemy’s greatest tools to keep us is the spirit of fear. Now I’m seeing a lot of heads shaking up and down. You know why? Because we all deal with ‘em. We all deal with ‘em. And I remember some years ago I was working with a ministry in Kansas City and during a prayer time, during a ministry time at the end 1/8
the gentleman in charge, he and I were doing a ministry time and he walked over to me and I thought he was gonna say do this song or what do you think we should do and he leans over to me he goes the Lord told me you’re supposed to write a book. I didn’t do books. I was the kid that wrote the book report in homeroom. Anybody else ever do that? AUDIENCE: (AGREEING IN LAUGHTER) CHRIS: You wrote a book report in homeroom? You got ten minutes. And you’re gonna give— you know the one that always gets the A’s in class and I’m writing there she goes what are you doing? Says writing my book report. She said you just picked up my book. I know, I know, don’t worry about it. And so I’d look at the back of the book I’d figure out and then I’d write a story, put in names, I’d throw a few names, and put it and I always got A’s and B’s and it used to just frustrate her so much cause she spent hours and took two weeks to read the book which I should have done. I’m not proud of that. I’m just saying. And so for me for him to suddenly say you’re supposed to write a book. I said I don’t think so. It took me a long time even to read a book. And so then he comes over in the next conference he comes over and he leans over and he goes hey, the Lord told me you’re gonna write 3 or more. That actually there’s a lot of books coming out of you. I just looked at him and said no, no. Well the reason why I didn’t—part of me—. here’s the thing. Is sometimes the thing that we pull back is the thing we want most. Okay? I got out of every oral report. Never did an oral report in class. I didn’t read aloud in class and I’m the only one in the history of my school that went through the entire speech course and never gave their speech to the class. AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) CHRIS: Can I tell you why? Spirit of fear. You’re going well, I don’t know. Look at you now. You’re up there doing this and that. I know. Why? It was in my heart to do. It’s always been in my heart to do. But if the enemy couldn’t say and stop me from saying yes to Jesus what he could do was so attack me with a spirit of fear that the Jesus in me I held hostage because of a spirit of fear. Let me tell you something. It’s not too late. You have gifts and callings from God. It’s not too late. And if you’re young you’re not too young. Don’t despise your youth and don’t despise your gray hair. My grandmother got saved at 82 years old. Lived the next 17 years of her life on fire for Jesus seeing visions of Jesus on a regular basis. Telling everybody about what He looked like and how He loved her. I was talking to her one day and she’s looking over my shoulder and I kept talking she just looked at me and went “Shush!” Said why? I called her Monno. That was her name we called her. Why Monno? She goes cause He’s looking at me and I turned around and there was nothing, no one there. And I just said who’s looking at you? She goes Jesus. We look at each other all the time. He’s smiling. And I’m going then forget about me, grandma. Just, just look at His face. It’s not too late. I don’t know what things burn in your heart but you all have something. Some of you are out there and the Lord’s telling you write a book. Well your reaction is I don’t write books. Let me tell you something. I don’t write books. Guess what? I now write books. And at that time one of the things that 2/8
hindered me, and I’ll just, I’ll just, I was— fear of failure is huge. Why begin a project and spend months and months, even a year, why begin the project if in the end it’s gonna fail? Why expend, why give out all of that energy? The fact of the matter is we’re usually not thinking that. We’re usually thinking something else connected. And here’s what is was for me. A lot of my friends were authors. A lot of my friends, especially at that time when I was in Kansas City a lot of them had books that were on best sellers lists and this and that. And I’m gonna write a book? Chris DuPre from Marion New York? My town. I remember when I was a kid when my town got a light. It was the big thing. Everybody went into the middle of town to look at the light being put in. AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) CHRIS: We thought why are they doing that? There’s hardly any cars that ever come by anyway and there hardly is. I just went back there a year ago. I was like, I went down Main Street and thought why is this light even here? I was so, I was so afraid, the fear that I had to stand and speak in front of people it moved over into other areas of my life. I finally, I finally had to deal with this, this thing with fear of being in front. Because I’d start to write songs. And people would go I heard you wrote a song. Where’d you hear that? Your sister told me. Oh, darn it! Your brother says you’re writing beautiful songs. I go no, no, that means people will have to hear them and then I’m going to have to sing them to the people who are hearing them. And so what I would do— I’m serious. Do you live in the same world I live in? Okay. This is what— I would go into the bathroom. I’d shut the door and say are you guys out there? They’d say yeah. Where are you? I didn’t want them to be in the dining room. I wanted them to be in the living room which was 2 rooms away. And then I would sing the song in the bathroom. (laughs) Am I the only one that does stupid things? AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) CHRIS: Do you know why we do ‘em? It’s a Spirit of fear. And I didn’t recognize it. And someone said by the way you’ve got a spirit of fear. I said what? They said yeah, this fear it’s crippling you. We need to get rid of this thing. And so some friends gathered around me. They began to pray. A couple of ‘em fasted for me. Let me tell you something. We talk about love and having to initiate and go after it with love. We need to do that but the things that hinder us, the chains that bind us we have to go after those things and get serious because when they bind us they bind the voice in us and the God’s, God’s uniqueness through us. No two people are the same. Why is that? Because God, He uniquely made you so that He can be unique through you. Okay? That’s why you might have the— I sing and so and so sings. Well you don’t sing the same. You have unique ways of bringing this out. And that’s where harmony is birthed. The problem is if this singer is intimidated by this singer, this singer shuts down. It’s a spirit now of comparison. We begin to compare ourselves one with another. Well the scripture says that’s unwise. We shouldn’t do that. So I was like okay, after he told me to write this book I moved from Kansas City to where I live now. I live in Franklin Tennessee which is a suburb of Nashville. And I’m there and now it’s been a couple of years and somebody 3/8
comes up to me and I’m now away from this person that told me to write the book and I haven’t written it. Yes, I was disobedient. You can be an adult and be disobedient. (laughs) I was like a kid and I get to Franklin and a prophetic gal comes up to me and she says you didn’t do it. And I said I didn’t do what? She goes you didn’t write the book yet, did you? I went, “get behind me”— AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) CHRIS: I said where’d you hear that? She goes the Lord just told me as soon as you walked in the room. Said he’s supposed to write a book, he’s got a lot of books in him but he’s not written it yet and I’m supposed to tell you to write the book. I went oh God, I don’t wanna write the book. All my friends have books. There’s enough books out there. And then the Lord just said what happens when you share your story? People cry. What happens when they get cry? They go back and get healing. What happens when they get healing? They reconcile with their parents. I got 2 emails today in the last 24 hours. Thank you for writing what you wrote because it, I went back and now my dad, we had a horrible relationship but I’m now reconciled and I actually work for him full time. That’s what God wants. He’s the God of reconciliation. So I’m sitting in my living room in Franklin Tennessee watching football because it’s on a Sunday afternoon because that’s what men do on Sunday afternoons. We watch football. And the screens there and suddenly a screen comes down in my living room. And it— I can see through that to my TV and I’m freaking out and I yell for my wife, Laura! She’s not there and my other daughter is in a room somewhere and I’m just watching this screen come down and I’m going what is this? And then suddenly this image on the screen begins to play out. It wasn’t black and white, but it was, it was an old, old color like from the 70’s when you see things, remember, it’s kind of not as crisp and this thing began to play out on the screen in between me and the football game. And it’s me in my apartment with two guys that I was living with back in the early 70’s, a guy named Jim, a guy named Dick. And we’re sitting there and in our apartment we had a love seat, a terrible chair, a terrible love seat and a Lazy Boy chair. Now if you sat in the Lazy Boy chair you were in charge of getting the phone. We didn’t have phones like we have now. This was a phone, remember those 20 foot cords that you could into the bathroom and talk at the same time? You just had to be careful when you flushed. (laughs) So it’s one of those phones that’s on the wall. Each of us is over 6 feet, we were 6’1, 6’1 and 6’2 so the phone’s up high on the wall. And I’m watching this image going I remember this! And Dick is back in the chair and he’s got his hands behind his head. He’s now had his hands behind his head for about an hour and a half. All right? Just think of what happens to your arms after an hour and a half in one position with a little bit of pressure right there. So suddenly the phone rings. And I’m watching this. I remember it from 40 years ago. The phone rings and we look over and Dick’s asleep. And so it’s our job now to wake him up cause he’s in charge of the phone. You got it? We’re not gonna get the phone. We have to sit in the bad chairs it’s bad enough with that. So we just started yelling Dick, Dick, get up, get up, the phone. So finally he gets up. When He gets up his arms go— they drop by his side and he goes oh no, the phone. And he walks over and his arms are like this and he tries to get the phone. He can’t get the phone and we were watching him and he’s flailing his arms and 4/8
I’m laughing so hard I got down on the ground and began to punch the rug because his arms are flailing and it’s like a bad movie and he can’t, he can’t get it. So finally he takes his shoulder and he goes like this and we watch the phone go up in the air and it comes crashing down on the floor. And then he tries to pick it up and he can’t get the phone. And that makes us laugh even louder. And then we hear this tiny little voice in the phone, Hello, Hello. And we’re going, and we started laughing louder and she goes I hear you laughing. AUDIENCE: (LAUGHING) CHRIS: And finally Dick, he comes back to it and he reaches down to the phone and he grabs it and he picks it up and while he’s picking it up we hear this “click”— AUDIENCE: (LAUGHING) CHRIS: And it goes off. And then the screen disappears. I’m back in my living room back in Franklin Tennessee. Football game’s on. And then I hear this sentence: When the call of God comes will you be able to answer it or will your gifts be useless because you neglected them? AUDIENCE: Whoaaa! CHRIS: Well that’s gotta sober you up! I just went— guess what I started to do? I started to write the book. Yeah, yeah, I started to write the book. And it’s not about a book. It’s about saying “yes” to God when you’re invited. Because when God invites you into something, into something glorious that’s there sometimes there’s a battle to get there. Sometimes the best things in life that I have to go for there’s a battle. And sometimes were good in certain battles. But I’ve found that a spirit of fear it attacks little kids. It attacks older people and here’s the funny thing. All you have to do if you were following 1st Timothy and turn over the page and now you’re in 2nd Timothy. Well Paul’s talking to Timothy again. This is his boy. It’s my son. He’s writing now what is Paul, I think he knew. 2nd Timothy is the last book Paul wrote. Paul didn’t write his last book to the “church of the universe.” He didn’t write it to the “church of this.” He didn’t write it to a congregation. He wrote it to a son, from a father to a son. He says before I pass I’ve need to write my boy one more time cause I’m hearing things that he’s still holding back. And in the first book Timothy he writes in chapter 4 he says “don’t neglect the gifts of God that are within you.” But in 2nd Timothy Paul doesn’t wait for chapter 4. He goes in chapter one. As a matter of fact after his introduction it’s the first thing he says. “Therefore,” verse 6, “I remind you to stir up the gift of God that is in you.” The exact wording from 1st Timothy. Timothy, I’m hearing reports, buddy, what’s holding you back? What’s going on? I remind you to stir up the gift that’s in you. And then he says “through the laying on of MY hands.” Through the laying on of MY hands. 1st Timothy I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be humble— through the laying on of the elders. Well now he’s going I’ve got skin in the game, Timothy, I’ve worked hard with you. I’ve seen God use you. I’ve, I layed hands on you, bud, I know what’s in you. Sometimes we see things in other people they don’t see in themselves. But you know what? Sometimes other people see things in us. There are 5/8
things in you that have, maybe you’ve been dormant for a while. Well, I don’t wanna— you know so and so they do that better. You know what? There’s not a thing that I do that somebody doesn’t do better. So therefore I shouldn’t do it, right? No, I don’t do it the exact same way therefore it has a different fragrance. It has a different nuance. It’s kind of like a crown with so many jewels. Each one sparkles in its own way. That’s why we don’t compare ourselves among ourselves. We’re not called to do that. Fear— I just believe fear is the enemy’s greatest tool to shut you down and when he shuts you down there’s one inside you that gets shut down. But what’s the next verse when you hear that? “Therefore I remind you stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” The next verse starts out with the word “for.” “For” which is a conjunction. Grammar students out there? Okay? Amen. There you go. In other words it’s joining two sentences together. Okay? “Stir up the gift of God which is in you” and then he says “because God didn’t give you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.” And we use that and I think it’s right. If people, you know they might have a fear of the dark, or little kids, and you pray over them and I’ve done that, oh babe, God didn’t give you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. I just wanna pray for ya. I wanna pray for ya. And it like that’s true. That is totally applicable. I’m fearful of the future. You know I’ve prayed with people they know that God wants them to get married and maybe they’re a little older and they’re used to just being on their own for so long. I’m fearful that I won’t know how to live with someone. I said you love her. Just go on a journey to become one. Give your heart away. Be humble. Don’t be afraid to say “I’m sorry.” I remember the guy who told me, I saw him a few months after he was married. I said how’s it going? He said it’s phenomenal. I love it. Thanks for praying for me. And that word of advice that you gave me was awesome. I said what word of advice? He said to say I’m sorry. I’ve said I’m sorry more time in the last 3 months than I’ve ever said in my entire life. I said I totally understand. But he said fear, Paul was very specific, he said “for God hasn’t given you a spirit of fear but of power, of love and soundness mind.” Now if that’s the case he highlighted three areas. And when I think about them I think wow, those are, those are huge areas. The power. I was attacked one time from behind by five guys. It was I was the wrong guy but it didn’t matter because the attack was the same. And I was beaten to a pulp and knocked unconscious. And a friend found me in a parking lot and it was a really big misunderstanding. Yeah, I would say it was big (laughing). But all I knew was at that point in time hearing anything behind me I was just fearful. I would just— and so I understand what when you attack, and you attack someone— there’s a thing that happens because Paul says fear attacks power. All right? There’s a thing that when we’re attacked that way it goes after your power. It’s called fight or flight. And most people respond to some kind of an attack and the power that’s released is the power to run away. Now that’s— I’m not inviting you to go after your attackers. What I’m saying is this. Fear, sometimes literally physiologically, it makes our heart beat. It makes our legs go rubbery. Has anybody ever had that happen? Where you’re— fear attacks your body and it attacks the power in your body. And your arms get rubbery and it’s kind of like I couldn’t pick up, you know, anything that I could do. Why? Because it’s zapping you of strength. That’s what fear does. It wants to remove, it wants to remove the power from you. Even you’re supposed to get up and give a, give a word, 6/8
the Lord gives you a word and you’re so attacked that the word might come out but it’s lost its power because you were fearful to have the authority in giving the word. Let me just give you this last scripture Psalm 139, verse 17 through 18. Where perfect love is there’s no fear. It says, it speaks about “I love you more than the grains of sand. The thoughts I have to you, O God, are beautiful and they are more than the grains of sand.” Here’s a little fact. You take a milk pail, fill it up with grain, fine grain, it’s anywhere between two to five billion grains of sand in a milk pail. If He loves us more than the grains of sand upon the earth, why do we fight it? Sit back. Enjoy it. Rest in the fact let perfect love come. Deal with the fear. Let it go in Jesus name and watch what happens to power, love, soundness of mind and then watch what happens to the gift of God in you cause you were created in love for good works. Amen? Amen? AUDIENCE: Amen! Thank you. Thank you. (CLAPPING) SID: Now I had dinner last night with Chris and his wife and Chris told me that when he hugs someone they receive a real impartation of love. And I said well, I would like you to hug me. And he said well I’ll hug you when you leave but I’ll give you a real hug at the studio. Am I saying it right? CHRIS: That’s right. SID: But then he warned me, he told me it’s unlike any hug that you’re kind of used to. You know, you know the charismatic hug? AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) SID: Well, lots of that. (laughs) So I said well I’m really shy. I don’t want you to do that. I’m not, I’m teasing. So here’s what I’m gonna believe. I’m gonna believe when he hugs me I’m gonna have an impartation. I’m gonna believe that when he hugs me he’s gonna get a physical healing. I’m gonna believe that when he hugs me there will be a residue that will fall upon you, even at home. CHRIS: I just wanna say one thing. I’m not hugging him as brother to brother. I wanna hug him as the Poppa to a son. SID: What am I getting into?— (laughs) AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) CHRIS: Oh, Jesus. I speak sonship. I speak sonship over this man. Thank you for the warrior that he is. Thank you for the king that he is. Thank you for the servant that he is. That you’re inviting him to go higher and to go deeper and I bless him as a father, in the name of Jesus. (continues impartation) SID: I wanna pray a prayer over you right now. It’s a prayer that comes from the Bible. It’s a supernatural prayer. It’s a prayer that Moses said if it be prayed over the Jewish people God’s name would be sealed on them forever. Would you like that prayer? Except 7/8
I pray it on this side of the cross. It was prayed in the scriptures before Jesus came. The Lord has already blessed you! The Lord, He’s already smiled upon you! The Lord, He’s already gifted you! Just receive! The Lord, He is already surrounded you with His cylinder of light and love and favor! The Lord has already given you His Shalom, His completeness in your spirit, in your soul and in your body! In the name that is above every name. In the name that is above every fear. In the name that is above every sickness. In the name that is above every worry. Yeshua, don’t you hold on to those worries and fears anymore. Yeshua HaMashiach, Tsidkenu. Jesus the Messiah, our Righteousness. And all God’s people said I take it! AUDIENCE: Amen! Read more Content like this visit Sid Roth 8/8