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“Getting the Funding Right”

“Getting the Funding Right” Kim Koleos Juris Doctor , University of Florida . Navigation / Flood Control One time authorizations Projects are structural in nature

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“Getting the Funding Right”

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  1. “Getting the Funding Right” Kim Koleos Juris Doctor , University of Florida

  2. Navigation / Flood Control One time authorizations Projects are structural in nature Infrastructure in the form of water control structures - dams, levees, reservoirs, etc. Maintenance in the form of dredging channels and harbors Traditional Army Corps Projects Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)

  3. Pre-Channelized Kissimmee River in 1961

  4. Channelized Kissimmee River – 1962 to 1971

  5. Kissimmee River Restoration – 1994 to 2011

  6. Army Corps Involvement in Environmental Restoration • WRDA 1986 • est. cost-sharing formulas • ability to change existing structures to improve environmental quality • WRDA 1990 • Environmental Protection Mission • Contamination cleanup, dredged material disposal and hazardous waste management • WRDA 1996 • Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration added to the Corps’ Continuing Authorities Program • WRDA 2000 • Everglades Restoration (CERP)

  7. Large-Scale Ecosystem Restoration Projects • Congress approves a Comprehensive Plan • Congress specifically authorizes individual projects developed under the Plan • Plans have multiple phases of restoration, with multiple set of projects • Diverse group of stakeholders • Use of Adaptive Management • Implementation of the Plan spans decades - 30 to 50 years • Problem: streamlining the authorization process, in order to enable the appropriations process

  8. Water Resources Restoration Act (WRRA) • Purposes: • To ensure the coordinated enhancement, restoration and protection of natural water systems and water resources • To authorize all U.S. Army Corps restoration projects through passage of WRRA • To begin a 2-year cycle for the passage of WRRA • Utilized as a vehicle for the long-term restoration of the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the Nation’s water resources

  9. Water Resources Restoration Act (cont.) • Prerequisites for Authorization under WRRA • Planning requirement • Restoration Plan for a single activity • Comprehensive Plan for activities that are interconnected • Cooperative Agreement • That non-federal entities will NOT take actions that will jeopardize restoration activities or adversely affect the water resources being restored • Statement of Financial Ability • The capacity to carry out cost-sharing responsibilities

  10. Water Resources Restoration Act (cont.) • Cost-Sharing Agreements • case-by-case basis for both implementation and operation & management costs • Potential backlash? • Support? • Authorization of all restoration projects? • Potential projects to be included in WRRA?

  11. Everglades

  12. Louisiana Coastal Area

  13. Upper Mississippi River & Illinois Water-Way Restoration

  14. Missouri River System

  15. Great Lakes

  16. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration - today

  17. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration - future

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