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MICE Project Board 14 November 2013 Alain Blondel. Conclusions and recommandations from MPB in May 2013(I ). also written up in the written report to MPB. OVERVIEW
MICE Project Board 14 November 2013 Alain Blondel
Conclusions and recommandations fromMPB in May 2013(I) alsowritten up in the written report to MPB OVERVIEW Recommendation 1. Create a living, accessible and regularly updated one-page "dashboard" summary of milestone achievements demonstrating the evolving status of deliverables (eg magnets), initially focusing on Step IV, as soon as possible. (a dynamic presentation of the data normally contained in Gail’s Milestone table after selection of most significant milestones) Roy Preece Recommendation 2. Produce a one-page specification for the operation of the MICE International Project Office and present at the next MPB meeting This was drafted by Andy Nichols, pending full approval by CB. Ken Long
Conclusions and recommandations of MPB (II) SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNETS Recommendation 3. Investigate the potential reasons for the slow and unusual training of Spectrometer Solenoid 2 (and Focusing Coil 1). Check the protocols (eg travelers) for the Spectrometer Solenoids and Focusing Coils, to establish the level of quality assurance and to seek explanations for slow training. Present results at the next MPB meeting. We dont have a predictive understanding of the behaviour of the magnets but we have collected the data and made a number of tests. John Cobb Recommendation 4. Re-evaluate the possibility of proximity shielding (partial yoke) that takes into account the detailed situation of the present infrastructure in the MICE hall and present a plan for future work at the mitigation shielding review at RAL in August/September. The magneticmitigation group didthis. Holger Witte RF SYSTEMS Recommendation 5. Prepare a plan to test a prototype Low Level RF system with the RF Coupling Coil at the Fermilab MTA, and present the plan at the next MPB meeting. We have decided not to do this.
Conclusions and recommandations of MPB (III) COMMISSIONING, CONTROLS & OPERATIONS Recommendation 6. Present an integrated plan for all aspects of the control system at the next MPB meeting. (Controls team is preparing this. Very much work in progress!) PierrickHanlet Recommendation 7. Present the requirements and design of the MICE timing system at the next MPB meeting, with particular emphasis on absolute calibration by particle arrival phase measurement. Work ongoing, in collaboration between DAQ expert and RF group at DL. Kevin Ronald Recommendation 8. Explore the potential to achieve synergistic economies of scale in the maintenance and operation of the liquid hydrogen system by working with the ISIS moderator cryogenics team, and present at the next MPB meeting. Ken Long Recommendation 9. Develop an on-site support plan for day-today operations, maintenance and repair of the MICE hardware, and present at the next MPB meeting. ( MICE operations group) Ken Long
Provisional MICE SCHEDULE update: May 2013 m Run date: STEP I EMR run July 2013 (Q2 2014, no field) Q1 2015 to Q1 2016 STEP IV Under construction: STEPVI Possible StepV run Q4 2017 Step VI 2019
Provisional MICE SCHEDULE update: November 2013 Begin Run date: EMR run Oct 2013 done (possibly: w/o fieldJuly14) Q1/Q3 2015 to Q1/Q4 2016 possible Step V Q3 2018/Q2 2019 Step VI Q2 2020/Q1 2021 best case / worst case
A lot has happened in the last few months! Have arrivedat RAL: -- RF amplifier -- 11 cratesof RF equipementfrom U-Miss -- The EMR and all its kit -- the UpstreamSpectrometerSolenoid (USS) (aka SS2) -- the AFC2 + we have carried out the EMR runwithbeautifulresults (and with all available detectors included in the DAQ) + we have decided on the field mitigation strategy and passed a review. + ourpaper on emittance measurement of the MICE beamwithTOFsispublished. Avatars: -- Decaysolenoidhad a burned LTS lead during test of new QPS fix by Apr14 -- DownstreamSpectrometerSolenoidhad a few issues delivery in May14 -- CouplingCoil test had 2: He leak in June, thermal insulationneedsredone. Couplingcoil test Q1 2014.
Construction of Coupling coil cryostat at LBNL And testing of CC1 at Fermilab hmmm, MLI wrappingneeds to beredone...
3/21 Mapped Currents • Runs cover the above currents, plus: • 0A measurements (residual field) • 30A individual coil measurements (superposition) • With and without Virostek plate A lot of data V. Blackmore
EMR runtook place 4 week-ends Thursday 13:00 to Monday night MOM: Ryan Bayes
e- - -
Magnetic shielding review panel endorsed MICE proposal... with caveats: Principle has been reviewed and decided. nextsteps : implementation, whiletakingintoaccountcomments of reviewpanel towardsPRReview
Changes 1. New spokesperson : Ken Long We are workingtogether to ensure a smooth transition. ABlondelwillbe Collaboration Board chair for nexttwoyears. 2. Project manager willnowbe Roy Preece Andy Nicholswill continue as Project Engineer 3. Linda Coney has moved on -- Ian Taylor isnow the head of the online group -- new MICE Operations Coordinatorwillbeneeded
STEP IV EXPERIMENTS (2015-2016) No or empty absorber Alignment Opticsstudies Liq H2 absorber (full/empty) Multiple scattering Energy loss Cooling Solid absorber(s) LiH Plastic C, Al, Cu LiH Wedge absorber Emittance exchange
HOWEVER ... a lot willdepend on what the magnetscandeliver wewill know onlywhen the beamlineisassembled the UpstreamSpectrometerSolenoid USS (SS2) wastested and passed for all requested ‘design’ curents. AFC1 passed for the maximum requestedcurrent in «solenoid mode», but not in «flip mode» where the ‘nominal setting’ (center of 3x3 matrix) isbarelyachieved. Situation maybeworse (or better) when all magnet are powered in step IV configuration.
Flip mode design (maximal) setting flip mode nominal setting Solenoid mode design setting
Conclusions 1. MICE is in happy shape, lookingforward to step IV! -- With new Spokesperson, Project Manager, Project Engineer -- Several important milestones have been passed 2. Decisionwas made to implement the Partial Return Yoke -- schedulewillbe more predictable 3. Next large uncertaintyconcerns the performance of the magnets whenpowered all together -- we are preparing to adapt to peformancebeinglowerthan design but above the ‘nominal point’. (modify beta functionat absorber) -- however if performance werebelow the ‘nominal point’ MICE would force more drasticquestionning to know how to go forwardwith the experiment. 4. Preparations for STEP V/VI are progressing
muon (or pion) stops and decays MICE beam Successfulrun in Oct’13 but rate limitedbecauseDS has a burned LTS lead (to befixedduring the wintershut down)