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USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. James E. Ramey, Director Ohio Field Office Gary Keough, Director New England Field Office. Agriculture counts and NASS counts for U.S. agriculture. Ohio Agricultural Statistics. Mail Address: P.O. Box 686 Reynoldsburg OH 43068-0686
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service James E. Ramey, Director Ohio Field Office Gary Keough, Director New England Field Office Agriculture counts and NASS counts for U.S. agriculture.
OhioAgricultural Statistics Mail Address: P.O. Box 686 Reynoldsburg OH 43068-0686 Location: Bromfield Admin. Bldg. Room 103 8995 East Main St. Reynoldsburg OH 43068-0686 Telephones: 614-728-2100 800-858-8144 Toll Free 614-728-2206 Fax Agriculture counts and NASS counts for U.S. agriculture.
New EnglandAgricultural Statistics Mail Address: 53 Pleasant St, Rm 2100 Concord, NH 03301 Telephones: 603-224-9639 800-642-9571 Toll Free 603-225-1434 Fax Agriculture counts and NASS counts for U.S. agriculture.
Maple Syrup Contacts New England Agricultural Statistics Field Office Angie Considine, Maple Statistician Direct Line : 603-227-3124 Phone: 1-800-642-9571, Ext 124 E:Mail: angie_considine@nass.usda.gov Ohio Agricultural Statistics Field Office Charley Russel, Maple Statistician Phone: 1- 800-858-8144 E:Mail: charley_russel@nass.usda.gov Washington DC Leslie Colburn Phone: 1-202-720-7235 E:Mail: leslie_colburn@nass.usda.gov Agriculture counts and NASS counts for U.S. agriculture.
Internet Address for Ohio Maple Reports • www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Ohio/index.asp Agriculture counts and NASS counts for U.S. agriculture.
Click on “Publications and Press Releases” then “Special Reports”
Internet Address for Maple Reports, New England States • www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/New_England/index.asp • www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Connecticut/index.asp • www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Maine/index.asp • www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Massachusetts/index.asp • www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/New_Hampshire/index.asp • www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Vermont/index.asp Agriculture counts and NASS counts for U.S. agriculture.
2003 – 2007 Maple Syrup Response Rates, U.S. by State USDA-NASS 08/2006
United States 2007 Maple Syrup Production: 1,258,000 Gallons
Taps, Yield & Production, 2005 - 2007, U.S. by State 1/ New England includes CT, ME, MA, NH and VT. SOURCE: United States – Crop Production, NASS, USDA.
Production, Price & Value, 2004 - 2006, U.S. by State 1/ Average gallon equivalent price in U.S. dollars is a weighted average across retail, wholesale, and bulk sales. This price is lower for States, such as Maine and Vermont, with more bulk sales. The average gallon equivalent price is not the average price paid for a gallon of syrup. 2/ New England includes CT, ME, MA, NH, and VT. SOURCE: U.S. – Crop Production, NASS, USDA.
U.S. Maple Syrup Sales Percentage by Type and State, 2004 – 2006
2006 Retail Price by Container Size, U.S. by State 1/ Data not published to avoid disclosing individual operations. 2/ Only available in New England states.
2006 Wholesale Price by Container Size, U.S. by State 1/ Data not published to avoid disclosing individual operations. 2/ Only available in New England states.
2006 Bulk Price by Grade, by State 1/ For dollars per gallon, multiply dollars per pound by 11.02 pounds per gallon. 2/ Data not published to avoid disclosing individual operations. 3/ Only available in New England States.
Maple Questionnaire, Page Two, Containers and Prices Thank you for your cooperation! Many more operations reported prices and containers or pounds this survey.
Maple Questionnaire, Page Two, Containers and Prices Price calculations only work when we have either the numbers of containers sold and the prices or the numbers of pounds sold and the prices. Otherwise, we are unable to use the price data. So, please help us by tracking your container and/or pound sales. Remember, the better the data you report to us, the better the data we give back to you.
Production, Price & Value, 2004 - 2006, Canadian Provinces 1/ Average gallon equivalent price in U.S. dollars is a weighted average across retail, wholesale, and bulk sales. The average gallon equivalent price is not the average price paid for a gallon of syrup. 2/ Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars exchange rates were valued at or near the closest date to July 1 for each year. Exchange rates were 0.7503 for 2004, 0.8163 for 2005, and .9002 for 2006. Canadian imperial gallons were converted to U.S. gallons (one imperial gallon times 1.2021778 equals one U.S. gallon.) SOURCE: Canada – Statistics Canada.
The 2007 Census of Agriculture Your voice, Your future, Your responsibility
What is the Census of Agriculture? • A survey of America’s farmers • Conducted every five years • Provides valuable information about American agriculture • The most complete agricultural data resource available • Used by your local community to plan for its future
Who should participate? Anyone with a farm. Farm Definition Any place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the census year.
Why should they participate? The Census of Agriculture provides best measure of the significant value agriculture contributes to America.
Why should they participate? • Census reports provide valuable information used for ... • Community planning (county extensions) • Store/company locations • Operational loan planning/funding • USDA Service Center staffing • Federal budget support • Policy
Type of Information • Land use • Acreage, inventory, production, value of production • Production Expenses • Government payments • Farm related income • Demographics
Level of Information • County • Farm size • Farm income • Type of farm organization • Type of farm
Timeline • Late December 2007, mail questionnaires • Mid-January 2008, mail reminder cards • Early February 2008, begin telephone follow up • February 2008-January 2009, edit, analyze, and prepare publication and website data base • February 2009, release to public
Timeline • Late December 2007, mail questionnaires • Mid-January 2008, mail reminder cards • Early February 2008, begin telephone follow up • February 2008-January 2009, edit, analyze, and prepare publication and website data base • February 2009, release to public
French Canadian Producers • We will provide a special Maple Syrup Production Questionnaire in lieu of a Census Questionnaire
Thank you and have a GREAT season!! 2006 NAMSC Meeting, Green Bay, WI