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MyFloridaMarketPlace. What’s New in MFMP? Training, 2007. Agenda. Welcome / Introduction What’s New in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Upgrade System Search Requisitioning Catalogs Approving Receiving Invoicing (Contracts) Lunch Agency Review. Agenda. Welcome / Introduction
MyFloridaMarketPlace What’s New in MFMP? Training, 2007
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • What’s New in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Upgrade • System Search • Requisitioning • Catalogs • Approving • Receiving • Invoicing • (Contracts) • Lunch • Agency Review
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • What's New in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Upgrade • System Search • Requisitioning • Catalogs • Approving • Receiving • Invoicing • (Contracts) • Lunch • Agency Review
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • What's New in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Upgrade • System Search • Requisitioning • Catalogs • Approving • Receiving • Invoicing • (Contracts) • Lunch • Agency Review
Login Changes You will sign on with your current user name and password The sign on screen has been changed as shown ‘Instead of going directly to the “Home” page, you can select “where” you want to go by clicking on your option in the drop down box
Logout Warning A new feature is that when your session has been idle, instead of immediately logging you out, the Logout Warning popup will appear with a countdown of 60 seconds. If you want to continue with your work in MFMP, click on the Cancel Logout and your session will remain open.
System Searches Home and Logout have been moved to the top of the page. You can click the circled link to create a new search. Your saved searches are listed first. The standard system searches are listed here.
System Searches Remember it is always best to use at least TWO search criteria; your results will be returned faster . Additional search filters can be added. For example Encumbrance #, Preparer, Approver, etc.
System Searches You can select multiple items by checking more than one selection. In this example, we’ve selected multiple PUIs.
System Searches Check this box to select all the options. In this case we wanted all the PUIs selected (see circled items above.)
System Searches Grouping by status can assist in managing your workload or tallying the number of items in a particular status. Searches were grouped by status. You can expand the selection by clicking on the arrow.
System Searches A system search can be downloaded in EXCEL. A maximum of 500 records will be returned. You can choose to export the entire search or only the current page that is displayed.
System Searches The downloaded search will look similar to this.
System Searches For searches you do often, Save the Search. Click on the Save Search button.
Save Searches Title the search.
System Searches Your saved search is here. Anytime you want to run the search, simply click on the title or the Search button.
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • What's New in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Upgrade • System Search • Requisitioning • Catalogs • Approving • Receiving • Invoicing • Contracts • Lunch • Agency Review
Changes to Requisitioning Requisitioning steps reduced from 7 to 3. ‘Summary’Page now labeled ‘Checkout’ page. ‘Additional Choices Icons’ (+) have been replaced with ‘Other’ in the dropdown fields. (See next page for search options and how additional data is retrieved) ‘Hold Until Date’ field now labeled ‘Delay Purchase Until: ?’.
Retrieving Data You will continue to search in the same fashion, however, as opposed to paging (which is no longer available) you will scroll down the page. As it pulls more information you will get the message “Retrieving Data” – see next page
Retrieving Data By scrolling down the page, all of the information will be retrieved, page by page
Shopping Cart/ Add Items The same fields are now available to edit in the ‘Shopping Cart’ as on the ‘Checkout’ page (e.g., Accounting). Click ‘Hide Details’ to collapse the ‘Shopping Cart’ view. Users can opt not to view the ‘Shopping Cart’ when line items are added by checking the ‘Don’t show this page again after adding items’ checkbox.
Editing Line Items within the Requisition When the item is in edit mode, the color changes Mass Edit all line items (accounting information only) by clicking the box at the top of the line items and then clicking the ‘Edit’ button. Edit individual line items in the ‘Shopping Cart’ by checking the checkbox next to the line item(s) and clicking the ‘Edit’ button. You can continue to add items to your shopping cart by clicking the add items box.
Viewing (and Editing) Requisition Line Items When you are in checkout and want to view your line items, you can click the Show Details buttons and all information is displayed instead of just the high level information. Click ‘Hide Details’ to collapse the line item detail and only display high level information. ‘Hide Details’ replaces the Detail button.
Viewing (and Editing) Requisition Line Items When viewing your line items all available information is viewable that was previously available only when you clicked the detail information for the line item. At this time, if you notice any discrepancies or require changes, then you can edit the line item by clicking the button next to the line item and then clicking edit to make the needed changes.
Hold Until Date–Change Request #6 Change Request # 6: This change will allow requisitions with a Hold Until date (now referred to as Delay Purchase Until) that is active with FLAIR Integration to be able to be withdrawn. • Previously, requisitions with a Delay Purchase Until date could not be withdrawn while FLAIR Integration was the active approver in the workflow; • Now that Change Request #6 has been implemented; only the requester has the ability to withdraw and edit a requisition while FLAIR Integration is the active approver. • This change does not affect requisitions that are in a Delay Purchase Until state that are not active with FLAIR Integration. Those requisitions have and continue to be able to be withdrawn and edited prior to the Delay Purchase Until date. • You can only withdraw a requisition with a future Delay Purchase Until date.
Delay Purchase Until This requisition has a Delay Purchase Until date of 1/24/07 and is encumbered.
Delay Purchase Until This requisition has been through the approval flow and is active with FLAIR Integration, awaiting approval, which will not happen until the Delay Purchase Until date arrives.
Delay Purchase Until Comments will populate on the requisition that verifies the requisition is in a Delay Purchase Until state in coordination with the Delay Purchase Until date on the requisition.
Delay Purchase Until To change the requisition while active in FLAIR Integration, the requisition can be withdrawn by the requester only, edited and resubmitted as long as the revised request is submitted prior to the current Delay Purchase Until date. The requisition will go through the original approval process.
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • What's New in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Upgrade • System Search • Requisitioning • Catalogs • Approving • Receiving • Invoicing • (Contracts) • Lunch • Agency Review
Catalog Search Enhancements The ‘Non-Catalog’ tab is now the ‘Create Non-Catalog Item’ button. The ‘Add Items’ page defaults to display the ‘Keyword’ search and the ‘Browse Path’. Changes to the catalog browse path still allow you to select by contract category and sub-categories but also shows the number of contracts loaded that you can select from.
Catalog Search Enhancements Select additional fields from the ‘Options’ menu to display with the ‘Keywords’ search. This search allows for additional fields to be selected to initiate a catalog search. Contract ID = State Term Contract ID Favorites = catalog items you have “Added to your Favorites”.
Catalog Search Enhancements You will be able to add your catalog items as a Favorite and name your group. Once you have added your item as a Favorite, it will populate with a star next to the product item name.
Catalog Search Enhancements To add multiple lines to the shopping cart, click on the ‘Summary(multi)’ or ‘Details (multi)’ view. Check the checkbox next to the line items, indicate line item Quantity, and click ‘Add to Cart’ button.
Agenda • Welcome / Introduction • What's New in the MyFloridaMarketPlace Upgrade • System Search • Requisitioning • Catalogs • Approving • Receiving • Invoicing • (Contracts) • Lunch • Agency Review
Approving • Ability to go right to your approval queue. • Approval queue. • Items are listed in a separate table/window within the page. • Ability to change the view of your queue. • Close Navigation Panel Button. • Maximize/Minimize Table Button. • Scrolling within the table/window.
Accessing the Approval Queue Mfmp_user …… Users can bypass the ’Home’ page and go directly to their Approving Queue by selecting ‘Approve Requests’ during login.
Approval Queue Queue now appears as a window within the page. Use scroll bar to view more approvable items.
Approval Queue Increase the number viewable on the page. Known as the ‘Minimize/Maximize Table’ button. Close navigation panel window with this tab.
Approval Queue This is the expanded view.
Approving Items • Still have the ability to approve/deny items from the queue. • Approving by clicking the item ID or item title. • Approval Summary screen. • Ability to change the item you are viewing. • Ability to view the whole request not just the summary. • Approving and going directly to the next item in queue. • Going directly to the next item in queue.
Approval Summary Navigate through your approval queue. Scroll to see more information. Approval flow window.
Approval Summary Comments and attachments.
Approval Summary Click link to view whole request.
Approving Clicking on the ID or Title link brings up the approvable.
Approving Provides the ability to bring up the next approvable in the queue. If checked, after clicking the OK button you will be taken back to the Approval Summary page for the next approvable in your queue.
Workflow Regeneration – Change Request #28 Change Request #28: • The current business rules for workflow regeneration occur when any of the following actions take place: • Change in the commodity code • Adding a line item • Deleting a line item • Overall price change of the requisition by 5% or more • By initiating Change Request #28, the workflow WILL regenerate when any of the following actions take place: • Change in the commodity code that requires the approval of an internal agency approver or cross-agency approver, ex: change of the commodity code that will populate an internal Fleet approver and a cross-agency fleet approver; • An overall price INCREASE of the requisition by 10% or more. • The workflow will NOT regenerate when any of the following actions take place: • A commodity code is changed that does NOT require an internal agency or cross-agency approver; • Adding a line item that does NOT increase the requisition by 10% or more; • Deleting a line item (as this will result in a DECREASE in the overall requisition total); • Overall price change of the requisition by less than 10%.
Workflow Regeneration These are the details from the edited link on this PR. The approver, Tom Clemons, changed the commodity code (from 645250 to 645220) of this requisition. The change is not a commodity code that should require an internal agency or cross-agency approver.
Workflow Regeneration The approval flow verifies that once the approver, Tom Clemons, make the commodity code change, the approval flow did NOT regenerate back to the first approver in the flow (7200: Purchasing Agent). The requisition continued on and is now active with the 7200: Purchasing Office.
Change Orders When creating a change order, the user who initiated the change will appear on the face of the change order and will continue to appear until the change order has gone through the entire approval flow. Once the change order is fully approved, the Change Initiated By field will populate with “No Value”.