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WP2 Definition of European Data Centre Alliance strategy

WP2 Definition of European Data Centre Alliance strategy. WP2 objectives. Define the project programme Oversee the project development and monitor the progress of WP2-WP6 Oversee the scientific aspects of the project (WP2-2) – Mark Allen’s talk

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WP2 Definition of European Data Centre Alliance strategy

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  1. WP2Definition of European Data Centre Alliance strategy Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  2. WP2 objectives • Define the project programme • Oversee the project development and monitor the progress of WP2-WP6 • Oversee the scientific aspects of the project (WP2-2) – Mark Allen’s talk • Define a medium term strategic plan for the Euro-VO DCA • Ensure visibility of EuroVO-DCA in IVOA Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  3. Deliverables Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  4. Programme definition/progress monitoring Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  5. Project programme/Progress monitoringMilestones and Deliverables (kick-off) • Kick-off: first Board meeting, 2 & 3 October 2006 • Presentation of the partners • Discussion of the WP work program, agreement on the possibility for the WPs to convene specific Workshops • End of kick-off: • WP2-D2 - Preliminary project plan (October 2006) Delivered 11 December 2006 • Preliminary census of data centres Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  6. Project programme/Progress monitoringMilestones and Deliverables (Cycle 1) • Additional Board meeting, 1&2 February 2007, Garching • FP7 strategy • Status of the first EuroVO-DCA Workshop • First PCT face-to-face meeting, 3 & 4 May 2007, Strasbourg • Assessment of WP activities, plans for the following six months • Update of the evaluation matrix and risk register • Mid-term Board meeting, 4 & 5 October 2007, Trieste (October 2007) • Common Board/PCT meeting • Assessment of Cycle 1 activities and revised project plan for Cycle 2 (deliverable WP2-D3) • Mid-project evaluation and update of the evaluation matrix • WP2-D3: Revised project plan (October 2007) • Delivered 15/12/2007 Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  7. Project programme/Progress monitoringMilestones and Deliverables (Cycle 2 – Final phase) • Third PCT face-to-face meeting, 29 May 2008, Strasbourg • Assessment of WP activities, plans for the following six months • Update of the evaluation matrix and risk register • WP2-D4: Medium Term strategic Plan for the Euro-VO DCA (November 2008) • Delivered 27 February 209 • WP2-D5: Census of European Data Centres (November 2008) • Preliminary census produced during the kick-off phase as foreseen • Delivered 15 January 2009 • Final Board-PCT meeting, 19-20 November 2008 • Final WP reports and deliverables • Final evaluation of the self-evaluation matrix Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  8. Coordination with EuroVO-AIDA • EuroVO-AIDA is the next step: transition to operations for ALL Euro-VO activities (DCA, users, technology aspects) • EuroVO-DCA Board members who are not in AIDA Board have been invited to attend the EuroVO-AIDA kick-off Board meeting (17 March 2008), and the Final Board meeting has been organised back-to-back with the EuroVO-AIDA management meeting • EuroVO-DCA follow-up activities in EuroVO-AIDA, e.g.: • Next DCA Workshop will be organised by ESAC (EuroVO-AIDA/FC) in June 2009 • Feedback workshops (cf Spectroscopy 2006) : Multiwavelength astronomy, December 2008, ESAC Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  9. Definition of a medium term strategic plan for EuroVO DCA Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  10. Census of European data Centres • Characterize the population of European data centres • Lively snapshot of a very diverse landscape • Covers all disciplines of astronomy • Large variety of approaches and sizes, from large data centres maintained by European or National Agencies to small teams maintaining a specific service • An important element of the medium term strategic plan Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  11. Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  12. Medium term strategic plan • Several levels • National projects • At European level: • AstroNet Roadmap exercise contains VO • EuroVO-AIDA: integrates the three Euro-VO aspects, start date 1 February 2008 • « Concertation » with other projects – formally in WP1 • International level: Interface with IVOA Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  13. Liaison with the policy making level The major event is the recognition of the VO as one of the components of the research infrastructure for astronomy – a major success for a young (~2000) concept • AstroNet ERA-NET: European strategy for Astronomy • Science Vision 2007 • Infrastructure Roadmap 2008 • Also presented in C. Cesarsky plenary talk on Global astronomy projects among 5 examples at the ECRI 2008 conference Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  14. Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  15. Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  16. Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  17. Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  18. Conclusions • Data Centres and the VObs are fully recognized as an essential infrastructure for research • Requirements for medium term sustainability • Data centres supported by national funding agencies and European organisations • Maintenance and evolution of the VObs framework • International cooperation • Medium term EC support? Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  19. Next step • EuroVO-AIDA mid-term deliverable Report on the astronomical knowledge infrastructure disciplinary model • EuroVO-AIDA final deliverable Medium term strategic plan for Euro-VO Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  20. ‘Concertation’ activities (1) • Very active participation in EC-organised ‘Concertation’ meetings Sophia-Antipolis, Barcelona, Lyon Interoperability standards (IVOA as a standardizing body) – Provenance (EuroVO-AIDA) • OGF (Data workshop), OGF-Europe • ‘Community Best practice’ report for OGF Europe after Barcelona meeting – will be used in the ‘Disciplinary model’ deliverable • Invitation to RECURSE Curation Workshop (Edinburgh, 1 December 2008) Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  21. ‘Concertation’ activities (2) • Targets for possible collaboration Planets, heliospheric physics, particle physics, atomic and molecular physics, … Several projects in negociation phase following 2008 Calls • Liaison METAFOR, Earth Observation, NMDB, Digital Libraries • IVOA ‘Liaison’ group Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  22. Ensuring of EuroVO-DCA in IVOA Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

  23. Visibility in IVOA • Formally: support to travel to one ‘International’ Interoperability meeting/partner • In practice • Implementation feedback (WP3-2) • Requirement gathering (e.g., Spectroscopy Workshop) • Huge input on Theory – the topic has progressed a lot thanks to WP4 activities • Relay taken by EuroVO-AIDA with wider scope Françoise Genova, Coordinator, WP2 lead

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