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New Program Development. Zerryl Becker, College of the Desert Joe Darin, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Step 1: The Idea. Every new program starts with an idea. Faculty Driven Community Driven Grant Driven However it starts You have to LOVE your idea
New Program Development Zerryl Becker, College of the Desert Joe Darin, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
Step 1: The Idea • Every new program starts with an idea. • Faculty Driven • Community Driven • Grant Driven • However it starts • You have to LOVE your idea • You have to SELL your idea
Valid Ideas A program or course must be directed at the appropriate level for community colleges; that is, it must not be directed at a level beyond the associate degree or the first two years of college. A program or course must address a valid transfer, occupational, basic skills, civic education, or lifelong learning purpose. It must not be primarily avocational or recreational. Programs and courses should also be congruent with the mission statement and master plan of the college and district.
Step 2: Justification This is perhaps the most difficult part of creating a new program. You may know it is needed, but you have to convince with evidence your District, the regional consortium, the state, and of course your customers, the students.
Step 2: Justification Appropriateness to mission Need Adequate Resources Compliance. No Harmful competition
Need For both credit and noncredit career technical education (CTE) programs, or those that respond to economic development interests, need for the program must be documented by supplying current labor market information within the local service area of the individual college and/or a recent employer survey. In addition, a current job market analysis, or other comparable information, must show that jobs are available for program completers within the local service area of the individual college and/or that job enhancement or promotion justifies the proposed curriculum.
Evidence of Need Evidence of labor market need may be submitted in the form of: Statistical projections of growth in specific jobs by county (or labor market area) from the Employment Development Department’s Labor Market Information system Recent employer surveys Industry studies Regional economic studies Letters from employers Minutes of industry advisory committee meetings (when offered in conjunction with other evidence) Job advertisements for positions in the individual college’s service area Newspaper or magazine articles on industry or employment trends Studies or data from licensing agencies or professional associations
Adequate Resources The college must demonstrate that it has the resources to realistically maintain the program or course at the level of quality described in the application. This includes funding for faculty compensation, facilities and equipment and library or learning resources and the college must demonstrate that faculty are available to sustain the proposed required course(s) and to facilitate student success. The college must have the resources needed to offer the course(s) at the level of quality described in the Course Outline(s) of Record (COR). The college must commit to offering all of the required courses for the program at least once every two years, unless the goals and rationale for the particular program justify a longer time frame as being in the best interests of students.
Compliance It is also required that the design of the program or the course is not in conflict with any law including state and federal laws, both statutes and regulations. Laws that particularly affect community colleges, as well as any other laws that may affect the program or course, such as licensing laws in a particular occupation, need to be considered.
Finale If you are going to develop a new program Be sure you love it Be sure you have the evidence to justify it Be sure you have the support of your college/district planning staff Be sure you read the PCAH manual Get to know Joe
Top 11 Reasons that Delay Approval of Credit Program Applications Course Outlines for all required courses are not submitted. [p.23-28, 62, 74]
Top 11 Reasons that Delay Approval of Credit Program Applications 2. Local/Regional Labor Market Information is not included. National or state data is not sufficient. If local or regional data is not available, another form of data must be submitted, such as an employer survey or industry scan from the Centers of Excellence for emerging occupations. [p. 56-61, 73-74] 3. Application for a Low-unit Certificate that has been previously offered does not include recent Enrollment and Completer Projections. If enrollment and completer data for two or more semesters are not available, then the certificate application must include all items required for a new credit program. [p. 47-49, 56, 72]
Top 11 Reasons that Delay Approval of Credit Program Applications 4. Advisory Committee roster does not list members with title and affiliation (e.g. business name). [p. 61] 5. Catalog Description doesn’t match the Statement of Program Goals and Objectives or no description is provided. [p. 54-55, 69-71] 6. Required units provided in Planning Summary do not match the Program Requirements listed in the narrative. [p. 52-53, 55-56, 69, 72]
Top 11 Reasons that Delay Approval of Credit Program Applications 7. Place of Program in Curriculum does not discuss other awards offered at the applicant community college in the same or related disciplines. For career technical education programs, this item should discuss the proposed program’s place in the career pathway to employment. [p. 57, 72]
Top 11 Reasons that Delay Approval of Credit Program Applications 8. Associate degree program requirements do not include general education pattern(s) with units, other graduation requirements and/or electives required to reach the minimum of 60 semester or 90 quarter units. [p. 10-12, 55-56, 71] 9. Required Signatures (original) are missing or Board Approval Date is not provided. [p. 65-66,75-76]
Top 11 Reasons that Delay Approval of Credit Program Applications 10. Course Outlines are not Title 5 compliant. Typical omissions are the total number of hours for the course and examples of assignments. [p. 26-28] Transfer documentation is not sufficient. Programs with transfer designation should show that the program substantially satisfies the lower-division coursework requirements of the corresponding university major. [p.36-37, 62] Page numbers refer toProgram and Course Approval Handbook, 3rd Edition (March 2009) available for download from http://www.cccco.edu. Please refer to the “Tips for Successful Submission of Requests” on p. 41 of the handbook.
Standards of Quality for All Courses: Credit and Noncredit • All courses must be approved by local curriculum committee composed of faculty and others as agreed upon by the academic senate and the administration. (§55002). • All courses must be approved by the district governing board. (§55002). • The institution assures the quality and improvement of all instructional courses and programs offered in the name of the institution. (WASC, Standard II)
§55002. Course Outline of Record • Serves as a contract between college and student on what students are expected to gain by taking the course. • Serves as a contract between college/district and System Office on what the college is expected to teach and on how students are expected to benefit.
§55002. Course Outline of Record (PCAH, 3rd edition, pg 27 )
§55002. Course Outline of Record (PCAH, 3rd edition, pg 27 )
§ 55100. Course Approval • Reiterates that all credit courses must be approved by • college curriculum committee • district governing board • Delegates authority to locally approve stand-alone credit courses for five years (2007-2012) • District certifies that all faculty and staff involved in curriculum approval have completed training • Courses must be modified & re-approved if they were previously denied by the System Office
§ 55100. Course Approval • Program-applicable Course: • credit course is part of a certificate or degree that is approved by the System Office • required or restricted electives for an approved certificate or associate degree, including general education requirements • Stand-alone Course: • credit course is not required or a restricted elective for any credit program approved by the System Office
§ 55100. Course Approval • Local district annually certifies each college. • Local approval may be terminated if district fails to comply with all of the requirements. • 2010 Certification due September 30, 2010 • Training Certification Process • Curriculum chair* is trained on regulations. • Curriculum chair* trains others on campus. • Sign certification form and submit to Chancellor's Office. • College offers new stand-alone courses next term. * CIO may designate another trainer.
§55002 (c). Noncredit Courses • All noncredit courses must be approved by the Chancellor's Office. • All courses must be submitted on CCC-456 Form along with copy of the locally approved course outline • All applications must identify if a course is part of a program when applicable. • All applications must include original signatures of the Chief Instructional Officer, Curriculum Committee and Chair, District Superintendent/Chancellor
§55151. Career Development and College Preparation Courses Eligible for Enhanced Funding • A course eligible for enhanced funding must be part of a sequence of courses/program directed at either: Certificate of Completion leading to improved employability or job opportunities. Certificate awarded must include name of certificate, the date awarded, be identified by TOP Code number and program discipline, identify goals of the program, and list courses completed by students. Certificate of Competency in a recognized career field articulated with degree applicable coursework, completion of an associate degree or transfer to a baccalaureate institution (Note: may be tied to non-degree applicable coursework that leads to degree applicable program.) Certificate awarded must include name of certificate, the date awarded, be identified by TOP Code number and program discipline, and list relevant competencies achieved by the student.
§55151. Career Development and College Preparation Courses Eligible for Enhanced Funding • Noncredit categories that qualify for enhanced funding include: • Short-term vocational programs providing 288 hours or more with high employment potential • Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills • English as a Second Language including VESL • Workforce Preparation (New Area of Eligibility)
§55151. Career Development and College Preparation Courses Eligible for Enhanced Funding To be eligible for short-term vocational the sequence must: Demonstrate high employment potential Present a clear sense of purpose, goals and objectives Demonstrate that labor demand exists by using EDD labor market information Show the relationship with other career education programs on campus and on nearby community college programs
§55151. Career Development and College Preparation Courses Eligible for Enhanced Funding Application must be submitted electronically and include: Type of certificate Certificate Title and TOP Code Total Number of instructional hours Explanation of the curriculum design (e.g. number of core requirements and electives, purpose, goals and objective and expected results of the program List of courses and attached course outlines Labor justification, including Occupation Code and Job Title Describe relationship and impact to other college programs nearby colleges
§55152. Short-term Vocational Programs Providing 288 Hours or More of Instruction • Same criteria as for short-term vocational programs for enhanced funding • Difference – College does not need Chancellor's Office approval for a new course if program is 288 hours or more • College needs to notify Chancellor's Office of additions or deletions to the program
§55153. Other Noncredit Programs Providing 288 Hours or More of Instruction Program Application for any other eligible noncredit category should include • Certificate Title and TOP Code • Noncredit Eligibility Category • List of courses and attached course outlines • Documentation of need for the program • Explanation of relationship to other college programs and to nearby college programs • Explanation of the curriculum design
§55155. Noncredit Certificate Programs • All certificates must be approved by the local curriculum committee and district governing body • Certificates that are not for enhanced funding and/or are less than 288 hours of instruction do not have to be submitted to Chancellor's Office • Certificates cannot be entitled certificate of completion or certificate of competency • All courses that are part of local certificate program must be submitted to Chancellor’s Office for approval
Other Title 5 Noncredit Sections • Section 55154 adds High School Diploma Program • Section 55230 and 58003.1 (f)(2) broadens the use of Independent Study
Revised Title 5 Sections Related To Credit • §55100. Course Approval • §55000.5 Handbook; Monitoring and Review of Approved Courses and Programs • §55070. Credit Certificates • §55063. Minimum Requirements for the Associate Degree
§ 55100. Course Approval • Reiterates that all credit courses must be approved by • college curriculum committee • district governing board • Delegates authority to locally approve stand-alone credit courses for five years (2007-2012) • District certifies that all faculty and staff involved in curriculum approval have completed training • Courses must be modified & re-approved if they were previously denied by the Chancellor's Office
§ 55100. Course Approval • Program-applicable Course: • credit course is part of a certificate or degree that is approved by the Chancellor's Office • required or restricted electives for an approved certificate or associate degree, including general education requirements • Stand-alone Course: • credit course is not required or a restricted elective for any credit program approved by the Chancellor's Office
§ 55070. Credit Certificates. Certificate of Achievement may not be given any other designation 18+ semester units / 27 + quarter units degree-applicable credit coursework requires Chancellor's Office approval may be listed on a student transcript symbolizes successful completion of patterns of learning experiences designed to develop certain capabilities that may be oriented to career or general education
§ 55070. Credit Certificates. Shorter credit certificates (a.k.a. “low-unit” certificates) Fewer than 18 semester (27 quarter) units do not require Chancellor's Office approval may not be referred to as certificate of achievement certificate of completion certificate of competency may not be listed on student transcript
§ 55070. Credit Certificates. District has the option to submit for approval as Certificate of Achievement: • 12 or more semester units or 18 or more quarter units of degree-applicable credit coursework • may be listed on student’s transcript after approval by Chancellor's Office
§ 55100. Stand Alone Course Approval • Local district annually certifies each college. • Local approval may be terminated if district fails to comply with all of the requirements. • 2010 Certification due September 30, 2010 • Training Certification Process • Curriculum chair* is trained on regulations. • Curriculum chair* trains others on campus. • Sign certification form and submit to Chancellor's Office. • College offers new stand-alone courses next term. Join us Friday evening for Stand Alone Credit Course training * CIO may designate another trainer.
CCC Curriculum Inventory Since April 2010, the place to be! All credit and non-credit course and program submissions are now electronic, with the exception of Apprenticeship programs. Training is due monthly via CCC Confer. CIOs designate who has access.
CCC Curriculum Inventory • What has changed: • Multiple credit programs under the same T.O.P. code need to be submitted separately. • Signatures are now scanned and submitted as an attachment • Credit courses are now submitted directly to the Curriculum Inventory for a course control number via the CCC 530 form. • Must include the signature of the CIO and the Course Outline of Record.
CCC Curriculum Inventory *No actual awards have been earned to date • What has not changed: • All supporting documentation still need to be submitted with the proposal. • Proposals are still reviewed by Chancellor’s Office staff. • Our top-notch, award-winning* service!
CCC Curriculum Inventory Approval Process 101 College submits proposal • All parts of the Proposal Checklist must be complete • Completed and scanned signature page must be attached
CCC Curriculum Inventory Approval Process 101 First level of review at the Chancellor’s Office • Checks for signatures and relevant attachments • If everything is complete, goes to second level of review • If something is missing, originator is notified
CCC Curriculum Inventory Approval Process 101 Second level of review at the Chancellor’s Office • Complete review of proposal • If everything is complete, goes to Dean for final approval and control number • If anything is missing, reviewer notifies originator
CCC Curriculum Inventory Approval Process 101 Final level of review at the Chancellor’s Office • Dean reviews proposal for errors, compliance, etc. • If everything is complete, receives control number • CIO and Originator are notified via email • If anything is missing, Dean notifies second level reviewer, who works with originator
CCC Curriculum Inventory For Non-Credit proposal questions, contact Joanne Vorhies 916-322-9048 or jvorhies@cccco.edu For Credit proposal questions, contact Joe Darin 916-322-2813 or jdarin@cccco.edu