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2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting In previous years, the Unexcused Absence and Truancy report collected information from districts/schools regarding data they had tracked throughout the school year.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting • In previous years, the Unexcused Absence and Truancy report collected information from districts/schools regarding data they had tracked throughout the school year. • Beginning with the 2012-13 school year, data collected within CEDARS will be used to pre-populate the majority of the data contained within the report. • Data is still ‘broken out’ or reported at the school level and summarized for students in Grades 1-8 and those in grades 9-12. • Unexcused absence, or truancy data, is not reported out for students in grades PK or K.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Unexcused Absence and Truancy report is located within the Education Data System (EDS). • Beginning with the 2012-13 school year, the application link will be titled Unexcused Student Absences. • A bulletin will be issued soon with instructions regarding user roles and access to the application. • When users access the application for the first time, they will see a slightly different front, or initial view, in the application.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • This new initial view will be displayed to all users. • The CEDARS District Administrator names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers will be displayed and will be based on who has the CEDARS District Administrator role assigned for each district. • View Historical Information Link: • For the 2012-2013 school year only this link will take the user to the old Attendance and Weapons application. • Next year and going forward the user will be able to select the school year they wish to view. • Any year prior to the 2012-2013 school year will take the user to the old application. • If the user selects 2012-2013 or later it will take them to the data displayed in the new application for that year.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Users with school level access will come straight to this page when they click on the Certification tab in the top menu bar. Selecting Absences/Truancy Grades 1-8, from the list of reports on the left, will take you to the report below. • The report layout for Unexcused Absence Data for Students in Grades 1-8 has not changed from previous years.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • The Unexcused Absence data will be pre-populated from CEDARS. The business rules used to extract this data from CEDARS are as follows. • Columns A & B – Total number of Grades 1-8 students: • First business day of October/April is the count day. • Students reported as Primary=Yes on count day. • Students enrolled on count day. • Students reported as enrolled in grades 1-8 on count day. • Subgroups: • Ethnicity/Race: use the federal roll up. • Special Education: count students who have a qualifying special education record on the same day of enrollment (count day) in that district. • Limited English: count students who have a qualifying bilingual record on the same day of enrollment (count day) in that district. • Low-Income: count students who have a qualifying FRL record on the same day of enrollment (count day) at the district.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Column C – Average Annual Enrollment: • Calculated using the data reported in Columns A and B, rounded up to the nearest whole number. • Column D – Total Number of Grade 1-8 Unexcused Absences: • Students reported as Primary=Yes at any time through May 31. • Students reported as enrolled in grades 1-8 at any time through May 31. • Absence reported in Element N07 = UF – Unexcused Full Day Absence. • Date of absence reported in Element N06 is on or before May 31. • Each reported absence meeting the above criteria above will be counted. • Subgroups: • Ethnicity/Race: use the federal roll up. • Special Education: count students who have a qualifying special education record on the same day of enrollment (count day) in that district. • Limited English: count students who have a qualifying bilingual record on the same day of enrollment (count day) in that district. • Low-Income: count students who have a qualifying FRL record on the same day of enrollment (count day) at the district.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Column E – School Days in Reporting Period: • This data will be populated from the Number of School Days reported by the district in the box located just above the Unexcused Absence details. • Column F – Unexcused Absence Rate: • Calculated using the formula • Total Number of Unexcused Absences (Col. D) • Number of Days in Reporting Period (Col. C) * Average Annual Enrollment (Col. E)
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • The section in the unexcused absence report that provides summary counts of unexcused student absences for Grades 1-8, displayed below, will be pre-populated from CEDARS. • These are unduplicated summary counts of students. • UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Grades 1-8 • ____Number of Grade 1-8 students with unexcused absences, a student may only be counted once. • ____Number of enrolled Grade 1-8 students with five or more unexcused absences in a month. • ____Number of enrolled Grade 1-8 students with ten or more unexcused absences in a school year.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Districts/schools will be able to view the students populated in Columns A, B, and D and the Unduplicated Summary counts by clicking on the count number displayed. • As an example, using the snapshot below, if the user clicks on the enrollment reported in Column A or B the following information will be displayed. • School Name, School Code, SSID, District Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, Date of Birth, Federal Race Roll-up, SpEd, LEP, Low Income, Total N of Unexcused Absences, School Enrollment Date, and School Exit Date (if applicable) • If the user clicks on the count number reported in Column D, all of the information listed above for Columns A and B will be displayed, with the exception of school enrollment and exit date(s).
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) Data regarding Truancy Petitions and Special Programs or Schools for students in Grades 1-8 will need to be completed by the school/district.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Selecting Absences /Truancy Grades 9-12, from the list of reports on the left, will take you to the report below. • Number of Grade 9-12 unexcused absences in reporting period: • Students reported as Primary=Yes at any time through May 31. • Students reported as enrolled in grades 9-12 at any time through May 31. • Absence reported in Element N07 = UF – Unexcused Full Day Absence. • Date of absence reported in Element N06 is on or before May 31. • Each reported absence meeting the above criteria above will be counted.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Number of Grade 9-12 students with unexcused absences: • Students reported as Primary=Yes at any time through May 31. • Students reported as enrolled in grades 9-12 at any time through May 31. • Absence reported in Element N07 = UF – Unexcused Full Day Absence. • Date of absence reported in Element N06 is on or before May 31. • Each reported absence meeting the above criteria above will be counted. • Students are counted only once regardless of how many absence records qualify in the definition. • Number of Grade 9-12 students with five or more unexcused absences in a calendar month: • Students reported as Primary=Yes at any time through May 31. • Students reported as enrolled in grades 9-12 at any time through May 31. • Student has at least five records in the same calendar month where date of absence reported in Element N06 is on or before May 31. • and • All five (or more) absence records reported in Element N07 = UF – Unexcused Full Day Absence. • Student is to counted only one time if they meet the definition above.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Number of Grade 9-12 students with ten or more unexcused absences in a school year: • Students reported as Primary=Yes at any time through May 31. • Students reported as enrolled in grades 9-12 at any time through May 31. • Student has at least 10 records where date of absence reported in Element N06 is on or before May 31. • and • All ten (or more) absence records reported in Element N07 = UF – Unexcused Full Day Absence. • Student is to counted only one time if they meet the definition above. • Detailed student level information for the data displayed for students in Grades 9-12 can be viewed with the same details as described for students in Grades 1-8.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • New for the 2012-13 school year: • All updates to student enrollment, sub-group reporting, absence dates, and type of absences must be updated through re-submission of data to CEDARS. • CEDARS will refresh the data in the report nightly until either the system closes on July 8th or until the report is marked as completed. • The Save button within the report will save the hand entered data but will not stop the CEDARS data from refreshing in the report. • The Page Completed button will • Save all hand entered data • Stop CEDARS data from refreshing • Place a check in the box on the District Certification Home page to let the district level user know the school page has been completed.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • This page will be displayed to District Level Users only.
2012-13 Unexcused Absence and Truancy Reporting (cont’d) • Public School Report Completed Status: • Clicking on a school name will take the user to the unexcused absence page for that school. • The check boxes will be unchecked until the Page Completed button is clicked on each of the school level pages. • The district level user can “unlock” the school level pages by unchecking the box. • Display options: • Districts can choose to have either all schools, completed schools, or incomplete schools displayed. • The Certify Reports button will be greyed out until all schools are checked.