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Introduction:. Data QualityBackgroundESR and Data QualityData Quality and iViewData StandardsThe National Workforce Dataset (NWD) version 2.3The NHS Occupation Code Manual version 9The Healthcare Scientists Workforce Information Pilot. . We can only be sure to improve what we can actually m
2. Introduction: Data Quality
ESR and Data Quality
Data Quality and iView
Data Standards
The National Workforce Dataset (NWD) version 2.3
The NHS Occupation Code Manual version 9
The Healthcare Scientists Workforce Information Pilot
4. Data Quality Overview
- What is Data Quality?
- How to Measure Data Quality
- How to Improve Data Quality
ESR and Data Quality
- Using ESR Data and DQ Consequences
Data Quality and iView
- Highlighting DQ Issues
- Benchmarking
5. Or what is quality dataOr what is quality data
10. Data Quality in ESR – Important Messages: Ensure Occupation Code is correct
Correctly identify Locum Doctors
Equality monitoring and other details
Area of Work and Job Role?
If you host staff, ensure you record them correctly within ESR
Position Workplace Org
Assignment Hosted
Use the data quality tools in ESR – NHS IC ‘WOVEN’ (Workforce Verification Engine)
11. ESR Data Quality/Validation 3 levels
Operational ESR
Trust driven – to take responsibility for their own data quality
Run at trust discretion
ESR Data Warehouse
Dashboard reports (not validation)
Covering key areas
For interest at Trust level and DW users
Run at trust or DW User discretion
To feed official publications and management information
Demonstrate increased confidence in ESR data
Provide evidence of increasing quality over time
Run monthly DQ reports for each Trust
All 3 developed in partnership (ESR, IC, NHS)
Aims, objectives, guidance
Guidance is that Trusts should action local quality reports
IC process
Can be ignored if this is done
Aim: kill off census
Worked with the service (volunteers) for a year
Governance (MR SIG) (approved Nov 2008)
Ranking based on relative priority of fields
Aims, objectives, guidance
Guidance is that Trusts should action local quality reports
IC process
Can be ignored if this is done
Aim: kill off census
Worked with the service (volunteers) for a year
Governance (MR SIG) (approved Nov 2008)
Ranking based on relative priority of fields
12. ESR data – the IC data quality cycle Outline of the situation in England – parallels in Wales?
A summary and detailed monthly report for each Trust
Provide a useful assessment of data quality for key annual NHS Workforce Census fields
Identify good performers – reduce their burden to complete the annual census return
Identify poor performers – target help
Identify systemic issues that may be addressed by changes in ESR
iView – additional DQ measure (numbers versus quality)
Objective measure of when official statistics can be published direct from ESR Effective communication – frontline NHS staff need to be aware data is available and the importance of data quality
How directly do front line NHS staff need to use the data for improvements in it’s quality to be of benefit to them?
Difficult to actually measure or quantify this effect - so many factors are at play that it is almost(?) impossible to put a quantifiable value on the impact of these improvements.
patient care and safety depend upon good quality data
poor quality data can damage the reputations of organisations and individuals
poor quality data can lead to flawed clinical, administrative and planning decisions
Effective communication – frontline NHS staff need to be aware data is available and the importance of data quality
How directly do front line NHS staff need to use the data for improvements in it’s quality to be of benefit to them?
Difficult to actually measure or quantify this effect - so many factors are at play that it is almost(?) impossible to put a quantifiable value on the impact of these improvements.
patient care and safety depend upon good quality data
poor quality data can damage the reputations of organisations and individuals
poor quality data can lead to flawed clinical, administrative and planning decisions
13. ESR data and PQs/AMQs Parliamentary or Assembly Questions can highlight the ‘margin of error’ between ESR data and local knowledge
NHS Workforce Census bulletin caveat “The HCHS non-medical workforce census is a large statistical exercise collecting over one million records from over 400 organisations. It is not, and is not intended to be, carried out to exact accounting standards.“
PQ asked for number of school nurses in a PCT.
2008 Census return stated 1, the PCT said 20.
PCT indicated to DH it had made some coding errors and wanted to correct its Census figures.
IC policy is that unless the impact is significant at national level figures are not changed, post publication.
Poor quality data can damage the reputations of organisations and individuals
14. ESR data, impact on Finance/Planning Examples from England – the same or similar in Wales?
NHS Litigation Authority premiums
2007 Census fed the 09/10 premium
2008 Census has fed the 10/11 premiums which DoF received in January to sign off
Poor data quality of doctors now has a financial cost attached to individual trusts
Commitment to increase the number of Health Visitors
Reduction in management costs
NHS Pharmacy Education and Development Committee – survey of staff numbers and vacancies in departments
Commissioning Frameworks for Clinical areas – e.g. Diabetes – creation of Minimum Data Set using ESR as a potential feed Improving the quality of data improves financial flows – NHS Litigation Authority
Time savings for front line staff, having a reliable central source of data they do not need to collect similar data themselves or further self validate data provided to them to ensure it is fit for purpose
Secondary use of data – taken from live administrative / clinical systems used in studies of outcomes from different care pathways / best practice etc.
Epidemiological studies - poor data quality could result in false positives / negatives and therefore improving data quality helps to ensure against the wrong clinical decisions being taken
development of several clinical secondary uses datasets. For each there is an information requirement to identify the types of staff undertaking activity such as appointments or responsible for certain aspects of the patients care. In many cases this has resulted in the development of multiple lists of roles that are relevant to each domain.
We are keen standardise these lists wherever possible and are keen to investigate whether it would be feasible adopting the JOB ROLE (FOR A POSITION) values used in ESR for this purpose within clinical datasets.
Improving the quality of data improves financial flows – NHS Litigation Authority
Time savings for front line staff, having a reliable central source of data they do not need to collect similar data themselves or further self validate data provided to them to ensure it is fit for purpose
Secondary use of data – taken from live administrative / clinical systems used in studies of outcomes from different care pathways / best practice etc.
Epidemiological studies - poor data quality could result in false positives / negatives and therefore improving data quality helps to ensure against the wrong clinical decisions being taken
development of several clinical secondary uses datasets. For each there is an information requirement to identify the types of staff undertaking activity such as appointments or responsible for certain aspects of the patients care. In many cases this has resulted in the development of multiple lists of roles that are relevant to each domain.
We are keen standardise these lists wherever possible and are keen to investigate whether it would be feasible adopting the JOB ROLE (FOR A POSITION) values used in ESR for this purpose within clinical datasets.
15. ESR data - iView Content
Annual Census – greater granularity
Monthly – Staff in post, Earnings, Sickness Absence, Turnover
More immediate than the Census
More accessible
More flexible
More fields
More potential
Benchmarking between similar organisations
Highlights DQ issues for further investigation
16. Data Quality and iView Benchmarking is only as good as the data that is input at source
key improving data quality of non-core payment data
ESR data linked with iView can help to highlight data quality issues that have not previously been investigated
Example of miscoding of Managers and Senior managers distorting figures
Provided area of focus for data quality messages
Lead to improvements in the guidance provided in the NHS Occupation Code Manual that are to be applied in other areas
Manager / Senior Manager coding now more reliable
17. DQ Example – Managers and Senior managers by Agenda for Change Band (Sept 2008) Incorrectly coded line managers as managers and senior managers using occupation codes (and others – included PAs to Director level staff as senior managers?), not followed the guidance correctlyIncorrectly coded line managers as managers and senior managers using occupation codes (and others – included PAs to Director level staff as senior managers?), not followed the guidance correctly
18. Next Steps 1 – for the IC
20. Data Standards
22. NWD Overview The National Workforce Dataset (NWD) is a reference dataset comprising standardised definitions to facilitate the capture of nationally consistent information relating to the NHS workforce.
NWD data items and definitions under pin the ESR and support a variety of workforce based collections including the annual NHS Workforce Census.
The NWD is primarily used in NHS organisations, mainly within HR and Workforce Planning functions to support planning and delivery for:
Services: the services required to meet the patients' needs and how they are planned to change
Workforce inputs: the workforce inputs required to deliver specific services
Requirements: How workforce inputs map onto skills, roles and numbers
Options: Options for changing the workforce demand through new service models or ways of working
The NWD is reviewed on a continuous basis to ensure that it remains fit for purpose and is updated to reflect any changes to workforce policies and practices.
NHS Occupation Codes are not part of the NWD but are referenced in the NWD and are updated and approved as part of the same process for consistency
23. NWD Version 2.3 - Updates Version 2.3 approved by ISB on 24th November
ISN to follow and update to details on the NHS IC website
Area of Work updates
2 minor to correct the names of medical specialties
New Sickness Absence Reasons
Implementation of more detailed list based on the Institute of Occupational Medicine Sickness Absence Recording Tool (SART) values
Additional Reasons for leaving
3 new reasons for leaving to cover Mutually Agreed Resignation Schemes (MARS)
To be implemented in ESR by 01/04/2011?
Updates to Ethnic Categories in version 2.4?
Awaiting confirmation on optional detailed codes
27. Healthcare Scientists Workforce Information Pilot Why do we need the Pilot?
Occupation codes are approaching 20 years old, trying to do two jobs, limited granularity especially for non-clinical roles
Workforce data standards are out of line with general data model
Difficult to relate workforce to activity and outcomes
Big issues including productivity, patient safety etc.
Also added pressures of significant changes to the structure of the NHS including movement out of the core NHS – and away from ESR?
Revalidation – will go wider than GPs / Medics – how will the data support this?
28. Where are we now? Dated coding/classification schemes
Inconsistencies in recording
Guidance not always robust
Aimed at national collections, not mgt. information
Non-clinical roles not well represented
Poor levels of granularity
Specialist surveys used to fill gaps
Public health
Inability to link with activity/outcomes/finance Occupation codes trying to do two things, and not (historically) doing either of them fully. Ties what staff do with where they do it.
Codes devised to answer the demands of politicians and policy – not the needs of the NHS
Granularity variable (e.g. estates breakdown abysmal)
As a result, people do their own thing
And we cannot answer the current questions on productivity, efficiency, safety
Plus we have no ability to provide professional staff with information to support their re-validationOccupation codes trying to do two things, and not (historically) doing either of them fully. Ties what staff do with where they do it.
Codes devised to answer the demands of politicians and policy – not the needs of the NHS
Granularity variable (e.g. estates breakdown abysmal)
As a result, people do their own thing
And we cannot answer the current questions on productivity, efficiency, safety
Plus we have no ability to provide professional staff with information to support their re-validation
29. Where would we like to be? Separation of
Role/profession/function, from
Patient-client group/specialty/work area, from
Better coverage of non-clinical roles
Links to activity and outcomes (i.e. tied into national data model)
Robust guidance for HR depts.
Clear/unambiguous validation rules Role: Nurse, phlebotomist, accountant, plumber
Work area: Orthopaedics, elderly care, women and children’s services
Setting: Community, primary care, acute
Role: Nurse, phlebotomist, accountant, plumber
Work area: Orthopaedics, elderly care, women and children’s services
Setting: Community, primary care, acute
30. What do we want to know about the NHS Workforce? Aspirational list:
Registration / Profession
Qualified (yes/no or level?)
Clinical (yes/no)
Staff grouping / Occupation
Area of Work
Provider / Commissioner
Job Role (level?)
Care Group
Subjective code (and dependant codes?)
What can realistically be achieved / expected to be accurately captured?
Overarching need to tie in with Activity / Outcomes measures?
31. How do we get there? Pilots develop (where possible)
Occupation Codes
Areas of Work
Job Roles
Guidance (linking above items)
Validation rules (including algorithms)
Links to activity/outcomes
Test classifications/guidance in the field
Test generic application (i.e. to other staff groups)
Follow ISB/ISN process
Plan for first output in first quarter of 2011 – more fundamental changes will take longer
Set up ongoing maintenance arrangements
32. N.B. Not only ESR: two non-ESR sites have to upgrade their own systems as well
Need policy push (ideally well in advance) to encourage trusts to accept they should update ESR for their employeesN.B. Not only ESR: two non-ESR sites have to upgrade their own systems as well
Need policy push (ideally well in advance) to encourage trusts to accept they should update ESR for their employees
33. Healthcare Science: Current Situation & Developments Over 51 different HCS professions
Confusing for those coding
Not all roles are regulated
Codes don’t match current roles in the service
New roles and new ways of working
Modernising Scientific Careers
Simplifying access to the professions
Simplifying career progression through the professional levels
Increasing workforce flexibility
Identifying 6 broad job levels across all professions Terminology not well understood – so for example there are too many staff coded as clinical scientists.
Brief overview of the current situation, lots of professions, not straightforward, difficult for HR teams who are undertaking coding to identify where HCS should be, regulation isn’t as clear as other professions in that some professions are (Biomedical Scientists, Clinical Scientists), others aren’t
Terminology not well understood – so for example there are too many staff coded as clinical scientists.
Brief overview of the current situation, lots of professions, not straightforward, difficult for HR teams who are undertaking coding to identify where HCS should be, regulation isn’t as clear as other professions in that some professions are (Biomedical Scientists, Clinical Scientists), others aren’t
35. Healthcare Science: Difficulties Inconsistent approach to coding HCS – biggest problem
Unable to obtain accurate picture of whole HCS workforce at local or national level via data warehouse – the census thought to under count by about 20,000 in England (coded elsewhere)
Difficult to workforce plan without accurate data
Difficult to identify the contribution made to the service by HCS
Need to link coding to new MSC developments
Mapping existing workforce to new career framework – example of an early win
Persuading employers to recode – scope for mass update in ESR following consultation with employers?
Identifying regulated professionals
Summary of the problems faced now with regard to the existing coding system and the proposed changes
Summary of the problems faced now with regard to the existing coding system and the proposed changes