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Alien Invaders. What are two kinds of alien invaders? I think the most threatening alien invader is ___________ because __________________. The __________________ is another threatening alien invader. Alien Invaders. What is one effect alien invaders have on other creatures?
Alien Invaders • What are two kinds of alien invaders? I think the most threatening alien invader is ___________ because __________________. The __________________ is another threatening alien invader.
Alien Invaders • What is one effect alien invaders have on other creatures? One effect alien invaders have on other creatures is ___________________.
Animal and Its Predators • All animals must face predators in their natural environment. • Predators eat other animals, helping to keep the population under control. • Weeds face gardeners who pull them or spray them with weed killer. • Humans face disease, accidents and disasters. • While human death is sad, why do you think it would be impossible for us to survive if no one ever died? • Not enough room on Earth for everyone • Too much pollution • Not enough food to go around.
Animals • Deer • Rabbit • White perch (fish) • Cat • Chicken • Squirrel
Alien Invader • What was the big idea of the Anchor Video? • Scientists are working to stop the devastating effects of alien invaders. • Why is killer algae an alien invader? • Where did the killer algae come from? • Why did the killer algae grow so well in its new environment? • What devastating effects can killer algae have on the sea and ocean? • Do you think that killer algae can be stopped? Why or why not?
Alien Invader – Connect and Respond • Do you think that it would be dangerous to move a small plant or animal to a new environment? Why or why not? • I think it (would/wouldn’t) be dangerous to move a small animal or plant to a new environment because __________________.
Alien Invader – Connect and Respond • Do you think that a person who can no longer care for a pet should set it free? • I (do/do not) think you should set a pet free because _________________________. • Can you think of an example of a pet that would be dangerous if set free? • I (do/do not) think you should set a pet free because ____________________________.
Alien Invader – Connect and Respond • Do you think it is possible to find ways to control an animal population that has grown too large? Why or why not? • I think that it (is/is not) always possible to find ways to control an animal population that has grown too large because ________________.
Alien Invader – Connecting our video to the rBook • During this workshop, you will be reading about alien invaders and whether or not scientists can stop them. • Look at the title and photos on page 166. • Why are these creatures not wanted?
Alien Invaders • Look at page 160, and then tell me how you think a fish can be an invader. • I think a fish can be an alien invader because _________________________.
Alien Invaders • After reading the captions for the photos on pages 162-163, tell me if you think the brown snake is dangerous. Why or why not? • I think the brown snake (does/does not) look dangerous because ___________________.
Alien Invaders • After reading the title and introductory test on pages 166-167, explain why you think these four pictures could be considered bad for America. • I think these four pictures could be considered bad for America because _______________.
Alien Invaders • What does alien mean? • Often times when you hear alien you think creatures from outer space, but that isn’t always the meaning.
Alien Invaders • What does alien mean? • It can also represent a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country
Alien Invaders • What does alien mean? • It can mean anyone or anything who does not belong in the environment in which they are found. This is the definition we are using for this workshop.
Alien Invaders • What are some ways that alien plants and animals might be a threat to a new environment? • Alien plants and animals might be a threat to a new environment because ____________________________. • If an alien predator came to a new place, it might _________________________. • Jot down a couple of ways you think we could stop alien invaders from becoming a problem in different environments.
Alter • Hint at the definition: • I am going to ALTER my appearance. • Definition: to change in some way. • Example: If I could alter my school, I would _______________________.
Environment • Hint at the definition: • This classroom environment does not support my learning style. • Definition: surroundings or habitat. • Example: Some things I can do to help the environment include _________________.
Invade • Hint at the definition: • The soldiers invade homes and buildings to locate the enemies. • Definition: to move into and harm • Example: If ________________ invaded my town, I would ___________________.
Method • Hint at the definition: • Mrs. Leverle’s method and my method of doing math are completely different. • Definition: a way of doing something. • Example: The method I use to put on my socks and shoes is _________________.
Species • Hint at the definition: • That species of dogs is strange looking. • Definition: the kind of plant or animal something is. • Example: We’re different species, but we can still get along.
Practicing Our Target Words • Do you think email has altered the way we communicate? • I think email (has/hasn’t) altered the way we communicate because _______________. • Why type of environment would you rather live in: a big city or a small town? • (A big city/A small town) is the type of environment I would like to live in because _______________________________.
Practicing Our Target Words • What might happen if mosquitoes invaded your home? • If mosquitoes invaded my home, I might _________________________________. • What method would you use to fix a stuck zipper? • The method I would use to fix a stuck zipper would be _________________________ because __________________________.
Practicing Our Target Words • Which species of animals make the best pets? • The species of animals that make the best pets are ________________________ because __________________________________.
Review • The general commanded the troops to attack and _______________________. • Alien invaders can destroy the ____________________________. • When you make a mistake in pencil, you can erase it, but ink from a pen is harder to ______________. • I like to draw with colored pencils, but my younger sister likes to use crayons as her drawing __________________________. • Even today, scientists are still discovering different dinosaur _____________________.
GLEs for Today • We are going to identify cause-effect relationships. (small group) • Connect the reading to real life experiences to help generate solutions to problems. (whole group) • Locate the main ideas in a text. (whole group) • Improve our vocabulary using connotative and denotative meanings. (whole group)
What We Already Know… • What are some different species of alien invaders? • How do invader species such as algae alter the environment? • What are some types of damage that alien invaders can cause?
Pre-Reading • Look at the title, subtitle and photo caption to generate questions we might have before reading this article. Think about how, what or why questions you hope the text can answer, and I will type in your responses when you are done.
Pre-Reading Questions How did the snakehead fish get to the USA? ?
What We Learned… • What was the article mainly about? • A freaky fish invader called the snakehead fish. • How is the beginning of this article different than a normal story? • This article begins with the date because it is a news story, and many news articles include this. It’s called a dateline, and it let’s the reader know what it was written.
What We Learned… • At the beginning of the second column, we see the word predator, and I am sure you have already learned about this word in science class. • What is a predator? • A predator is an animal or creature that eats other animals or creatures. • Can you name five different predators? • Look back at the pre-reading questions, and see how many of the questions you can answer now.
Target Word - Poisonous • Hint for finding the definition • Acid is a poisonous substance, and you should not touch it because it could burn your skin off. • Definition: containing poison that is dangerous. • Use it in a sentence. • How might taking too much medicine be poisonous? • Taking too much medicine can be poisonous because _______________________.
Idea Wave on Poisonous • What is one thing that might be poisonous if swallowed? • Paint • Drugs • Windex • Clorox • Shampoo • Conditioner • alcohol
Review Our Target Words • Is an invader a welcome visitor? • An invader (is/is not) a welcome visitor because _______________________. • How could you alter your appearance? • I could alter my appearance by _________________. • What type of environment do you like to be in while studying? • I like a __________________ environment when studying because _________________________.
Review Our Target Words • What is one method of exercise? • One method of exercise is _________________________. • What is your favorite species of animals? • My favorite species of animals is ________________ because ________________.
Think-Pair-Share • Do you think it’s right for scientists to kill invader species? Why or why not? • Before answering think about the following questions: • Should scientists be allowed to kill invaders that can be a serious threat to the environment? • Should scientists try to save the lives of all species, even invader species? • I think it’s (right/not right) for scientists to kill invader species because ______________.
Cause and Effect • Some examples of causes and effects
Alien Invaders – Day 4 • Yesterday we talked about the snakehead fish. Who can tell me some of the things we learned about that alien invader? • Where were they found? • What did they destroy? • How did they get there? • What was something that is unique about this fish? • How did the scientists handle the problem?
Pre-Reading • Look at the title, subtitle and photo caption to generate questions we might have before reading this article. Think about how, what or why questions you hope the text can answer, and I will type in your responses when you are done.
Pre-Reading Questions How did the brown tree snake get to Guam? ?
What We Learned… • What was the article mainly about? • Brown tree snakes • The article talks about the island of Guam. Does anyone know any information about Guam? • It became a U.S. territory in 1899 just one year after the Spanish American War. • It is the westernmost territory of the U.S. • It is 15 hours ahead of East Coast time.
What We Learned… • How many snakes are there per square mile on the island of Guam? • 13,000 • That is pretty amazing when you think about the fact that Los Angeles (L.A.), California only has about 5,600 people per square mile. • Look back at the pre-reading questions, and see how many of the questions you can answer now.
What We Learned… • These snakes had no natural predators, and this caused problems for Guam. • They killed and ate lizards, birds and small animals. • The snakehead fish didn’t have a natural predator, so it ate all the fish from a pond in Maryland. • What is the effect alien invaders have when they have no natural predator?
Target Word -Interfere • Hint for finding the definition • You shouldn’t interfere in their argument. • Definition: to deliberately get involved in a situation where you are not wanted or needed • Use it in a sentence. • How can you keep others from interfering when you are studying? • I keep others from interfering while I’m studying by __________________________.
Interfere • Why might it be bad to interfere in your friends’ argument? • It might be bad to interfere in your friends’ argument because ___________________.
Review Our Target Words • How could the brown tree snakes alter your community? • The brown tree snakes could alter my community by _________________. • What type of environment do you think the brown tree snakes like to live in? • I think the brown tree snakes like to live in _____________ type of environment because __________________.