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KCUSD Digit a l Citizenship “Plagiarism” Grades K-1. Images were searched through Google to be used with this lesson only. Objective Today we will define plagiarism. CFU What are we going to do today? (Pair share, choose non-volunteer) Today we will _______________.
KCUSD Digital Citizenship“Plagiarism”Grades K-1 Images were searched through Google to be used with this lesson only.
Objective Today we will define plagiarism. CFU What are we going to do today? (Pair share, choose non-volunteer) Today we will _______________. Activate Prior Knowledge You have listened to your teacher read you stories. At the beginning, I tell you who wrote the story- who the author is. CFU What is the person called who writes a book? The _____ writes a book.
Concept Development Plagiarism is using another person’s idea or written work and saying it is your own. (stealing) Examples Copying information from a website or book and saying it’s your own. Recording a song you heard on the radio and saying that you wrote it. Turning in homework that your older brother or sister did for you. Non -Examples Writing your own story Making up words to your own song! Doing your own homework and turning it in
Importance • Knowing about plagiarism is important because… • It is wrong to take things from other people who have worked hard to create something. • It isn’t fair to take things from other people, even if everybody’s doing it. • It is stealing and lying about it. • It is cheating. • CFU • Does anyone else have any other reason as to why it is important? Which reason is most important to you and why? You can give me my reason or your reason.
Skill Development and Guided Practice Don’t Look at your neighbor’s work. Do your own work. If you do your own homework, you won’t have to worry about the test. If you copy something, be sure to say who the REAL creator is. Your friends won’t like you copying their work.
Name: ________________________________________ Independent Practice: Circle the pictures that represent plagiarism.