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Elementary Major Tests 2007-2008. 2007-08 Mandated End-of-Year Assessments . Reading Grades 1 - 8English/Language Arts Grades 1 - 8Mathematics Grades 1 - 8Science Grades 3 - 8Social Studies Grades 3 - 8Grade 3 Reading Counts for PromotionGrades 5 and 8 Reading and Math Count for Promotion.
1. Interpreting Your Child’s CRCT, ITBS, & CogAT Scores: It’s About Improving Achievement! Hayes Elementary School
Parent Workshop
January 17, 2008
2. Elementary Major Tests 2007-2008
3. 2007-08 Mandated End-of-Year Assessments
4. C riterion
R eferenced
C ompetency
T est
5. Scores and Reports GPS/QCC QCC/GPS
Scale scores may range from
150 to 450 (QCC)
650 to 950 (GPS)
Highest obtainable scale score can differ by test.
CRCT also reports student achievement in terms of performance levels(1-3):
Exceeds Standard (3) 350 & Above or 850 & ?
Meets Standard (2) 300 – 349 or 800 - 849
Does Not Meet Standard(1) Below 300 or Below 800
6. What is CogAT?
Test of Cognitive Ability
Norm-base test of aptitude in problem solving specific to three areas:
7. CogAT – Verbal Aptitude
8. CogAT – Quantitative Aptitude
9. CogAT – Nonverbal Aptitude
10. What types of scores appear on a student’s CogAT report?
11. Standard Age Score(SAS)
12. National Percentile Rank(NPR)
13. Stanine (S)
14. Three Primary Uses of CogAT Scores Help teachers adapt instructional goals, methods and materials to the individual needs of students
Measure of each student’s level of cognitive development
Identify student whose level of academic achievement differs from what would be expected on their CogAT scores
15. What is ITBS? The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills is a norm-referenced test
developed by the University of Iowa.
It tests mastery of the academic skills found in the elementary curriculum.
The purpose of these tests is to provide information about student progress in a curriculum that expands in breadth and depth with each additional grade level.
16. ITBS Core Subtests
17. What types of Scores forITBS Appear on a Student Report? Standard Score (SS)
Grade Equivalent (GE)
National Percentile Rank (NPR)
18. Percentile Rank(PR)
19. Grade Equivalent (GE) Grade equivalents are reported in decimal format. The number in front of the decimal is the grade level and the number after the decimal represents months. (e.g. 3.4 represents third grade, fourth month)
GE does not indicate a student’s instructional level.
GE allows for comparison of growth over time.
20. GE Growth Comparisons Low Performing student – less than 20 months gain in two years
Fall grade 5 – 4.2 Fall grade 7 – 5.6
Average Performing student – about a 20 month gain in two years
Fall grade 5 – 5.2 Fall grade 7 – 7.2
High Performing student – more than 20 month gain in two years
Fall grade 5 – 6.2 Fall grade 7 – 8.8
21. What Can Parents Do to Help Improve Scores?
26. Students log on to the Online Assessment System
27. From the Welcome screen, students can choose to take Student Tests
28. To take a student test, click View Student Tests
29. The OAS provides pre-constructed tests for each subject area. Select a subject.
30. Highlight a test and click Take Test
31. Students answer the multiple choice questions, clicking on Next Question to go to the next page or Grade My Test when finished
32. After completing the test, the student sees the results of the test ….
33. …and decides whether to send the test to a teacher, to save the test, or to discard it
34. To view results from Student Tests that have been saved, choose View Student Tests
35. Any Questions??